Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 165 Strange Bullet Holes


Lin Xinyi held Caesar's hand with a gloomy expression, took Mao Lilan and others, took the elevator from the studio on the 9th floor, and arrived at the murder scene on the 4th floor.

The murder scene was a utility room at the end of the corridor.

The deceased was shot in the head and sat slumped in front of a flip-up glass window.

Next to him fell a blood-stained mobile phone and a pistol with a silencer. This pistol seemed to be the murder weapon.

There was a visible bullet hole on the forehead of the deceased, and a pool of dripping blood mixed with some brain matter was splashed on the glass window behind him.

No one could survive such an injury. Even without going up to check, Lin Xinyi knew that this guy was dead.

"Su, Suwa."

"Why is this happening, Suwa!"

Matsuo Takashi, who had followed here together, shouted to the corpse with such excitement.

"Don't get excited."

"This room is a murder scene, and you are not allowed to come in."

Lin Xinyi blocked Matsuo in time, who seemed to be trying to rush forward, and asked by the way:

"First tell me about the deceased."


Matsuo Takashi stopped, tears welling up in his eyes:

"His name is Suwa Michihiko. He is the producer of our program team and also my best friend."

"So when was he last seen?"

Matsuo Takashi couldn't answer this question, but other staff members quickly answered:

"Mr. Suwa, you were still in the office on this floor before 10 o'clock, watching your live broadcast of Manager Lin."

"At 10 o'clock. Yes, that's 10 o'clock, when the live show enters the 3-minute break."

"He answered the phone and then hurried off alone while talking on his mobile phone."

"10 o'clock sharp?"

Lin Xinyi's heart moved:

The deceased was still alive at 10 o'clock, and now it is only 10:25.

In this relatively short period of time, the murderer dared to use a pistol with a silencer to kill people in this crowded building, and then disappeared without a trace after killing the people.

This shows that the murderer is familiar with this building and that the murder was premeditated.

And the deceased would not leave the office for no reason and run to the utility room where no one usually comes.

In other words, the call he received at that time was most likely from the murderer.

"Does he usually have enemies with others?"

Lin Xinyi thought for a moment and asked the other program team members who were following him:

"No." Everyone shook their heads in unison: "Suwa is very popular. I haven't heard that he has any grudge against anyone."

"Yes. Suwa is such a good person, how could someone shoot him so cruelly!"

Matsuo Takashi wiped away tears and said in an emotional tone.

"Is there surveillance near this utility room?" Lin Xinyi asked again.


An informed staff member replied:

"This utility room is at the end of the corridor, relatively on the edge."

"There has never been surveillance installed in this area."

"Moreover, if you climb the stairs from the emergency exit, you can reach this room without completely avoiding the surveillance cameras."

"This" Lin Xinyi frowned slightly:

No suspicious target with murder motive can be found for the time being, and surveillance cannot be counted on.

In this case, we still have to start with the on-site investigation and autopsy.

Just as he was thinking this, he heard a confident and powerful voice echoing in the scene:

"I see!"

Kogoro Mori came uninvited and made his debut:

"I think it must be because this detective program produced by Suwa Michihiko to promote fighting crime has angered those lawless elements in society."

"Those bad guys hated Suwa, so they sneaked into the TV station building from the unmonitored escape stairs and killed him with a gun!"

“It’s impossible”

Classmate Conan, who had slipped into the scene at some point, couldn't help but said:

"How would outsiders know that there is no monitoring installed on the escape stairs of this building?"

"And outsiders are even less likely to know that Mr. Suwa will appear in this unmonitored utility room at this time, right?"

"So, I think the murderer is not only an insider of the TV station, but also an acquaintance of Mr. Suwa~"

Conan said his thoughts in a sweet voice.

"." Lin Xinyi silently cast an unfriendly look at him.

Mao Lilan on the side immediately understood what the teacher meant:

"Conan, why did you come to the murder scene again!"

She walked forward, picked up Conan, and threw him into Mouri Kogoro's arms:

"And dad, you too"

"Our forensic department will investigate the case. Just keep an eye on Conan and don't crowd the scene to cause trouble."

“You must know that the more people present at the scene, the more severe the interference will be to the traces of the scene!”

She now knows how important it is to protect traces of the scene.

Therefore, without waiting for Maori Kogoro to react, Maori Lan pushed his father and Conan out of the room with a gentle push.

Mouri Kogoro stood outside the door holding Conan, his big eyes staring at his small eyes, both faces showing pity.

But Mao Lilan was completely at work, completely ignoring the two men who were getting in the way:

"Mr. Lin Xinyi."

Mao Lilan volunteered and said:

"Since everyone from the forensics class hasn't arrived yet, let me be responsible for the on-site investigation."

"Well, that's the arrangement."

Lin Xin nodded and assigned tasks to the other two companions:

"Asai, you have just changed your profession to be a forensic doctor, so please follow me first and learn the steps of doing an autopsy."

"Caesar, you don't need to appear now."

"Kneel down outside the door and don't move. Don't let outsiders break into the scene."

"Woof!" Caesar responded intelligently.

It then turned around and faced the outside, squatting down steadily like a stone lion guarding the door.

Lin Xinyi and others opened the forensic investigation box and the on-site investigation box, found gloves, shoe covers, hair covers, and masks, and put them on each.

Subsequently, Mao Lilan was responsible for surveying the scene for traces, and Lin Xinyi took Asai Chengshi to examine the body.

Facing the deep blood hole on the head of this corpse, Lin Xinyi's eyes couldn't help but look solemn:

"The shooting. There's some trouble."

Lin Xinyi was afraid of encountering a shooting case.

If nothing else, it's because he really lacks experience in dealing with shooting cases.

Although I have learned all the necessary knowledge in class, after all, this is a profession that emphasizes practice more than theory.

With too little practical experience, theory often fails to play its due role.

The last time he handled the murder case of Seba Tatsutoku, Lin Xinyi only relied on trace examination technology to solve the case and failed to find any valuable clues from the body itself.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

Whoever makes domestic security so good has little chance of accumulating experience in handling shooting cases.

And I have to admit that in this professional field, the lighthouse country is still the strongest.

They have high academic standards and rich practical experience. They lead the world in forensic research on gunshot wounds. They are not comparable to those backward countries with few shooting cases.

"Forget it. Let's follow the procedure and do the corpse examination first."

Lin Xinyi sighed lightly, then took Asai Narumi and began to conduct an autopsy according to the procedures.

Asai Narumi silently memorized Lin Xinyi's autopsy techniques and asked curiously:

"Why is there a bullet hole in the glass window the deceased was leaning against?"

"If the glass window is hit by a bullet, won't it break?"

"Will not."

Lin Xinyi replied casually:

"If you think the glass will break if it is hit by a bullet, you probably watch too much TV."

"Actually, the bullet is extremely fast and has high kinetic energy. However, the contact area between the bullet and the glass is very small, so the pressure is very high."

"So when a bullet hits glass, it tends to make a small hole like a drill rather than shattering the entire glass."

"Especially this case"

"The pistol bullet used by the murderer has such a penetrating power that it can first penetrate the brain and then penetrate the glass window."

Lin Xinyi pointed to the splattered blood on the glass window and said:

"The blood spatter is the best clue to identify the exact location of the deceased when he was injured."

"Look, this splatter-like blood stain surrounds the bullet holes on the glass window, showing a quasi-circular distribution."

"It can almost be determined from this that the deceased was standing in front of this glass window when he was shot."

"The bullet first penetrated the deceased's brain from the forehead, then exited from the back of the head and penetrated the glass window."

"The blood spurted out as the bullet exited the back of the head, leaving such a splatter-like blood stain on the glass window."

"I see."

Asai Narumi nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, Mao Lilan, who was in charge of the on-site investigation, seemed to have discovered something.

She carried four transparent evidence bags each containing a bullet casing and said to Lin Xinyi:

"Mr. Lin Xinyi."

"I found three bullet holes in the wall next to the window and four bullet casings in the corner."

"With the addition of a gunshot to the deceased's head, the number of bullet holes and bullet casings matched."

"So I think."

Mao Lilan carefully said his inference:

"The murderer probably called Mr. Suwa to this room by phone."

"Then he pulled out a pistol with a silencer and frightened Mr. Suwa into retreating to the window."

"The murderer opened fire and chased Mr. Suwa who was fleeing in the room."

"Three of the bullets missed the wall, and one bullet hit Mr. Suwa's forehead, and then went through the glass and flew out."

"It seems that the murderer's marksmanship is not very good, and he was quite excited when he took action."

Lin Xinyi remained silent and did not rush to express his position.

In fact, although Mao Lilan's reasoning is simple, it can indeed explain the situation discovered now.

Next, let Caesar smell the smell of the scene, especially the smell of the pistol left at the scene, and maybe he can find the suspect.

As long as the identified suspect is confirmed to have the time and motive to commit the crime, and he is targeted for further investigation, the case will almost be solved.

But... is it really that simple?

"I always feel like something is wrong."

Lin Xinyi frowned tightly and shifted his gaze back to the bullet hole on the forehead of the corpse.

Recalling the knowledge of gun and bullet creation that he had rarely used after learning it, he suddenly realized something:

"No, this bullet hole seems too oval."

"What's the meaning?"

Mao Lilan was slightly startled, and Asai Narumi also cast a doubtful look.

"If the warhead enters the human body vertically, the entrance should be a perfect circle."

"If the warhead is injected into the human body at an angle, an oval-shaped skin defect will form at the entrance."

"The sharper the angle of incidence, the flatter the elliptical shape formed."

"And the oval skin defect on the forehead of the deceased is not an ordinary 'flat' one."

"This shows that the angle of incidence is very sharp - the murderer's shooting angle seems to be a bit special."

Lin Xinyi thought for a while and said to Asai Narumi:

"Get a ruler and measure the length of the minor axis and the major axis of the bullet holes in the corpse."

"I need to calculate the angle of incidence."

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