Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 222: Poor level of knowledge

As if admiring some precious treasure, Belmod looked at it in rapt attention for a while.

As she watched, her eyes gradually moved away from the angel lady, and unknowingly turned to Lin Xinyi:

Lin Xinyi was busy observing the crime scene.

And every time his eyes passed over Sayuri Matsumoto and saw the pure white wedding dress stained red with blood, his brows would subconsciously frown, revealing an almost instinctive sympathy and anger.

This is a kind of natural concern that people have for others, that is, "things harm their own kind".

Normal people are like this and don't want to see someone suffer misfortune in front of them, even if the victim may have nothing to do with them.

But this seemed a bit strange in Belmod's eyes:

"Is he concerned about what happened to that lady?"

In Belmod's impression, Lin Xinyi would not have such unnecessary emotions.

He was raised as an organizational killer.

Belmode taught him many things, but never taught him to be a normal person.

So Lin Xinyi has been very cold-tempered since he was a child. If there was anyone he would show care and concern for, it would probably be Belmode, who raised him with his own hands.

"This natural look that seems to be touched from the heart."

"Are you using the acting skills I taught you?"

"Or is it because he has been with Angel for a long time that he has gradually been assimilated?"

Belmode looked at Lin Xinyi thoughtfully, his eyes a little subtle.

She just watched quietly.

The investigation was also launched rapidly under the leadership of Lin Xinyi.

Ten minutes later, the ambulance arrived at the scene in time and the victim received proper treatment and was in stable condition.

But the emotions of the victims' families are anything but stable.

After watching his daughter wearing a blood-stained wedding dress and being carried on a stretcher by doctors in a state of unconsciousness, Matsumoto warned that this tower-like middle-aged man was about to collapse.

"Sayuri, who on earth did this?!"

"This is her wedding!!"

Matsumoto roared angrily, and with his naturally ferocious face, he looked like a crazed tiger.

Next to Inspector Matsumoto, the officers from the Megure Police Department and the Investigation Section 1, who had come to the banquet happily, also felt the same anger.

This is their boss's daughter's wedding.

To poison and kill people under the eyes of so many elites from the First Investigation Section is undoubtedly a humiliating provocation.

"We must find the murderer!"

Even the police officer Megu, who usually looked like a good old man, looked serious at this time and became fierce.

However, this fierce force is coming out, but I don’t know where to use it.

After all, their search section has always been good at catching murderers who have been exposed. To put it bluntly, they are helping the forensics section, which is a brother department.

Therefore, in the end, all eyes eager to solve the case were cast on Lin Xinyi without any surprise:

"Officer Lin, is there any progress in the investigation?"

Everyone asked expectantly.

"There's no big progress yet."

It's only been ten minutes since the crime occurred, so of course it won't be solved that quickly.

But Lin Xinyi still tried his best to tell his findings:

"I have asked Miss Maori to look for clues at the wedding scene, and I should get something soon."

"Shortly after the incident, I found a capsule that had not completely dissolved in the lemon tea jar."


Matsumoto Police emotionally interrupted Lin Xinyi’s story:

"Did someone use this capsule to poison my daughter's drink?!"

"It's indeed poisoning."

“But not necessarily with this capsule.”

Lin Xinyi was about to say something, but at this moment, Mao Lilan walked in from the door in a hurry:

"Mr. Lin! You are right"

"I found the bottle that the murderer used to store sodium hydroxide in the trash can at the wedding venue!"

After the incident, Lin Xinyi quickly found the direction of the investigation:

First of all, this case is most likely committed by an acquaintance.

Since the murderer was able to sneak into the wedding and poison the bride, and he was an acquaintance, it was basically certain that he was one of the guests attending the wedding.

In this case, it would be inconvenient for him to flee the scene after poisoning, because doing so would only make himself look suspicious.

In other words, the murderer is likely to stay at the wedding venue, mixing among the guests who are watching.


"Because sodium hydroxide is easily deliquescent in the air, it is not safe to put it in a breathable capsule. It must be placed in a sealed container to ensure dryness."

"And the murderer stayed at the scene after poisoning. He had no place to dispose of the bottle he used to contain sodium hydroxide."

"The murderer would never dare to take such conclusive evidence with him, so he could only throw it into a corner of the wedding venue while others were not paying attention."

Lin Xinyi told everyone about his investigation ideas.

Then, he stretched out his gloved hand and took the plastic medicine bottle contained in the transparent evidence bag from Miss Maori, who was also wearing gloves:

"So, I asked Miss Maori to try to find this possible key evidence near the crime scene."

"As expected, the murderer dropped the bottle at the scene."

"In this way, it will be much easier to find the murderer."

Lin Xinyi carefully held the medicine bottle and said to Mao Lilan:

"Miss Maori, bring Caesar here!"

"Yes." Mao Lilan nodded, then hurried out and invited Caesar, who was tied to the side of the wedding venue, over.

This big black-backed dog makes a shining appearance in the spotlight.

But it's a little different from the previous majesty.

When it entered the door, it suddenly shrank and hid behind Mao Lilan. It waited until it got around Belmod who was standing there and watched, and then finally straightened its four legs and walked properly.

It looked like a sheep meeting a ferocious tiger.

Lin Xinyi was a little surprised that Caesar's behavior was different from the past, but he quickly returned his attention to the case and asked Caesar to identify the source of the smell on the medicine bottle.

"Who is it? Who is the murderer?!"

Police Matsumoto stared at the big dog, his eyes red with excitement.

All the police officers, family members, and guests present were nervously waiting for the results.

Caesar put his round black nose to the bottle and sniffed it carefully for a while, then lowered his head and sniffed the ground, and walked back and forth in the room several times.

As if it was looking for a positioning signal, after completing the circle, it raised its head and its eyes were firmly locked on a guy standing at the front of the crowd:

"Woof woof woof!"

"Is it him?!" Everyone's expressions changed:

The source of the smell identified by Caesar was none other than the hero of the wedding, the groom, Mr. Toshihiko Takasugi.

"It's actually you?"

Matsumoto’s police eyes were full of disbelief and anger like a volcanic eruption:

"Takasugi! Why did you do this to Sayuri?"

"Uh? Wait!"

The handsome Mr. Takasugi Toshihiko suddenly looked panicked.

He waved his hands repeatedly, facing his father-in-law's ferocious eyes that seemed to choose and devour others, and explained in a panic:

"How, how could it be me!"

“Did this dog recognize the wrong person?”

"I am Sayuri's husband, and today is my wedding to her. How could I poison and kill my own wife at my own wedding?"

"Everyone here knows Sayuri and I. You should all know that my relationship with her has always been very good!"

His self-defense turned the surprise in everyone's eyes into confusion.

Even Matsumoto, who was already furious, couldn't help but hesitate:

"That's right. Takasugi, you have no reason to kill Sayuri."

"Is it really a mistake?"

Matsumoto Police turned his head and looked at Caesar in confusion.

Of course the dog couldn't answer his question.

It just stared at Takasugi Toshihiko and barked.

"The accuracy of olfactory source identification is indeed not 100%."

"But it at least gives us a direction to investigate."

"Alert Matsumoto, let's not make preconceptions and give up suspicion so quickly."

Lin Xinyi said calmly.

"This" Matsumoto's alert expression froze.

He is also a veteran policeman, and has investigated many cases where couples turned against each other and became enemies of each other.

Those cases and experiences told him that many couples who appear to be loving in the eyes of others may have developed to the point of incompatibility behind their backs.

Therefore, we cannot simply give up suspicion just because we have heard about the "love" between the suspect and the victim and cannot find the motive for the time being.


"But this is my daughter. I know my daughter."

"She said she loved Takasugi and said she wanted to be Takasugi's wife."

Recalling his daughter's happy appearance in her wedding dress, Matsumoto's vigilant look was a little dazed:

"The look in her eyes when she talks can't be deceiving."

"I know Sayuri is very happy. I know Takasugi must be very kind to her."

"That's why I'm willing to marry my daughter to him."

"So, Takasugi, you can't possibly kill Sayuri, right?"

"Yeah." Takasugi Toshihiko nodded hastily, but his eyes quietly showed a hint of imperceptible guilt.

Lin Xinyi did not capture such subtle emotions.

But unlike Matsumoto, who is in the game, he will not give up his suspicion easily because of this so-called emotion.

Therefore, no matter how much the groom claimed that he and the victim were in love, Lin Xinyi would investigate step by step:

"Mr. Takasugi Toshihiko, have you been to this dressing room?"

"I" Takasugi Toshihiko thought for a while and said, "I came to the dressing room and chatted with Sayuri alone for a while."

"But that was about 3 minutes before Sayuri was poisoned and collapsed."

"Except for that one time, I've been out entertaining guests for the past half hour, and everyone can see that."

"And that capsule. Yes, didn't you find a capsule that was mostly melted in the lemon tea?"

As if he had found some key evidence, there was an invisible confidence in his voice:

"Isn't the poison contained in this capsule?"

"Most of the capsule needs to be dissolved, so 3 minutes is definitely not enough, right?"

"In this case, I, who only came to the dressing room three minutes before the crime, can't be the murderer!"

Takasugi Toshihiko ingeniously used the melting time of the capsule to eliminate his suspicion.

When the Mumu Police Department and others heard this, they all felt that what he said made sense.

But Lin Xinyi's expression became weird instead:

"I see. Why did the murderer put a capsule in it?"

"Co-authorship is used to create an alibi for yourself."

When he said this, Mr. Takasugi's expression suddenly changed.

Lin Xinyi just continued:

"Although incompletely dissolved capsules were found in the drink, this does not mean that the poison must be contained in the capsules."

"There are indeed medicinal sodium hydroxide capsules on the market. Maybe the murderer wanted us to think that he used this capsule type of sodium hydroxide for poisoning."

"If we really believe it, the time it takes for the capsule to dissolve can help rule him out as a suspect."


"The murderer's level of knowledge is too urgent."

Lin Xinyi sighed helplessly:

"While he was poisoning, he only put a disguised capsule into the drink."

"The capacity of this can of lemon tea is 350ml. From what we saw after the incident, the tea liquid remaining in the can and spilled on the floor was at least 200ml by visual inspection."

"The amount of medicine contained in a medicinal capsule is only about 0.5g."

"Put 0.5g of sodium hydroxide into at least 200g of lemon tea."

"The citric acid in lemon tea alone is probably enough to neutralize this small amount of sodium hydroxide."

Lin Xinyi shook his head and looked at Takasugi Toshihiko as if he were looking at a fool:

"Just this concentration of sodium hydroxide solution."

"Well, if there is still sodium hydroxide left in the solution that has not been neutralized by the citric acid, it can be called a 'sodium hydroxide solution'."

"Not to mention it can burn the respiratory tract, it's fine if you give it to me as water."

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