Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 176 Murder and Heartbreaking

Seeing Conan rush out without hesitation, Lin Xinyi was very tired.

But to be honest, not only did he not hate this kid at all, but he also admired him very much, even admired him.

After all, in this era of overflowing cold current, Conan's pure and flawless sense of justice is like a gem, rare and brilliant.

He is undoubtedly a hero, but...

"You have to understand that being a hero requires sacrifice!"

Lin Xinyi sighed deeply and his eyes became deeper:

He admires Conan but opposes his heroic actions.

To put it simply, this was because he was afraid that he would be sacrificed together with this great hero.

Put it more formally.

This is because individual heroism is separated from the masses and the collective and exaggerates the role of the individual. In actual actions, it can easily lead to individualistic mistakes that violate discipline and undermine the overall situation.

Historical materialism recognizes the existence of individual heroes and their role in history, and supports, publicizes and affirms individual heroic deeds, but opposes individual heroism.

In short, reality is not a Hollywood movie. If you don’t have the halo of the protagonist and play like Conan, sooner or later someone will die.

Conan is obviously used to being the protagonist and is a little overconfident.

At this moment, he was completely unaware of the risks he might bring to himself and those around him by stepping forward.

"The masked man is facing away from me now. This is the perfect opportunity!"

"As long as we knock him out, we can use him as a breakthrough to reverse the offensive and launch a counterattack against the organization!"

With such a good wish, Conan jumped out from behind the door.

Pop open the watch cover, aim the anesthesia needle at the masked man with his back to you, and prepare to fire!

Everything was as he expected.

However, what Conan didn't expect was that the masked man's reaction was so fast that it caught people off guard.

As if he had already expected that Conan would launch a sneak attack from behind, the moment he heard the strange noise behind him, he suddenly dodged sideways.

However, with a slight jump, the anesthetic needle was easily dodged.

"This" Conan's expression changed.

And the masked man didn't hesitate at all. He turned around, took out a pistol with a silencer, and pointed it at his head:

"Oh, I knew there was someone hiding here."

“Die to me—kid!”


Looking at the black muzzle in front of him, Conan looked a little confused:

Why did the other party react so quickly?

And you promised to take me away intact?

Why did you pull out a gun?

Hey, don't pull the trigger!

Are you serious? ? Director, this script is wrong!

At this moment, Conan was completely stupid:

According to the normal script, the moment he rushed out risking his life, a burst of exciting BGM should have sounded in the air.

With the blessing of music, the enemy will have severe symptoms of human body tracing/network delay/blind e-sports.

Conan, on the other hand, will use his small skills to defeat the strong, and use football/skateboards/anesthetic needles/retractable belts to show off his magical powers.

But this time, his speaker seemed to be out of power.

The masked man not only reacted extremely quickly to dodge the anesthesia needle, but also acted decisively and shot him with a backhand.

The trigger had been pulled, and Conan felt like he could see the horrific scene of bullets shooting out of the fire and piercing his head.

There was no time to escape.

A chill surged from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, as if his blood had been frozen.

Conan desperately faced his impending death.


Gunfire rang out.

But before that, Conan saw a majestic figure rushing towards him risking his life.


It was Lin Xinyi who rushed out.

He jumped out from behind the door, facing the fire that was about to bloom, and threw Conan to the ground.

In this way, Conan was protected under Lin Xinyi.

He had his face on the floor now and couldn't see anything.

Only a gunshot was heard, followed by Xiaolan's anxious shouting, the sound of footsteps, the sound of fighting, and the sound of a human body falling to the ground.

Climbing out from under Lin Xinyi's body again, Conan saw:

The masked man had been knocked down.

Xiaolan stood in front of the fainted masked man, assuming a karate stance.


Falling from the peak to the trough, but narrowly surviving from the abyss, a series of changes made Conan somewhat confused.

But he was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly reacted:

"Quickly, find a rope and tie up the masked man."

"And his cell phone. His cell phone wasn't broken, right?"

Conan got up from the ground on his hands and knees and ran towards the fainted masked man happily.

But his Xiaolan stopped him with a gloomy face:

"That's enough, Shinichi!"

"Are you still thinking only about the case?"

"Look back and see the person you left behind!"

Mao Lilan clenched her fists tightly, and her big tearful eyes seemed to be able to speak, full of disappointment and anger.

Conan was slightly startled.

He couldn't help but follow Mao Lilan's gaze and look back:

Lin Xinyi, who had just protected him, collapsed to the ground.

He clutched his waist tightly, where blood was gushing out, and it was scarlet, as if he had been shot through from behind by a bullet.


Conan was completely stupid again:

It turns out that Lin Xinyi did not successfully dodge the bullet.

Lin Xinyi used his own flesh and blood to help him block the bullet!

"Are you okay?!"

Conan subconsciously wanted to rush up to check on Lin Xinyi.

But Mao Lilan took the lead, hurriedly ran to Lin Xinyi and squatted down, and helped Lin Xinyi up with an anxious expression:

"Mr. Lin, are you okay?!"

"Don't worry. I'm not dead yet."

Lin Xinyi fell into Mao Lilan's arms, his voice weak.

It seemed that he was in too much pain, and his expression looked a little ferocious:

"It's just that, Conan."

"What did I tell you before?"

"I told you, don't be too careful, just hide it from me!"

"Can't you remember the lesson you learned at the amusement park?!"

"I" Conan's hands and feet were cold and his expression was dull.

Seeing Lin Xinyi seriously injured due to his adventure, he felt unprecedented guilt.

He had a really smooth life before.

No matter how many risks you take, you will be able to save the day in the end.

But this time, someone actually felt that he was in trouble.

"I'm sorry."

Conan was completely confused and even stammered when speaking.

"Don't say you're sorry!"

It was not Lin Xinyi who reprimanded him, but Mao Lilan.

"It's useless no matter how much you say I'm sorry, you won't change at all."

"Last time at the amusement park, in the library, and now."

"Every time you leave me and everyone behind and rush forward to take risks alone."

She bit her lips tightly, and distressing tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes:

“Such a Shinichi”

"It's so annoying!"

Mao Lilan's tearful accusation hit Conan's fragile heart hard.

His emotional intelligence is not high, but even so, he can hear something bad in Xiaolan's painful and decisive tone.

Sure enough, Mao Lilan shed tears and gave a long painful monologue:

"You do this every time. You can disappear quietly for the sake of the case."

"Even when we were together, you would only tell your favorite detective stories."

"Has it ever occurred to you that I don't like hearing this stuff at all?"

"Have you ever thought that I would be worried when you went to investigate the case alone?"

The conflict that had been building up for many years completely erupted at this moment.

And the topic gradually turned to emotional issues.

This is also Conan's biggest fear.

As a heroic figure, when his blood surges up, he doesn't even care too much about his own life.

But Xiaolan's life and Xiaolan's feelings for him are the life gate that he cares about very much.

And at this moment.

His vitality was completely hit:

"It was me before, and now even Mr. Lin is injured because of you."

"I've had enough!"

"No Shinichi, goodbye Kudo."

Unprecedentedly, Mao Lilan changed his name to him.

Just this small change made Conan's mind go blank and he lost all strength.


"What do you mean?"

Conan's voice was trembling.

But Mao Lilan ignored him completely.

She just wiped away her tears, with a cold face, and tried her best to help Lin Xinyi, who was bleeding from the wound, stand up straight:

"Mr. Lin, let's go."

"I'll take you to the hospital."

With that said, Mao Lilan hugged Lin Xinyi, who was seriously injured and unable to walk, and walked out the door step by step.


Conan wanted to say something to Xiaolan.

He wanted to apologize and stay, but at this moment, all words seemed so pale.

At the critical moment, it was Lin Xinyi who said something for him:

"Just put me in the car."

"I still have the strength to carry myself to the hospital."

"Conan still has to be taken care of here."

"Miss Maori, why don't you stay and accompany him to transfer with Dr. Agasa?"

"No." Mao Lilan shook her head decisively: "Compared with that guy, your injury, Mr. Lin, is more important now."

Her voice was extremely cold, and every word she spat out was like a sharp knife, piercing deeply into the heart of Conan's child.

"Don't act in a moment of anger."

As if helping Conan, Lin Xinyi persuaded Mao Lilan again:

"He is yours after all."

"He is nothing."

Mao Lilan's attitude became more determined:

"I don't want to see him anymore."

"And, Mr. Lin."

"The experiences these days have also made me understand."

She stopped and gave Lin Xinyi an extremely complicated look in front of Conan:

"Perhaps I had a better choice all along."

There seemed to be a thousand emotions in this look, combined with the meaningful words, making it difficult to tell whether it was just to vent one's anger with Conan, or whether it had a richer meaning.

Conan looked dumbfounded.

At this time, Mao Lilan continued to support Lin Xinyi and slowly walked out the door.

With every step they took away, Conan's heart was torn a little more.

He just watched his childhood sweetheart lead Lin Xinyi away gradually.

And there was nothing he could do.

Snowflakes are falling, the north wind is blowing, and Conan's heart feels cold.

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