Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 213 The girlfriend who fell from the sky

After Kudo Shinichi hid under the quilt and put on his underwear, Mao Lilan finally pushed the door open and entered the room.

Because she was noticed by Lin Xinyi when she approached the room, and it was too late to sneak away quietly.

Not to mention, it was rare to see her long-lost childhood sweetheart, and she also had many questions that she wanted to ask Kudo.

"Um. Shinichi?"

Mao Lilan walked to the bed and looked at the naked man hiding under the quilt, with a subtle and complicated expression:

"How will you be here?"

"Xiaolan." Seeing Xiaolan as Kudo Shinichi again, he was instinctively happy.

However, I really can’t answer the question “Why is he here?” in just a few words.

"Kudo, please explain this to Miss Mori!"

Kudo was still hesitating subconsciously, and Lin Xinyi said calmly:

"She has already seen it, there is no need for us to hide it anymore."

Mao Lilan: "."

"Hide, what are you hiding?"

Her tone was a little unnatural: "Is there something that you two have been hiding from me?"

She couldn't help but worry that the childhood sweetheart who had disappeared inexplicably would tell her some unacceptable news after reappearing in such a strange manner.

Thinking of this, Mao Lilan became more and more uneasy.

What she didn't expect was that Kudo and Lin Xinyi actually told her an incredible fact:


"Shinichi is Conan, but he got into trouble with a powerful criminal organization and was made smaller by drugs?"

"And Mr. Lin, you are still a member of that organization, but you have been secretly helping Shinichi behind the organization's back?"

Hearing this kind of fantasy story-like answer, Mao Lilan's expression was very strange.

Because there were so many flaws, she didn’t know where to start.

In short, this answer was even more absurd and unbelievable than the terrifying explanation she had guessed at the beginning.

"How is this possible?"

"There is no medicine that can make a person's body smaller. This is not scientific at all, right?"

After studying with Lin Xinyi for a long time, Miss Maori also instinctively developed a scientific worldview.

But this worldview soon collapsed in the face of magical facts:

"It's true. Look, Conan's clothes are still on the bed."

"And, these days."

Kudo Shinichi spent a lot of effort and focused on his experience of staying at Mori's house these days.

There are some things that only Maorilan and Conan know, but Kudo Shinichi can answer them smoothly.

Finally, Mao Lilan had to believe that the high school student Kudo in front of her was the little one who had been sticking to her side calling "Sister Xiaolan".

“I didn’t expect it to be like this.”

"But, Shinichi, why haven't you told me the truth?"

After finally waking up from the shock, Mao Lilan asked with some concern.

"Well" looking at Xiaolan's big innocent eyes, Kudo Shinichi couldn't help but feel guilty.

"I don't tell you because I'm worried about putting you in danger."

After casually stating an unconvincing reason, before Xiaolan could recover, the clever Kudo quickly changed the subject:

"Anyway, these days I'm thinking about changing back to Kudo Shinichi all the time, standing in front of you with your familiar appearance."

"Now I finally changed back successfully, Xiaolan."

Kudo Shinichi's voice was filled with excitement and joy. As he spoke, he unconsciously expressed his feelings:

"I will never leave you alone again like before."


Facing Kudo's extremely rare display of true feelings, Mao Lilan couldn't help but fell into silence for a while.

In this silence, she looked at Kudo Shinichi affectionately, and then...


Miss Maori clenched her fists angrily and tilted her childhood sweetheart's big head:

"You just know now?"

"You really left me alone in the amusement park and ended up like this."

"Shinichi, do you know how worried I am about you every time you do this!"

Her voice sounded angry at first, but gradually it sounded gentle, helpless, and pitiful.

"I" Kudo Shinichi was a little at a loss.

Although his body had grown bigger, looking at Xiaolan's eyes that were filled with tears, he still acted like a child who had done something wrong.


He has said this in his heart many times.

But this time, as Kudo Shinichi, he said it to Xiaolan seriously.

"Humph" Mao Lilan snorted softly, and there was no longer any annoyance in his eyes:

"You will stay by my side from now on."

"When it comes to solving crimes, Shinichi, my abilities are not much worse than yours."

There was a little pride in her tone, but more of it was still water-like tenderness.

"Yes." Kudo Shinichi nodded solemnly.

The two fell into silence again, and the atmosphere gradually became a bit charming.

Then, silent, silent

"When the hell did you put your clothes on?!"

Lin Xinyi interrupted the good mood of the two of them:

He waited beside them for a long time, but all he saw was two young people staring blankly in a daze. In the end, he didn't get anything useful.

Really. They all look at each other affectionately like this.

You should confess!

Facing these two innocent young men who have known each other for 13 years but have not yet formally established a relationship, even Lin Xinyi, who is slow by nature, feels a little speechless.

"Forget it, if you have any love words, you can talk about it later when you go back."

Lin Xinyi sighed helplessly and handed over the clothes:

"Kudo, please put your clothes on first."

"We still need to talk more about why you're getting bigger."

"Eh cough cough"

Kudo Shinichi realized belatedly that he was still wearing only a pair of underwear.

In fact, he had been sitting naked in front of Xiaolan just now, and his image was very unbearable.

"Xiaolan, please turn your head away first." Kudo Shinichi said with some embarrassment.

"Yes." Mao Lilan turned her head honestly, her expression very calm.

"Um" Kudo-san was hurriedly getting dressed when he suddenly felt that something was wrong:

She was not even wearing clothes just now, but Xiaolan didn't even blush when she saw it.

This was in sharp contrast to the time when Lin Xinyi appeared in the hot springs.

"Sure enough, even if you become an adult, you still can't let down your guard."

The famous detective Kudo Shinichi relied on his keen observation skills to notice the severity of the struggle in detail.

Lin Xinyi was like a catfish that broke into the sardine cabin, making Kudo, who had never been willing to take the initiative before, fully feel the crisis.

Unknowingly, his and Xiaolan's status seemed to have been changed.

In the past, Xiao Lan stayed by his side every day, but now it was the famous detective who was thinking about how to please his childhood sweetheart all the time.

"Looks like I have to start working out too."

"But it seems a bit difficult to achieve Lin Xinyi's figure."

Looking at his small body which was not attractive in comparison, Kudo Shinichi couldn't help but feel a little sad.

And in the midst of this sigh and sigh.

He suddenly discovered that his body, which was not very strong to begin with, seemed to have begun to shrink.

"Ahhhh!!" There was another heartbreaking scream.

Kudo Shinichi fell weakly on the bed, his body so hot that it was smoking.

After a while.

Holding the still sleeping Conan child, Mao Lilan followed Lin Xinyi and left the room with a complicated expression.

Everything she just learned and saw shocked her.

At this moment, looking at the childhood sweetheart who had shrunk back in her arms, Mao Lilan's eyes were filled with worry:

"Mr. Lin, how could this happen?"

"Is there any way for Shinichi to change back?"

"I don't know that either." Lin Xinyi sighed helplessly:

He didn't even figure out how Kudo had grown so big inexplicably.

And he didn't expect that Kudo, like Ultraman, had a time limit on his transformation.

"Is that bottle of Laobaigan still at your house?"

"Bring it over to my girlfriend to study it then."

"Maybe we can research something valuable."

In the room just now, Lin Xinyi and Kudo had told Mao Lilan the whole truth.

So now Mao Lilan finally knows who Lin Xinyi's mysterious girlfriend is, and she also knows that the precocious brown-haired girl is actually a very powerful scientist.

"If there really is some special ingredient in that bottle of Laobaigan that caused Conan to grow bigger, then my girlfriend might be able to develop an antidote."

"And there's nothing we can do now but hope."

"Yes." Mao Lilan nodded, feeling slightly comforted.

After she calmed down a little, she hugged Conan and followed Lin Xinyi to meet the forensic officers who had completed the investigation.

The two returned to the scene of the crime. Mrs. Ikemura had formally confessed her crime and was handcuffed by the people from the first search section and put into a police car.

As soon as Lin Xinyi appeared, the Mumu Police Department immediately greeted him with a smile:

"Haha. Manager Lin!"

"Thanks to you and Xiaolan this time, we led everyone to solve another case beautifully."

The Memu Police Department, as well as the Investigation Section 1 led by him, were originally responsible for playing the role of admiration for the famous detective when he was reasoning.

But now that Lin Xinyi has emerged with the forensics class, not only is the famous detective no longer in the market, but even the dedicated police department has degenerated from a admirer into a background without any sense of existence.

Every time he shows up after solving a case and praises his brothers in the forensics department for their abilities, that's all he does now.

"It's nothing. This case is mainly due to Miss Maori."

Lin Xinyi habitually greeted the Mumu Police Department with a few polite words, said a few polite nonsense, and prepared to say goodbye and leave.

But at this moment, the Mu Mu Police Department suddenly said:

"Okay, let's collect the team and go back first."

"Manager Lin, let's meet at the wedding tomorrow!"

"Uh" Lin Xinyi's expression suddenly changed: "Wedding? What kind of wedding?"

"Matsumoto is monitoring his daughter's wedding!" Megure Police Department replied very naturally:

"It's indeed a little late that I decided to invite you today - Matsumoto was wary of him, and he also thought of taking this opportunity to deepen the relationship between our First Search Class and the Forensic Class."

"However, your girlfriend has agreed, and she also said she will attend with you tomorrow."

"Why, hasn't she called you to inform you yet?"

Lin Xinyi: "."

He suddenly had a very bad premonition:

"My girlfriend said that? Have you, have you met her?"

"Yes." Megure Police Department nodded seriously: "Not long ago, on behalf of Matsumoto Police Department, I went to the Forensic Division to invite you to the wedding, but you were already off work."

"It just so happened that your girlfriend came to the Metropolitan Police Department to see you at this time, so we met and chatted for a while."

"Then someone died here, so I said goodbye to her and led the team here."

"This" Lin Xinyi felt a chill running down his spine the more he listened.

His girlfriend is a primary school student, how could she go to the Metropolitan Police Department and chat and laugh with the Memu Police Department? !

In this case, who is this woman who claims to be his girlfriend?

Lin Xinyi's heart was beating fast.

And at this moment, just in time, his cell phone received a text message.

I took out my phone and saw that it was from an unknown number with no note.

The content of the text message is very simple, only one short line:

"My boy, see you tomorrow."

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