Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 343 The great swordsman Daowei Masahiko

Caesar nudged the rag with his nose and inhaled the scent deeply.

Soon, it raised its head, pricked up its ears, spit out its tongue, and looked at the open car window.

This obvious state of excitement is called "online" in the technical terminology of police dog tracking.

The fact that the police dog is online means that it has memorized the odor characteristics of the olfactory source and captured the odor left by the target in the air.

"Just follow Caesar's instructions!"

At this moment, Caesar has become an automatic pathfinder.

With its positioning and navigation, there is no need to worry about finding Masahiko Michowaki who just escaped not long ago.

Soon, Belmod turned with his hand and hit the accelerator with his foot, once again showing off his theatrical driving skills.

The car roared wildly in the dense traffic and quickly sped along the coastal road at a speed that made the drivers along the way pee their pants.

It didn't take long for the car to catch up to a fork in the road.

The straight coastal road is divided into two directions, one to the left and one to the right.

"Which way to go?"

Lin Xinyi looked at Caesar eagerly.

Caesar stuck out his tongue in confusion.


Feeling the sea breeze blowing in outside the car window, Lin Xinyi suddenly realized something:

"This place is a wind outlet, and the wind is much stronger than other places."

"The smell dissipated too quickly and Caesar 'disconnected'."

Police dog tracking is often not smooth sailing.

The police dog in the tracking state is like a warrior in a disconnected city, and may be disconnected at any time.

Although if he goes further and avoids this wind outlet, Caesar should be able to disconnect and reconnect and continue to track the target's scent.

But the problem is, there is no time to waste now.

If you choose the wrong direction, take a detour, and then turn around and start again, you may pay a heavy price.

"How should I choose?"

Lin Xinyi was confused for a while.

But now even the time to struggle is a luxury.

If you really have no choice, you can only choose a random path and try your luck.

"Go left!"

Conan suddenly suggested something.

The elementary school detective's temperament suddenly became much more mature:

"When we passed by Masahiko Michowaki before, I noticed:"

"His car has a Tokyo license plate."

"This shows that his self-introduction is very likely to be partly true. He is indeed a tourist from Tokyo."

"In this case, he should not be familiar with the local situation in Izu, and he would not have a safe and concealed base here."

"And this road goes on:"

"To the right is the town, to the left is the mountain village."

"A foreigner who wants to commit murder would probably not take the victim to a town that he is not familiar with, where there are many people and can easily be exposed."

"He would probably drive left into the dense mountain forest and choose an uninhabited forest as the murder scene."

"In this way, it is not only hidden and difficult to be discovered, but also the body can be buried and disposed of on the spot, so that things can be done cleanly."

Conan couldn't care less about being looked at strangely by the uninformed Suzuki Sonoko and Kyogoku.

He quickly stated this analysis and pointed out the direction to Belmode who was driving.

The car drove left onto the road along the mountain.

There are dense mountain forests along the way, and the wind is also much lighter.

And if the wind is small, the smell will not be so easy to dissipate quickly.

"Woof woof woof!"

Caesar stretched his dog's head out of the window and stuck out his tongue in the wind, as if he was very excited.

This shows that it successfully disconnected and reconnected, and entered the online state again.


Lin Xinyi breathed a sigh of relief:

"There is the smell of victims left on this road, and it was just recently."

"We chose the right path!"

In this way, following Caesar's instructions, the group of people drove on the mountain road and followed him.

There are many fewer vehicles on the mountain road and the road conditions are extremely smooth.

Coupled with the fact that Belmode's driving skills were more than enough for racing in Akina Mountain, it didn't take long for Lin Xin to sit in the car before he made a discovery on the road along the way.


When passing by a dirt road between woods, he urgently shouted to stop.

Before Caesar could point out the way based on the smell, Lin Xinyi already noticed something was wrong:

"That dirt road is rutted."

"And it was from the road to the dirt road, not from the dirt road to the road."

If you are driving from a dirt road to a highway, there should be soil residue left on the road by tires that have pressed through the dirt road and then onto the hard road surface.

But now at the intersection of the dirt road and the highway, the highway is clean and there is no dirt.

This shows that in recent times, no vehicles have driven from the dirt road to the highway for a long time.

And look at that rut mark again.

The grass blades that had been crushed by the wheels were all green and fell very badly.

This further illustrates that the car just ran over the blades of grass.

Therefore, the grass blades did not have time to wither and turn yellow, nor did they have time to repair themselves and grow and stand up again.

"This should be the tire mark left by Masahiko Michowaki."

"He drove the car onto this dirt road in the woods and wanted to go deep into the woods to commit the crime!"

Lin Xinyi made a timely judgment.

Belmode immediately turned the steering wheel and drove in hot pursuit.

Caesar also remained in a state of excitement and never disconnected or hung up.

This shows that Lin Xinyi's judgment is correct. This dirt road is the direction in which Michowaki Masahiko drove.

The group of people drove straight into the jungle. Not long after driving forward, they saw an unoccupied car parked on the dirt road near the woods.

"It's Masahiko Michowaki's car!"

Before the vehicle could stop, Lin Xinyi jumped out with Caesar in hand.

The two masters, Kyogoku Makoto and Mao Lilan, also followed closely with serious expressions, leading everyone to follow Caesar and chase him into the forest.

There was a commotion in the forest.

Masahiko Michowaki in the woods was still unaware of it.

He was busy putting the unconscious victim down on the ground in the woods, looking at the female tourist's dyed yellow hair, and smiled ferociously:

"Haha, stinky woman!"

"I actually let you see the knife hidden in my bag."

"I originally planned to play with you for a while longer before taking action, but now... you asked for it!"

As he spoke, Masahiko Michowaki began to pervertly ravage the dyed hair of the female tourist, and growled crazily to himself:

"It's all you who dye your hair that's a bad sign!"

"A shameless guy who can only show off, seduce men, and play with my feelings!!"

"Go to hell!!"

Michowaki Masahiko raised his sword high while grinning.

The blade flashed with cold light and was about to fall.


Lin Xinyi roared angrily.

Michowaki Masahiko looked at each other in astonishment, but when he turned his head, he saw a big foot kicking from the air.


Michowaki Masahiko, and the few teeth that blurted out, flew backwards together.

It rolled and collapsed like a dead dog.

A handsome face soon swelled into a pig's head.

Michowaki Masahiko seemed to have completely lost consciousness and was lying there motionless.

"Catch up, catch up"

Lin Xinyi breathed a long sigh of relief.

He hurriedly knelt down again to check the physical condition of the unconscious female tourist:

"He is unconscious, but his breathing is steady and his pulse is strong. He should be fine."

"The man was saved."

Only here did Lin Xinyi feel completely relieved.

It's all settled.

"Ms. Maori, help take this lady to the car and take her to the hospital for treatment."

"Kyogoku-san, Michowaki Masahiko will be left under your care."

"We will send him to the police station immediately."

Lin Xinyi handed over the task of controlling Masahiko Michowaki to the most powerful Kyogoku Shin.

And Kyogoku Shinya silently agreed, preparing to pick up the unconscious Michowaki Masahiko and take him back to the car.

"This guy"

"He's not just a scumbag, but a perverted murderer??!"

Suzuki Sonoko, who had followed him all the way here in a hurry, finally accepted this fact with a scared look on his face.


"What kind of scum are the men I meet?!"

Miss Suzuki felt very resentful.

She gritted her teeth and stepped forward, viciously kicking Masahiko Michowaki who was lying on the ground.

Anyway, Michowaki Masahiko had passed out, and Kyogoku was right beside her, so she didn't worry about her safety at all.

And these feet pushed down hard

Michowaki Masahiko was actually kicked awake.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Suzuki Sonoko, whose dyed hair made him furious and murderous at the sight, and he couldn't help but feel bloodthirsty in his eyes.

"Go to hell!!"

The severe pain on his face completely aroused his ferocity.

Michowaki Masahiko suddenly took out a short dagger from his pocket, struggling to get up and fight to the death in the desperate situation.

But this obviously has no effect.

The blade had just pierced the air when it was blocked by Kyogoku Shin's hand.

The tip of the knife pierced his arm and scratched his skin, but it could not make any further progress.

"The guy who swung a knife at a woman."

"Not worthy of forgiveness."

"Before he died," Michowaki Masahiko only saw Kyogoku's gloomy and cold face.

Then, he didn't even have time to feel the pain.

The whole person soared into the sky.

It flew out like a cannonball.

After breaking three or four trees in succession, he fell limply to the ground like a boneless worm.

"So, so handsome!"

In Miss Suzuki's eyes full of stars, Kyogoku slowly retracted her legs and stood firm.

The wound on his arm was still bleeding slowly.

Suzuki Sonoko looked distressed:

"I-I'll bandage you!"

She took out the handkerchief she carried with her, carefully lifted Kyogoku's arm, and gave him a simple bandage to stop the bleeding.

A blush silently appeared on Kyogoku's dark face.

Lin Xinyi was stunned when he saw it.

He looked directly at Kyogoku Makoto, as if asking:

"Someone can actually hurt you."

"Michiwaki Masahiko, just him??"

Kyogoku was really an expert at dodging rifles, but he couldn't dodge Masahiko Michowaki's sword.

From this point of view, Michowaki Masahiko at least has the strength of a great swordsman.

With this record, it is not an exaggeration to call him the "Sword Master".

"is this real??"

Lin Xinyi looked confused.


Kyogoku is still silent.

Lin Xinyi had been looking at him like this for a long time.

He turned his head silently and became even more silent.

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