Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 191 The Dead Man in the Bathroom

Lin Xinyi briefly explained the situation to Conan, but Conan was still a little bit worried.

There is no way. He has been "greened" too many times in the past few days, and he is always on tenterhooks every day, as if he has become a frightened bird.

It wasn't until Lin Xin dragged the great detective into the coffee shop, in front of Xiaolan and Feili, and confronted him face to face, that he finally calmed down his anxious heart:

"It turns out that Sister Xiaolan is meeting her mother here."

Conan let out a long sigh of relief, and his pale green face finally looked better.

But Mao Lilan asked with some confusion: "Conan, weren't you at home before? Why did you come to this place?"

"I" Conan made up a random excuse with some embarrassment: "I made an appointment with Haibara-san to go out for fun, and I happened to pass by here!"

"Haihara classmate?" Mao Lilan looked aside, the little girl with brown hair who appeared with Conan.

This little girl is pretty, petite and cute. Although her temperament is a bit cold, she is like ice cream, cold and sweet.

"Oh, she seemed to be with you yesterday."

Mao Lilan's eyes flickered back and forth between Conan and Haihara Ai, and then she couldn't help but joked:

"It turns out that Conan even knows about asking girls out to play alone, haha."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Xinyi and Haiyuan Ai's eyes turned cold at the same time.

"Hmph!" Haiyuan Ai glanced at Conan beside him with disdain, then quietly distanced himself and stood closer to Lin Xinyi.

"Ahem, Miss Maori." Lin Xinyi straightened his face and criticized seriously: "Primary school students don't know anything about love and love. If you talk like this, it will have a very bad impact on the children's education!"

"Eh" Mao Lilan was caught off guard when he heard this sudden sermon:

Speaking of which, it seems a bit strange to make such a joke to a first-grade elementary school student.

It's just that as a typical representative of puppy love, she has had a crush on a certain childhood sweetheart since kindergarten, so she subconsciously didn't notice anything wrong with it.

"Sorry." Mao Lilan apologized a little embarrassedly.

She mainly apologized to Haiyuan Ai.

Because Mao Lilan could keenly feel that this little girl with brown hair didn't seem to like the joke just now, so she had a vague hostility towards her.

But Hui Yuan Ai turned his head away ungratefully, not choosing to let go of his cold arrogance that kept others away from thousands of miles away.

Then, Miss Haiyuan raised her head and gently tugged on Lin Xinyi's clothes.

She hinted with her big eyes that showed almost no fluctuation, but Lin Xinyi could understand:

"Let's go home and study biology."

Lin Xinyi understood it wholeheartedly and returned a silent look: "Copy that."

Then, he took the initiative to say goodbye to Mao Lilan and Feili.

Ms. Feili was very enthusiastic about retaining Lin Xinyi.

She really wanted to take this opportunity to invite Lin Xinyi for a cup of coffee, not only to express her gratitude, but also to learn more about this profession from her daughter's teacher, and to talk about her daughter's future life plans.

And Mao Lilan is now Lin Xinyi's indispensable right-hand man. In order for this good student to further gain family support, as a mentor who has led other children into deep pits, he cannot refuse parents' inquiries.

As a result, Lin Xinyi and Feili chatted for a long time before finally being able to escape.

"I'm going home too." Hui Yuan Ai casually found an excuse and followed closely.

If nothing else happens, the two of them should return home and start studying biology.

But at this moment.


A piercing scream came from the bathroom:

"Blood, so, so much blood!"

A guest stood with a pale face at the bathroom door that he had just opened, shouting in panic.

"What?!" Lin Xinyi's steps stopped abruptly.

He couldn't help but turned around and stared at Detective Conan in surprise:

Conan's expression was very innocent, and with lives at stake, Lin Xinyi had no time to complain about Conan's classmate's halo of doom.

Without wasting a second, he walked quickly and followed the sound to the bathroom door:

Sure enough, I saw it in a toilet cubicle in that bathroom

A large pool of blood that had not completely solidified slowly flowed out from under the closed compartment door.

The bright red color was extremely dazzling, as if the entire bathroom was dyed with a blood-curdling light.

"Oops." Lin Xinyi's heart sank:

Such a large amount of bleeding, and the blood on the ground was partially coagulated.

This meant that the person in the toilet cubicle had suffered fatal injuries a few minutes ago, and it was probably too late for first aid.

"Don't come near the scene, I'm the police!"

Lin Xinyi first revealed his identity, then turned to Mao Lilan and said:

"Miss Maori, help seal the scene and don't let anyone in the store leave."

"Yes." Mao Lilan nodded solemnly.

She stood up suddenly under her mother's slightly surprised gaze, and a touch of calmness and determination quietly appeared on her green face.

The resolute, professional and capable look is very much inherited from her mother, who is the "queen" of the workplace.

Feili was secretly pleased with her daughter's performance, so she stood up from the booth and said proactively:

"For the little things like calling the police and sealing off the scene, I'll leave it to my mother to help."

"Xiaolan, go and investigate the scene with Mr. Lin."

"That's what you do best, isn't it?"

"Well, please leave it to mom." Mao Lilan pondered for a moment, and soon agreed to her mother's help with some gratitude.

She handed over the work of sealing off the scene to Fei Miles, and quickly took out the latex gloves she had been carrying with her since she joined the work. She followed Lin Xinyi closely and walked into the bathroom full of blood. .

"What does this smell like?"

But upon entering the bathroom, the first thing Mao Lilan smelled was not the smell of blood.

It was a strange, slightly pungent smell that made people feel a little uncomfortable on the nose.

Although the large exhaust fan in the bathroom has been whirring and the windows are open, the ventilation efficiency is very high.

But the smell still lingered a little in the bathroom, so much so that it dwarfed even the smell of blood from the accumulated blood on the ground.

"Mr. Lin, how is the situation?"

Mao Lilan ignored the smell for the time being, but turned her inquiring eyes to Lin Xinyi.

"The person should be dead."

Lin Xinyi stood in front of the toilet stall with blood flowing out, and said with an ugly face.

Then, he tried to push the compartment door with his gloved hands, but failed:

"The compartment door was not locked, but the body was leaning on the door, blocking the door."

"This" Mao Lilan was slightly startled:

"The door is blocked from the inside by corpses?"

"Then how should the murderer leave this compartment?"

Lin Xinyi did not rush to study this problem, but commanded in a calm tone:

"Don't worry about this for now. Let's observe the situation in the toilet cubicle clearly."

With that said, he walked straight out of the bathroom and asked the cafe owner, who was still in shock, for a chair as a stepping stone.

Then he saw that the coffee shop owner happened to have a "Polaroid" camera, so he also asked for it.

Just like that, Lin Xin set up a chair in front of the toilet cubicle, stood on it, and recorded the situation in the cubicle with photos from a condescending position:

Sure enough, it's the same as what he just said:

A female corpse covered in blood was lying tightly against the door, blocking the compartment door from the inside.

On her body was a bloody knife.

This knife was probably the murder weapon.

What's even more strange is that there are a few drops of fresh blood on the top of the door panel of the toilet cubicle.

"Why is there blood on the top of the compartment door?"

"No matter how much blood is splashed, it will never be splashed on the door frame!"

Lin Xinyi frowned, doubts welling up in his heart.

And when he suppressed this doubt, he carefully observed the deceased's face in the compartment, which was covered by messy long hair:

He was shocked to find that the deceased lying in the toilet cubicle was actually the young long-haired woman he had met in the bathroom before.

"Damn it." Lin Xinyi felt a surge of anger in his heart:

In the ten minutes that he left the bathroom and chatted with Xiao Ai, Feili and others, a living person who he had once met died silently.

It is impossible to guard against it. It is impossible to guard against it at all.

Life with Conan is like a box of chocolates, you never know who will be the next "candy" swallowed by the huge mouth of the abyss.

He didn't know how Detective Conan adapted to such sudden changes.

In short, Lin Xinyi was in a very bad mood when he saw a life passing away miserably beside him.

"Miss Maori, open the door."

As soon as Lin Xin recorded the original situation inside the compartment with photos, he jumped down from the chair and said to Mao Lilan solemnly:

"I want to see the condition of the body."

"Yes." Mao Lilan nodded solemnly, and then carefully pushed the compartment door inwards.

The door was pushed open, and the body blocking the door fell into a pool of blood.

Lin Xinyi tried his best not to damage the situation at the scene, but carefully avoided the large pool of blood on the floor and got closer to take a look at the body.

Mao Lilan, on the other hand, quickly helped put away the bloody dagger.

"The knife struck him squarely in the heart, which was obviously the cause of death and caused the massive bleeding."

"But, are there still marks of strangulation on the deceased's neck?"

Lin Xinyi took a moment to observe and immediately discovered a very strange situation:

A stab in the heart is enough to kill someone.

However, on the skin of the middle part of the neck of the deceased, horizontal atresia and strip-like cord grooves can be seen around the neck.

There are overlapping knot marks on the back of the neck, around the third and fourth cervical vertebrae.

"Two weeks of striped grooves, with overlapping marks on the back of the neck."

"This was obviously a mark caused by someone attacking from behind, wrapping a rope twice around her neck and squeezing her hard."

As Lin Xinyi said this, his expression became slightly more relaxed.

Mao Lilan looked over with some confusion:

"Mr. Lin, does this discovery have any special significance?"

"Of course." Lin Xin nodded:

"Strangling someone with a rope is the easiest attack method to leave traces."

"First, it requires the killer and victim to be in close physical proximity."

"Secondly, it takes a long time to strangle someone to death or knock them unconscious."

"The victim is a big living person. It is impossible not to struggle and resist under the suffocating pain."

"During the resistance process, because the two bodies were close to each other, the victim could easily grab hair, dander and other important biological materials from the murderer."

"At this time, if you carefully observe the cracks between the victim's fingernails, you may gain something."

As he spoke, Lin Xinyi carefully raised the deceased's palm and observed it carefully.

And at this sight, his expression changed instantly.

"What, what's wrong?" Mao Lilan asked nervously.

Lin Xinyi did not answer, but smelled the smell of the deceased's hands first.

Of course, you don't bring the deceased's hand to your nose and take a big sniff. That is extremely unprofessional.

The method used by forensic doctors to smell smells is actually the same as what the junior high school chemistry teacher taught them. They gently fan it with their hands to let a very small amount of gas float into the nasal cavity:


Lin Xinyi's expression was very solemn:

"The bastard washed the dead man's hands with bleach."

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