Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 183 The protagonist who makes soy sauce

"The on-site protection team set up a blockade with the villa courtyard gate as the boundary."

"The on-site interview team will visit nearby households and businesses to investigate and find out as much as possible about the situation of this household."

"On-site investigation team, you will follow Miss Maori and be responsible for the trace inspection work inside and outside the villa in different areas."

Lin Xinyi was doing the on-site command work in an orderly manner.

After a period of training, the police officers in the Forensic Division have improved a lot in terms of organizational discipline and operational efficiency, regardless of their technical level.

They acted separately according to the pre-divided groups, and their movements showed a well-trained, professional and efficient feeling.

"Miss Mori."

Before sending the personnel out to investigate, Lin Xinyi also gave special instructions to Mao Lilan, who was responsible for leading the trace inspection team:

"To identify whether it is a forgery site, trace inspection is the most important."

"Whether there is a breakthrough in this case depends largely on your performance."

"Uh, me"

Mao Lilan was a little nervous:

The scene was so damaged that she didn't know if she could find any valuable clues.

When she became Lin Xinyi's student, she never thought that she would soon become the leader of the on-site investigation team who had to take charge of her own duties.

But there is no way that the attitude and understanding of the police officers in the Forensic Division are really limited. In terms of technical level and professional ability, they were quickly surpassed by the "rookie" Miss Maori who was a half-time monk.

Mao Lilan started out as Lin Xinyi's little follower, and later gradually evolved into his assistant and secretary.

Up to now, because her abilities are outstanding enough, she has unknowingly become the leader of the trace inspection team and the de facto head of the investigation department.

Feeling the heavy burden now on her shoulders, Mao Lilan was a little nervous.

But amid the tension, thanks to her innate sense of justice and responsibility, her eyes gradually became firmer:

"Mr. Lin, don't worry"

"I won't miss any clues!"

She subconsciously stood up straight and gave Lin Xin a military order.

Lin Xinyi nodded approvingly: "Very good, very energetic."

Mao Lilan nodded to him, turned around, and played the role of the team commander in a decent manner, leading a group of survey police officers to discuss the issues of dividing survey areas and organizing trace inspection work.

As soon as Lin Xin saw Mao Lilan off to work, he said to Asai Narumi next to him:

"Let's go and take charge of the on-site autopsy."

"Yeah." Asai Narumi nodded.

Then, the two walked side by side from the living room filled with water to the bathroom where the body was located.

And during this short journey, they already discovered that the murderer had not taken away the murder weapon, or in other words, he knew that it would be meaningless to take away the murder weapon:

"There was blood and hair on the golf club head."

"This may be the murder weapon that killed the deceased."

Carefully picking up the golf club that fell near the bathroom, Lin Xinyi judged simply.

"There seem to be fingerprints on it?"

Narumi Asai took the flashlight he carried with him and illuminated the grip of the golf club from a 45-degree side angle.

There was a faint palm print and fingerprint on the dark grip:

"Could it be left behind by the murderer?"

"Maybe it is, maybe it's not."

Lin Xinyi was not too excited about finding the murder weapon and fingerprints:

"Weapons of this kind, which are daily necessities, are usually taken by the murderer from the scene of the crime and used casually."

"The fingerprints on it are probably the fingerprints of this resident, and, look."

"There are traces on this part of the handle that some of the original fingerprints were wiped off when holding it tightly with gloves. This may have been left by the murderer."

With that said, he handed the golf club to the police officers of the investigation team for safekeeping, and he walked into the bathroom with Asai Narumi.

In the bathroom, the body still maintained the kneeling position, lying on the edge of the bathtub.

"Asai, you will be responsible for the body inspection."

Lin Xinyi naturally became the hands-off shopkeeper.

"Yes." Asai Narumi responded seriously.

He knew that he was not very familiar with the work of forensic doctors, and he had to practice more in actual combat in order to transform from a doctor into a qualified forensic doctor as soon as possible.

So, with the help of Lin Xinyi, he moved the body out of the bathroom and laid it flat on the plastic sheet.

Then, according to the standard procedure for corpse surface examination, Asai Narumi recorded the basic information such as the length of the corpse, the spots on the corpse, rigor mortis, and the temperature of the corpse, and then started to inspect the body in order from the head and face.

The final conclusion is:

"Zombie spots have not yet appeared on the body. It can be speculated that the time of death was within the last hour."

"There were multiple blunt force injuries to the parietal bone of the deceased's head, the occipital bone at the back of the head, and the right temporal top."

"The wounds rarely peeled off, and the subcutaneous bleeding was severe and the boundaries were clear."

"The wound edge is relatively straight, there are few bridges between tissues in the wound cavity, the wound is obviously dilated, and there is a border-like contusion zone around it."

"The parietal bone on the top of the head, which was the most severely affected, had a wound cavity deep into the bone layer, with obvious collapse and comminuted fractures."

Asai Narumi talked about his findings in an orderly manner.

These days, he has used his medical foundation as a doctor to focus on self-study of forensic pathology, traumatology and other professional knowledge at a speed much faster than ordinary people.

Using this knowledge, Asai Narimi came to the conclusion through analysis:

"The injury characteristics of the deceased's wounds are basically consistent with the common injury patterns caused by metal sticks."

"It can be inferred from this that the metal-headed golf club we just discovered was the murder weapon that killed the deceased."

"Yes, that's right." Lin Xinyi nodded in encouragement.

Asai Narumi analyzed the injury object through the shape of the wound, and after confirming the murder weapon, he boldly speculated:

"I think, Mr. Lin, your previous speculation may be correct."

"The deceased had multiple blunt force injuries on his head, especially the parietal and occipital bones, and there were signs of repeated blows."

"This shows that the murderer was very emotional when killing the deceased, so he used severe and excessive violence and hit the deceased's head repeatedly."

"This is no longer an ordinary killing, but more like a 'torture killing'."

To put it simply, the murderer attacked too many times and with too much force, causing the damage to overflow.

"If it was an impulsive killing caused by a home invasion, such brutal methods should not be used."

Asai Chengmi couldn't help but come to his own conclusion:

"The murderer must have had a grudge with the deceased, or had a long-standing grudge."

"When the resentment that had been accumulated for a long time burst out on impulse, he was so cruel that he smashed the head of the deceased with a golf club."

If the murderer had a grudge against the deceased, it would naturally not be an accidental burglary and murder.

By analyzing the shape of the wound injury, Asai unconsciously changed his view and agreed with Lin Xinyi's theory that an acquaintance committed the crime.

But at this time, Lin Xinyi turned around and "barred" him:

"Asai, we need to be cautious when doing work like ours. Don't use the word 'certain' easily."

"Just like now, what you said makes sense, but it's still too early to draw conclusions."

"After all, some murderers are cruel and bloodthirsty by nature. Even if they encounter people they don't know, they may use excessive violence in the killing process."

"This" Asai Narumi's expression became a little subtle:

Didn't you just say that this was committed by an acquaintance?

Why is it that now that I have taken your side, you have changed your mind?

Asai Narumi had some minor objections, but Lin Xinyi smiled at him:

"In forensic work, we can make preliminary assumptions about the case, but we must not be preconceived."

"Until conclusive evidence is found, one must remain skeptical of any seemingly certain speculation."

"After all, speculation is just speculation."

Lin Xinyi sighed slightly:

"It doesn't matter if it's my guess based on my experience in handling the case or your analysis based on the damage pattern."

"It can only be used as a reference for scene reconstruction and criminal profiling. It cannot be used as evidence to prove that an acquaintance committed the crime or fabricated the scene."

"I see."

Asai Narumi remembered these teachings deeply, and then looked at Lin Xinyi expectantly:

In his opinion, Lin Xinyi was more capable than him and would definitely be able to find more clues during the autopsy.

Lin Xinyi could definitely see the evidence that he couldn't find on the corpse.

Asai Narumi just waited silently.

However, Lin Xinyi spread his hands towards him:

"Don't look at me. You just did a great job on the autopsy. I have nothing to add."

"Huh?" Asai Narumi was slightly startled: "Mr. Lin, don't you have any other discoveries?"

If even Lin Xinyi, the most capable person, doesn't make any breakthrough discoveries, isn't this case going to hit a bottleneck?

Thinking of this, Asai Narumi couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

But Lin Xinyi rolled his eyes at him helplessly:

"Asai, don't make me and my profession too mythical."

"As a forensic doctor, neither I nor you are just a part of the criminal investigation process."

"Forensic medicine, trace examination, interviews, interrogations, appraisals, the breakthrough in the case may occur in any part of the process."

"So not every case can allow the forensic scientist to play the leading role."

In the process of real criminal investigation, there will never be a situation in the detective story where the protagonist alone shines and everyone else eclipses in solving the case.

This kind of personal heroism is not feasible in real work.

"We are a team."

"Everyone is a protagonist."

Lin Xinyi very calmly accepted the reality that he might be involved in this case:

"Asai, there is no need to be nervous, and there is no need to be disappointed."

"We have done the best that forensic scientists can do at the scene."

"Then we have to see what clues our companions, Miss Mao Lilan and other police officers in charge of trace inspection can find."

He said this as soon as he finished speaking.

Mao Lilan ran over in a hurry and came to him and Asai Chengmi.

"Mr. Lin!"

This young girl who not long ago was acting as a lonely vase behind the famous detective now looks extremely capable:

"I found evidence that proves this was a scene faked by the murderer!"

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