Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 324 Extra: Three opponents (5)

Hui Yuarai thought for a moment and decided to call Lin Xinyi first and ask him to come out and talk alone.

But she didn't know her mobile phone password.

I don’t know if Lin Xinyi’s phone number will change in ten years.

So she could only raise her head and ask Ayumi and others:

"Bumi, do you have Mr. Lin's phone number?"

"This." The three of them looked at each other:

Haibara classmate has been stimulated crazy by Mr. Lin and Sister Yuanzi's announcement of their relationship.

How could she still be allowed to call Lin Xinyi?

If she is stimulated by something on the phone again and her condition worsens, to the point where she cries and fights for life like those extreme fans, that will be a serious problem.

This is what everyone is thinking.

So, without any hesitation, they all shook their heads in unison: "No."

And seeing that Hui Yuan Ai was so stubborn and knowing so much of Lin Xinyi's dark history, he rushed to act as a backup for this old man.

Classmate Mitsuhiko hated himself even more, and said with a knife-wrenching heart:

"Haihara-san, let go!"

"You are not in good health to begin with. If you continue to torture yourself like this, I'm afraid you will get sick again."

"Yes!" Ayumi and Genta's eyes were equally full of concern and worry: "How about, Haibara-san, we should send you to the hospital for a check-up?"

Haibara Ai:"."

She stopped questioning just in time.

Because she had realized that the series of abnormal reactions when she woke up had caused Bumi and others to regard her as a madman.

If he continues to act abnormally like this to irritate the other party, and if he wants to escape and confront Lin Xinyi, he may have to find a way to avoid the ambulance in the mental hospital first.

"Sorry. I was a little too emotional just now."

"My mind is really messed up right now, and I can't remember many things clearly."

Haiyuan Ai took a deep breath, and her expression became extremely calm.

Such a natural and normal performance made Bomei and others sigh in relief.

In this way, while Haiyuan Ai comforted the other party, she quietly played with the mobile phone that Miss Bumi lent her in her hand.

She was trying to get familiar with this future mobile phone system that was beyond her knowledge, groping for ways to open the phone's address book and find Lin Xinyi's phone number.

And just then.

Her mobile phone, which couldn't be used because she entered the incorrect password, rang.

Although the phone cannot be unlocked, it can still receive calls.

Haiyuan Ai curiously glanced at the picture on the screen of his mobile phone:

"Caller ID, sister."

Is your sister Mingmei’s sister?

Haiyuan Ai tried to slide the screen and answer the phone.

Sure enough, Miyano Akemi's voice came immediately on the phone.

This voice is still so familiar, not much changed from ten years ago:

"Xiao Ai, are you home?"

"I" Haiyuan Ai endured the strangeness of the conversation that spanned ten years and replied calmly: "I'm still in school."

"Still in school"

"Then go back quickly."

"Belmod went back to Japan today. It's rare for everyone to meet each other. We are going to have a good gathering at home in the evening."

"I'm still shopping in the supermarket. You go home first, help me clean the house briefly, and steam the rice in advance."

Miyano Akemi naturally arranged housework for Haihara Ai.

Judging from her tone, Huihara Ai also faintly realized:

Ten years later, she was still living with her sister - instead of marrying and living together with Lin Xinyi as she had imagined.

Also, the relationship between Belmode, this bad woman, and their sisters seems to have become very close.

This also indirectly shows that Lin Xinyi did not cut off contact with her because of the transfer of love. At least, he should still maintain an ordinary friend relationship with her and her sister.

In addition, the most important thing is:

Everyone will get together at home in the evening.

Lin Shinichi, as Belmode’s beloved ‘Boy’, will definitely not be absent.

"As long as I go home now, I should be able to see him."

Hui Yuan Ai thought this in her heart and responded calmly:

"Okay, I'll go back now."

The phone hung up and she acted extremely normal throughout the whole process.

It doesn't sound like he's mentally ill at all.

"It seems that Haibara-san is fine."

Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta all breathed a sigh of relief.

Before he could even breathe out, Haiyuan put down his phone calmly and asked:

"Where is my home?"

"You should know, right?"

The Asai family's villa.

Huihara Ai also didn't expect that ten years later, he and his sister would still be living here.

This was originally a temporary residence they chose to disappear and hide.

But after ten years, I still haven’t moved out.

This shows that in the past ten years, they have never been free from the threat of the organization.

The organization has not been overthrown, and Lin Xinyi has not escaped the control of the organization, so they have to remain anonymous and live here in a low-key manner.

"There seems to be no one at home."

"Yes, my sister said she is still in the supermarket."

Huihara Ai walked into the familiar courtyard and tried to ring the doorbell.

She once had to stand on tiptoe to reach the doorbell.

Her sister said that she would help her change the doorbell to a lower tone, and she felt that she was being treated like a child, so she lost her temper.

And now.

"I finally became an adult as I wished."

Hui Yuan Ai lowered his head and looked at his body:

Her undulating breasts, her round waist, and a pair of long, white legs sticking straight out from the JK skirt.

Miyano Shiho had never worn such clothes before.

If Lin Xinyi had seen this schoolgirl version of Miss Miyano ten years ago, he would have been moved by it.

Haihara Ai has such confidence.

But now.

Suzuki Sonoko, Belmode, and a black-haired woman holding a child.

Ten years later, Lin Xinyi was already entangled with so many women.

Haiyuan Ai stood in front of the door and didn't even think about taking out the key to open the door. He just thought of the situation he was facing now:

Among the three women, Suzuki Sonoko made her feel the most powerless.

Suzuki Sonoko was not only photographed by the paparazzi secretly dating Lin Xinyi, but she also officially announced their relationship and became Lin Xinyi's official girlfriend.

The dark-haired woman holding the child is the most mysterious, and the most unbelievable of her true existence.

As for Belmode

After all, she is half of Lin Xinyi's mother, so she can't really develop that kind of relationship with him, right?

But, having said that, Belmod’s appearance and charm alone don’t make people feel at ease with her!

Hui Yuan Ai stood there in a daze with deep thoughts.

At this moment, the roar of a car engine came from the road outside the yard.

The car stopped on the roadside outside the courtyard.

Hui Yuan Ai vaguely saw two cars parked outside the yard.

A person got off each of the two cars:

One is Belmode and the other is Lin Xinyi.

Their appearance was exactly the same as ten years ago, especially Lin Xinyi, who even looked younger than ten years ago.

"Hmm" Hui Yuarai was slightly startled.

Immediately afterwards, while Lin Xinyi and Belmode's eyes were fixed on each other, no one noticed her presence.

She subconsciously hid sideways in the yard, behind the thick tree that could hide her figure.

Huihara Ai didn't know why she was avoiding them.

Perhaps it was because she had never really given up her doubts about Lin Xinyi and Belmode, and her suspicions about Lin Xinyi and Belmode had suddenly increased after coming to this future world.

In this way, Hui Yuan Ai hid herself behind the big tree, hidden in the greenery.

Outside the courtyard gate, Lin Xinyi and Belmode were still "looking at each other affectionately."

"I just happened to meet you when I came back. It seems that we are destined to be together, boy."

Belmode's lazy voice sounded quietly.

"Long time no see, teacher."

Lin Xinyi sighed lightly.

Compared with ten years ago, the voice of "teacher" has become extremely natural and intimate.

"Long time no see, Boy."

Belmod quietly walked forward and gave Lin Xinyi a warm hug.

Lin Xinyi seemed to have been accustomed to this way of greeting for a long time, and showed no resistance to this hug that was not very intimate, but definitely not "reassuring".

He naturally held Belmod in his arms and asked proactively and with concern:

"How are you doing lately?"

"With no news for so long, everyone is worried."

"It's okay. I'm just performing a secret mission."

“Organizations never let a good tool sit idle. That’s my life, I’m used to it.”

Belmode's tone was a little tired.

Compared with the elusive witch ten years ago, in front of Lin Xinyi, she acted like an ordinary woman who was fragile, powerless, and eager to seek comfort from her family.

She lay lazily on Lin Xinyi's shoulder, quietly sniffing his scent.

Just like an office worker who stayed in a warm bed on weekends after experiencing the ravages of 996, Belmod was so comfortable that he didn't even want to move. He just wanted to lie in Lin Xinyi's arms and recuperate.

Until Lin Xinyi gently pushed her away:

"Okay, teacher, don't hold me for too long."

"Nowadays, everyone has a mobile phone in their hands. If I am photographed by someone again, I will probably be watched by the whole Internet again."

"Ha ha."

"You know what it's like to be a star, right?"

Belmode raised his head from Lin Xinyi's arms and admired the face of the superstar from close range:

"However, it's really strange to say:"

"No matter how hard I train you, it's no use, but you're getting younger day by day."

"You are 34 and you still look as young as a high school student. If you continue like this, the organization may want to take you back and use you as an experimental subject."

"Well, it's quite dangerous to put it this way."

"Oh, organization. Thinking about it gives me a headache."

Lin Xinyi sighed as he led Belmod into the yard and to the door.

The two of them just concentrated on chatting and rang the doorbell.

The doorbell rang, but no one answered.

But Hui Yuan Ai was still hiding in the dark, secretly speculating and analyzing in her heart:

"It should be fine."

"Although the relationship between Lin Xinyi and Belmode is much closer than before."

"But it seems like it's still within the confines of the family."

Miss Haibara silently crossed out the name "Belmod" from the list of three opponents.

But at this moment.

"There's no one in the house."

"It seems they haven't come back yet."

Belmode yawned lazily and gave Lin Xinyi an imaginative look:

"Boy, how about taking advantage of your jealous girlfriend's absence?"

“Let’s ‘move our bodies’ after a long time?”

As she said this, one hand reached up to her collar and slowly unbuttoned her coat.


A string of question marks popped up on Haiyuan Ai's head.

The second is later

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