Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 196 Hot Spring Travel

Dianshan Shisan finally confessed.

Before being put on a stretcher by paramedics in the ambulance, he told the truth about his murder:

It turns out that Himeno Yayoi is not satisfied with the current status of extramarital affairs and wants the mistress to take over, forcing Toyama Jūzo and his wife to divorce.

But Toyama Shisan only wanted to "play" with Himeno Yayoi and did not want to marry her back home.

The conflict between the two continued to intensify, and finally the ruthless Dianshan Shisan planned such a murderous conspiracy and sent his mistress to a dead end.

"Sure enough, it's because of emotional problems again." Lin Xinyi said to himself with some emotion.

"Such a lecherous middle-aged man who is unfaithful to his wife is a scumbag himself." Feili's plain words always had a hint of meaning.

"Miss Ji Ye is so pitiful." Mao Lilan's gentle tone was full of sympathy.

"When you are a mistress, you will end up like this." Haiyuan Ai whispered sadly.

"Yeah, yeah." Conan nodded in deep agreement, still glancing towards Lin Xinyi.

Lin Xinyi didn't bother to argue with this jealous little person, and turned to Mao Lilan and said:

"Miss Maori, the follow-up of this case will be left to you to handle."

"I still have something to do, so I'll go home first."

As an eyewitness and investigator, it stands to reason that Lin Xinyi should have to follow the forensic team that just arrived to conduct further detailed investigation work, and then return to the Metropolitan Police Department to cooperate with the transcripts.

But now that the case has been solved, he is no longer so concerned.

Lin Xinyi also thought about going home early to study biology. He could just leave the trivial matters of cleaning up the aftermath to his assistant.

And Mao Lilan, as always, did not disappoint him.

She had no doubt that the teacher's request was just for her own sake, but she responded readily:

"No problem, Mr. Lin, if you have anything to do, just go ahead and get busy."

"Leave this to me and I will take care of it for you."

"Yes." Lin Xinyi nodded with satisfaction, said goodbye to Xiaolan's mother politely, and was about to turn around and leave.

Miss Haiyuan followed quietly.

Before the two of them could leave the coffee shop, Lin Xinyi vaguely heard that Mao Lilan behind him was saying to Feili:

"Mom, can't you think about what I told you before?"

"Impossible." Feili replied very firmly:

"That's your father's class reunion. Why should I go to it?"

"I have nothing to do with that man a long time ago, and I still have work to do tomorrow."

"Unlike that idle guy, your mother and I are very busy."

"Mom" Mao Lilan was a little embarrassed.

She tried hard to bring her separated parents back together, but over the past ten years, the two of them have drifted apart.

"Don't talk about it again."

Feili brushed aside the topic lightly:

"You have to be busy with work now, don't you?"

"These police officers from the forensics department are all waiting for your command now——"

As she spoke, she sighed with approval:

"Xiaolan, as a police officer, you are already better than your father."

"It's not that powerful either."

"Those colleagues only listened to my instructions because of Mr. Lin's face."

Hearing her mother's affirmation and praise, Mao Lilan couldn't help but feel a little happy.

Unconsciously, she had forgotten the topic she was going to talk about at the beginning. In fact, she had been completely led astray by her eloquent mother.

But Lin Xinyi took what he just heard to heart.

He was not concerned about the emotional problems of Mao Lilan's parents, what he really paid attention to was.

"Tomorrow? Uncle Maori's class reunion?"

Lin Xinyi suddenly had an ominous premonition.

He immediately turned around and asked Haiyuan Ai in a low voice: "Xiao Ai, is your school still on vacation tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Hui Yuan Ai nodded with some confusion.

"Oops." Lin Xinyi's heart sank.

Then, without waiting for Xiao Ai to ask questions, he hurriedly retreated and returned to Mao Lilan and Feili Lan.

He faced everyone's doubtful gazes and asked straight to the point: "Are you going to attend Uncle Maori's class reunion tomorrow? Will Conan go too?"

"Uh" Mao Lilan was confused by the question, but still answered truthfully: "Conan also went, what's the matter?"

Lin Xinyi: "."

What's wrong?

Miss Mori, whenever you go out with Conan these days, you will encounter dead people.

Don't you think there is any problem until now?

Lin Xinyi was a little helpless and had to ask again: "Um, where is your party? Is it in Tokyo?"

"No." Mao Lilan shook his head: "It's in Tochigi County."

"Tochigi County." Lin Xinyi didn't know where Tochigi County was, but he knew it was not in Tokyo.

In this case, even if there is a murder, there should be no need for him, the manager of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, to be dispatched.

From the perspective of jurisdictional obligations, this is not a job that he needs to worry about, but

"After all, this is a human life."

"Is it possible to prevent a murder in advance like in the previous mountain villa?"

Lin Xinyi thought with some concern.

He couldn't make up his mind for a moment, so he had to give Mao Lilan careful instructions:

"Miss Maori, please bring the forensic investigation box and the scene investigation box with you this time."

"I'll say hello to the police dog department and ask Caesar to go with you."

"Remember, if you find something wrong with someone in advance, you must pay attention."

Lin Xinyi's tone was very solemn, but it took Mao Lilan a while to react with a strange expression:

"Mr. Lin, don't you think that I will be involved in a murder case?"

"What happened at the mountain villa last time was just a coincidence."

Her tone was a little unconcerned, and Lin Xinyi could only emphasize:

"Better be careful."

"After all, Miss Mori, you often encounter murder cases, don't you?"

As he spoke, he quietly glanced at Conan, the culprit next to him.

"Hmm, it seems so."

Mao Lilan was said to be a little suspicious:

When I was with Kudo Shinichi, murder cases always happened.

Later, Shinichi disappeared and she was "alone" outside, but she still saw dead people every now and then.

Once this simple controlled experiment with the variables removed is done, the results become somewhat meaningful——

Could it be that the real evil star is not Shinichi, but her, Mao Lilan?

Ms. Himeno who died in the cafe today was also affected by her bad luck?

As she thought about it, Miss Maori began to have some self-doubt and even felt guilty.

"I'll keep an eye on it, though."

She thought about it seriously, and finally invited Lin Xinyi very formally:

"Mr. Lin, how about you go together tomorrow?"

"If there is a murder case this time, Mr. Lin can solve the case early."

"This" Lin Xinyi hesitated: "This is your father's class reunion. Isn't it appropriate for me to go?"

"It's okay." Mao Lilan said very generously:

"We met at a hot spring hotel in Tochigi Prefecture. The scenery is very nice."

"Mr. Lin, please follow me and treat it as a trip to a hot spring."

"Besides, Tochigi Prefecture is not far from here."

"Even if something happens here in Tokyo, Mr. Lin can come back quickly."

With that said, Mao Lilan also briefly explained to Lin Xinyi the specific location of the trip destination:

It turns out that Tochigi Prefecture is also part of the Tokyo metropolitan area. It only takes an hour and a half to drive from Yoneka Town on the Metropolitan Expressway.

In addition, there is a new forensic doctor named Asai Narumi in the forensics class. Even if a case occurs in Tokyo while Lin Xinyi is traveling, the on-site autopsy will not be delayed.

"That's okay."

You can try to prevent the murder from happening, and you can also go on a fishing vacation. Lin Xinyi also thinks this proposal is good.

But, how much does a hot spring trip cost?

Lin Xinyi, who was cash-strapped, couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

But the considerate Miss Maori quickly understood the teacher's thoughts.

Because Kudo told her about Lin Xinyi's fussy behavior when taking a taxi, Mao Lilan vaguely knew that her teacher might be poor.

"If Mr. Lin goes, the cost is not a problem."

Mao Lilan said this while looking quietly at her mother.

Fei Li immediately showed off her rich woman style, and agreed in a calm tone:

"I will pay for Mr. Lin's travel expenses."

"You have taught my daughter so many things, this little money is my gratitude."

Hearing this, Lin Xin immediately lost all worries:

"Okay. Thank you, Auntie Fei!"

"." The corner of Feili's mouth twitched slightly: "Actually, Mr. Lin, you don't need to call me so formal."

"Thanks Aunt Miles!"

"Forget it." Feili gave up struggling.

After discussing the plan to travel together and obtaining the funds for the trip, Lin Xinyi had nothing else to say.

He once again expressed his gratitude to the wealthy Aunt Miles, said goodbye again and again, and finally officially left the cafe.

But at this moment, the corner of his clothes was suddenly tugged.

Lin Xinyi stopped and looked down with some confusion:

He saw Miss Haiyuan tightly holding the hem of his clothes, her tender face looking as cold as a calm lake that had just snowed.

"What's wrong?" Lin Xinyi was a little confused.

Haiyuan Ai's tone was calm, but his words were full of concern: "Why do you have to travel with that woman?"

"I" Lin Xinyi really didn't know how to explain it.

Haibara Ai doesn't have much dealings with Conan, so it might be difficult for her to understand the "metaphysical" laws he summed up from the great detective.

While he was hesitating, he heard his little girlfriend say coldly:

"I heard that Tochigi Prefecture is famous for its natural hot springs."

"And some hot spring hotels with a long history have so-called "

"It's a mixed bath for men and women."

Miss Haiyuan's tone became extremely dangerous.

It was so dangerous that even a slow guy like Lin Xinyi could hear the unhappiness in his girlfriend's words.

"Mixed bathing? With Miss Mori?"

"No, no, that's something only Conan can do. I really don't mean that!"

Lin Xinyi explained in a panic with poor words.

"Hmph." Miss Haiyuan hummed softly.

Seeing her boyfriend's fussy and clumsy look, her eyes softened a little.

"However, I still can't let you and that woman go out to soak in some hot springs."

Hui Yuan Ai hugged her chest, which had nothing to hold on to, and said to Lin Xinyi in an unquestionable tone:

"I'm going to the hot spring trip tomorrow too!"

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