Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 286 Black Iron Player

In order to experience the fun of climbing, no one chose to take the cable car directly to the main peak.

They walked on the winding hiking trail, shuttling back and forth among the mountains and dense forests.

There are not many tourists in the mountain forest scenic area in the off-season. You can see the lush greenery and it is so quiet that you can only hear the sound of the mountain breeze blowing and the dancing branches and leaves.

The scenery is pleasant enough.

The suppressed emotions in people's hearts seemed to be relieved.

"Huh" Looking at the rolling mountains, Belmode let out a long sigh of relief.

She walked beside Lin Xinyi and Hui Yuan Ai, murmuring in a whisper that only she could hear:

“The experience these days has been like a dream to me.”

"With you here, I feel like I have my own home."

"This is not your home." Hui Yuan Ai denied it coldly.

She nestled against Lin Xinyi's broad chest, and while enjoying the fully automatic mountain bike called her boyfriend, she did not forget to send a cold look at the bad woman who always disturbed their world:

"And we're not your family either!"

"Stop being so sentimental."

Miss Haibara gave a very unkind and negative comment.

Even though Belmod's expression was so sincere, pitiful, and fragile when he spoke, she was still not touched at all:

it's so funny

Home, family, are words like those that a witch can say?

I'm afraid he was setting up a trick again, preparing to tease her.

"Stop your disgusting show, I won't fall for it!"

Hui Yuan Ai's little face became even colder.

Belmode: "."

She laughed quietly in the silence, smiling so heartily, as if she was wearing a mask:

"Haha. You little guy is getting harder and harder to deceive."

"But I can't resist being so resistant."

"Whether you want it or not, we still have to live together."

As Belmod said this, he walked up to Lin Xinyi, smiled and opened his arms:

"Come on, give me the 'baby' to hold."

"It's probably not easy for you to carry her on the mountain road for so long, right?"

"No!" Miss Haiyuan resisted and turned her head away.

She buried her head in Lin Xinyi's arms and quietly pulled his collar, signaling him not to listen to that bad woman.

"Uh" Lin Xinyi thought for a while.

Then, in Hui Yuan Ai's angry and resentful eyes, he still gave away the tea-haired dumpling in his arms.

Of course he wouldn't be too tired to hold his girlfriend just because he walked these mountain roads.

But at that moment, Lin Xinyi could somehow feel that Belmod's tone when he said "family" was serious.

This touched his heart slightly.

And, among other things:

Lin Xinyi vaguely felt that he was holding Haiyuan Ai while climbing the mountain.

The little girl kept touching his chest muscles intentionally or unintentionally.

He also used his nose to sniff his neck.

Like a little tiger, greedily sniffing its prey.

"This may be all unconscious actions."

Lin Xinyi defended the talented girl in his heart.

It was not easy for him to ask. If he said such things, Miss Haiyuan would die socially.

But no matter what, what is certain is that holding this little girlfriend made him feel weird along the way:

"Teacher, come and hug me!"

Lin Xinyi simply handed over the matter of carrying Huihara Ai to climb the mountain to Belmode.

Anyway, it's not good for Haibara Ai to always have conflicts with Belmode like this, so he just took this opportunity to get the two of them close.

"Thanks, Boy."

Belmode took Huihara Ai from Lin Xinyi's arms with a smile on his face.

And as soon as her hand touched that small body, Miss Haiyuan was like an octopus being fished out of the water, struggling with teeth and claws:

"Let, let go!"

"Don't touch me, put me down."

"I, I don't want anyone to hug me anymore. Let me go."


Hui Yuan Ai's angry shout was finally drowned in Belmod's warm embrace.

"Be good~" Belmod carefully adjusted the movement of holding the child so that she could lie in his arms in the most comfortable posture.

Compared with Lin Xinyi's hard chest muscles, her arms were built with shock-absorbing cushioning, making it much more comfortable to lie in them.

Little Miss Haiyuan struggled a few times at first, but gradually stopped moving.

She felt it in a way she didn't want to admit.

The embrace of this bad woman is really warm.

Mountain climbing makes people open-minded, and traveling can also bring people closer together.

Quietly, even Hui Yuan Ai and Belmod became more harmonious and closer.

But this trick won't work on Yuan Shan and Miss Ye.

Because for her, all the beautiful memories of this trip were created by Hattori Heiji and the Conan kids.

The two of them were a couple, and she was just a transparent person who was ignored.

"Heiji, Heiji?!"

At this time, everyone was sitting on the bench on the mountain path to rest, but Hattori Heiji still chose to sit with Conan.

Yuan Shan and Ye finally couldn't hold back anymore and took the initiative to "rob the man".

She forcefully interrupted Conan and Heiji's heated discussion on "Who is more powerful, Holmes or Poirot?", and said to Hattori Heiji without any words:

"Heiji, I wanted to talk about our appointment to watch a movie."

"Movie?" Hattori Heiji was slightly startled: "Didn't we agree that whenever we have time, we will watch "Detective Zuomonji The Movie" together?"

Finally took care of me

Miss Heye thought helplessly, and then said seriously:

"No, I don't want to watch Detective Zuo Moji."

"That kind of mystery movie is so boring, I, we."

She hesitated slightly.

But in the end, she still hesitantly and timidly said the name of a love movie:

"Would you rather watch the recently popular "Romantic Love"?"

"That's the work of Oscar-winning actress Chrissy Wynyard. It's the most popular love movie recently!"

When a girl takes the initiative to invite a boy to watch a romantic movie, this is almost a clear indication.

Hearing that Miss Heye expressed her thoughts so directly and boldly, Miss Maori, who was serving as the matchmaker, couldn't help but secretly cast an encouraging look.

Hattori Heiji’s reaction was:

"Ah Heye, you don't like watching mystery movies?"

"Didn't you always take the initiative to follow me to see it? Why don't you like it now?"

Toyama Kazuye: "."

Idiot, if it wasn't for you, why would you watch such a boring movie? !

She roared angrily in her heart, and almost couldn't hold it back as she launched a set of Aikido attacks on the piece of rotten wood.

At this time, I heard Hattori Heiji say again:

"Okay. If you don't like Heye, then let's just forget about watching the movie, right?"

"I have a lot to learn recently, and I really don't have much time to go to the cinema."

Toyama Kazuye: "."

"Okay, forget it!" She quietly clenched her fists, veins popped out on her forehead, and stepped aside with a pale face.

The ability of Hattori Heiji and Edogawa Conan, the two great detectives, to observe words and emotions has always been ineffective on girls.

They quickly forgot about the interruption and continued to discuss detective novels.

"And Miss Ye."

Mao Lilan carefully showed a comforting expression:

"How about I call Conan back?"

"Don't worry, as long as I open my mouth, Conan will never bother you again."

After countless ups and downs, Conan, a kid, has long lost his past edge.

Not only do I have to do housework at home, but I also have to listen to my girlfriend outside.

Otherwise, if Miss Maori gets angry, she just needs to be busy investigating the case and ignore him like a certain great detective did before, and he will feel uneasy.

So Mao Lilan is very confident. As long as she speaks, Conan will definitely listen.

And now she lets Conan talk about reasoning with others. Strictly speaking, it is a rare "break" for him.

After returning home, Conan has to sweep the floor and wash dishes, changing from a reasoning madman back to a child breadwinner with no status.

"Forget it!" Yuan Shan and Ye bit the word angrily and stamped their feet in annoyance.

"Let him talk about reasoning!"

"I'm going to take a walk in the nearby woods."

As she said this, she waved to Mao Lilan without looking back, and plunged into the dense and deep forest next to her.

"This" Mao Lilan hesitated slightly.

The forest looked eerie, and there weren't many people on the mountain at this time. It didn't seem suitable for a girl to wander alone.

But when she thought that this was a scenic spot, and her fighting ability against Miss Ye was almost as good as hers, she wasn't so worried.

And more importantly, Mao Lilan could probably understand what Yuan Shan and Ye wanted to do when they went to the forest.

The first is of course to relax, and the second is to find the "telephone pole".

After all, this Miss Ye is so similar to her before.


A few minutes later.

A muffled sound soon came from far away deep in the dense forest.

After a while, there was actually a crash, a slight sound of large branches and leaves falling in the forest——

Probably, Ms. He and Ms. Ye chopped down some unlucky little tree.

"In the woods with Ye?"

Hattori Heiji finally stopped communicating with Conan.

He followed the words thoughtfully:

"Is she losing her temper?"

Mao Lilan's expression was a little subtle: "Mr. Heiji, can you tell that Miss Ye is angry?"

"Of course."

"It has always been like this. Whenever I get angry, I will find something to vent my violence on."

Hattori Heiji analyzed it methodically.

"And, this time, it seems I did something wrong."

"Oh?" Mao Lilan looked over expectantly:

Could it be that this guy has noticed that it was his neglect of Miss Ye along the way that made people angry?

"Is it because I canceled the appointment to watch the movie?"

Hattori Heiji seriously conducted self-examination:

"It's really not brotherly enough to change things at the last minute."

Mao Lilan: "."

She has completely given up communicating with this black iron player.

"However, it was obviously because she said she didn't like watching "Detective Zuofen", so I canceled the plan smoothly."

"I haven't gone too far."

"Why do you have to be so angry?"

Hattori Heiji sighed helplessly:

She gets angry at every turn, it’s so hard to understand a girl’s heart.

Speaking of which, why is Heye getting angry so easily lately?

Is there some special reason?

The slow-witted Mr. Hattori Heiji finally realized something in a confused way.

And just when he was trying to think deeper, a scream in the forest completely attracted his attention:


That was Toyama Kazuha's scream.

Because the distance was too far, the sound seemed very soft.

But Hattori Heiji still instinctively caught it. In the scream, he seemed to have heard words countless times:

"There are, there are corpses!!"

The second is later

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