Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 284 Belmod’s assist

"Sure enough, it's here."

Belmode's eyes shone like a wolf waiting for its prey.

"." Lin Xinyi was speechless.

He wanted to walk over and open the door for Haiyuan Ai, but at this moment, Belmod suddenly stopped him:


"What?" Lin Xin stopped subconsciously.

But before he could turn around, he felt a pair of slender but powerful arms quietly covering both sides of his waist and abdomen from behind.

That was Belmod's hand.

She pulled her back hard with both hands. Lin Xinyi couldn't react in time and fell backwards onto the edge of the bed.

Belmode took advantage of the situation and pressed closely from behind.

It's like a water snake entangling people, so sticky that they can't move.

She lay on her side and propped up half of her body, tightly hugged Lin Xinyi's chest with her hands from behind, buried her head deeply in his shoulder, and gently rubbed Lin Xinyi's temple hair with her cheek.

Belmod's waterfall-like silver hair was also spread over Lin Xinyi's shoulders, and the soft hair gently rubbed against his cheeks, sending out wisps of fragrance.

The situation at this time is appropriately described as "ears and temples grinding together".

And Lin Xinyi wanted to describe it as - obscene.

This is punishable by fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention.

Moreover, Belmod has no intention of stopping at all. She is constantly aggravating the circumstances of the crime and is very likely to seek a heavier sentence for herself.

"What do you want to do?"

Lin Xinyi was shocked and had goosebumps all over his body.

He has always regarded her as his teacher. Does this teacher Belmode really have any special thoughts about him?

This is absolutely unacceptable.

He already has a girlfriend.

What's more, he doesn't like Auntie either.

While Lin Xin was thinking wildly, Belmod bit his ear and let his warm and moist breath blow onto his cheek from almost zero distance:

"Boy, let me tell you a secret——"

"When I entered this guest room, the door was not locked at all."


Lin Xinyi was slightly startled.

He suddenly realized something:

If the door is unlocked, I haven't opened it yet.

Hui Yuan Ai could open the door just by trying to stand on tiptoes and hold the door handle.

And if she opens the door now, she will see

"Lin?! You, you guys."

Hui Yuan Ai opened the door.

She stood calmly at the door, shock written on her face:

I saw Lin Xinyi sitting on the edge of the bed, his clothes a little messy, as if he had just sat up from the bed and wanted to come over and open the door for her.

And Belmod's loose nightgown slipped halfway down, revealing her delicate collarbones and smooth shoulders.

She was lying on her side, hugging Lin Xinyi from behind, her cheeks were fair and pink, and her eyes were watery, as if she was reluctant to give this man a last kiss after the intimacy was interrupted.

Haibara Ai:"."


The big pillow she was holding fell limply to the ground.

The pillow couldn't be broken, but her big eyes were gleaming, as if something was about to break.

Lin Xinyi: "."

His expression was extremely stiff, but he didn't expect that the expression on Belmod's side turned out to be even more "flustered" than his:

"Why didn't the door lock?"

The door is unlocked, don't you know? ? !

Lin Xinyi roared angrily in his heart.

But the panic on Belmode's face disappeared in a flash.

When Hui Yuan Ai "accidentally" pushed in the door, her first reaction was to "subconsciously" push Lin Xinyi away.

But then, as if she "suddenly thought of something", she took the initiative to hug Lin Xinyi from behind, so intimately that it was as if she and Lin Xinyi were glued together with 502.

Immediately afterwards, Belmode showed off the style of a movie queen, letting people know what an international superstar is.

She acted out the feeling of being accidentally caught having sex with a student, then she quickly calmed down her panic, adjusted her state, and started acting:

"little kitten"

"I'm so sorry that you saw something you shouldn't have~"

Belmode hugged Haihara Ai's boyfriend and said to Haihara Ai with a smile.

"Don't listen to her!"

Lin Xinyi broke away from Belmode's arms and argued bravely:

"She performed all of this."

"I know she is acting now"

"But what happened just now?"

Haiyuan Ai's little face was extremely cold, as if she had awakened a substitute named "White Album".

"Just now." Belmod didn't explain, but just smiled and asked, "Does it still need to be said?"

"Isn't it obvious what we are doing?"

Her demeanor and tone seemed to be a deliberate provocation.

But the more they looked like each other, the more Miss Haiyuan felt uneasy that the other person might not have been acting before.

"Could it be that Lin Xinyi is really dating?"

Huihara Ai started to have random thoughts:

Although she didn't want to admit it in her heart, she knew very well that Belmode's charm as a woman was far superior to hers.

When she was Miyano Shiho, she was slightly inferior to him.

After becoming a primary school student, it goes without saying.

Belmode can make up, act, and is used to playing with people's hearts. He is an Oscar-certified tea master.

If she deliberately seduces, how many men can resist?

Thinking of this, the uneasiness in Miss Haiyuan's heart soared sharply.

"Stop it"

Lin Xinyi sighed helplessly:

"Bellmode left that door unlocked on purpose."

"She calculated that if you open the door and come in at this time, you will suddenly attack me!"


Belmod didn't mind it, Dadi laughed in agreement and said:

"How about it, kid?"

"Are you scared?"

Miss Haiyuan's face became increasingly gloomy.

She couldn't tell now whether the other party was acting or telling the truth.

In short, it doesn't matter whether the intimacy between the two is true or not.

From that picture, it seemed that Lin Xinyi and Belmode were really going to sleep in the same bed tonight.

"You can't sleep together!"

Hui Yuan Ai gritted her baby teeth so loudly that it sounded like a giant panda gnawing bamboo.

She picked up the pillow that had fallen to the floor, walked to the big bed with her large slippers that didn't fit her feet, and bang bang bang bang.

The big bed with the messy blanket looked so dazzling at this time.

Especially, there was Belmod lying on the bed.

She had already tidied up her nightgown that almost slipped off, but the deep collar that was blatantly open on her chest could still reveal a large area of ​​alluring white greasy.

Even if Miss Haibara transforms back into Miyano Shiho, she can't compare to her mature charm.

Haibara Ai:"."

She was silent, like a volcano about to erupt.


Lin Xinyi frowned tightly:

"You've gone a little too far with your joke."

He knew that Belmode had been teasing Haihara Ai for the past two days.

Although it was a bit harsh, Lin Xinyi did not object.

After all, they used to be enemies, but now they can sit together and talk and laugh because of him, which is already pretty good.

Moreover, Belmode was right.

Lin Xinyi also thinks that Miss Haiyuan is very cute when she is angry when being teased.

So he kept turning a blind eye.

But now, Belmode has gone too far.

She was openly interfering with her relationship with Haihara Ai.

"Stop playing, teacher."

Lin Xinyi scolded Belmode with a serious face.

But Belmod sighed deeply and said sadly:

"Sure enough, you will only side with that woman now."

"Okay. Today's game is almost over."

"But, Boy"

She leaned close to Lin Xinyi's ear again, and whispered to her boyfriend in front of Haiyuan Ai's cold face:

"I'm here to help you."

"On your own terms, it's not that easy to train the cold-hearted Ms. Miyano into a clingy girlfriend."

"Uh?" Lin Xinyi was slightly startled.

He vaguely heard some unpleasant words.

"No need to thank me." Belmod smiled softly in his ear: "Enjoy it!"

The words just fell

Typhoon "Haiyuan", which has been gathering momentum for a long time, finally made landfall.


She glared at Belmod fiercely, turned around and took Lin Xinyi's hand, trying to drag him out the door: "Follow me, go to my room to sleep!"


Lin Xinyi hesitated:

He has always been somewhat resistant to having too close contact with Haiyuan Ai.

After all, she is just a primary school student.

Actually, it's not weird to sleep in the same bed as a real elementary school student.

But it feels a little weird to sleep with an elementary school student who has an adult mentality and is his girlfriend.

"Forget it, I'd better go sleep at Conan's place!"

Lin Xin thought for a while and finally decided to escape to Detective Conan's bed.

Didn't expect

"No, just sleep with me!"

"That woman can do it, why can't I?"

It seemed that he was angry with Belmode.

Miss Haiyuan completely forgot her usual aloofness, reserve and shyness.

She held Lin Xinyi's hand tightly, like a farmer catching an escaped fat pig, and used her small stature to drag her tall boyfriend to her room.

Lin Xinyi's expression was very strange, and he was a little resistant at first.

But Hui Yuan Ai's attitude was extremely firm.

She seemed determined to compete with Belmode and make out with Lin Xinyi.

In the end, Lin Xinyi half pushed and half stood on the ground, and followed step by step.

Behind him, Belmod was winking at him slightly:

"I told you, you don't need to thank me~"

The second is later

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