Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 171 Miss Shiho wants to grow up

The next day, morning.

Miyano Shiho woke up from his sleep comfortably.

She felt as if she had not slept so relaxed, so solidly, so freely and leisurely for many years.

He opened his sleepy eyes hazily and subconsciously touched the warm quilt next to him:

The person next to the pillow has disappeared.

Of course, this pillow person refers to her sister Mingmei.

After a heart-to-heart talk with Lin Xinyi last night, the atmosphere between the two was very good.

Miss Shiho wanted to spend some time with her boyfriend while the iron was hot.

But Lin Xinyi felt a little weird that he was hanging out with a little girl in the middle of the night and making love.

Seeing that it was already early in the morning, Lin Xinyi asked Zhibao to go back to rest and deal with it on the sofa all night.

Miss Shiho went back to the bedroom by herself and got into her sister's bed.

Just like when I was a child, I hugged my sister's arms and fell asleep beautifully.

"so good"

Huddled in the warm quilt, a touch of happiness appeared on Shiho's face:

She never dared to think that she could live so freely with her beloved sister and boyfriend like she does now.

With such a happy mood, she sat up from the bed.

Because Lin Xinyi hadn't bought her her childhood clothes yet, she simply put on the shirt her sister had changed into as a dress just like yesterday.

After tying her loose collar and rolling up her overly long sleeves, Miss Shiho rolled out of bed, rubbed her sleepy eyes, put on her big slippers with her little feet, opened the bedroom door and walked out.

A faint aroma of food came to me.

It seems to be cooking porridge.

Because of the aroma of the food, this large villa that had been idle for a long time suddenly had a warm atmosphere of life.

Miyano Shiho took a deep breath and looked at the morning light coming in from the window, feeling that his whole body was completely renewed:

Speaking of which, this was the first time in her life.

For the first time, I have someone I like. I had the opportunity to live with my sister.

The two happy things coincided together, giving her a happy time like a dream.

In this happy mood, little Miss Shiho walked down the stairs and came to the living room.

Then she saw

Her sister Mingmei was sitting in front of Lin Xinyi with her back to her.

Lin Xinyi didn't seem to notice her arrival.

He was concentrating on reaching out and "stroking" her sister's face gently.

Miyano Shiho: "."

"What are you doing?"

Her childish voice sounded sinisterly in the empty villa.

Like a ghostly apparition, Miss Shiho floated over from the stairs with a cold face.

"Huh? Shiho, are you awake?"

Miyano Akemi turned around, revealing a face covered in "mud":

"Mr. Lin is making a face mold for me."

"Face model?" Miss Shibao looked at Lin Xinyi suspiciously.

Lin Xinyi explained in a natural tone:

"The face mold is the substrate for making the disguise mask."

"To achieve perfect disguise, the base of the human skin mask must fit perfectly with the human face."

"After I finish making the face model, I will make a whole disguise mask for your sister based on the face model, and she can go out with the identity of 'Kana Asai'."

"Otherwise, it would be inconvenient for her to go shopping."


As he said that, Lin Xinyi looked at Xiao Shiho, who was still wearing his sister's shirt as a dress:

"It's not convenient for Asai and I to help you buy your girls' clothes."

He came here this time, in addition to seeing Shiho, mainly to complete the work of disguising Akemi.

First, help Miyano Akemi make a few masks as backup, and then let her slowly learn the "Disguise Tutorial" by herself.

After she learns how to do it, she can disguise herself and then teach Shiho how to do it.

"All right."

After hearing these explanations, Miyano Shiho's cold face finally became a little gentler.

Then, Lin Xinyi carefully helped apply a layer of "mud mask" made of unknown science materials on Mingmei's face.

Just like using AC paper to extract the shooting residue from the surface of the object, you use your fingers to modify the details and press and compact them inch by inch.

Wait until it dries, then gently peel off the "mask", and the substrate of a human skin mask is created.

The whole process is just like baking a flatbread. However, the operation is more detailed.

In this way, Lin Xinyi used his increasingly proficient technique to bake several cakes on Mingmei's face back and forth.

During the whole process, Miss Shiho was sitting nearby, observing quietly with a cold face.

She didn't speak, but it was as if an invisible cold cyclone had accumulated around her, causing the temperature to drop.

The dull Lin Xinyi didn't notice at all.

On the other hand, Miyano Akemi felt her sister's meaningful gaze in time.

Ever since she let Shiho know how she was rescued yesterday, she could see this little look in her eyes from time to time that she would forget about her sister when she had a boyfriend, or even be wary of her sister:


"The face mold is almost done, and the porridge should be cooked."

"Shiho, Lin, let's go have breakfast first!"

Miyano Akemi wiped her face with some embarrassment, then stood up and hurried to the kitchen.

Miss Shiho didn't say much, and just followed Lin Xinyi to sit down at the dining table.

"Let's eat."

Miyano Akemi carefully helped her sister and brother-in-law set the tableware, served porridge and poured milk for them.

Seeing his sister working carefully for him, Shiho's expression quietly became soothing:

When the two sisters were young, the elder sister always played a mother-like role and took care of her.

And now, as if in a dream, she experienced this warm feeling again.

Sitting at this dining table, having breakfast comfortably with my sister and boyfriend

It was as if they were no longer members of a criminal organization wandering in the dark, but an ordinary, happy family of three.

"No wait"

Miss Shiho's face darkened:

Now this scene does look like a family of three.

But no matter how you look at it, she looks like a little daughter, not a mistress.

On the other hand, her mature and beautiful sister looked more like Lin Xinyi's lover at this time.


That lingering insecurity came back.

She thought about it for a while, but was not in the mood to eat, so she put down her chopsticks and said to Lin Xinyi solemnly:

"Lin, I've thought about it carefully too."

"We can't think of nothing and just wait for me to grow up."

"So, I want to try to develop an antidote."

"Antidote?!" Lin Xinyi was slightly startled: "Is there an antidote for this thing?"

"There should be."

A look of memories appeared on Shiho's little face:

"APTX4869 is not a poison developed purely for killing people, but a drug I recreated from the incomplete information left by my parents."

"Well you are that woman's student, you should know."

As she spoke, her expression became slightly weird.

"In short, APTX4869 can induce programmed cell death, but at the same time enhance telomerase activity, thereby increasing cell proliferation."

"Normally, it will cause the death of the user, but due to the accidental action of the cell's self-destruction program, all cells in the bones, muscles, internal organs, and hair, except the nervous system, will degenerate to the stage of childhood."

Lin Xinyi: "."

Here we go, again.

You'd better tell me directly that this is a magic potion.

Don't just throw around a few professional terms and tell me this is a scientific product! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

When he heard Conan introduce the scientific principles of his "foot strength fitness" before, Lin Xinyi wanted to complain.

Right now, the scientist who developed APTX4869 is right in front of us

Lin Xinyi pondered for a moment, and finally asked uncontrollably:

"What about conservation of mass and energy?"

"When you change from an adult to a child, where does the quality that disappears go?"

"Converted into energy."

Miss Shiho put on a professional and serious look and answered seriously.

Lin Xinyi: "."

If all these dozens of kilograms of meat were converted into energy, it would be released in the city of Tokyo.

Mr. Li Mei would probably have to give in to the lethality.

"In short, this involves the theory of quantum science, and you won't understand it even if you tell me." Miyano Shiho added.

"Oh quantum science, I understand."

Lin Xinyi finally got a satisfactory answer:

Quantum science, like internal force and magic, can reasonably explain various unscientific settings.

And now that we have this reasonable setting.

"Is it possible to develop an antidote?" Lin Xinyi asked again.

"Yeah." Xiao Zhiho nodded: "So, I need two things now."

"One, it's the APTX4869 you got from the lab last time."

“With enough drug samples available, we can greatly increase the speed of reverse research.”

"Oh, that's easy to say."

Upon hearing this, Lin Xinyi immediately put his hand into his pocket and fumbled out a few APTX4869 capsules.

Miss Shiho's expression suddenly became a little subtle:

"Why are you carrying these medicines with you?"

"Self-defense." Lin Xinyi answered unabashedly: "When you encounter an enemy that you can't deal with, you can use this medicine to poison him."

Miyano Shiho: "."

What she hates the most is when someone uses the medicine she developed to kill people.

But now, after hearing that her boyfriend used his own medicine as a murder weapon, Xiao Shiho felt anxious.

Seems a little happy?

"This medicine can help him and keep him safe."

"That's a good thing, right?"

Miyano Shiho was thinking this, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with his boyfriend using a drug he developed to defend himself.

"Take it, I have a few more at home."

"If it's not enough, I'll ask Gin for it."

Lin Xin handed the medicine to Shibao and then asked:

"What about the second thing?"

"I need a laboratory with at least basic experimental equipment."


Hearing this, Lin Xin fell into silence for a moment.

A biological laboratory can go bankrupt by just moving any piece of equipment out of it.

"Forget about the laboratory"

“With my current money, I probably can’t even afford a pipette gun.”

"Huh?" Xiao Zhiho was slightly startled when he heard this: "Why do you only have so little money?"

"I still want to know."

"Where did all this money go!"

Lin Xinyi sighed with some resentment.

He really wanted to know how the original owner could make such a clean living out of a monthly salary of 890,000 yuan without having any luxury items in his home!

If it weren't for the recent fortune he made from Miyano Akemi's wallet and the support of Asai Narumi, he wouldn't even be able to afford food.


Miss Shiho lowered her head in embarrassment.

I didn’t feel comfortable asking men to swipe their credit cards in the past.

Now that she was really caught, she realized that what she had squandered before turned out to be her own family's money.

"And besides the problems with the lab equipment."

"I would also like to add a third point."

Lin Xinyi added seriously:

"Is it really safe to develop an antidote?"

"There are too few samples that have shrunk after taking the medicine, so we can't even do animal testing, right?"

This is what worries him most.

Logically speaking, when a new drug comes out, it must first undergo animal testing and clinical trials to confirm that the drug is safe and effective before it can be released to patients.

But the problem is, now only Shiho and Conan have become smaller after taking the medicine.

If you can't test the medicine on mice with the same symptoms of shrinkage first, let people try it directly

Not to mention whether it is effective, what if it kills people?

"I'm sure of it."

Miss Shiho thought for a moment, and finally said firmly:

"Lin, believe in my ability."

"Since I can develop a medicine that makes people smaller, I must have a way to develop an antidote."

Lin Xinyi: "."

Indeed, he was possessed.

Drugs that make people smaller are not scientific in the first place. There is no need for him to worry about the safety of the antidote according to the scientific drug development process.

Anyway, although his little girlfriend still claims to be a scientist, in his opinion, she is actually no more than an alchemist.

"Then, the main problem now is the lack of money."

"And, if you can."

"When the antidote is developed, I still don't want you to try it yourself, Shiho."

"Find a 'guinea pig' with the same symptoms to try. At least, it will be safer for you."

Not only is he rich, but he is also willing to spend money to develop an antidote, and he can even serve as a guinea pig.

He could only think of one such ultimate invincible tool man.

" we still have to tell the great detective?"

Lin Xinyi was a little confused.

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