Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 263 Belmod’s decision

Belmod really couldn't figure it out. Assuming that this kid was really Kudo Shinichi, with his current strength, who gave him the courage to proactively provoke Gin.

But it seems Conan is really going to do this.

"No, we must not let him get close to Gin's car."

Gin is an extremely perceptive man.

Even if Conan is lucky enough not to be caught, he will definitely leave some traces on the car.

And if Gin found out that someone had tampered with his car, he would definitely not let it go.


Thinking of this, Belmod immediately unbuckled his seat belt and hurriedly got out of the car to chase Conan.

Before leaving, she did not forget to stop and remind Mao Lilan and Haiyuan Ai very solemnly:

"Don't get out of the car and don't follow me!!"

"do you know?!"

"Uh" Maoli Lan nodded reluctantly.

And Belmode didn't have time to say anything more.

Seeing that Conan's short figure had disappeared into the dense group of cars, she could only quickly catch up.

Soon, not long after, Belmod quietly chased the black Porsche 356A parked in the corner of the underground garage.

And Conan was actually tampering with Gin's car, just as she feared.

He had already taken the lead and got next to the Porsche.

Seeing that there was no one in the car, Conan took out a small piece of wire from his pocket, gently pushed it into the keyhole, and easily pried open the door.

Belmode finally confirmed that this Edogawa Conan is Kudo Shinichi.

After all, an ordinary elementary school student would not stare at Gin's car for no reason, let alone have such skillful lock-picking skills.

"no solution anymore."

Seeing that Conan had already gotten into Gin's car, Belmode knew that it was too late to stop him from seeking death.

All that can be done now is to drag Gin out of the car before he comes back.

Then find a way to clean up any traces he may have left in the car.

Doing this will definitely make Conan suspicious of her "Sister Chris", but Belmod can only do this to prevent the great detective from killing himself and the people around him.

Belmode was thinking so

In this quiet underground garage, a clear sound of footsteps suddenly sounded.

The footsteps were getting closer and clearer, and they were obviously heading this way.

"Is someone back?"

Conan poked his head out of the car nervously.

He hurriedly climbed out of the Porsche, trying to close the door and hide quietly.

But his movements were too slow, and the opponent's steps were too fast.

Conan had just jumped out of the car and carefully closed the door when the man appeared.


Belmode, who was lurking in the dark, shrank his pupils:

It was the Gin she knew who appeared.

He was wearing a black top hat and a black windbreaker, with his silver hair disheveled, and his eyes were as cold as a knife.

"Hello? Kid, what are you doing next to my car?"

Gin asked coldly.

"I" Conan replied nervously: "I think this car is very beautiful, so I want to come and take a look."

"Is it?"

The tall man narrowed his eyes slightly and slowly approached like a mountain.

There was an undisguised murderous intent in his cold voice:

"Then why did I just hear the sound of a door closing here?"

"Did you open my car door?"

"This, this" Conan became a little incoherent.

And Gin took an even closer step forward, with a suffocating pressure:

"Kid, you're not in my car."

"Did you do anything?"

As soon as he said this, Conan couldn't hold himself any longer.

He seemed to know in his heart that whatever he did would be discovered.

Therefore, seeing that Gin was about to approach him with murderous intent, he simply let go and decided to fight to the death.

Conan suddenly raised his arm, pointed the dial of his flipped watch at the oncoming Gin, and quickly fired an anesthetic needle.

But this didn't work.

Gin's reaction speed was extremely fast.

He tilted his head slightly to avoid the anesthesia needle, which was so thin that it was hard to catch.

Then, Conan didn't even have time to react

Gin suddenly stepped forward, leaned over, grabbed his throat, and lifted his whole body from the ground:

"Kid. Were you attacking me just now?"

"It seems that you are indeed no ordinary little devil."


Conan's throat was locked and he was hung in the air, unable to speak at all.

He could only wave his hands and feet wildly and struggle desperately.

At this time, his hand accidentally caught Gin's face.

Those fingers rubbed hard against Gin's face, leaving only a few shallow white marks in the end.

“It’s really gin”

Seeing this scene, Belmode finally confirmed the identity of the man in front of him.

In fact, she felt that what happened today was a bit strange from the beginning.

First of all, Gin shouldn't have come to Lin Xinyi without saying hello.

Secondly, Vodka, who was usually inseparable from him, did not appear at all at this time.

Then, everything happened so coincidentally that people instinctively felt that something was not right.

But these small bugs are not worth the effect of "special effects".

After discovering that Gin's face remained the same after being scratched by Conan, Belmod could only conclude that the man in front of him was not wearing a disguise mask.

This was not a trap set for her, the man in front of her was Gin.

And Conan also committed suicide.

He was now like a little sheep whose throat was bitten by a tiger, and could only slowly die in that helpless struggle.

Gin showed no mercy at all, even though the other person looked like just a child:

"Tell me - who sent you here?!"

He pressed Conan firmly on the hood of the car, took out the Beretta 92F from his waist, and pressed it tightly against Conan's head.

"I" Conan was still incoherent and refused to say anything.

"Ha." Gin sneered: "I'll give you one last chance, tell me!"

The trigger was about to be pulled.


Belmod finally couldn't help but stood up.

Gin held Conan down with one hand, and instinctively pointed the gun at him with the other hand:


His face was still so cold that it was hard to read.

"It's me." Belmod walked forward slowly, pointed at Conan and said, "Gin, let this child go."

Gin was silent for a while, and then he said coldly: "Give me a reason."

"No reason."

Of course, Belmode couldn't give a reason.

But she never lost in terms of momentum:

"I hope you can give me some face and let this kid go."

"He's not going to have any impact on our organization."

"Is it."

Gin grabbed Conan's arm and carefully observed the watch on his hand:

"Such a delicate little thing is not something that an 'insignificant' child can have."

"Belmod, you have a secret you are hiding from me."

He couldn't help but didn't let go of Conan, and instead pressed the gun against Conan's big head again.

Belmod's eyes suddenly became a little nervous.

"You care about him?"

Gin continued to use his paralyzed face to release the chill:

"Belmod, you should know that what I hate the most are those guys who eat the inside out."

"If you want to keep this brat, then give me a reason!"

"." Belmod was speechless for a moment.

Now she really wanted Gin to shoot Conan, the teammate who had killed him.

But no, Conan's life is very important, both to her and to that angel lady.

What's more, Mao Lilan is also in the underground parking lot now.

Wait, if the gun goes off and Mao Lilan rushes over according to the sound, and sees Conan being shot in the head by Gin, the situation will definitely become even more uncontrollable.

The situation was so urgent that Belmod's thoughts were like a mess.

Facing Gin who had already put a gun to Conan's head, she couldn't think of anything.

"Since you can't give me an explanation, don't blame me."

Gin snorted coldly and moved his finger towards the trigger again:

With just one click, Conan's head will bloom into a cluster of flowers.

In this air that was so tense that it was difficult to breathe, Belmod was caught off guard and faced the most difficult choice in her life:

I watched Conan die.

It’s better to take that difficult step and completely fall out with Gin.

Everyone is waiting for her decision.

After that brief moment of silence, Belmode made her choice:

"Put that brat down—"

"Gin! Wine!"

Belmode took out the small self-defense pistol from the lining of his windbreaker.

The muzzle of the gun was pointed directly at Gin.

Aimed at Gin's forehead.

Gin seemed to be always paying attention to Belmod's every move.

Realizing that Belmod was pointing his gun at him, the gun in his hand relaxed slightly, which relieved the tense atmosphere slightly.

However, his voice was still so cold:

"Belmod, you are pointing a gun at me now."

"Do you want to betray the organization?!"

Gin finally asked this crucial question.

If you answer yes here, it means that Belmode is really determined to break with the organization.

If she can make such a determination, she will most likely fall into the abyss of light and warmth and embark on the path of no return of obeying the law.


Belmod fell into a long silence.

This question is really too difficult for her.

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