Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 339 Helping Others

In addition to Suzuki Sonoko, there were three ladies present.

Ai Huihara gave up on the fact that the law did not allow him to strike up a conversation.

There are also two ladies, Mao Lilan and Belmode.

Among them, Maorilan has the reputation of "safe delivery", and Belmod is an existence that even Maorilan can be ashamed of.

They were wearing cool and slim-fitting swimsuits, and the areas covered by the fabric were tightly outlined with sexy and sultry curves. The areas not covered by the fabric exposed large areas of snow-white and pink skin.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, both of them showed off their perfect figures.


Michowaki Masahiko completely ignored them.

This man, who was dressed in colorful clothes and spoke in a smooth tone, seemed to fall in love at first sight, and he recognized Suzuki Sonoko at a glance.

He looked at Suzuki Sonoko's short brown hair and said with a look of fascination:

"Miss, can I ask your name?"

"." Suzuki Sonoko was slightly startled.

It had only been a few days since she changed her image, and during this period she didn't encounter a few pick-ups, so her mentality was still the same as before.

As long as you are handsome, the probability of success in trying to strike up a conversation with her is basically 100%.

Seeing a handsome guy chatting up to her so diligently, Miss Suzuki's face turned red, her heart moved, and she responded in a confused manner:

"Well, my name is Suzuki Sonoko, and I'm also a tourist here from Tokyo."

"Miss, are you from Tokyo too?"

"It's great. It seems like it's fate that we meet here."

That person threatened Masahiko. As soon as he opened his mouth, he knew that he was the old Poseidon.

As soon as a girl starts talking to him, he can go on and on.

Those disgusting love words that honest people would be too embarrassed to say were packaged and dumped out by him as if they were being wholesaled.

The key is to be able to speak naturally and smoothly without making people feel embarrassed or annoying.

This is also an admirable ability.

But the two male compatriots present, Lin Xinyi and Kyogoku Makoto, were not in the mood to admire him.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"If you say flirtatious words and wink at us as soon as we meet, you are obviously a scumbag!"

The thing Lin Xinyi least wanted to see happened.

Suzuki Sonoko is looking like Miyano Shiho, flirting silly with an unknown scumbag.

It’s really confusing to watch.

Lin Xin subconsciously wanted to stop this farce and get rid of the fly Dowaki Masahiko.

But he couldn't help but have a headache

What identity should I use to stop it?

What does it mean for ordinary friends to prevent others from falling in love?

Suzuki Sonoko has always liked him before, and he didn't want to do anything that could easily cause misunderstanding.

not to mention.

Treating the symptoms but not the root cause!

As long as Ms. Suzuki is still so "easy to use", if Masahiko Michiwaki is driven away today, there may be another Panasonic Yamamoto and Kameda popping up tomorrow.


Lin Xinyi couldn't help but cast his eyes on Kyogoku Makoto.

Although this feeling of helping other men chase "Miyano Shiho" is also a bit subtle.

But there is no way, Kyogoku Makoto is already the only person in Lin Xinyi's impression who is interested in Miss Suzuki, and who is also honest and reliable.

But in this situation, as Suzuki Sonoko's suitor, he is more suitable to come forward.

"What aren't you going to do?"

Lin Xinyi quietly walked to Kyogoku's side and asked in a low voice.

"I" Kyogoku really clenched his fists quietly.

His face seemed to have turned darker in just a few seconds.

But in the end, he lowered his head sadly and said with some confusion:

"I have to respect Ms. Suzuki's wishes."

"If she wants to talk to that man herself, and if I interrupt her rashly like this, will it make people annoying?"

"." Lin Xinyi was speechless:

Why do you think so much about chasing a girl? !

He had never thought about these messy things before.

Didn’t my girlfriend just come by herself?

See Kyogoku Makoto's anxious and hesitant look, and then look at the confident expressions of Waki ​​Masahiko and She Can Lianhua.

If this continues, Suzuki Sonoko will really be seduced by a man she has only known for a few minutes.

Sure enough, honest people suffer.

"no solution anymore."

Lin Xinyi was heartbroken.

He decided to take action personally to help Kyogoku and himself:


Lin Xinyi took action.

One hand was printed directly on Kyogoku's back.

This palm contains 30% of his strength. If he is caught off guard, he should be able to push Kyogoku Shin out and knock down Masahiko Waki.

This helped Kyogoku stand up bravely.

It can also drive away those pesky flies.

Lin Xinyi thought so

Just hear a snap.

This palm fell heavily on Kyogoku's back.

Kyogoku's real body remained motionless, his feet firmly embedded in the ground, like a standing green pine with strong roots.

"Mr. Lin, why did you push me suddenly?"

His expression was full of confusion.

"You" Lin Xinyi was speechless for a moment: "Why can't you push it?"

"Those who practice martial arts must have a stable base."

Kyogoku answered naturally:

"Even if I am attacked by someone, I will not lose my focus so easily."

"Mr. Lin, you can try to double your strength."

"I should be able to hold on."

"But, Mr. Lin, now is not the time to practice martial arts, right?"

Lin Xinyi: "."

Who is studying martial arts with you here?

Move it!

"I won't believe it again!"

Lin Xinyi took action again.

This time, he slowly stretched out his arm and quietly attacked from behind again.

"Mr. Lin" Kyogoku turned around in confusion: "Why are you touching my butt?"

"This isn't a butt."

"This is the L5-S1 disc."

Lin Xinyi fumbled and found the position between the fifth lumbar vertebra and the first tail vertebra:

"Let me help you highlight it."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a surge of inner energy.

Internal energy invades the body and compresses the nerves.

An effect similar to a herniated disc was produced in an instant.

Kyogoku just felt a lot of swelling and pain in the back of his thighs and calves, and a numbness in the soles of his feet.

No matter how stable the foundation is, it can't stop the pain.

He instantly lost his center of gravity and was rudely pushed out by Lin Xinyi.

Kyogoku bumped into Masahiko Michowaki, knocking the handsome guy who was busy fooling Suzuki Sonoko to the point of staggering.

Michowaki Masahiko took several steps back before stopping, looking very embarrassed.

"W-what are you doing?!"

He glared at Kyogoku Makoto fiercely.

Suzuki Sonoko was also a little confused: "Kyogoku-kun, what are you doing?"

"I" Kyogoku subconsciously wanted to answer truthfully.

However, seeing Masahiko Michowaki's face full of frivolity up close, and his tone of voice as if he was treating himself like a male host by using the power of success to fool Miss Suzuki.

Kyogoku Zhen finally couldn't hold back and spoke out what he had been suppressing for a long time:

"Please stay away from Miss Suzuki."

"She's a good girl, not the prey of a disgusting man like you."

"You?" Michowaki Masahiko's expression became a little ferocious: "What did you say?!"

He walked forward slowly, as if he wanted to use his tall and burly figure to gain some ground in front of Kyogoku.

So, he tried to push Kyogoku's shoulder.

Kyogoku really didn't move at all.

The effect of Lin Xinyi's blow just now was only temporary, and he recovered quickly.

"I said, please leave."

Kyogoku really didn't take action, and he didn't exude any so-called murderous aura as a warrior.

He just said calmly and firmly:

"She is not your prey."

Being warned again so mercilessly, Michowaki Masahiko became more and more angry.

He no longer questioned, but ferociously rushed forward again, trying to push Kyogoku down again.

This time he used ten percent of his strength.

Still motionless.

It didn't even sway.

Michowaki Masahiko: "Give it to me"

"What?" Kyogoku asked calmly.

"Stay here, I'm leaving!"

Michowaki Masahiko ran backwards and ran away menacingly.

He ran, ran, ran

In fact, he didn’t run very far.

They didn't even leave the sight of Lin Xinyi and others, and could even hear the sound.

I saw Masahiko Michowaki's expression suddenly condensed, his aura changed, and a touch of greed and bloodthirsty appeared in his pupils.

He turned around and approached another young female tourist not far away who was wearing a swimsuit and dyed her hair:

"This is Masahiko Michowaki, a tourist from Tokyo."

"Can I meet you, the beautiful angel lady?"

He speaks in a smooth tone.

He also gave me a wink.

However, the target has been changed from Suzuki Sonoko to another unknown woman.

Suzuki Sonoko: "."

"Scumbag." She finally reacted belatedly: "I met a scumbag again?!"

"Ms. Suzuki."

Kyogoku sighed helplessly:

"I said, girls have to respect themselves and love themselves."

"Please be sure to keep your eyes open in the future and don't be deceived by such bad men who come out to hunt for beauty."

"Yeah" Suzuki Sonoko lowered her head in shame.

Although Kyogoku-san’s teachings are still so straightforward and have an antique feel.

But somehow she didn't find it so annoying.

Kyogoku Makoto and Suzuki Sonoko are living in silence in their own unique way.

On the side, he looked closely at Michowaki Masahiko, who had fled far away and found another woman to show his courtesy.

Lin Xinyi frowned quietly:

"Something feels wrong."

"What's wrong?"

Haiyuan Ai came closer to him with some concern.

She could tell that Lin Xinyi's expression was different from usual, looking a little solemn.

"It's hard to say, it's just an intuition."

Because of Conan's existence.

Now that Lin Xinyi is traveling, everyone looks like a murderer.

So no matter how small the abnormality is, he will pay extra sensitive attention to it:

"The man named Masahiko Michowaki is very strange."

"If we say that he is just an old pervert who just comes out to hunt for sex."

"Then when he was trying to strike up a conversation, why didn't he go to Miss Mori and Bellmode, but went directly to Suzuki Sonoko?"

"Especially Bellmode. He didn't even look at her. He just focused on chatting with Miss Suzuki."

"Isn't this strange?"

Lin Xinyi murmured his doubts, hoping to get some advice from his smart girlfriend.

But Miss Haiyuan just asked:

"What's wrong, Miss Suzuki?"

"Isn't she pretty?"

"It's not bad." Lin Xinyi was still immersed in thinking and doubt.

He just subconsciously replied: "But it also depends on who you are comparing with."

"Just like now, Ms. Suzuki in a swimsuit and Belmode in a swimsuit are standing together."

"Normal people will go to see the latter, right?"

Haibara Ai:"."

She looked up at Suzuki Sonoko, whose face looked exactly like hers.

"What do you mean?!"

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