Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 268 Invitation from Osaka

Gin was suspicious of him, but sent his teacher over to keep an eye on him.

Perhaps in Boss Gin's opinion, Belmod is the kind of die-hard teammate who will never betray the organization and can be absolutely trusted.

It's a pity that this is a 1V9 battle after all.

Thinking of this, Lin Xinyi's expression was very wonderful.

Without waiting for him to express any emotion, Belmode went on to say:

"So, I still need to stay here for a few more days."

She gently pushed her silver hair that was spread wantonly behind her ears, and her two long legs, as white and delicate as ivory, slowly hung down from the sofa together. She changed her lazy lying position into a sitting position where she was talking seriously. :

"Gin now suspects that you have contact with the FBI, but on the other hand, he is worried about your safety."

"After all, he has no way of determining who the mole is, and he doesn't know how much that guy knows about the situation in the laboratory."

"If the mole who leaked the location of the laboratory to the FBI is someone else, and this mole knows more information about the laboratory, then you who used to work in the laboratory may have been secretly targeted by the FBI."

"So Gin is going to send someone to monitor your movements for a long time, and at the same time, protect your safety."

"And I'm the guy."

As he said that, Belmode had a helpless smile on his lips:

"Although the so-called FBI and moles actually do not exist."

"But to let that guy dispel his suspicions, I can't be too perfunctory."

"I've only been back to accompany you for five days now. If I finish the mission and leave so soon, Gin will probably be uneasy."

She is not only the mentor sent by Ginjiu to care about Lin Xinyi's mental condition, but also the monitor and protector.

Belmode is shouldering a long-term mission.

From the time she came to Lin Xinyi, it seemed to be a long time because there were murders every day, but in fact, the two of them only stayed together for 5 days from beginning to end.

"I see"

"I also hope you can stay a few more days, teacher."

Lin Xinyi nodded in understanding:

"It's just that you and Xiao Ai are not the same, Shiho."

"Can you guys get along more harmoniously?"

Thinking of the tense atmosphere between Hui Yuan Ai and Belmode just now, he had to bite the bullet and unskillfully mediate the relationship between the two women at home:

"Teacher, tell the truth"

"The conflict between you and the Miyano couple should not be transferred to Shiho."

Hearing this, Belmode frowned slightly.

The four words "Miyano and his wife" seemed to bring back some not-so-good memories, causing her bright eyes to quietly cast a layer of gloom.

But looking at Lin Xinyi who was carefully waiting for her answer in front of her, she quietly laughed out loud:

"Do not worry."

"I have completely given up on that childish and incompetent anger."

"That's good." Lin Xinyi breathed a sigh of relief.

But Belmod turned around and said:

"Right now, I just simply hate this woman named Miyano Shiho."

"It has nothing to do with her parents."

Lin Xinyi: "."

He asked helplessly: "Why?"

"It's very simple." Belmode raised his eyebrows: "I only ask you one question:"

"If Miyano Shiho was trapped under the water crystal yesterday, who would you give that air bottle to?"

"Um" Lin Xinyi's scalp felt numb for a while.

His eyes were tangled and he didn't know how to answer, but Belmode just looked at him with burning eyes, as if he insisted on coming up with an answer.

In this suffocating and tense air, Lin Xinyi's cell phone suddenly rang, and a call came to his rescue in time.

It's a work call.

But it was not his old partner Megure Police Department, but Minister Odagiri who rarely contacted him directly.

"Minister Odagiri?" Lin Xinyi answered the phone somewhat unexpectedly.

"Yes." Minister Odagiri's words were still simple and direct: "There is a serial murder case in Osaka, and I would like to ask you, an expert, to come over and help."


Lin Xinyi frowned slightly:

"That's not the jurisdiction of our Metropolitan Police Department, is it?"

Although he has not been working in this world for a long time, he also knows that the Osaka Prefectural Police and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department are law enforcement agencies at the same level. They are equal in status and do not interfere with each other's work.

The serial murder case is indeed of a bad nature and has a huge impact, but with the scale and strength of the Osaka Prefectural Police, there should be no need to specially invite experts from Tokyo for guidance.

"Well, the situation this time is indeed quite special."

"Actually, this is mainly because Chief Hattori of the Osaka Prefectural Police is personally very interested in your case handling methods and ideas."

"So he wants to take this opportunity to ask you to help solve this serial murder case, and use you as an example to promote the use of criminal science technology in the Osaka Prefectural Police."

Minister Odagiri explained the reasons behind this invitation.

As he said this, he, who was usually stoic, even smiled and encouraged:

"Manager Lin, this time you have to represent our Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and perform well in front of the Osaka Prefectural Police."

"I heard that the head of the Hattori headquarters appreciates you very much, which will also be very beneficial to your future development in the police world."

"Yeah I will."

Lin Xinyi took over this task, but there was a murmur in his heart:

"Chief Hattori of the Osaka Prefectural Police, how does he know me?"

"Wait. Is it that guy?"

A figure of a second-generation official appeared in his mind.

"Hattori Heiji."

On the way to send Xiao Ai home, Conan also muttered this name doubtfully:

"Xiaolan, why is this guy calling you?"

Mao Lilan also received a call just now, and this call was from the famous detective in Kansai, Hattori Heiji.

After he was defeated miserably in the last "showdown" with Maori Ran, he returned to Osaka in despair, and because of his wrong reasoning in the diplomat murder case, his name was famous in newspapers in Tokyo and Osaka——

Of course, Yang is all about notoriety.

After all, Hattori Heiji couldn't even compare to Miss Mori who was a half-bunker.

The famous detective from Kansai actually lost to the karate champion from Kanto in reasoning.

Newspapers in Tokyo said that the reputation of Kansai detectives is difficult to live up to, and they are not worthy of being as famous as Kanto.

Osaka newspapers criticized Hattori Heiji as having a limited level and not being able to represent Osaka.

One case even sparked geographical attacks between the media in both places.

And in such a public opinion environment, the great detective Hattori must be very unwilling.

"He's calling now"

"Is it because I want to challenge you again and find an opportunity to avenge my previous shame?"

Conan talked about himself and others, speculating on Hattori Heiji's intention of contacting Xiaoran.

"Not Conan."

Although she already knew Conan's identity, Mao Lilan still called him Conan in private.

On the one hand, looking at the little one in front of her, she always felt a little uncomfortable when she called "Xinyi".

On the other hand, Conan himself would feel a little weird when he heard Mao Lilan call "Xinyi" - because of a certain psychological shadow that he had developed for a long time, he always felt that "Xinyi" was calling someone else.

"Conan, you are overthinking."

"Mr. Hattori is actually not that competitive and cares about reputation."

Mao Lilan shook his head and said naturally:

"Despite the bad press about him in the newspapers, it didn't seem to bother him."

"And his personality has become much calmer since the diplomat case. Even if he talks about the murder case, he won't."

She thought for a while and found a suitable analogy:

"It won't be as enthusiastic as Conan when you talk about Sherlock Holmes."

"This" Conan was slightly startled, and his big detective brain that had not been used for a long time reacted instantly: "Xiaolan, that guy often calls you to chat?"

"Uh?" Mao Lilan was still a little hesitant.

Conan's eyes suddenly became sharp:

"That guy went back to Osaka a week ago."

"If you don't have regular phone contact, you won't have that much understanding of his personality changes."

"Yes." Maori Lan nodded slowly, not feeling anything wrong at all: "Mr. Hattori calls me every day to learn about the details of Mr. Lin's case handling."


Conan's eyes became more solemn:

"This guy calls 'single' high school girls every day"

"Did he really just want to talk about the case?"

"This" Mao Lilan finally realized what her childhood sweetheart was taking seriously.

Her pink cheeks turned red for a while, but she couldn't help it, and gave Conan a headache in embarrassment:

"Conan! What are you thinking about?"

"When you were with me before, didn't you only talk about cases?"

"Well" Conan was a little embarrassed when talking about his former self.

But he suddenly felt something was wrong:

It is true that he only talked about cases with Xiaolan in the past, but didn't they end up talking about confession? !

"This bastard"

Conan's inner vigilance increased sharply again:

"Then why did he call this time?"

"Still talking about the case?"

"No" Mao Lilan shook his head: "He said that Mr. Tianlin was going to Osaka for a business trip and asked me if I would go with him."

"If we go together, after the case is completed, he can be a guide and invite us to visit the scenic spots in Osaka."

"Conan, don't think too much"

Mao Lilan also added very seriously:

"We're just friends doing reasoning together."

"Mr. Hattori invited me over. It's just a normal exchange of friends."

And indeed it is.

After that confrontation, Hattori Heiji and Maori Ran never knew each other without fighting, and their relationship developed by leaps and bounds.

Maori Ran even took the place that was supposed to be Conan's and became Hattori Heiji's friend and foe.

Regarding this, Conan said:

"I want to go to Osaka too!"

Without thinking, he hurriedly jumped out and expressed his stance.

"." Mao Lilan felt helpless.

She smelled the childish but interesting jealousy of her childhood sweetheart, and couldn't help but shook her head in amusement:

"Since Conan you are so worried"

"Then I won't go."

"Ahem." Conan lowered his head duplicitously: "I, I'm not worried."

"Then let's go!"

Haihara Ai, who had remained silent, forcefully interrupted the young couple's awkward conversation:

"Miss Mori, take me to Osaka tomorrow."

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