Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 307: Touching the scene with emotion

Lin Xinyi hugged little Miyano Shiho and talked about love, but was caught by "Old Miyano Shiho".

The atmosphere was very awkward for a time.

Being bumped into by Suzuki Sonoko like this

He stood up with a snap, very quickly.

But no matter how fast it was, Miss Suzuki was stabbing straight at her. Her eyes were filled with contempt, disgust, and fear, as if she were seeing a cockroach:

"No wonder. No wonder Mr. Lin, instead of cleaning the room with your girlfriend, you are so enthusiastic about accompanying this stinky brat."


"Disgusting! Bah! Disgusting!"

Don't even say it

As soon as this disgusting expression overlooking dirty low-level creatures appeared, Suzuki Sonoko looked more like the flower of the high mountain who could be watched from a distance but not played with.

This situation was exactly the same as that day when Miyano Shiho called Gin to report his harassment.

But his expression was more disgusted.

The situation is several times more serious.

Last time, he was only criticized internally by Gin and placed on probation.

If word of this incident spreads, Lin Xinyi will die socially.

"Um, Miss Sonoko."

"Things are not what you think."

Lin Xin was incoherent and didn't know how to explain.

But Suzuki Sonoko just looked disgusted, shivering, and subconsciously retreated out of the door.

Looking at the panic and fear in her eyes, it seemed that she was afraid that Lin Xinyi would kill someone and silence her.

"Wait, don't leave yet"

Suzuki Sonoko went backwards faster.

At this critical moment.

"Big Brother Lin Xin~"

A sweet shout sounded from behind.

Little Miss Haiyuan, who had previously frowned and had a cold face, as cold as snow, suddenly changed her demeanor and turned into a cute little girl with a red face and coquettishness.

She blushed and looked down at her feet, and the little deer fidgeted with her fingers:

"Then, it's settled."

"I will be good and not lose my temper with Sister Chris in the future."

"When I grow up, you must break up with Sister Chris and marry me as your wife."

Haihara Ai's acting skills suddenly appeared explosively.

Now she is just a annoying little girl who clings to adults with ignorant love fantasies.

"This" Lin Xin reacted instantly.

He knew that Haiyuan Ai was trying to save him.

So he also put his young acting skills to the extreme, turned around with a kind face, and smiled and touched Xiao Ai's head:

"Well, this is my brother's agreement with you."

"My love will always be you, but you are still too young now. You have to wait until you grow up before you can be with me."

The two of them sang and harmonized very well.

The storyline immediately begins with Lin Xinyi knowing the law and breaking the law, challenging the bottom line of the law.

It turned out that Lin Xinyi made an unrealistic promise to this precocious little girl, half-coaxing and half-deceiving.

As for those love words just now, they were all meant to lie to children.

"O-so that's what it is"

Suzuki Sonoko patted her chest in shock.

She breathed a long sigh of relief and was stunned for a while before she dared to step into the room again:

"Mr. Lin, is this kid pestering you again?"

"Yes." Lin Xinyi sighed: "She regards my girlfriend as a love rival, and the relationship with Chris has always been very tense."

"I don't know what I'm thinking at such a young age, and I also have a headache."

Hearing this kind of conversation in which she was treated like a child, Miss Haihara felt a little unhappy subconsciously.

But she still continued to play her role dedicatedly:

"I am brother Lin Xinyi's true love!"

"Brother Lin Xinyi said that he will marry me when I grow up!"

Haihara Ai raised her little head proudly and expressed her attitude in front of Suzuki Sonoko.

She also ran into Lin Xinyi's arms.

She buried her little face into his plump and strong chest, smelled his scent deeply, and nuzzled him with enjoyment.

The little look with flushed ears and an expression of enjoyment looks just like the real thing.

"This little devil"

“It’s so enviable cough cough”

"It's really annoying."

Suzuki Sonoko shook her head dejectedly and made a very rude comment.

Lin Xinyi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally got over it.

Almost ruined his reputation.

Sure enough, he had done something right before.

It is very necessary to treat Haihara Ai as a child and keep a proper distance from her.

"But, Miss Sonoko"

"Why did you come to see me?"

Lin Xinyi hid what he was thinking and asked the question to Suzuki Sonoko.

Suzuki Sonoko adjusted her mood slightly.

She tried her best to forget her previous shock and embarrassment, and tried to speak in a calm and natural tone:

"I'll come over and get the quilt."

"There was no quilt in the closet in the guest room over there, so Teacher Yonehara asked me to look for it in other rooms."

"That's it." Lin Xinyi pointed to the closet and said, "Just so, there are several sets of sheets and bedding in the closet in this room."

"You can just take two sets back."

"Yes." Suzuki Sonoko nodded, her expression gradually calming down.

In just a few hours, she seemed to have gotten used to the beauty benefits that this new "Ice Beauty" style brought to her.

So when she's not talking to anyone or exposing her out-of-touch personality, she always subconsciously quiets down.

Suzuki Sonoko disappeared.

Suddenly, Shiho Miyano was seen again.

I saw this Miss "Miyano Shiho" walking to the front of the closet with a nonchalant look, looking up at the upper level of the closet.

The cabinet is also a bit high for her.

She stood on tiptoes a little, raised her hands as high as possible, and then reluctantly moved a quilt from the upper closet.

The bedding was not light, and it suddenly fell from the upper level of the wardrobe, making Suzuki Sonoko unable to hold it up.

She suddenly lost her center of gravity and staggered to fall backwards.

"Ms. Suzuki!"

Lin Xinyi rescued her in time.

And he didn't use any excessive movements of cuddling or hugging.

He just stretched out his hand and gently supported Suzuki Sonoko's back, helping her regain her center of gravity and stand firm.

But after all, the two of them were still close to each other.

Standing still in a panic, Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help but blush when she felt the warmth from Lin Xin's hand.

When you come into contact with a good-looking member of the opposite sex, your heartbeat will speed up subconsciously. This is actually just a natural human reaction. Just laugh it off, it's nothing to worry about.

But the problem is

Seeing Suzuki Sonoko's slightly red cheeks, Lin Xinyi was stunned again.

He stood there motionless, looking deeply at Miss Suzuki, his eyes complex and profound, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

With music and beauty filters added to this scene, it can be said to be a screenshot from Kimchi drama.

The atmosphere suddenly became weird again.

It wasn't until a second later that Lin Xinyi reacted belatedly:

"Ahem. Sorry, I was a little distracted."

As he said that, he stepped aside with an embarrassed expression.

"It's okay!" Suzuki Sonoko was not embarrassed at all.

Seeing Lin Xinyi's reaction, she was even very happy:

"Mr. Lin, are you captured by my beauty again?!"

"Wow ha ha ha ha"

Suzuki Sonoko smiled so much that her true colors were revealed.

This made Lin Xinyi's demeanor and mood quickly return to calm.

He talked and said goodbye to Suzuki Sonoko naturally, and then watched her leave the room holding the quilt, then turned around and looked at Haibara Ai, who had been ignored by him for a while.

At this time, Miss Haiyuan was half-lying on the bed, with a cold expression on her face:

"Oh, am I so good-looking?"

"When I was with Miyano Shiho before, I never saw you showing that kind of expression."

"It's like a guinea pig being fed aphrodisiac to a sow."

Haihara Ai's complaints were very mean and sharp.

"no way"

Lin Xinyi shook his head.

He sat on the edge of the bed and expressed his true thoughts with a strange look on his face:

"Because the real Miyano Shiho is rarely like her."

"Huh?" Hui Yuan Ai frowned slightly:

Listening to this, could it be that in Lin Xin's first glance, she was not as attractive as that silly elder sister?

"Just like just now."

Lin Xinyi sighed softly:

"At that moment, she lowered her head shyly in front of me, her cheeks were pink."

"You've never looked like this before."

"Ha" Haiyuan Ai's eyes became even colder:

I'm not the kind of innocent little girl who blushes at the slightest touch, so I'm so sorry.


Lin Xinyi pondered for a moment, and finally said what was in his heart:

"This reminds me of you instead, Shiho?"

"You have blushed shyly in front of me once before."

"When did I become so naive?" Hui Yuan Ai spat coldly.

How could she be like Suzuki Sonoko just now, blushing as red as a monkey's butt.

She is not such an immature woman.

Hui Yuan Ai was thinking this, and saw Lin Xinyi sighing with a nostalgic look on his face:

"Well, that's the day."

"The day you suggested I could be a fruit fly."

Haibara Ai:"."


Her cheeks turned red, she poked her little feet out from under the quilt and kicked Lin Xinyi.

This kick has no strength, but seems to be coquettish.

Although I tried hard to restrain myself.

But Haihara Ai's smooth and tender face still turned pink, like peach-flavored jelly.


She got back under the quilt and covered half of her face, feeling embarrassed to come out.

He even talked about what happened that day.

She was just hijacked by hormones that day.

Think about it now

what a shame.

As Hui Yuan Ai thought about it, his expression changed from shy to resentful.

I wasn’t in high spirits that day, but now I’m feeling better. I’m afraid I’ll have to wait 8 years if I want to leave my genes.

But now that it’s all said and done.

Could it be that Lin Xinyi was actually thinking about it in his heart.

Get close to her?

Little Miss Haiyuan's heart was beating fast.

Somewhat uncontrollably, she quietly poked her head out from under the quilt.

There were some requests that she had wanted to mention for a long time but was too embarrassed to mention because she was shy, so she tentatively made them - anyway, she was already ashamed enough now.

Since you are pursuing excitement, it is better to follow through to the end.


Hui Yuan Ai said tangledly:

"You might as well stay in my room tonight."


At the critical moment, a scream blew away the charm in the air:

"Help, help!!"

Recommend a book to a friend: "The Man Behind the Empress"

When two working men and a female emperor in time and space began to exchange bodies every other day.

"You were great yesterday, tonight...are you still free tonight?"

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of her who was biting her lips and blushing slightly, Wu Qiong looked confused.

【Wu Pheasant! What did you do with my body! 】


"Your Majesty! Although I admire the way you angrily rebuked the Hun envoys, you are a woman who is harming the country!"

Looking at the ministers kneeling on the ground in front of him, Wu Zhi also looked confused.

【Wu Qiong! What did you do with my body! 】

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