Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 280 Unexpected Practical Training

Toyama and Ye soon figured out that the "family" Hattori Heiji mentioned actually meant that he also worshiped under Lin Shinichi's sect.

This news sounds much more reassuring than the literal meaning.

That’s weird!

"How can you be relieved?"

Ms. He Ye clearly realized that the situation had become visibly more serious:

From today on, Hattori Heiji and Maori Ran are from the same school.

Their life goals, professional directions, and career choices are all the same. In the future, they are likely to handle cases with Lin Xinyi, go to university together, and work together.

Childhood sweethearts who have been with each other for more than ten years are nothing. Mao Lilan and Hattori Heiji, who have become senior siblings, will be tied together for the rest of their lives.

Yuanshan and Ye were completely at a disadvantage.

And there was nothing she could do.

She could only watch silently with tears in her eyes as Miss Maori, whom everyone loved, was "running rampant" in her childhood sweetheart's home.

Especially at the dinner table, Mao Lilan's exquisite cooking skills completely conquered the Hattori family and won praise.

She seemed to be today's protagonist.

In comparison, Toyama and Ye are like transparent people, with no sense of existence at all.


"Uncle Heizang and Aunt Jinghua have also fallen!"

"Whether I'm cooking with my aunt or visiting as a guest at home, I'm always here first!"

After dinner, Miss He and Ye slumped down on the sofa like salted fish.

She lost so miserably.

The other party is an all-around player in reasoning, housework, cooking, fighting, and tea art. Except for her face, nothing can compare with that Maori lady.

"Let me win at least once."

Toyama and Ye moaned feebly in despair.

"He Ye, come to play mahjong?"

Her Aunt Jinghua sent a team invitation:

"With the addition of Heiji and Miss Mori, we can just have a table together tonight."


Miss He Ye, whose eyes were red after losing, quietly clenched her fists:

"I'll fight-"

"No matter what the competition is, let me win at least once!"

Late at night, on the mahjong table.

Mao Lilan's face glowed red, and her eyes were full of unsatisfied feelings.

It wasn't until she saw Yuan Shan and Ye's faces that were black from holding back that she realized that she seemed to be having a little too much fun.

They all forgot to politely let their opponents win a few games, like the world's number one table tennis team.

"No, I'm sorry."

Mao Lilan scratched his head awkwardly:

"I seem to be very lucky today."


He and Miss Ye snorted coldly, stood up and left directly.

Her face looked extremely ugly, and she walked with a thumping thump, sounding like Gomera entering the city.

"Hey, Heye, you don't want to play anymore?"

Hattori Heiji instinctively wanted to stop his childhood sweetheart, but Miss Kazuya instead quickened his pace and left angrily.

"I seem to have made Miss Heye unhappy."

Mao Lilan murmured to herself somewhat guiltily:

In fact, she knew what Yuan Shan and Ye were thinking.

She has also been thinking about finding an opportunity to show kindness to the other party.

It's a pity that mahjong is so fun.

I accidentally got ahead of myself and made that man and Ms. Ye lose like dogs.

"Looks like I can't play anymore today."

"Yes, playing mahjong with Miss Maori is indeed a bad choice."

Hattori Jinghua smiled helplessly, stood up and said:

"It's getting late, everyone, please go back to your room and rest!"

"I asked the housekeeper to prepare guest rooms for everyone. Miss Maori, just ask any of the servants and they will take you back to your room."

"Okay." Mao Lilan nodded.

She said goodbye to Hattori and her son, and after leaving the "chess and card room", she didn't rush to find her room, but went to the bathroom first.

After a while, I walked out of the bathroom.

Mao Lilan suddenly heard an extremely slight crisp sound - it sounded very far away, like the sound of breaking glass.

"What was broken?"

She was curious, but she didn't want to investigate.

But after a while, when she was walking around the house trying to find a servant to ask for directions, she found that everyone was rushing in the same direction.

Mao Lilan had no choice but to follow and take a look.

When she arrived at the scene, she happened to bump into Toyama Kazuye who was rushing over.

"Miss Ye, I want to talk to you."

Mao Lilan wanted to take the opportunity to have a good chat with the other party to resolve the conflict between the two.

"Yeah" Yuan Shan and Ye responded absently.

Then she quickly turned her head, ignored Mao Lilan, and followed into the room where everyone gathered.

It was a private collection room filled with all kinds of pottery, vases, and bonsai.

And on the booth occupying position C in the middle of the collection room, where the vase should have been placed, there was only a pile of scattered fragments left.

"My white porcelain arabic vase!!"

Hattori Heizo shouted angrily, and even the mustache at the corner of his mouth trembled with anger.


“That’s dad’s favorite white porcelain Tangcao vase!”

Hattori Heiji stood next to Lin Shinichi and said with a strange expression:

"This thing is dearer to him than my son!"

"So exaggerated?"

Lin Xinyi looked at the pile of fragments curiously.

He looked at them for a long time, but he couldn't see any difference between these inconspicuous little porcelain pieces and the plates he used for dinner at night.

"Who did this?!"

Hattori Heizo looked around the scene furiously, frightening the servants present so much that they didn't dare to raise their heads.

Until he saw Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan who had just arrived at the scene.

Only then did he suddenly realize his gaffe:

"Ahem. Sorry, I'm a little excited."

Hattori Heizo quickly changed back to his usual calm and dignified prefectural police chief.

However, there is still a feeling of distress in his eyes:

"This is indeed my favorite collection. What a pity."

"But, alas."

"Whoever broke it should admit it. As long as you have the courage to admit your mistakes, I won't do anything to you."

In the end, Hattori Heizo showed the measure of a big shot.

But under his second glance, no one present was willing to admit it.


Hattori Heizang frowned slightly:

He was indeed distressed when the vase was broken.

But he couldn't even accept that there was such an irresponsible guy in his family.

And just when Hattori Heizo felt a little disgusted and was about to scold him, his great detective son, Hattori Heiji, suddenly said with a serious expression:

"Wait a minute, Dad, things don't seem to be that simple."

"Look, the window over there was smashed too!"

"Oh?" Hattori Heizo calmed down.

He was just too excited about the vase, but he forgot to observe the scene.

Following his son's guidance, Hattori Heizo soon saw the similarly smashed glass window:

The overall structure of the glass window is still good, but there is a small hole in the middle of the window, and there are spiderweb-like cracks spreading around the small hole.

"Is this true?"

Hattori Heizo's expression suddenly became serious:

"Bullet holes?!"

The marks on the glass looked too much like bullet holes.

The police is a job that attracts people to hate. Hattori Heizo's first reaction was that among the many cases he had handled in the past, any prisoner had been released from prison to take revenge on him.

"No, it's not a bullet hole."

Lin Xinyi shook his head to ease the suddenly tense atmosphere.

He walked to the glass window and carefully observed the broken lines on the glass:

"This is a crack created when a small object is thrown at high speed and hits the glass."

"Characterically speaking, the most obvious difference between it and a bullet hole is."

“The ‘concentric annular patterns’ of cracks around the bullet holes are more numerous and denser.”

"Concentric ring patterns?" Hattori Heiji was a little curious.

"Yes, Heiji, come and take a look."

Lin Xinyi unconsciously gave this newly recruited student a lesson:

"When a bullet, or other object, passes through glass at high speed"

"The first thing left were holes, and then there were lightning-like 'radiation patterns'."

"What forms slightly later than the radial striae are the spiderweb-shaped 'concentric ring striae'."


Hattori Heiji carefully observed the glass:

"There is indeed a concentric ring pattern around the hole, but it is not very dense."

"Because the object's speed is not fast enough."

"At least, it's not nearly as fast as the speed of a bullet."

Lin Xinyi explained seriously:

"The faster the object flies, the more concentric ring-shaped patterns will be formed when passing through the glass, and the denser and larger the distribution area will be."

"On the contrary, the smaller the force and the lower the speed, the sparser the concentric ring patterns will be."

"As for the broken glass, the distribution area of ​​the concentric ring patterns is not large, but the number is not particularly small."

"It means that the flying speed of that object is far slower than that of bullets, but it is definitely not slow."

"It's hard for a guy to throw that kind of speed."


He paused slightly.

Thinking of Miss Maori, Lin Xinyi couldn't help but added:

"It's hard for a normal person to throw at that speed."

With that said, Lin Xinyi made a rough guess based on his experience:

"It must have been someone who shot the stones in with a slingshot."

"The stone passed through the glass and happened to smash the vase in the center of the collection room."

"Slingshot? Prank?"

Hattori Heiji doesn’t agree with this speculation:

His family lived in a mansion, with a courtyard outside the house, a high wall and an iron gate outside the courtyard.

With the doors closed at night, could there be some kid from another house who could climb over the wall and come in to play pranks?

"Let's look for the 'stone' that smashed the vase first!"

"When we find the 'stone', it's not too late to continue speculating."

After Lin Xinyi said this, he smiled and said to Hattori Heiji:

"Just in time, it's time to practice your ability to participate in on-site investigation work."

"In scientific on-site investigation work, the police officers responsible for on-site investigation must scientifically divide the investigation area based on factors such as spatial distribution and item display within the site."

"Determine the order of investigation, each person's area of ​​responsibility, and"

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

Hattori Heiji bent down and picked up a small stone from the ground with a touch:

"Mr. Lin, this should be what we are looking for, right?"

Lin Xinyi: "."

He was finally convinced by these detectives.

You don’t need to know anything about scientific investigation. Just go to the scene and the clues will come to you.

"Well, that should be it."

Lin Xinyi took the stone from Hattori Heiji's hand.

And after hearing this, Hattori Heizo no longer seemed to be worried about the vase.

He looked at his detective son with great interest, following Lin Xinyi as he learned to use science to analyze traces at the scene, and his eyes couldn't help but feel full of relief.

"Just right."

"Forest Manager, Heiji."

Hattori Heizang said with great interest:

"Just think of this as a practical training—"

"Use the power of criminal science to find the prisoner who smashed the vase!"

The second one is much later.

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