Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 265: An incomplete story

Belmod finally made his choice.

She couldn't stand what Gin was about to do.

That was the man she loved deeply, the man who loved her deeply and was even willing to give his life for her.

How could she watch that man die in front of her?

Therefore, with a determination to defeat everything, Belmod finally chose the impulsive path.

But what she didn't expect was...

"You're not Gin?!"

Hearing the sudden change in the other party's demeanor, Belmode's eyes were filled with astonishment:

How can this be?

She had clearly confirmed several times that Gin's face was not fake.

Conan can't break it when he grabs it with his hands, and it won't deform when she holds it against the muzzle of a gun - this can't be any kind of disguise technique at all!

Could it be that someone secretly had plastic surgery to look like Gin?

Belmod could only think of such a ridiculous explanation.

But soon, something even more shocking happened to her:

I saw "Gin" in front of me slowly taking off his top hat. The moment the broad top hat passed over his face, it was like watching a face change in a Sichuan opera.

That Gin's face quickly disappeared.

Instead, there was a face that was very familiar to Belmode:


"Yes, it's me." Lin Xinyi had a relaxed smile on his face, with a hint of touch in it.

"Teacher, I didn't expect you to really pay so much for me."

He sighed with some lingering fear.

There were still a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead. Obviously, he was not relaxed at all when he was acting.

"This" Belmod reacted instantly in shock: "Is this a trap you set for me?!"

"Yeah" Lin Xin nodded.

It was indeed a scene just now.

The Porsche 356A of the same model as Gin was rented by them at a large price, and the license plate was forged with the help of Dr. Ali.

As for Gin himself, Lin Xinyi, who has experience in acting with facial paralysis and has the blessing of "special effects" disguise, will star in person.

After learning the truth, Belmode could not speak for a long time.

And after a little review of everything that had just happened, she could detect an even more shocking fact:

"Even Conan, no, that Kudo Shinichi is cooperating with your acting."

"You are in the same group"

"You, Conan, and even Miss Mori, you have been together from the beginning!

"Yes." Lin Xinyi sighed deeply.

In front of Belmode, he no longer concealed it:

"I have been secretly protecting Kudo Shinichi and Miss Mori."

"In other words, I am an enemy of the organization."

Lin Xinyi frankly admitted his identity as a traitor to his organization.

Belmode subconsciously wanted to tell Lin Xinyi to shut up.

But thinking about what he had just shouted, "I am also a traitor," I could no longer say those words to refute and stop him.

At this moment, Belmode vaguely understood why Lin Xinyi acted like he just did.

By this time the elevator had reached the 25th floor.

Lin Xinyi took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Mao Lilan in front of Belmode.

"I'll ask Miss Maori and the others to come up now."

"Teacher, it's time for us to get acquainted again."

Lin Xinyi's tone was very sincere.

Even though he was not familiar with this teacher, Belmod's decisive performance of abandoning everything and betraying the organization for him just now inevitably touched him.

This woman is in love with him.

After truly verifying this, Lin Xinyi no longer felt that she was in danger.

Facing Lin Xinyi's smile, Belmode said nothing.

She just looked at Lin Xinyi quietly, her eyes becoming a little strange, so strange that it was scary.


Lin Xindu was a little nervous for a moment:

Could it be that he had gone too far in testing and driven Belmode into a state of embarrassment?

Um. It should be fine.

Belmode could betray the organization so that he could, so he wouldn't be so angry that he would fall out because he found out that he was tricked by a student, right?

As Lin Xinyi was thinking this, he saw Belmod quietly retracting his scrutinizing gaze and put on a calm and curious face:

"how did you do it?"


"That kind of disguise."

Belmod seemed to have a pure curiosity about the disguise technique:

"It won't deform even if it's torn or scratched with my hands. It's a disguise technique that I can't even see the flaw in."

"Not even the disguise mask is used, it's like a different face!"

"Uh this"

Lin Xinyi did not hesitate for long before giving an answer he had prepared long ago:

"It's Kaitou Kidd."

"I have dealt with Kaito Kidd in previous cases."

"Kaitou Kidd has a very powerful friend, she taught me this."

He decisively used the almost standard beginning of "I have a friend".

Anyway, Kaitou Kidd himself is mysterious enough, and his "friend" with powerful powers is even more mysterious and impossible to investigate.

In short, this kind of supernatural power cannot be reasonably explained at all, and it is better to explain it vaguely.

"Yeah. So that's it."

Belmod smiled noncommittally.

She seemed to accept this statement, and seemed to know that Lin Xinyi was lying.

Perhaps out of respect for the student's secret, she didn't care about the truth at all, and didn't ask further about the origin of the disguise.

But she asked another question:

"As you said, you have always had this disguise technique since you investigated the Kaitou Kidd case?"

"Yes." Lin Xin nodded,

"So, in other words," Belmode's tone became more subtle: "The guy who rescued Shirley from the laboratory was not the FBI at all."

"It was you who used the disguise technique to disguise yourself as Akai Shuichi and divert the organization's attention!"

The organization regarded the initiator of the attack as the FBI, and it was Gin himself who authenticated the existence of Shuichi Akai from the surveillance video.

But now, Lin Xinyi has shown this unpredictable skill of disguise.

Then he is fully capable of disguising himself as Shuichi Akai, so much so that even Gin can't tell.

It's not like Belmod suddenly thought of this.

She can think of this because

"Haihara Ai, that little girl with brown hair."

"If you were preparing for such a dangerous scene at night, you wouldn't risk involving a primary school student."

"If that Haiyuan Ai is really just an ordinary brat, when she pesters you to come here to play at night, you should firmly reject her!"

Belmode reacted completely.

Everything was wrong tonight, and the little girl who had been grabbing men with a cold face in front of her was definitely unusual:

"She is Miyano Shiho, right?!"

"The video only captured her taking APTX4869."

"Since Kudo Shinichi can shrink in size after taking the medicine, she might not be dead."

Belmod's eyes were terrifyingly cold.

There seemed to be a cold light on her cheeks. Although she was so fair and attractive, there was still a bone-chilling chill inside her.

Lin Xinyi pondered for a moment and then completely showed his cards to Belmode:

"Yes, Shiho is not dead."

"I rescued her."

"Because I don't want to watch the people I love being killed by the organization——"

He paused slightly and played the emotional card again:

"Teacher, just like you just did for me."


Belmode was silent for a while, as if he was touched by Lin Xinyi's words.

But in the next moment, Lin Xinyi didn't even react. Teacher Belmode, who stood quietly beside him, caught him off guard and pressed the muzzle of his gun against his head.

This was the third time today that he had a gun pointed at his head by Belmode.

But the first two times his identity was Gin.

But now, it was Lin Xinyi who Belmode was determined to point his gun at:

"Boy, are you really my child?"

"If there was a disguise technique that could even change the body and perfectly disguise itself as another person, no matter who it was, they could easily disguise themselves as 'Lin Shinyi', right?"

"And you have no memory of my child at all, and your personality is completely different."


"Who the hell are you?!"

There was endless anger in Belmode's eyes.

She had never been so angry, even so angry that her delicate facial features were twisted together——

Of course, even with the "Pain Mask" on, Belmode's face still looks good.

"Huh?" Lin Xinyi was slightly stunned.

He didn't expect that the disguise technique he revealed could remind Belmode of so many things.

"What a joke."

Lin Xinyi answered bravely:

"I'm not Lin Xinyi, who else could I be?"

"If you don't believe it, you can take my DNA sample and compare it with Lin Xinyi."

"No matter how powerful the disguise technique is, you can only change your face, but you can't imitate other people's DNA!"

He defended himself with such ironclad evidence.

Hearing this, and thinking of the unfalsifiable DNA identification method, Belmod couldn't help but relax the gun in his hand.

At this time, the elevator door opened again.

Mao Lilan, Haihara Ai and Conan, who had just received a call from Lin Xinyi, just walked out of the elevator.

As soon as they stepped out of the elevator, what they saw was the dangerous scene of Lin Xinyi being pushed against the wall by Belmod with a gun to his head.


Hui Yuan Ai shouted subconsciously.

Hearing the voice of this brown-haired girl, Belmode's mood, which had just become calm, suddenly became a little more irritable:

"No - that doesn't make sense!"

"Miyano Shiho is not dead at all, she is right next to you!"

"Then how did you lose your memory?"

"Since you didn't receive any stimulation, why did your personality change drastically and you became a completely different person?!"

Belmod coldly expressed the biggest doubt in his heart.

If this doubt cannot be solved, she will not be able to give up her doubts, let alone stop the murderous intention in her heart.

If someone really killed and replaced her child, even Miss Angel standing by would not be able to quell her anger.

And as soon as she asked a series of questions.


Mao Lilan, Haiyuan Ai and Conan all looked surprised.

Especially Miss Haiyuan.

Her boyfriend lost his memory, and she didn't even notice it at all:

"Lin, you lost your memory. When?!"

"Uh" Lin Xinyi's expression was a little awkward.

Haihara Ai never realized that he was not the original Lin Xinyi from beginning to end, so he didn't bother to make up a story in order to minimize the risk of making mistakes.

Moreover, after their official relationship, Haihara Ai always liked to sit next to him and recall the sweet stories of the past with him——

Most of those stories were about how the original Lin Xinyi had a crush on her, how he protected her, and how he used his credit card to buy bags for her.

If he was able to pick up this girlfriend, all the credit must go to the dead brother.

Therefore, every time he saw the subtle sweetness on Miss Haiyuan's face, Lin Xinyi was really embarrassed to say, "Actually, I don't remember any of this."

And now.

This story is a bit confusing.


Belmode looked at him coldly:

"You obviously didn't receive any stimulation, why do you still lose your memory?"


Lin Xinyi hasn't figured out how to make it up yet.

And Mao Lilan, this angel lady with strong empathy, reacted with a moving expression:

"Mr. Lin, you, you"

"Did you lose your memory because of that suicide?"


Belmod's voice was trembling slightly.

Unconsciously, she put the gun down.

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