Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 321 Extra: Haihara classmate is crazy (2)

Although he said it lightly, he also told his sister not to worry.

But in fact, Haihara Ai has already learned through animal experiments that the experience of taking the antidote is actually very painful.

As soon as the medicine took effect, she felt like she was eating hot pot in a sauna wearing a down jacket covered with warm baby clothes. The heat made her whole body melt, from the inside out.

An abnormal pink color appeared on her fair and delicate skin, and her whole body was sweaty and wet, as if she had just been fished out of the water.

The high temperature quickly triggered the body's self-protection mechanism, causing Haihara Ai's consciousness to quickly become blurred.

She saw Miyano Akemi's worried face.

Then, in a fit of overwhelming sleepiness, Hui Yuan Ai fell into a deep sleep.

It seemed like just a second later, and then it seemed like an eternity.

Hui Yuan Ai woke up in a daze.

In the darkness, she couldn't see anything.

I can only feel that my body is no longer as painful as before, as if the effect of the medicine has worn off.

But Haiyuan Ai reacted quickly:


She didn't even open her eyes to look at her body, but she knew that she had transformed back into Miyano Shiho.

Because the extra weight on your chest cannot be deceived.

I felt relaxed before taking the medicine.

After taking the medicine, you have to carry your own weight.

This intuitive feeling can be noticed without opening your eyes.

"I'm getting bigger!"

Hui Yuarai raised his head excitedly.

But when he raised his head and opened his eyes, something seemed wrong again.

She was clearly lying on the sofa at home, letting her sister take care of her.

But now, she found herself sleeping on the table in a small room.

What appeared in front of him was not his sister Miyano Akemi, but three faces full of surprise, both familiar and unfamiliar.

Those were three high school students.

Two boys and one girl, both wearing the blue uniforms of Didan High School.

They all sat at the same table as Hui Yuan Ai, and their expressions looked extremely shocked when they saw Hui Yuan Ai waking up with such a rude shout:


"Did you have a strange dream?"


Hui Yuan Ai frowned.

She took a closer look at the three high school students, two boys and one girl, in front of her. The more she looked at them, the more familiar they seemed.

Take another quick look at the room you are in:

The room is not big, and outside the window are the playground and teaching building. Combined with the student uniforms of the three people present, it can be determined that this is Didan High School.

There is also a shabby little wooden sign hanging on the door of the room:

It read: "Young Detective Agency."

Finally, look down at yourself:

The body has transformed back into Miyano Shiho's body, but he is wearing the uniform of Teitan High School.

Moreover, the three high school students just called her not "Ms. Miyano", but "Haihara-san".

It's as if she hasn't turned back into Miyano Shiho.

Instead, he traveled ten years later and became the grown-up Huihara Ai.


Huiyuan Ai sighed softly:

She ignored the three inexplicably familiar high school students in front of her, and completely ignored their worried expressions.

She just picked up the pen and paper on the table and wrote on it:

"The first clinical trial of anti-APTX failed."

"Known adverse reactions that this drug may cause include:"

"Excessive sweating, high fever, difficulty breathing, confusion, mental abnormalities, and hallucinations are suspected of central neuropathy."

Haihara Ai was talking to herself like this while taking notes without raising her head.

The three high school students were terrified.

They cautiously called Hui Yuan Ai's name:

"Hai, classmate Haiyuan? Are you okay?"

"If you have any questions, just tell us."

"Huh?" Haiyuan Ai raised his head and glanced at the three high school students in front of him with worries written on their faces:

The three high school students looked more and more familiar to her.

Then I thought about myself becoming "Large Haibara Ai" and wearing the same uniform as them, the high school student uniform of Tedan High School.

She couldn't help but vaguely guess the identities of the three people in front of her:

"Are you Genta Kojima?"

Haibara Ai was the first to recognize Kojima Genta.

Because Yuantai's potato head is too special and too conspicuous.

Even though her whole appearance has completely changed from an elementary school student to a high school student, Haibara Ai can still subconsciously think of her elementary school classmates as soon as she sees this potato head.

"That's right. I'm Genta Kojima!"

Kojima Mota swallowed nervously.

He pointed to the beautiful female high school student sitting next to him and the male high school student with dots of freckles on his face, and asked worriedly:

"This is Ayumi, Mitsuhiko."

"Haihara-san, how come you don't recognize us when you wake up after a long sleep?"

"Yes, yes!" The high school student versions of Yoshida Ayumi and Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko nodded worriedly: "Haihara-san, are you okay?"

Haibara Ai:"."

She still maintained that somewhat eerie silence.

As for Ayumi and Mitsuhiko's worried greetings, she completely ignored them.

And in this weird silence

I saw Haiyuan Ai suddenly pick up the pen in his hand and poke the back of his hand with the tip of the pen.

"W-what did you do?"

Seeing Haihara Ai's self-mutilation behavior, Ayumi and others were frightened.

But Hui Yuan Ai still ignored them.

It was as if the three of them were just a ball of air.


Hui Yuan Ai looked at the slightly painful back of his hand and said to himself again:

“The hallucination is vivid, vivid, and lifelike, can be experienced by external sense organs, and has perceptual entity.”

"When interacting with 'phantoms', there will also be instinctive reactions of thinking, emotion and will behavior."

"This is a very serious 'complete hallucination'."

"No more serious than that."

"Generally, complete hallucinations are projected in the external space, and only one or two reactions of auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, phantom smells, phantom touches, and phantom tastes appear at a time."

"And now I'm hallucinating in all five senses at the same time."

“The hallucination appears directly in subjective space, but has a sense of objective entity.”


Haiyuan Ai stopped self-diagnosis, only to feel that the palm that had just been poked by the pen tip still hurt slightly:

“As patients interact with each other in hallucinations, realistic hallucinatory pain will occur simultaneously.”

"It appears that this drug not only affects the central nervous system but also has severe effects on the somatosensory areas of the cerebral cortex."


"When conducting animal safety tests, the brain waves of the mice were obviously not abnormal."

"But after I took it, I had such serious adverse reactions."

"how so?"

Holding the pen in his hand and feeling the real touch, Haihara Ai's expression became more solemn:

Human research on the brain and consciousness is still extremely limited.

Even though she is a genius scientific girl, she cannot break through the shackles of the scientific world that have been unable to break through for many years.

Otherwise, Hui Yuan Ai would have cured Lin Xinyi's amnesia long ago.

But now, not only is she unable to solve the problem with her clever mind, but she is even more afraid because of her intelligence:

"Now I'm hallucinating."

"Then what's my situation in the real world?"

Huihara Ai found that she had completely fallen into an extremely dangerous situation.

The adverse effects of the antidote were far beyond her expectation.

With any luck, she might just be experiencing a temporary hallucination now.

Unfortunately, in reality, Haibara Ai might even have turned into a vegetative state.


Hui Yuan Ai quietly bit her lips.

She suddenly regretted her recklessness and overconfidence.

Sure enough, Conan, the guinea pig, should be put in first.


Although I felt sorry for Conan-san for thinking this way, Haibara Ai couldn't help but start to regret it.

At this time, Gentai, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi who were present were completely frightened by Haibara Ai's outrageous behavior.

"Hai, Haihara-san."

The former Bumi child, now Miss Bumi, finally mustered up the courage with difficulty, tried to reach over and touched Haiyuan Ai's forehead:

"You don't have a fever?"

"Then what's wrong with you? It can't be."

Ayumi, who was already a cute high school girl, had a very adult look in her eyes.

At the same time, Yuantai and Guangyan also quietly cast their eyes on Haiyuan Ai's face.

To be precise, on the head.

They were all wondering if there was something wrong with their Haibara classmate's head.

"Don't look at me like that."

"I'm not crazy."

Even though they know that what is in front of them is an illusion, being looked at like someone is mentally ill still makes people instinctively feel uncomfortable.

So Hui Yuan Ai answered naturally and casually:

"My 'insight' is quite normal and I am not mentally ill."

Lack of insight is an important sign of severe mental disorders.

The so-called insight refers to the patient's ability to recognize and judge his own mental state.

That is, the ability to detect or identify one's illness and whether one's mental state is normal, and the ability to analyze, judge and point out which of one's past and present states and performances are normal and which are pathological.

For example, Haihara Ai knew that what he was facing now was an illusion.

Know that you are suffering from the side effects of the medication.

As for those with severe mental illness, they will only regard hallucinations and delusions as objective reality, deny that they have mental problems, and therefore refuse treatment.

all in all:

People who are not crazy will know that they are going crazy.

And crazy people will only think that they are not crazy.


“Different mental illnesses impair insight to varying degrees.”

"Although the possibility of severe mental disorder can be ruled out, it does not prove that I do not have a mental disorder at all now."

Hui Yuan Ai's expression became more solemn:

She had to find a way to confirm whether the side effects of the antidote she swallowed included mental illness.

If so, is the mental disorder temporary or permanent?

This question is extremely important, even fatal.

But this is not easy to prove.

Haiyuan Ai thought for a moment, then raised his head and asked Bumi and others:

"Do you have a computer?"

She asked this question not only to find a way to verify whether she was sick, but also to see how real this hallucinatory world was.

"Uh" Ayumi thought for a moment and replied cautiously:

"There are computers in the school computer room, and you can borrow them from the teacher's office."

"But, Haibara-san, you should know all this, right?"

"And what do you need a computer for?"

In the eyes of her, Genta, and Mitsuhiko, Haibara Ai's actions were completely beyond the reach of common sense.

And just as they feared, Huihara Ai's reaction became increasingly abnormal:

"I want to try to see if computers in this world can access the Internet."

"If I have access to the Internet, I have to verify whether I can search for knowledge on the Internet that does not exist in my mind."

Haiyuan Ai wanted to use this method to further confirm whether he was hallucinating:

"Besides, I also know a website."

"MMPI can be performed online."

"MMPI?" Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko looked confused.

"Well, MMPI."

“Minnesota Multiphasic Per-sonality Inventory.”

Haiyuan Ai used her unique cold tone and read a paragraph of correct American English:

"Minnesota Multiple Personality Test."

"This is the most widely used and authoritative paper-and-pencil personality test to date."

"What do you mean?" The three little ones, no, the three big ones asked curiously.

"The Minnesota Multiple Personality Test can be used to identify mental illness."

Ayumi: "."

Mitsuhiko: "."

Yuantai: "."

The air fell into a deathly silence.

"Don't be stunned." Hui Yuarai urged with a calm expression: "Where is the computer? Take me there now."

There was another moment of silence.

The three people present stared at each other.

They really didn’t know what to say, so in the end they only managed to say:

"But, Haibara-san"

“If you want to check something online, wouldn’t you just use your mobile phone?”

"Ha?!" Hui Yuarai was slightly startled.

This talented girl, who was always full of wisdom and as calm as ice, showed an extremely rare expression of being caught off guard and slightly shocked:

“You can still access the Internet on your mobile phone?!”

Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, Genta: "."


They looked at each other with horror on their faces:

"Haihara-san is really crazy!"

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