Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 186 This girlfriend is so worth it

On the other side, Mao Lilan and Asai Narumi are investigating the number one suspect Tanaka Chishi who has just returned home.

"Mr. Tanaka, please answer a few questions for us first."

Lin Xinyi slipped away inexplicably, and Mao Lilan had to shoulder the responsibility himself:

"When the crime occurred, that is, within the past hour, where were you approximately?"

"I was walking in a nearby park."

"Can anyone prove it?"

"No, there were very few people in the park at that time. Maybe a few people saw me."

"But it's probably impossible to find them to testify."

Tanaka Tomoshi's answer was spotless.

He honestly admitted that he had no alibi, but no one could prove whether he was walking outside at the time.

"Well" Mao Lilan's scalp was slightly numb.

She gathered her strength and then launched the next round of offensive:

"Then do you know that your brother, Mr. Kazuyu Tanaka, the deceased, has any enemies?"

"Not sure."

“My brother is a freelance writer and he’s always at home.”

"I'm usually very busy at work, so even though we live together, I know very little about his life."

Tanaka Chishi still didn't show any flaws.

He did not deliberately create a situation where his brother had enemies, but he emphasized that he did not know much about his brother's life, leaving the police with endless imagination.

Mao Lilan had no other choice but to release an oppressive momentum and said to Tanaka Chishi:

"Mr. Tanaka, we have found evidence that this case was committed by an acquaintance and the scene was forged."

"After killing the deceased, the murderer could calmly stay in this villa to dispose of the body."

"What do you have to say about that?"

She spoke in a very serious tone, hinting vaguely that the police already had a lot of evidence against him.

When he heard that the police had confirmed that an acquaintance had committed the crime, Tanaka Tomoshi's expression did change slightly:

The scene that I had faked was discovered so quickly.

Damn it, it seems there is no way to pretend anymore.

Tanaka Chishi's face quietly turned cold.

But at the same time, he quickly stabilized his position:

"An acquaintance commits a crime? No, it's not possible, right?"

"My brother... really has a grudge against someone?"

He said this with a surprised look on his face, as if he really didn't know anything about it.

Mao Lilan turned cold and offered her last move:

"Mr. Tomoshi Tanaka, we need to perform a luminol occult blood test on you and extract a surface occult blood sample."

"We want to know if you have any blood on your hands."

"You, are you suspecting that I am the murderer?"

"Nonsense! How could I kill my brother who depends on me for life?!"

Tanaka Tomoshi was very emotional.

But surprisingly, he did not resist the inspection at all:

"Just do whatever occult blood test you want!"

"But I have to declare it in advance——"

"I do have human blood on my hands."

"Because as I said just now, I had a nosebleed in the afternoon and I wiped it with my hand!"

As he spoke, Chishi Tanaka raised his palms and asked Mao Lilan to observe carefully:

There is no need to perform a luminol occult blood test.

There were spots of dried blood visible to the naked eye between his fingernails.

"If you want to extract a sample, do it now."

"I can walk and sit upright, so I'm not afraid of any inspections!"

Chishi Tanaka put on an impassioned look, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Mao Lilan frowned and reminded:

"Mr. Tanaka, don't be too happy too early."

"Covering the blood of the deceased with your own blood is useless."

"Even if your two bloods are mixed together, we can still detect whose blood it belongs to!"

"Oh" Tanaka Chishi sneered: "Then you check it out!"

"By the way. I have to remind you, young forensic lady."

"Even if the DNA test result of the blood sample taken from my hand is the same as that of my brother, it does not mean that it is his blood."

"Uh?" Mao Lilan was slightly startled:

What do you mean? The DNA test results are the same as those of the deceased. Why can't it be proved that it is the blood of the deceased?

"Haha." Tanaka Chishi's smile added a touch of sarcasm:

"Miss Forensic Examiner, your knowledge seems to be a bit lacking."

"Don't you see? My brother and I are identical twins."

"This" Mao Lilan was still in a daze.

But Narumi Asai, who had a professional medical background, reacted suddenly:

"Oops. Those two are MZ twins."

"MZ twins?" Mao Lilan asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

"Identical twins"

Looking at Tanaka Tomoshi's proud smiling face, Asai Narumi's face became very ugly:

"The two brothers came from the same fertilized egg. They split into two cells before implantation in the uterus and implanted separately to develop into adults."

"So, as identical twins, Mr. Tomoshi Tanaka and Mr. Kazuyuki Tanaka, the deceased."

"Their DNA is exactly the same!"

"According to current identification technology, there is no way to use DNA to distinguish identical twins!"

Asai Narumi told this chilling truth.

After hearing this, Mao Lilan's expression also changed slightly:

She finally understood why Tanaka Tomoshi was so confident.

Because his DNA is the same as that of the deceased.

Even if a blood sample of the deceased was extracted from his hand and the DNA matched that of the deceased, there was no way to prove that it was the blood of the deceased.

Tanaka Chishi can say that it was his own nosebleed.

"What should I do?"

Mao Lilan's expression was a little ugly:

The murderer actually directly exploited loopholes that cannot be achieved by current science and technology, making the evidence invalid!


Tanaka Chishi simply stopped hiding it and started mocking with a smile:

"I tell you, if there is insufficient evidence, don't accuse good people unjustly!"

"I have cooperated with your investigation so much, but if you still can't prove that I am the murderer, then the truth is obviously that I am not the murderer at all!"

His smile was filled with pride and amusement.

And he seemed to be enjoying the pleasure of overwhelming the police with dignity and leaving investigators speechless.

But at this moment, Tanaka Chishi proudly discovered that Mao Lilan and Asai Chengmi were helpless.

A firm and powerful voice came from afar:

"Mr. Tomoshi Tanaka, do you really think..."

"Our forensics section of the Metropolitan Police Department will not be able to do anything against you?"

Lin Xinyi appears again.

His eyes were shining with blazing light, and his gaze seemed to be capable of burning all evil energy.

"W-What are you talking about?"

Tanaka Tomoshi's smile stopped abruptly.


Lin Xinyi returned Tanaka Chishi's sneer:

"Idiot, if you just hide outside and find a way to deal with the blood stains on your body, we may have to spend more time investigating."

"But now, you are so smart that you came back?"

In Lin Xinyi's view, Tanaka Tomoshi is just like a shit beetle ordering takeout - delivering shit to your door!

"Thank you so much for your cooperation!"

"Miss Mori, quickly collect the blood sample remaining on Mr. Tanaka's body surface!"

He gave the order firmly.

However, Tanaka Chishi felt slightly weak and said in a stern tone:

"What's the use of extracting blood samples?"

"My brother and I have the same DNA, how can we identify it?"

"Ha ha."

Lin Xinyi laughed again, so much that Tanaka was confused and flustered:

"Even in the 'future', in the 21st century, genetic screening of identical twins will be a worldwide problem."

“But hard questions don’t mean there aren’t answers.”

"Mr. Tanaka, who told you."

"We can't identify identical twins based on their DNA?"

Tanaka Chishi: "This"

His originally calm and calm expression instantly lost some of its color.


Lin Xinyi looked sharply and shouted:

"Before I send you to prison, I will let you gain some knowledge!"

"Do you know what DNA methylation is?"

What he said is even incomprehensible when written in Japanese.

What's more, he still speaks in foreign languages.

Chishi Tanaka was immediately stunned by this sentence.

"The so-called DNA methylation means that under the action of cytosine methyltransferase, the methyl group of S-adenosylmethionine is transferred to the 5th position of cytosine to form 5-methylcytosine."

"Methylation modification determines the pattern of gene expression and is involved in many important biological processes such as gene expression regulation, developmental regulation, genomic imprinting, and X chromosome inactivation."

Lin Xinyi said a piece of scripture with a serious face again.

Tanaka Chishi's heart pounded loudly when he was told this.

At first, he thought that Lin Xinyi had made up some temporary lies and deliberately defrauded him.

But he didn't expect that Lin Xinyi would become more involved and more professional the more he talked:

"For mammals, DNA methylation patterns are established during embryonic development and have the characteristics of relative stability, relative specificity, proximity to SNP markers, and easy analysis of results."

"This pattern can be stably retained during cell division, and the difference in methylation degree between individual DNA methylation sites between MZ (identical twins) even exceeds the difference between unrelated individuals."

"all in all."

Under Chishi Tanaka's extremely guilty gaze, Lin Xin summed up loudly:

"As long as we identify the differences in DNA methylation modifications, we can screen and distinguish DNA samples from identical twins."

"When the time comes, it will be clear whether the blood on your hand is yours or your brother's!"

The DNA of identical twins is indeed the same, but there are differences in methylation modifications.

Describe it in an easy-to-understand way:

It's like two buildings built to the same design.

When the building was built, the two were nearly identical.

However, as the number of residents gradually increased, the decoration styles of each household were different, resulting in acquired differences.

Lin Xinyi was not trying to fool Tanaka.

Technically speaking, there is a way to identify identical twins through DNA.

"This this."

Chishi Tanaka was caught off guard by the professional terminology.

He was so flustered that he almost got scared out of the BGM and was about to kneel down and confess.

But under this panic.

However, Tanaka Tomoshi gradually stabilized his position——

In fact, his psychological quality is not strong, but as a social elite who reads books and newspapers every day, knowledge gives him the strength to fight to the end:

"Are you kidding me?"

"Manager Lin, were you just bluffing and bluffing?"

"I have read the latest popular science magazines, and the authoritative experts have said this in their articles:"

"There is currently no technology to screen the DNA of identical twins!"

Tanaka Chishi said through gritted teeth.

He believed that his knowledge base was correct, so he dared to face the investigation directly.

But he didn't expect that when he compared knowledge with Lin Xinyi, he lost:

"Yeah, not yet."

"In this day and age, there is indeed no identification technology to identify identical twins."

"But don't worry, this technology will be available soon -"

Lin Xinyi paused for a moment and said calmly:

"I'll go back and write the paper now, and I'll post it in a few days."

Tanaka Chishi: "???"

He was stunned by Lin Xinyi's groundbreaking words:

What are you doing? If you don’t have identification technology, you just click on the technology tree on the spot?

Can the case be solved like this?

Are you a forensic scientist or a scientist? !

"Hmph! You're so smart!"

Lin Xinyi's smile was full of disdain, but he secretly sighed in his heart:

Of course he doesn't have the ability to write a paper.

In fact, even the long speech he just said was memorized on the spot not long ago.

But Lin Xinyi's work happened to have a great interdisciplinary overlap with Haihara Ai's major.

He doesn't have the ability to engage in scientific research, but his girlfriend does.

Not only that, but more than enough:

As a rare genius scientific girl in the world, Haihara Ai brought N SCI papers as a dowry.

The name of the first author can be written entirely as Lin Xinyi.

Thinking of this, Lin Xinyi couldn't help but feel the happiness of being taken care of by a rich woman:

This girlfriend is so worth it!

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