Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 288 Strange

Lin Xinyi used Jackie Chan's method of going downstairs, but his movements were a little more cunning.

He stepped on the protruding rocks on the cliff, moved flexibly, jumped down step by step, and soon reached the bottom of the cliff lightly.

The body of the deceased is here.

It was a young woman, lying on her back on the ground, with a pool of shocking scarlet blood dripping from her body.

The area of ​​​​the blood stain is not too large, and it has dried up and looks a little black.

If you look closely, you can see that there is a long contusion wound on her forehead, which reaches as deep as the skull. The corner of the wound is torn, and the skin on the edge of the wound is severely peeled off.

"Hemorrhage of the right temporalis muscle and comminuted depressed fracture of the right temporal bone."

"The reaction to the injury was obvious, and the amount of bleeding from the wound was considerable."

"It's certain that at least it's not a body dumped after death."

"Moreover, if it is determined that the footprints at the bottom of the cliff were left by the deceased, it proves that she was still capable of movement and relatively conscious during her lifetime."

Lin Xinyi took a few simple glances and basically ruled out the possibility of "dumping the body after death" or "being thrown off a cliff after being comatose."

Things are becoming more and more "accidental", which is not an unexpected result.

But he didn't even do a complete body surface examination, so of course he wouldn't make a conclusion so quickly.

"Fortunately, the body is still clean and intact."

Lin Xinyi breathed a sigh of relief:

Bodies in the wild are often discovered very late because they are in inaccessible, remote and secluded locations.

The longer the death time, the more "horrible" the corpse will develop.

Rotten, maggot-infested, giant-looking, and white-bones are all very common in murder cases that occur in the wild.

The smell and visual impact are definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

Lin Xinyi could tolerate this kind of physical nausea, but after coming into contact with such corpses, if he didn't wash off a layer of skin on his body when he got home, the smell wouldn't be able to be washed away.

That's all well and good, but the worst part is that carcasses often attract wild predators in the wild.

They tend to chew up corpses to pieces, which not only makes investigators feel queasy, but also destroys the original marks on the corpse, seriously affecting the autopsy work.

But this time, both Lin Xinyi and the deceased were lucky.

The body was discovered early and was in very good condition.

This will have no impact on the investigation.

So, he first used the "instantaneous" camera that he originally intended to use to take landscape photos to record the original state of the scene. Then he put on the latex gloves he carried with him and began to perform a corpse examination:

"The cornea is turbid, the muscles of the whole body are stiff, and the spots are formed and fixed in position, but they do not fade with acupressure."

"The time of death should be about 24 hours."

"The man died yesterday."

As soon as Lin Xin determined the time of death, he continued the autopsy.

It was found that the deceased's injuries were widely distributed throughout his body, but they looked relatively minor.

Except for the rather gruesome open injury to the head, the whole person of the deceased looked relatively "clean".

She lay there quietly, looking like she was sleeping peacefully.

But Lin Xinyi knew that these injuries were actually "light on the outside and serious on the inside." They looked like nothing on the surface, but they were often accompanied by severe fractures and ruptured internal organs on the inside.

"The damage is done all at once."

"These injuries can all be explained by a 'high fall' rather than any external force."

"It looks like she died simply from a fall."


Lin Xinyi keenly noticed that there seemed to be a few strands of white textile fibers remaining on the shoulders of the deceased.

Those strands of fiber were extremely small. If it weren't for the fact that the deceased was wearing black clothes, which created a sharp color difference, it would have been difficult to notice it with Lin Xinyi's concentration and carefulness during inspection.

"The deceased was not wearing white clothes at all."

"These strands of fiber should be where she got them."

Lin Xinyi carefully twisted a strand of fiber and kneaded it carefully, then put it in front of his eyes and observed carefully:

"White short silk fibers, straight, soft, and less elastic."

"The preliminary inference is that it is cotton yarn."

Cotton gauze, white.

When these two words came to Lin Xinyi's mind, the first thing that came to mind was the one he often came into contact with during investigations and which criminals liked to wear most when committing crimes - labor protection gloves.

"There's this fiber left in the shoulder."

"Did someone wear gloves and push her off the cliff?"

Such a shocking conclusion jumped out of Lin Xinyi's mind.

But such a conclusion is not rigorous.

Because cotton yarn is widely used in a variety of common textiles, in addition to gloves, cotton yarn may appear everywhere in clothes, pillowcases, and bed quilts that are touched every day.

And after the cotton yarn fibers are entangled with the fibers on the clothes, they can not fall off for a long time.

These fibers may have been picked up by the deceased while leaning on the sofa, lying on the quilt, or hugging others a few days before his death.

In short, based on this alone, it cannot be determined that someone wearing gloves pushed the deceased's shoulder.

More importantly, Lin Xinyi always felt that something was not quite right.

"All the injuries on the deceased's body were 'formed at once' and met the criteria for high fall injuries."

"There is no trace of any external attack at all."

"So, what exactly does it feel like that's wrong?"

Lin Xinyi frowned tightly.

Now he has two speculations:

One is accidentally stepping on the air and falling off the cliff, and the other is being pushed off the cliff.

But he had an inexplicable feeling in his heart that both of these conclusions were somewhat unreliable.


Lin Xinyi suddenly woke up from deep thought:

"It's because the deceased's injuries meet the criteria for high fall injuries, so something is wrong!"

The formation of an injury once is an important basis for judging high fall injuries.

This means that all the injuries on the deceased's body were caused by the fall from a height.

But in the wild, the opposite situation often occurs in high-fall cases in mountainous terrain.

"Natural cliffs are different from buildings in the city."

"The building stands upright, and if you jump from it, you won't encounter any obstacles during the fall."

"But there are often protruding rocks and trees on the cliff walls, like steps extending outward."

Lin Xinyi had just jumped down from those protruding rocks.

He knew clearly that the vertical surface of the cliff here was not flat, with many protruding parts in the middle.

"If you slip off the edge of a cliff or are pushed down, you can easily hit those protruding rocks."

"As a result, the deceased suffered multiple blows during the fall, and there should be large areas of scratches on his body. He will definitely not be as 'clean' as he is now."

"If you fall on such a cliff, you can still cause that kind of 'one-time injury'."

"That can only mean that she fell off the cliff."

"There is also 'horizontal acceleration'."

The so-called "horizontal acceleration" means that when the deceased fell off the cliff, his state was moving outward.

That is to say

"Did she jump out on her own and jump over the ledges on the rock wall?"

Lin Xinyi gave this judgment:

There are protruding parts of the rock wall, but there are no bruises on the body——

This is an important basis for judging the deceased to be a "suicide" in the wild and mountainous terrain.

Because if it is suicide, you will usually have a strong force forward and naturally cross the protruding mountain.

And if you accidentally slip off the edge of a cliff:

The deceased will fall tightly along the rock wall, and during the fall, it will collide with the outward protruding part of the rock wall.

If you were pushed off the edge of a cliff:

Because it doesn't take much force to push someone off a cliff, the murderer often uses only a slight amount of force when pushing someone.

And with the strength of a normal adult, it would be difficult to push another adult too far.

Therefore, the deceased who was pushed down would still have the same effect as if he accidentally slipped, and his body would collide with the protruding part of the rock wall.

But there were no such bruises on the deceased's body. All the injuries were formed at once.


"Could she commit suicide?"

Lin Xinyi's eyes became more solemn.

For forensic doctors, the word "suicide" is the same as "accident" and must be used with caution.

He couldn't come to a conclusion now, so he could only keep those questions in his heart.

But now the police support has not arrived at the scene, and the equipment is not in place. Lin Xinyi can only check these.

He began to look through the deceased's belongings, hoping to find more clues:

"Yakako Yamaguchi, 22 years old, from Tokyo."

Lin Xinyi dug out the wallet carried by the deceased.

The money and documents inside were complete, and it didn't look like they had been robbed in the wild where no one was.

It's even less likely that she was killed.

"There was no suicide note or anything like that that could prove suicide in the backpack."

"There is a travel guide for Osaka in the bag, and some pages on it are specially folded, as if they were marked for the trip."

"Would a person who came here to commit suicide be in the mood to study travel strategies?

Looking at it this way, the possibility of suicide is actually not high.

Lin Xinyi was in a dilemma. In the tangle, he could only hold back his judgment for the time being:

"It's better to contact Tokyo as soon as possible and ask them to investigate whether the deceased has suicidal tendencies recently."

"If not, it's a problem."

With this thought in his mind, he silently remembered everything he found and took photos to record it.

No more clues could be found at the bottom of the cliff, so Lin Xin turned around and climbed back up the cliff.

a moment later

"Lin, Mr. Lin!"

Hattori Heiji and Mao Lilan both looked over in unison.

They first showed their admiration for Lin Xinyi's special rock climbing skills with their complicated eyes.

Then, the two quickly returned their attention to business:

"Mr. Lin!"

"Did you find anything down there?"

"So there is."

Lin Xinyi patted the dirt on his body with a complicated expression:

"The deceased looked like a suicide, but it was a little strange."

"Heiji, Miss Mori, how is your survey on the cliff going? Do you have any conclusions?"


A trace of hesitation appeared on the faces of Mao Lilan and Hattori Heiji:

"Actually, the conclusion of our investigation is different from yours, Mr. Lin:"

"The death seemed like an accident, but it was a little strange."

The second is later

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