Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 229 Unknown Cause of Death

Mao Lilan was a little surprised that this dangerous woman could actually make herself feel warm.

But Belmod had already gently held her hand and led her to sit aside:

"Sit down and rest."

"Miss Maori, this is just an accident that has nothing to do with you. There is no need for you to take it to heart."

"I" Mao Lilan knew that the beautiful lady in front of her was not a good person.

But somehow, she could feel the sincerity in the other person's eyes, so she unconsciously put down her guard and spoke her heart out:

"I'm still a little worried."

"Is it really my fault that the deceased will die?"

"No." Belmode said firmly.

She gently held Mao Lilan in her arms and comforted her warmly, but her eyes that no one could notice gradually became colder:

No matter whether the facts are really what Mao Lilan fears.

She would never let Mao Lilan get hurt.

At this moment, countless ways to help his Angel avoid punishment flashed through Belmod's mind.

"However, according to Angel's character, she shouldn't be worried about being punished at all, right?"

Looking at the clear and clean eyes in front of him, without a trace of pollution, Belmode was also troubled and had no choice.

She felt that if she secretly helped to do the dirty work, she would be desecrating the sanctity of the angels.

And Mao Lilan is not afraid of punishment at all. She is just worried about whether her fault has really hurt others.

"There's really nothing I can do against you."

Belmode smiled helplessly:

"So, what's the truth?"

With this thought in her mind, she quietly turned her gaze to Lin Xinyi thoughtfully.

Lin Xinyi had already made the decision to perform an autopsy at this time and was about to rush to the forensics department to assist Asai Narumi in completing the autopsy.

But at this moment, Asai Narumi unexpectedly found this place first.

"Mr. Lin, are you there too?"

Narumi Asai held a fresh corpse examination report and said with some excitement:

"I have performed a post-mortem examination on the deceased."

"Basically, it can be determined from the autopsy examination that the death of the deceased had nothing to do with Miss Mao Lilan or the limousine driver."

"W-what?!" Before Lin Xinyi could say anything, Matsubara Sheng jumped up excitedly:

"Are you kidding-"

"If the two of them have nothing to do with each other, then was my son killed by the air?"

Asai Narumi was startled by the angry strong man who suddenly jumped out.

But he still tried hard to stay calm and said to Matsubara Masaru:

"Mr. Matsubara, calm down."

"I haven't found out the cause of your son's death yet, but the evidence available so far is enough to prove that his death was not caused by Miss Maori and the driver."

Hearing Asai Narumi's conclusion with such certainty, Mao Lilan and the driver of the car all looked over expectantly.

Especially the driver, who shouted excitedly:

"I, I just said it, right? This matter has nothing to do with me!"

"Nonsense!" Matsubara Sheng said angrily: "My son has been run over by your car, so he still has nothing to do with you?"

"It really doesn't matter." Asai Narumi took out a few photos.

Some of these photos were taken by police officers from the Forensic Division at the scene, and there were also photos he took of local wounds during the autopsy examination.

Lin Xinyi took a look at the photo:

In the photo, the injuries of the deceased Kenichi Matsubara look indeed very horrific.

His thighs were crushed heavily by the wheels, and the fabric of his trouser legs and the skin of his thighs were torn off under the rotating wheels, turning into a puddle of flesh with rags.

And the disgusting yellow fat and red muscles that were created by the large-scale semi-circular skin peeling were revealed without reservation at this moment.

When the wheel comes into contact with the fragile human body, it completely becomes a terrifying skin-peeling machine.

This image is extremely impactful.

At a glance, a normal person would think that the deceased was crushed by wheels.

"But the real cause of death was indeed not a car accident."

Lin Xinyi said calmly:

"The skin on the thigh was torn off so severely, but judging from the photos at the scene, the amount of bleeding was surprisingly small."

"The wound showed no reaction to life at all, which shows that the deceased was already dead before being run over by the wheel."

"Mr. Driver, what you ran over was actually a corpse."

"What I ran over was a corpse?" The driver was overjoyed and turned to shout at Matsubara Masaru:

"Asshole, did you hear that?"

"This is obviously your damn son's fault. What does it have to do with me?!"

"Be polite." Lin Xinyi frowned tightly.

He glared coldly at the driver who had escaped responsibility, then turned to Matsubara Masaru, whose face was ashen and said:

"Mr. Matsubara, that's exactly what happened."

"My son was already dead before he fell to the ground."

"And this death has nothing to do with Miss Mao Lilan -"

Lin Xinyi took the photo from Asai Narumi, pointed to the close-up of the deceased's head in the photo and said:

"Witnesses can testify that the deceased was hit on the forehead by a small cement block."

"But if you look at the deceased's forehead, there is no sign of peeling of the skin or bleeding under the skin."

"That cement block didn't leave even a light mark, how could it knock someone unconscious or even kill them?!"

Matsubara Sheng's face became even more ugly.

He subconsciously wanted to lose his temper and show off, but the beautiful silver-haired woman next to him suddenly cast a cold-cold look at him.

It's strange to say that the woman looks so weak and harmless.

But this look in his eyes made people feel as if he would die in the next second.

Matsubara Sheng was so suppressed that his momentum was greatly reduced, and he no longer dared to rampage like a mad cow.

But he was still a little reluctant and questioned Lin Xinyi with a dark face:

"You said he wasn't run over by a car or stoned to death, so how else could my son die?"

"He was clearly helping me out to buy beer in the afternoon, so why did he die on the way?"

"This" Asai Narumi hesitated for a while.

He hasn't gotten an answer to this yet.

But Lin Xinyi carefully looked through the photos taken during the corpse examination, thought quietly for a while, and then suddenly raised his head and asked:

"Mr. Matsubara, the injuries on your son's body."

"How did it come about?"

There were a shocking number of bruises on the body of the deceased.

Most of the injuries were in the form of strip injuries, and hollow subcutaneous bleeding was common.

In some places where the skin has been broken, it can be seen that the edges of the wounds are not neat and jagged.

Lin Xinyi knew at a glance that this was a typical blunt force injury caused by being beaten multiple times with a wooden stick.

"This was caused by a fight he had with someone three days ago."

Matsubara Sheng's face suddenly became a little ugly.

"Oh, tell me, who did he fight with?" Lin Xinyi asked.

"This" Matsubara Masaru's eyes were erratic and he had no confidence in what he said:

"My son came back from outside like this that day. How do I know who hit him?"

"I guess I've offended some local gangsters!"

"Haha." Lin Xinyi's voice suddenly turned cold:

"When you hit someone, you only hit the chest, back, and thighs, all areas that can be covered by clothes."

"The arms, cheeks, and calves that are exposed outside the clothes will not be injured at all."

"As far as I know, this kind of injury cannot be caused by a street fight."

In street fights, the murderer usually does whatever he wants to do.

It was very common to beat people until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and their heads were bleeding.

In particular, obvious resistance injuries will almost certainly be found on the victim's arms that are instinctively used to block.

But now, this violent murderer hits people at random places, as if he is worried that the victim's injuries will be exposed and people can see.

This kind of injury usually occurs due to either school bullying or domestic violence.

"Mr. Matsubara, please be more honest."

"Did you inflict these injuries?"

Lin Xin pressed forward step by step, a sharp look flashed in his eyes:

"Don't lie, you can't hide this kind of thing from others."

"If you don't say it, your neighbors will say it."

"Even if you don't say anything, the stick you used to beat the deceased to pieces can still be used as evidence!"

"I think - you must have not disposed of the wooden stick that you used specifically to teach your son, right?"

"You, you" Matsubara Sheng trembled in fright: "How do you know I beat you with a wooden stick?"

His face darkened, and he felt that he had lost his temper and said too much, so he closed his mouth angrily.

But he doesn't speak.

Mrs. Matsubara, who was crying silently on the side, spoke:

"Yes. He was the one who hit me."

"You?!" Matsubara Sheng looked over fiercely: "Smelly woman, what did you say?!"

He did not dare to speak loudly in front of the terrifying Belmode.

But when he looked back at his wife, his "vigor" came back immediately:,

"Shut up, or I, I"

"Are you going to hit me?"

Mrs. Matsubara wiped away her tears and said coldly:

"Fight if you want. I've had enough!"

Mrs. Matsubara looks much younger than Matsubara Masaru.

Likewise, much more delicate.

Standing in front of the tall and majestic Matsubara Masaru, she was like a frail flower.

But this was very difficult. She still faced her husband's fierce and evil eyes, bravely stood up and told the truth:

It turns out that Matsubara Katsu has been staying at home and drinking heavily since he was laid off by the company during the economic crisis.

The days of unemployment gradually made him psychologically distorted, and coupled with the influence of alcohol, he often committed domestic violence against his wife and children at home.

Both Mrs. Matsubara and the deceased Kenichi Matsubara had been subjected to domestic violence by this man.

And the deceased was not even the one who received the most severe beatings.

Mrs. Matsubara was the one who was usually beaten the most and injured the most.

According to her own account, she had even been hospitalized twice because of her husband's domestic violence.

"This is the true face of this man!"

Mrs. Matsubara said decisively:

"Both I and the dead Kenichi are just this incompetent man's punching bag!"

Matsubara Sheng was furious when he heard this.

Looking at him like this, if the police weren't present, he might have lost control again.

But under the glare of everyone, Matsubara Sheng could only reluctantly put down his fists and said with an ugly face:

"Yes, I beat my son."

"But that happened three days ago. What does this have to do with my son's death?"

"He has been fine for the past three days. He can eat, sleep and go out."

"You don't want to think that my son's death has anything to do with me, do you?"

"This" Asai Narumi was slightly startled when he heard this:

According to his observation, the wounds on the deceased's body were already scabbed, and the edges of the scabs were not obviously detached.

According to the general rule of healing time for epidermal peeling, Asai judged that Matsubara Masaru was not lying:

The deceased was indeed injured three days ago.

Since he had been safe and sound for the past three days, how could he suddenly die today?

After all, Asai Narimi had too little work experience to determine the cause of death.

So, like everyone else, he turned his curious eyes to Lin Xinyi.

Lin Xinyi’s answer is:

"I can't jump to conclusions."

"The truth will be clear after the autopsy."

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