Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 297 Implicit affection

Mao Lilan: "."

She was completely speechless towards this junior brother Heiji:

He likes criminal investigation and reasoning. He has nothing in common with He Ye, but he and He Ye are very close.

"Mr. Heiji, what do you think?"

"Who else could this person be?"

Mao Lilan's tone already sounded like she hated iron.

I saw Hattori Heiji gently rubbing his chin and analyzing in a decent manner:

"Select the social relationship with Ye based on the existing clues and conditions."

"The only ones who meet the conditions should be me and Mr. Lin Xinyi."

"Lin, Mr. Lin Xinyi?"

Mao Lilan's expression froze, looking very strange.

Miss Haiyuan couldn't help but send a cute little look of care for retarded children.

If he wasn't lying in Belmod's arms now, he would feel so comfortable that he would almost doze off and would be reluctant to talk.

She would definitely comment coldly on the previous sentence: "A third-rate detective."

Lin Xinyi has a girlfriend.

Even if outsiders don't know who his real girlfriend is.

But at least, in the eyes of everyone, he is also a man of great reputation.

Even if his conditions fit the scope of reasoning, Hattori Heiji should not count him as one of the "suspects".


As Hui Yuan Ai thought about it, she felt that Belmode was not so annoying anymore.

After all, without Belmode as a fake girlfriend, she, the real girlfriend, would not be able to show up.

In the eyes of outsiders, Lin Xinyi has always been a handsome and smart single aristocrat, a diamond king with unlimited future, and he attracts bees and butterflies from time to time.

And now, even if a little girl really likes Lin Xinyi

As long as they see the dazzling "Miss Chrissy" next to Lin Xinyi, they will lower their heads in shame and leave in despair.

Belmode is simply an insect repellent electric mosquito coil.

After having this "opponent", Miss Haiyuan's sense of security has been enhanced like never before.

"Hmm" Haihara Ai really didn't want to admit the shameful fact that she was becoming more and more accustomed to the existence of this bad woman.

But Belmod seemed to be able to read her mind.

Belmode lovingly lowered his head and sniffed the soft brown hair of the little guy in his arms, then raised his head and expressed his position with a smile on behalf of Lin Xinyi's real girlfriend:

"Lin Xinyi's girlfriend is right here."

"No matter how hot-headed Ms. Ye is, she won't like someone else's boyfriend, right?"


Hattori Heiji was very nervous and hesitant.

He couldn't help but think of the shy and cute look he and Ye had just shown in front of Lin Xinyi.

Such an expression had never appeared on Kazuya's face before.

She couldn't really be attracted by Lin Xinyi's intelligence, handsomeness and charm, and couldn't help but fall in love with such a person who has a girlfriend, right?

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but think about the plots of those messy romantic movies that he and Ye were forced to watch together.

As soon as the poor boy of true love appears, the heroine will immediately abandon the boring fiancé and embrace love regardless of the cost.

Once true love comes, it doesn't matter whether the protagonist is single or not.

Such an idea is somewhat absurd.

But in terms of emotions, the famous detective Hattori Heiji simply cannot show his confidence when investigating murder cases:

"If it wasn't Mr. Lin, would it be me?"

"I've known He Ye for so long. If she likes me, how could I not notice it?"

Belmode: "."

Mao Lilan: "."

Yes, you can't even notice it.

Everyone's eyes became extremely strange, but Hattori Heiji didn't notice at all.

He just continued to analyze worriedly:

"And if He Ye wants to have something in common with me."

"Then she should have learned her reasoning from me a long time ago. Why did she wait until now to suddenly think of becoming a disciple of Mr. Lin?"

"This" Mao Lilan was speechless:

This is of course due to her influence.

Before the successful case of Mao Lilan appeared, Toyama Kazuha never thought that he, a "vase", could also learn to stand with the brilliant detective Hattori Heiji.

"Who is the person He Ye likes?"

Unprecedentedly, Hattori Heiji became worried about gains and losses.

He looked at the jungle worriedly, and finally couldn't help but take a step out.

Not long ago, in the woods.

It was almost evening.

Under the dense branches and leaves, the light became increasingly dim.

Yuan Shan and Ye shyly brought Lin Xinyi here alone.

It really looked like she wanted to confess her love to him.

But Lin Xinyi knew that this Miss Heye was simply feeling shy because her true feelings were revealed in front of her childhood sweetheart.

"You want to study forensic medicine because of Hattori Heiji, right?"

Lin Xinyi asked straight to the point.

Although he was not a relationship expert, even he could tell at a glance that Hattori Heiji was having an affair with Toyama Kazuba.

Because the two of them are too similar to the previous Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan.

They are all a combination of detective and "vase".

They have been childhood sweethearts for more than ten years.

They all have a shy plot that refuses to confess.

Not only the portraits, the two pairs of them also look alike:

Hattori Heiji is Kudo Shinichi who was sent to Africa, and Toyama Kazuha is Mouri Ran with a featureless hairstyle.

"So, just like Miss Mori."

"You also wanted to find a common topic with your boyfriend, so you decided to learn from me, right?"

Lin Xinyi asked helplessly.

And Toyama Kazuye's answer also gave him a strong sense of déjà vu:

"He, he's not your boyfriend!"

She spat duplicitously, her pink cheeks burning even redder.

"Whether it is or not"

"What I have to tell you is that career choice is a matter of life, and you must think carefully before making a decision."

"You don't need to study forensic medicine just to fall in love."

"If you express your feelings to him directly, maybe the issue can be decided more easily - go now, maybe the relationship can be finalized today."

Lin Xinyi's tone was firm and clear, sounding like a professional emotional coach.

"Really, is it true?" Yuan Shan and Ye Yiyi struggled: "I confess so directly, what if I am rejected?"

"Be bolder."

"Confession is like an autopsy of a heart disease. If you don't take out the sincerity you hide in your chest and let it be sliced ​​and examined, how will people know what's in your heart?"

Lin Xinyi saw the excitement and encouraged him without hesitation.

He also gave an example of his own love experience:

"My girlfriend confessed her love to me directly, and I knew she liked me."

"If she hadn't taken the initiative to confess, we might not be together until now."

"This" Yuan Shan and Ye hesitated.

After hearing this series of encouragement, she was like a leek after listening to the communication lecture, a little passionate and eager to try.

There is no need to study forensic medicine in a roundabout way, just go straight and confess your love now.

At this moment, her mind couldn't help but recall her bold confession to Hattori Heiji, Hattori Heiji and her passionate embrace in the mountains and forests. Fast forward to a few years later, Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan served as their best man and bridesmaid. Wonderful picture.


"No, I still have to study forensic medicine!"

After a long silence, Miss Heye suddenly clenched her fists excitedly:

"If I didn't study forensic medicine, I would never have anything in common with Heiji."

"After I get married, Heiji will be working on cases outside every day, and I will have to stay at home to take care of the children."

"Passion will quickly wear away in dull days. In his eyes, I will gradually turn into a boring Obasan who can do nothing but wash clothes and cook, and only knows how to talk about TV soap operas."

"Then there's the cold war, cheating, and divorce."

"He will definitely be out drinking and fooling around all day long, and he won't even want to go back home."

The more he talked with Miss Ye, the more moved he became, as if Hattori Heiji had already put his arms around another woman and coldly slapped the divorce agreement in front of her and her "child".

Lin Xinyi: "."

"You are really thinking far ahead."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and his tone became increasingly helpless.

The attempt to persuade him to quit was unsuccessful.

Miss He Ye, who was dazzled by love, was determined to be a woman who could truly keep up with her childhood sweetheart and never lose her charm.

"Forget it. As a motivation, this is strong enough."

"I hope you can hold on to this belief and persevere."

"If you can persist like Miss Mori and not be persuaded to quit, then it will only be a matter of time before you catch up with Hattori Heiji."

Lin Xinyi finally recognized this disciple.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin!" Yuan Shan and Ye bowed deeply to him with great gratitude: "I will definitely study hard and live up to your teachings, teacher!"

"Well, there's no need to bow to me."

"We are teachers and students and even friends. There is no need to make it so formal."

Lin Xinyi immediately stretched out his hand to stop Ms. Ye.

Due to cultural differences, he was not very used to having people bow to him at 90 degrees.

After all, in his previous life, only when facing the anatomy teacher on the anatomy table, would anyone give him this gift.

So when he saw Miss Heye wanting to worship him like this, Lin Xinyi subconsciously held her shoulders, lifted her body that was heavily pressed forward, and lifted her back steadily.

It wasn't until he straightened Miss Ye's body and felt that she had completely given up on saluting and could stand safely that Lin Xinyi took his hand back with confidence.

And at the same time.

He also faintly heard the sound of footsteps.

The ground in this forest is covered with fallen leaves, and it is difficult not to make a sound when your feet step on them.

Even though the other party had tried his best to restrain his steps, Lin Xinyi, with his keen senses, could still hear someone approaching.

"who is it?!"

Lin Xinyi looked at the source of the sound without hesitation.

A stone stirred up a thousand ripples, and when he shouted, the quiet forest suddenly became jumping up and down.

The quietly approaching footsteps suddenly became extremely messy, and soon became farther and farther away, obviously changing from approaching to fleeing.

Lin Xinyi, Yuan Shan and Ye all saw the figure that disappeared in a flash.

But that guy seemed to have completely blended into the darkness of the woods, making it impossible to see his face.

"Is there someone spying on us?"

Yuan Shan and Ye suddenly became nervous:

The sudden appearance of a peeping black shadow in this dark forest is a terrifying thing.

Especially, in this mountain where a perverted murderer had just been caught.

She couldn't help but feel a little nervous:

"Mr. Lin, who is that?"

Lin Xinyi did not answer, but secretly muttered in his heart:

"I don't even dare to show my face, really."

"As for being so reserved?"

"Both sides are like this. They don't say what they have in mind. Alas. How long will this be delayed?"

He sighed helplessly.

Yuan Shan and Ye's big eyes were filled with confusion.

Then, without knowing what he thought of, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Lin Xinyi's mouth:

"Miss Ye, don't you want to learn criminal science technology from me?"

"That's right, I can teach you now."

"What, what do you mean?" Yuan Shan and Ye were a little confused.

But Lin Xinyi had already taken out his flashlight and chased the black figure in the direction where it disappeared:

"Come on, follow me."

"I'll teach you how to use the power of trace inspection to find that guy who dares not show his face!"

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