Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 208 Idle people and others

Mrs. Chicun Gongjiang quickly made her purpose clear:

It turned out that she and her husband, a diplomat, were somewhat dissatisfied with the future daughter-in-law named Sachiko Katsuragi.

That's why I wanted to ask Detective Mouri Kogoro, who is known as the "Little Three Nemesis" and "Friend of the Suffering Master", to investigate Miss Katsuragi Sachiko, who is about to marry into the Ikemura family, to see if there is any dirty information behind her.

Kimura Ikemura probably said as much in the office.

As for the more specific situation, she wanted to invite Mouri Kogoro to her home and discuss it in detail with her husband, Mr. Isao Ikemura, in person.

Mouri Kogoro nodded in agreement, and Maori Lan was also slightly curious about the gossip of the Ikemura family, so she went along.

As for Conan, he seemed to have recovered from the drunkenness just now, and his energy was a little better, so he insisted on going out with Sister Xiaolan.

"Let me go too."

Seeing that the Mori family was about to leave, Hattori Heiji suddenly said this.

"What are you doing here?" Mao Lilan was a little confused.

"It's easy to get things done when there are many people."

In fact, Hattori Heiji just wanted to stay with Maori Ran as much as possible.

In this way, if a case occurs somewhere and Mao Lilan receives a notification from the police, he can follow him to the scene of the crime as soon as possible.

However, he was thinking this in his heart, but he didn't show it at all:

"Every daughter in high school has such a reputation. This Maori uncle's reasoning ability must not be underestimated."

"As a famous detective in Osaka, I also want to see with my own eyes how famous detectives in Tokyo work."

Hattori Heiji said without changing his expression.

"Um, the detective is talking about me?"

Mouri Kogoro reacted belatedly, and then burst into laughter:

"Hahahaha. Young man, you are quite discerning!"

"Very good, then just follow me and observe and learn!"

He acted like a senior in the industry and agreed to Hattori Heiji's request.

"Hey, hey. I've been completely taken advantage of, uncle!"

Seeing his father-in-law being played around so innocently, Conan's little face was full of helplessness.

Looking again at Mr. Hattori Heiji, who was laughing secretly after his evil scheme succeeded, his eyes were even more full of resentment:

This bastard actually feeds white wine to children.

Hmm. Was there something messy mixed in that wine?

My body feels a little strange.

Led by Mrs. Kimura Ikemura, the group arrived at the Ikemura family's residence.

This is a very grand single-family villa. Whether it is space, decoration or location, it is worthy of the status of the male owner Isao Chimura as a senior official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Opening the door, Ikemura Koe, Kogoro and others entered directly from the entrance.

They bumped into a young couple, the young master of the Ikemura family, Takazen Ikemura, and his girlfriend Sachiko Katsuragi whom Mrs. Ikemura had mentioned before when she gave the commission.

"How will you be here?!"

When she saw the young and beautiful future daughter-in-law, Mrs. Chicun's expression was a little ugly.

"I asked Sachiko to come, mother." Ikemura Takayama said with a smile:

"Because my father has always been unwilling to meet Sachiko, I had to take the initiative to create opportunities."

"But daddy is staying in the study on the second floor and doesn't go out. He even closed the door."

"Mom, why don't you go call him out and see Sachiko?"

Mrs. Chicun was silent for a while, her face becoming increasingly gloomy.

Finally, she glared at Sachiko Katsuragi and said in a very mean tone:

"Next time, don't let Guishan take you home on your own initiative!"

"Guishan's father and I haven't agreed to this marriage yet!"

"I" Miss Sachiko Katsuragi couldn't help but shrink her head in fear: "I'm sorry."

"Hmph!" Mrs. Ikemura put on the posture of an evil mother-in-law.

She didn't even glance at her future daughter-in-law, but walked straight to the second floor with Kogoro and others:

"Come on, let's go upstairs to meet my husband."

The group of people climbed the stairs leading to the second floor and met an old man who looked to be 70 or 80 years old.

"Dad, why are you here?"

Mrs. Ikemura revealed the identity of the old man. He was the father of diplomat Ikemura Isao, Toshimitsu Ikemura.

"Well," Mr. Toshimitsu Ikemura asked with some confusion, "Kongjiang, didn't you and I have an appointment to talk about fishing?"

"Oh, yes." Mrs. Ikemura thought for a while: "Then dad, go to the Japanese room and wait for me. I will find you later."

"Okay." Ikemura Toshimitsu nodded, said hello to Kogoro and others as guests, and then walked downstairs on his own.

Finally, the group, led by Mrs. Chicun, arrived at the door of the study on the second floor.

"Is opera music playing inside? The volume seems a bit loud." Hattori Heiji was curious.

"My husband usually likes to listen to opera at high volume in the study alone, and that's okay."

Mrs. Ikemura answered without changing her expression, while taking out the key she carried with her and opening the locked study door.

As soon as the door is opened, everyone can see from a distance:

The fat Mr. Isao Ikemura was sitting in front of a table piled high with books, resting his chin on one hand and dozing heavily.

"Husband? Husband? Are you asleep?"

"It's time to wake up, the guests are here."

Mrs. Ikemura shouted twice tentatively, then walked forward alone, trying to wake up Mr. Isao Ikemura who looked asleep.

And she just got close to Ikemura Isao and shook her gently twice.

Ikemura Isao's fat body was like a collapsed mountain, slipping weakly from the table.

"Husband? What's wrong with you!!"

Fear suddenly appeared on Mrs. Ikemura's face.

She hurriedly knelt down beside her husband who collapsed on the ground, shaking his body helplessly.

But Mr. Isao Ikemura was completely unconscious and had no reaction no matter how much he was shaken.


The expressions of Kogoro and others standing outside the door suddenly changed.

The one who responded the fastest was Hattori Heiji.

Like a shark that smelled blood, he rushed forward without any hesitation.

The famous detective from Osaka quickly ran to Mr. Isao Ikemura who fell to the ground and squatted down. He used a very professional technique to test his breathing and pulse, and then observed his dilated pupils:

"It's too late. The person is already dead."

Hattori Heiji issued the death notice with a serious expression.

"How, how could this happen?" Mrs. Chicun was so frightened that she was a little incoherent: "How could my husband die?!"

Hattori Heiji did not answer such a nutritious question.

He seized the time and carefully observed the corpse:

"The muscles are relaxed, there are no corpse spots, and the exposed face, hands and feet are still warm."

"The time of death will not exceed half an hour at most."

"The person died recently."

"And the way to die is."

With almost no effort, Hattori Heiji discovered a small pinprick on Isao Ikemura's neck.

There was also a poisonous needle that fell to the ground next to his body.

"It's poison."

Hattori Heiji quickly confirmed the cause of death of the deceased.

Then, he tried to use a tissue to pad his hands, went to dig into the deceased's trousers pocket, and quickly found a key:

"This key is very similar to the study key that Mrs. Ikemura took out just now."

"Is it also the key to the study?"

Hattori Heiji's thoughts were like lightning, and then he turned to Mrs. Ikemura and asked:

"Mrs. Ikemura, how many keys do you have in your study?"

"Two, two handfuls." Mrs. Ikemura said in a frightened voice:

"I carry one with me, and the other. The other is the one you just took out of my husband."

"Oh?" Hattori Heiji's eyes flashed:

"Mrs. Ikemura has not been at home in the past half hour. She has the key with her, so it is impossible for the murderer to get it."

"And the remaining second key was placed in the locked study, in the deceased's trouser pocket."

"In other words, this case is..."

"Secret room murder?"

When he thought of these four words, it was like a drunkard meeting Maotai and smoking a pipe. Hattori Heiji suddenly became energetic:

Murder in a secret room means that the murderer designed a trick and a secret room——

This is undoubtedly the detective's home turf!

Encountering this case allowed him to maximize his advantages.

An official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was killed, and the student Mao Lilan happened to be present. As the forensics class manager and teacher Mao Lilan, Lin Xinyi could not stand by and watch.

"This is a perfect matchup opportunity."

"Looks like it's time for me to show off my real skills!"

As he thought about it, a confident smile appeared on Hattori Heiji's lips.

And he was thinking so proudly

Suddenly, his hands felt empty.

The key that was held in his hand and wrapped in tissue was actually snatched away.

"Hey Mr. Hattori."

"Don't touch the evidence on the deceased!"

Mao Lilan carefully held the key with her gloved hands and gently put it into the plastic evidence bag she carried with her.

During the whole process, her eyes looking at Hattori Heiji were full of well-covered disgust:

"How could a bunch of other people just enter the crime scene?"

"Since it is determined to be a murder, we should consciously leave the room and protect the scene!"

"Um" Hattori Heiji was slightly startled: "That's right."

Then, he turned his head and said to Mrs. Ikemura next to him:

"Mrs. Ikemura, please wait outside the study with everyone!"

"Okay" Mrs. Chicun responded slowly, got up and walked out of the study.

Hattori Heiji was about to turn around and observe the scene again, but found that Mao Lilan was looking at him with a strange expression:

"Mr. Hattori, when I say 'miscellaneous people', I also include you."

"Huh? Let me out?" Hattori Heiji pointed at his dark face filled with surprise: "How can I be a bastard?"

"I'm a famous high school detective!"

"A high school student, isn't he just waiting around?" Mao Lilan refused to give in.

"Then you're also a high school student?" Hattori Heiji's face turned even darker with anger.

"I have an honorary appointment certificate issued by the Metropolitan Police Department." Mao Lilan said confidently: "Strictly speaking, like Mr. Lin Xinyi, I am also a non-staff member of the forensics class."

Yes, after she became popular as the "Beautiful Girl Forensic Doctor", the Metropolitan Police Department used the same tactics to recruit Lin Xinyi and decisively recruited this rising star in advance.

Miss Maori now also has an honorary police position that is actually a temporary job, and she can also receive a monthly salary.

"This" Hattori Heiji is not used to it.

He had never been chased from a crime scene before.

Although strictly speaking, driving him out is the police's normal case handling procedure.

"Stop being stunned!"

"Don't let the idle people wander around the scene and disturb my daughter's handling of the case!"

Mouri Kogoro came forward very rudely and invited Hattori Heiji out who was refusing to leave.

"Dad, and you." Mao Lilan's eyes were very subtle.

"Know, know."

"You investigate the case carefully, I'll go out now."

After a period of adaptation, Mr. Kogoro has completely lost his dignity as a father.

As for Conan

Thanks to the lesson Lin Xinyi taught him before, he is now able to consciously stand outside the door and be a good child.

However, even if he could barely resist the desire to solve the case, Conan could not help but focus on the case.

Especially, when I saw the confident light flashing in Hattori Heiji's eyes.


Feeling the fierce fighting spirit in Hattori Heiji's eyes, Conan was slightly worried:

"Without my help."

"Can you win this duel?"

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