Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 299 Hopeless Slowness

Lin Xinyi and Yuan Shanheye continued to track forward.

As he expected, after crossing the muddy ground and walking a few more steps, the prisoner's broken footprints were resumed.

The other party apparently fled back to the woods.

Lin Xinyi and Miss Ye followed closely into the woods, and not long after, they followed the traces and walked out from the other side of the woods.

Walking out of the woods, there is a flat concrete floor.

By this time they had walked down the mountain unconsciously.

There is a ladder-like hiking trail in front of you. From here, you can climb up to the mountain to enjoy the scenery.

On the other side is a flat cement road. Walking along this road leads to the gate of the scenic spot.

At the intersection of the stepped hiking trail and the flat cement road, there were several locked bicycles parked neatly under the trees beside the road.

This may be a means of transportation for the scenic area staff on the mountain to return to their nearby residence after getting off work and walking down the mountain.

"Mr. Lin!"

Yuan Shan and Ye soon made a discovery:

"There are bike tire tracks in the dirt here."

"Did the prisoner park his bicycle here in advance and escape on his bicycle after escaping from the woods?"

As she said, there was indeed a clear tire mark on a small patch of mud with sparse vegetation at the edge of the woods.

It looked very much like someone took a bicycle from here and rode away.

"Wherever the tire marks passed, the grass blades were seriously lodging."

"Mr. Lin, you said last night that blades of grass have a strong ability to repair themselves."

"Under today's conditions of sufficient sunlight, grass blades that have been overturned can grow and recover within a few hours."

"And now the grass blades are lodging so badly where the tire marks passed, and there are no signs of repair at all - this should be a mark that was just formed."

After these two days of being influenced by what he heard and saw, he and Miss Ye seemed to have entered the state unknowingly.

She tried to analyze that the tire mark had just been formed recently, and then concluded that the prisoner probably escaped on a bicycle, so he left such a mark.

"You analyzed it well."

Lin Xinyi gave timely encouragement:

"But the prisoner probably didn't escape on a bicycle."

"Either these are traces left by others, or traces left intentionally by the prisoner to mislead us."

"Why?" Yuan Shan and Ye looked over in confusion.

"Uh" Lin Xinyi hesitated.

Because he had guessed who the prisoner was, and he also knew that the guy was probably going up the stairs to the mountain to meet everyone, and he would definitely not escape from the scenic spot on a bicycle.

But now it can be regarded as a practical training, and he can't give such a simple answer.

So, Lin Xinyi leaned down and observed it carefully.

"I see."

"This is indeed another cover-up set up by the criminals."

He sighed helplessly:

The great detective really spent a lot of effort to hide himself.

"First of all, generally when we ride a bicycle, our feet will step on the ground for support."

"But there are only tire marks on the muddy ground, but no footprints."

"Because the guy was afraid of leaving clear footprints that would allow us to identify him through shoe print patterns - so he was very careful to avoid it."

"Is that so?"

Yuan Shan and Ye unconsciously rubbed their chins.

That movement and demeanor really looked like a famous detective:

"Not necessarily, right?"

"After all, this muddy area is only so big. Maybe the prisoner got on his bicycle outside the muddy ground, and then rode over the muddy ground to the cement road?"

"That way he won't leave footprints in the dirt."

"No, that won't be the case."

"Because even these tire marks were forged by the prisoner."

"He didn't ride away at all. If he rode away from here, the direction of the tire rolling should be outward from the woods to the cement road."

"But the reality is quite the opposite."

"The tire was pressed inward from the cement road onto the dirt ground and rolled towards the woods."

Lin Xinyi explained calmly.

"Can you determine the direction of the vehicle by looking at the tire marks?" Ms. He Ye couldn't help but be a little surprised: "Aren't the tires round? Wouldn't it look the same when walking forward or backward?"

"No." Lin Xinyi shook his head: "If you look carefully and study it, you will find that tire marks can reveal enough information just like footprints."

"For example, it can determine the direction in which a vehicle is traveling:"

"Since they are tire marks on the dirt ground, we can see the fan-shaped patterns formed by the dust on both sides of the tires after the vehicle has been driven."

"The direction in which the fan-shaped pattern unfolds is generally opposite to the direction of travel."

"And the prisoner."

"He probably ran away in a hurry and didn't have time to think about it, so just like you, Miss Ye, he subconsciously felt that no matter which direction the tire rolled, it would look the same."

"So, when he was forging traces, he simply picked up the bicycle next to him and rolled the tire in the direction of the woods, leaving artificial tire marks that were in the opposite direction."

Lin Xinyi can roughly imagine the scene at that time:

The prisoner escaped from the woods and came to the cement road, preparing to climb the stairs to escape onto the mountain trail.

But after seeing the locked bicycle parked nearby, he suddenly picked up a bicycle and pressed it on the small patch of dirt with its wheels.

This would make his pursuers think he was escaping on his bike.

Of course, people who are escaping on bicycles cannot climb the steps up the mountain.

The pursuer would subconsciously think that he was walking on the flat cement road and that he was riding a bicycle and escaping towards the gate of the scenic spot.

"So, let's climb back up the mountain from this hiking trail."

"It shouldn't take long before we can catch up with that guy who is too timid to show up."

Lin Xinyi sighed helplessly, then turned back and set foot on the hiking trail.

Yuan Shan and Ye followed closely.

It didn't take long for the two to crawl back to where they had first entered the woods.

Hattori Heiji, Mao Lilan and others were still waiting there.

As soon as they saw them, Yuan Shan and Ye approached them with concern and asked:

"Heiji, Miss Mori, did you see any sneaky guy passing by here just now?"

"Well" everyone's expressions were very strange.

Especially Hattori Heiji.

His eyes were evasive, and he would wink at his companions next to him from time to time, as if he was begging for something.

Finally, in such a weird atmosphere, Mao Lilan said with a strange expression on behalf of everyone: "I didn't see it."


Ms. He murmured nervously:

"Then where did that guy go?"

"He Miss Ye, think about it carefully." Lin Xinyi finally couldn't help but gave another hint: "Then why the prisoner would rather slow down his escape speed, but also deliberately avoid the dirt ground when escaping, and refuse to leave a clear footprints?"

"If it's a stranger, there's no way to expose him in the vast sea of ​​people with just a clear footprint."

"This, Mr. Lin, you mean."

Yuan Shan and Ye frowned slightly.

After being reminded to this extent by Lin Xinyi, she finally reacted belatedly:

"The mysterious man who spied on us is actually an acquaintance of ours?!"

As soon as he said this, a trace of nervousness suddenly appeared on Hattori Heiji's dark face.

Whatever people are afraid of will come.

Almost in the next second, Miss Kazuye used her Sherlock Holmes-like sharp eyes to firmly lock onto Hattori Heiji who was among the crowd.

"Look, what are you looking at me for?"

A blush appeared on Hattori Heiji's dark face.

It looks like a hot iron pot.

"What voyeurism? How could I do such a thing?!"

He looked around and muttered, looking very covert.

"Stop pretending, Heiji!"

Yuan Shan and Ye Yiyan ruthlessly exposed the lies of their childhood sweethearts:

"Among our acquaintances."

"It's so dark that you can't see your face even a few meters away in the forest, you're the only one!"

Hattori Heiji:"."

He was really unable to refute this straightforward reasoning.

"Heiji, it really is you, right?!"

He and Ms. Ye still used this strong questioning tone at the beginning.

But when she came back to her senses and thought a little deeper, her cheeks instantly turned redder than Hattori Heiji's at the moment:

"How long have you been peeping there?"

"What did you hear?"

Thinking that the love words he said behind his back would be heard by his childhood sweetheart, he and Ms. Ye were so embarrassed that their tongues were tied.

"I didn't hear anything"

Hattori Heiji replied helplessly:

He finally stood up and admitted the fact that he was peeping very shyly:

"I just walked over and you spotted me."



After receiving a positive answer, Ms. He and Ms. Ye's fever was finally relieved.

Now, it was Detective Hattori's turn to get hot again.

I saw Yuan Shan and Ye raising their heads, biting their lips, and asked nervously, expectantly, and with great concern:

"Heiji, why did you go there and eavesdrop?"

"Could it be because..."

Miss He Ye finally noticed something.

Before going into the woods for a private chat, Lin Xinyi had already bluntly pointed out in public her true purpose of "becoming a disciple just to fall in love."

In this way, Hattori Heiji would come to peek later, obviously because he was concerned about her emotional problems.

So, why does Heiji care about her emotional problems?

Could it be that he is actually secretly in love with her too.

The more I thought about it, the more nervous I became, and the more I thought about it, the more excited I became.

After thinking about it, I even thought about the name of the child.

Hattori Heiji was also so shy.

He was stuck there like a piece of wood, clenching his fists tightly, and he didn't dare to speak.

"hurry up"

Lin Xinyi secretly urged in his heart:

Now he helped expose the fact that Hattori Heiji was peeping.

That guy has been forced into a corner, with no way to retreat and no way to hide.

It’s come to this. It’s time to confess, right?

That's what everyone thinks.

Under the gaze of Ms. Ye, Hattori Heiji seemed to have no choice but to express his feelings:

"I went to spy because..."

"I want to know, Heye, who is the man you like."

"Huh?" Yuan Shanheye's eyes brightened: "Who do I like? Is it important to you?"

She was nervously looking forward to the next step, and so were everyone.


Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and suddenly laughed boldly:

"Hahaha, of course it's important."

"We have been buddies since childhood!"

"How can you hide your love from me? You should let me take care of it for you!"


There was silence.

"It's hopeless." Miss Haiyuan gave him a cold look with disdain.

"Is this okay?" Conan found a similar person who was even slower than himself.

"Is he still not ready?" Mao Lilan sighed understandingly.

"It's gone, it's gone." Lin Xinyi simply stopped looking.

"Let's go back!" He took the lead and walked down the mountain, and everyone was speechless to follow.

Only Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha were left walking side by side at the back of the team, their big eyes staring at their small eyes, their black faces facing their red faces, maintaining subtle silence.

"This guy is too stupid"

Lin Xin sighed softly:

"We all helped prepare the cardiac pathological tissue sections, stained them, sealed them, and sent them to him under the microscope."

"He still hasn't seen through Miss He's heart?"

"Yes." Haiyuan Ai agreed and whispered to her boyfriend:

"This guy is simply a declining strain with negative genetic mutations. It will not reproduce even if it is placed in a nutrient-rich medium."

"He is hopeless."

"Yeah." Lin Xinyi nodded with deep sympathy.

Hattori Heiji was so hopeless that he was too lazy to worry about this guy anymore.

Let's think about other things.

"Right." Lin Xinyi suddenly thought of something.

I have to tell my girlfriend this good news:

"Ai, I asked Miss He Ye."

"She is going back to her own home today and will not stay at Hattori's house."

"So?" Miss Haiyuan frowned.

"So the guest room she vacated was just for me to stay in."

Lin Xinyi's tone seemed to be announcing good news and taking credit:

"We just happen to share a room, so you don't have to worry about who I sleep with."

Haibara Ai:"."

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