Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 276 Follow the murderer to find evidence

Hearing that Lin Xinyi had not found any clues, Officer Sakata did not show any disappointment.

He just naturally helped analyze the case: "If there are no clues here, it seems that we can only wait for the results of the driver's license investigation by the provincial police headquarters to discover the true identity of the murderer."

"Yes, the focus is still on investigating the social relationships of the three victims."

Lin Xinyi casually agreed, then turned to look at the corpse.

He didn't explain much, just leaned down and continued to carefully examine the corpse of the deceased.

Officer Sakata's expression quietly became subtle:

"Manager Lin, do you want to continue the autopsy?"

"Well, it's not done yet."

Lin Xinyi replied calmly:

"Every corner of the deceased's body must be checked according to the procedure, otherwise there may be omissions."

"Sometimes some seemingly insignificant traces can become key clues to solve the case."

"That's it"

“Manager Lin’s work attitude is really rigorous.”

Seeing Lin Xinyi's concentration on carefully inspecting the body without being tired of the tedious work, Sakata Yusuke couldn't help but sigh politely.

Afterwards, like Hattori Heiji and others, he waited seriously for Lin Shinichi's further autopsy results.

after a long time

Lin Xinyi checked the ankle of the deceased.

He seemed to have discovered some important clues, and his eyes quietly became solemn.

"Manager Lin, what's wrong?"

Sakata Yusuke asked actively.

"." Lin Xinyi was silent for a while.

He thought deeply for a while and then expressed his findings without hesitation:

"There was a small area of ​​skin peeling off on the ankle of the deceased's right leg, that is, on the heel."

"There is such a degree of epidermal peeling, but there is no accompanying life reaction such as bleeding, indicating that this injury was formed after the death of the victim."

"Also, you can also imagine:"

"Under normal circumstances, places like the heel have little chance of rubbing against hard objects, so skin damage like this rarely occurs."


Lin Xinyi guided them by saying a few words about the injuries to the deceased's ankles.

Miss Mao Lilan, who had been his assistant, quickly responded and completed the answer:

"So this is the damage caused by the heel of the corpse dragging on the ground and rubbing against the ground when the murderer was carrying the body after killing him?"

She gave a guess and then explained:

"Because the deceased was extremely strong, even if the murderer was physically strong, he might not be able to carry him."

"So the murderer would choose to use the 'drag' posture, turning the body's back to him, holding the deceased's armpits with both hands, and dragging the body backwards."

"And if this position was used, the deceased's heels would always be in friction with the ground."

As he spoke, Mao Lilan also deliberately put down the figure of the Kanto karate champion, imitating the appearance of those "weak" ordinary people, and simulated the laborious movement of dragging a corpse.

"That's certainly possible."

"But the injury to the deceased's ankle should not have been caused by rubbing on the ground."

"Smooth floors are difficult to wear, and if they are rubbed against rough cement floors outdoors, a lot of dust should be drawn into the wounds."

"But both the wounds on the deceased's ankles and the socks on his ankles looked relatively clean, without much dust."


Lin Xinyi knelt down and motioned for everyone to follow him and observe closely:

"If you look carefully, you can see that there are black paint spots and reddish-brown rust on the wound on the deceased's ankle and in the socks at the wound."

"This shows that the deceased's heel had rubbed against some kind of black-painted, slightly rusty metal part."

"What do you think this metal part could be?"

"This" everyone looked at each other:

Metal parts coated with black paint are quite common in life.

But if you want to find a metal part that the heel of the corpse is most likely to touch after the death of the deceased and when the murderer is carrying the body, you have to test one's imagination.

"What could scratch the corpse's heels?"

"Could it be that"

Hattori Heiji's pupils shrank, as if he thought of something.

He used his imagination as a detective and joined the discussion immediately after Mao Lilan:

"Is it the latch on the trunk of the car?"

"The trunk locks of old cars are all made of metal, and the anti-rust treatment is not done well, so the paint is easy to peel off and rust."

"And the edge of the metal lock is made relatively sharp, and it is indeed easy to scratch the skin when rubbed."

"more importantly"

Hattori Heiji said with sharp eyes:

"The deceased was most likely killed by the murderer elsewhere and then transported to this building to dump the body."

"And this is a downtown area. Even in the middle of the night when no one is around, the murderer wouldn't be brave enough to drag a body on the road."

"So, he must have put the body in the trunk and then drove it to the alley facing the back door of the building."

"While the murderer was opening the lid and dragging the body out of the trunk."

He paused slightly and came to an almost definite conclusion:

"The corpse's heels could easily be scratched by the metal lock of the trunk!"

"In this way, the strange phenomenon of paint spots and rust on the wound on the deceased's ankle can be reasonably explained."

"That's it." Mao Lilan nodded in realization.

She had unknowingly devoted herself to the reasoning and analysis of the case.

Therefore, regardless of the resentful looks of a kid and a girl beside him, Mao Lilan unknowingly became Hattori Heiji's reasoning partner:

"This is a very important clue!"

"Because places like the car trunk latch are difficult to notice."

"No matter how strong the murderer's anti-reconnaissance awareness is, he probably won't notice that the body's heels will be scratched on the metal lock during the process of transporting the body."

"So." Mao Lilan's eyes glowed with excitement:

"The murderer probably didn't deal with the marks on the metal lock of the car at all."

"You should be able to find the skin crumbs left by the deceased in the trunk lock of that car——"

"And this is conclusive evidence that is enough to convict the murderer!"

As soon as this statement came out, the case suddenly became clearer.

"That's right." Lin Xinyi nodded appreciatively:

"I have said before that the more scheming a person is, the easier it is for him to fall into unexpected difficulties."

"It's probably hard for him to notice something as inconspicuous as the trunk latch."

After hearing this, Officer Sakata's expression couldn't help but become a little complicated:

"Yes, yes, if that's really the case"

"Then as long as we confirm the identity of the murderer and find the car in which he carried the body, we can arrest him!"

He said a few words in agreement, and his expression quickly returned to calm.

Not only that, Officer Sakata also praised with emotion:

"As expected of the Forest Management Officer of the Metropolitan Police Department"

"The key direction for finding evidence has been determined for us so quickly!"

"Ha ha."

Lin Xinyi smiled naturally:

"I only did a very limited amount of work."

"Next, we still have to rely on the power of the Osaka Prefectural Police."

"Only by finding clues from the victim's driver's license as soon as possible and finding a way to confirm the identity of the murderer can these discoveries of mine come in handy!"

As he spoke, he made a businesslike appearance and said to Officer Sakata:

"Officer Sakata, now that something like this has happened, I can't even eat anymore."

"It won't bother you to entertain us again."

"When the police arrive at the scene, we will follow them back to the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters."

"So, if you still have any work to do, go ahead and do it first!"

"Yeah" Officer Sakata thought for a moment.

He quickly agreed to Lin Xinyi's proposal:

"That's right. The next step is for you and the provincial police headquarters. I can't help you much."

"Commander Lin, I will go back to the Dongjiri Police Station first."

"The police car I drove was smashed by corpses like this. I really need to go back and make a report to the department."

"OK, bye."

Lin Xinyi said goodbye to Officer Sakata with a smile.

Officer Sakata also nodded slightly in greeting, then said goodbye to everyone and left the scene alone.

And he just left.

Lin Xinyi suddenly turned around and said to Hattori Heiji:

"Mr. Hattori."

"You can call your dad."

"Huh?" Hattori Heiji was slightly startled: "W-what do you mean?"

"I have a target of suspicion."

Lin Xinyi replied calmly:

"Next, it's time to verify the answer."

Half an hour later, Dongjiri Branch Office, underground garage.

Parked here are all private cars used by police officers from the branch to go to and from get off work.

It was the police station's working hours at this time, and few people would use their personal vehicles, so the underground garage was empty and extremely quiet.

A figure quietly walked out of the elevator and came to the garage.

That was Officer Yusuke Sakata who had said goodbye to Lin Shinichi and others before and returned to work at the Higashikata Branch alone.

Holding a small plastic bag in his hand, he hurried out of the elevator and searched for where he parked his car.

It was an old Toyota car, and it looked quite old.

Yusuke Sakata took out the key and opened the trunk.

The lock of the trunk opened, making a metallic crunching sound.

Sakata Yusuke lifted the trunk lid, then opened the plastic bag in his hand and took out a stack of tissues and a bottle.

There is packaging on the bottle.

The package says: "Bleach."

Sakata Yusuke hurriedly tried to unscrew the bottle cap, but at this moment...

The originally quiet underground garage suddenly heard an overwhelming sound of footsteps.

Dozens of police officers appeared from all directions like magic soldiers descending from heaven, all with guns in their hands.

They used the cars and pillars in the garage as cover and quickly moved closer to the center, surrounding Yusuke Sakata.

And standing at the forefront of the police officers was Lin Xinyi.

Accompanying him was the head of the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters, Hattori Heiji's father, who rarely went out in person, police supervisor Hattori Heizo.

"This this"

Sakata Yusuke was stunned to death.

He stood there calmly, holding the bottle of bleach in his hand, his face as pale as paper.

"Sakata Yusuke."

Hattori Heizou has always had the aura of a superior person who is not angry but has authority.

At this time, facing Yusuke Sakata, there was even more anger that could not be concealed in that majesty:

"Are you worthy of the police badge you carry?!"

"I" Sakata Yusuke was speechless for a moment.

He had not yet reacted to this shocking scene.

Lin Xinyi looked at the bleach in his hand and the open trunk in front of him, and couldn't help but said in a relaxed tone:

"Officer Sakata."

"Thank you for helping us find all the evidence."

The second is later

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