Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 290 Bear Infested

As soon as Lin Xinyi said these words, all the police officers present were shocked.

Director Tsunoda also had a stunned look on his face:

"You mean, this, this is homicide?"

They looked at each other in disbelief before reacting:

"How can you tell this?!"

"Wait. Who are you?"

Only then did Director Tsunoda realize that the reporter in front of him, who looked calm and spoke clearly, did not seem to be a simple tourist.

Moreover, the dark-looking young man next to Lin Xinyi looked inexplicably familiar.

"I am Lin Xinyi, the manager of the Forensics Section of the Metropolitan Police Department."

Lin Xinyi briefly introduced himself.

He knew that his name should be loud enough in the Japanese police system. As long as he reported his name, he could save a lot of effort in communicating, assisting and cooperating on the case.

Sure enough, as soon as he heard his name, Director Tsunoda showed a look of surprise.

Following Lin Shinichi, Hattori Heiji also announced his name:

"High school detective, Hattori Heiji."

In Osaka, the name Hattori Heiji is much louder than Hayashi Shinichi.

His original intention was to use his reputation to win the trust of these local police officers.

But unfortunately, as soon as he heard the name "Hattori Heiji", Director Tsunoda quickly realized the power behind this name:

"You are"

"H-Hattori Headquarters' son?!"

The police officers present were in awe.

The management officers of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department have no control over them, but the son of the head of the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters is like a Brahmin to them.

All of a sudden, everyone's work attitude became rigorous and serious, including Director Tsunoda who had been complaining before.

"Forest Manager, Mr. Hattori."

Director Tsunoda asked seriously:

"Tell me what you discovered?"

"What happened to the so-called 'murderer'?"

"Yes." Lin Xin nodded and briefly described his previous findings.

Of course, he only mentioned the footprints, not that he did an autopsy.

Otherwise, just explaining how he got to the bottom of the cliff to conduct an autopsy would take a lot of words.

"I see."

"So much information can be inferred just from the footprints."

Director Tsunoda muttered to himself in shock.

"It's just a small trick."

Lin Xinyi did not waste any time explaining his possession by Jackie Chan, but directly ordered:

"Director Tsunoda, the most important thing now is to find a way to survey the scene."

"Please find a way to mobilize as many police forces as possible to assist us in our investigation in this forest."

This forest is too big for just a few people to check.

Mao Lilan and Hattori Heiji had just been surveying for a long time, but they only surveyed a small area at the edge of the dense forest and the soil slope outside the forest.

"First send someone to bring up the body from the bottom of the cliff. I still have to do an inspection."

Although the body had been examined before, it was only a cursory examination in private.

According to the procedure, Lin Xinyi had to formally conduct an autopsy examination accompanied by the Osaka police, take photos throughout the autopsy process, and fill out the autopsy report in a standardized manner.

Otherwise, it will be a violation of the investigation procedure. When it comes to court, lawyers will seize the loopholes and question it.

"At the same time, you have to find someone to call for surveillance - even if there is only surveillance at the entrance and exit, it is still necessary to watch."

"If we can see on the surveillance who entered the scenic spot with the deceased, it will be very helpful for the detection of the case."

As he spoke, Lin Xinyi followed the procedures in an orderly manner and arranged tasks such as contacting his superiors to report the situation, assisting in investigating the deceased's information, visiting the scenic area staff, etc.

Director Tsunoda sounded a little overwhelmed, but he still had to bite the bullet and agreed:

"Okay, I will mobilize all the boys from the police station."

"However, these manpower is probably not enough. We must ask the higher-level police station to send people for support."

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you."

Lin Xin nodded his thanks, but did not forget to give two additional instructions:

"By the way, Director Tsunoda, can you help me with what I used to do here?"

"Can you bring out the files of all the murder cases that have occurred in the scenic area in recent years and show them to me?"

"This" Director Tsunoda was slightly startled.

He seemed a little unable to tolerate Lin Xinyi's "superfluous" tossing:

"It depends on what was done in the previous cases. Are those accidents related to today's case?"

"It's nothing, I just feel something is wrong." Lin Xinyi frowned slightly: "Director Tsunoda, you said before that 1 or 2 people die here every year."

"Although this slope is indeed a natural trap, people die in the same place every year. It still feels a little unreasonable."

This slope is indeed very easy for people to fall down.

But after all, it is far away in the deep forest and its location is extremely remote.

It is a small probability event that tourists will accidentally come here.

Lin Xinyi's experience and intuition told him that if a small probability event occurs continuously, there is probably a big problem.

“Are those really all accidents?”

A terrible suspicion slowly emerged in his mind.

His eyes became more solemn:

"Who was the murderer who chased the murderer in the dense forest yesterday?"

After a long time.

It takes time to retrieve murder case files from previous years, and the information may not be delivered for a while.

In order to answer the question "Who is the murderer?", under the command of Lin Xinyi, with Mao Lilan and Hattori Heiji participating in the leadership, police officers from the local police station launched a large-scale search and investigation in the woods.

Field surveys are always hard work.

There is no more labor-saving way. We can only rely on manpower to weave a net and survey the area inch by inch.

And even with such efforts, it is easy to end up with nothing.

Lin Xinyi could only pray that their luck would be better this time.

And their luck seems to be really better.

Not long after the investigation started, Director Tsunoda ran over excitedly:

"Forest Manager, Mr. Hattori."

"I may know who the murderer is!"

"Uh?" Lin Xinyi and Hattori Heiji both looked surprised: "So fast?"

"Yes!" Director Tsunoda said excitedly: "I found a broken small tree in the woods."

"The tree had obviously suffered some violent blow, so it broke like that."

"And a monster that can split a tree into something like that"

Director Tsunoda’s eyes became sharp:

"Without a doubt, it's a bear!"

"Only an adult Japanese brown bear can have such terrifying power!"

"Only such an irrational, crazy beast would destroy a small tree for no reason."

"Well" everyone's expressions became a little weird.

Especially Yuan Shan and Miss Ye.

Her face turned red and she lowered her head in embarrassment.

Like a primary school student who has done something wrong and is being punished by the teacher, he hesitates and does not dare to say anything.

Director Tsunoda, on the other hand, was completely unaware of everyone's strangeness.

In other words, he simply could not imagine that other than bears, any other creature on the mountain could cause such damage to the tree:

"The murderer must be a bear!"

"The deceased must have been attacked by a brown bear in the woods, so he fled to the cliff in a panic."

"This is indeed an accident with a 'murderer', but the murderer is not just a human being."

Director Tsunoda confidently gave his reasoning.

He even gave another basis:

"There are brown bears in this mountain range."

"There are records of tourists sighting brown bears basically every year, and there have even been unfortunate accidents of brown bears eating people before."

"So it is not impossible that the deceased was attacked by a wild bear during his lifetime."

"This" Lin Xinyi pondered slightly:

Although the small tree that Director Tsunoda found was probably chopped off by Miss Ye, his guess was not impossible.

Since brown bears have always been active in this mountainous area, the explanation that the deceased ran away in panic after encountering a brown bear in the wild seems very reasonable.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

"Miss Ye, please go there for a while."

"Identify the trees you chopped down so no one confuses the marks you left with those of a bear."

"Um" Yuan Shan and Ye's faces were burning.

Facing the strange looks of the police officers present, she replied awkwardly: "Yeah."

Lin Xinyi continued to tell everyone:

"Everyone should be more discerning and pay attention during the survey to see if there are any claw marks, footprints, hair, feces, etc. in the forest, which may be traces left by wild brown bears."

"If there is any, please report it in time and I will go there to investigate in person."

"Yes!" The police officers nodded in unison.

The reconnaissance work continued, and everyone spread out again to search the woods.

But this time, it took a while.

Director Kakuda excitedly appeared in front of Lin Xinyi:

"Forest Management Officer, I have a police officer who just found traces of a bear in the forest!"

"So fast?" Lin Xinyi was slightly startled.

He specifically asked: "Is it a real bear? Isn't it Mr. He?"

"This time it must be a real bear."

"I specifically asked the young man who discovered the trace to take me to the scene to have a look:"

"There's still a long claw mark on the tree trunk. It definitely couldn't have been done by a human."

Director Tsunoda said firmly.

"Okay, then take me to have a look." Lin Xinyi made a decision.

Director Tsunoda turned around and led everyone around in the forest. After a while, they came to a big tree.

Most of the bark of the big tree fell off, and there were several deep claw marks on the trunk. It looked like it had been ravaged by some giant beast.

Lin Xinyi squatted down and searched carefully under the tree, but soon found several long brown bristles.

"It's really a bear."

"There are really bears in this place."

His eyes became a little strange:

"And judging by the fallen leaves under this tree."

Lin Xinyi squatted down and picked up a slightly dry green leaf:

"It's not the leaf-falling season yet, but there are many green fallen leaves under this tree, which is much more than other trees."

"These fallen leaves should not have fallen off naturally, but were shaken off by external forces."

"More importantly, these fallen leaves are still green, but slightly dry -"

"This means that they just fell off in the past two days, so they haven't dehydrated too much."

There were several bear paw prints on the tree, brown animal hair under the tree, and large leaves that had recently fallen.

All this evidence shows that there have indeed been brown bears in this forest in the past two days.

The location and time of the crime are almost consistent.

"Could it be."

The case seems to have made new progress:

"The murderer is really a bear?!"

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