Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 356 Gin’s plan

Police, police, police everywhere.

It seemed like they were going to swarm him in the next second and capture him, a criminal, on the spot.

Kenzo Mayama broke into a cold sweat.

He really didn't know what to do, so he could only wait desperately, waiting for that "Miss Miyano" to blow the horn for his funeral.

However, one second, two seconds, several seconds passed.

"Miss Miyano" still didn't report him.

She just stared at him from a distance for a while, then quietly looked away, and started chatting with her friend next to her in a natural manner.

"How is this going?"

Masuyama Kenzo was stunned for a long time.

But he never could wait for the desperate scene in his fantasy.

"Could it be that she just has an impression of me?"

"But you still haven't remembered who I am?"

Kenzo Masama breathed a sigh of relief:

The other party seemed to have a vague impression of him, but had not remembered where he had seen him or who he was.

His identity should not be completely exposed yet.

So, now he has two options before him:

1. Bet that Ms. Miyano could not recall his identity, so she continued to disguise herself as "Kenso Masayama" and tried to get more information from the other party.

2. Before Miss Miyano fully recovers, give up her disguise and run as far as she can.

Choose 1, although you will take a lot of risks, but the benefits are relatively huge.

Choosing 2 will ensure your own safety, but it will definitely alert the enemy and cause heavy losses to the property you manage for the organization as "Kenzo Masuyama".

He thought about it carefully:

Definitely have to choose 2!

If you choose 1, the risks belong to you and the benefits belong to the organization.

What can he achieve? ?

Although Masuyama Kenzo is a veteran of the organization, he was once the boss's right-hand man.

But the hero is no longer as brave as he once was, and the veteran is old after all.

He has not been fighting for the organization on the front line for a long time, but he has been acting as the organization's "white glove", helping the organization manage some of its apparent property, and comfortably being the respectable big boss.

Kenzo Masama is now very bold in borrowing the organization's assets to make money for himself.

But the courage to sacrifice one's life for the organization is absolutely unavailable.

What's more, the whole organization knows that Miss Shirley has a sharp mind and an extraordinary memory.

The other party just glanced at himself and noticed something strange.

Would she really put the matter behind her completely and stop trying to recall and investigate just because she couldn't remember his identity for a moment?

Kenzo Masama doesn’t dare to guarantee:

"She might remember my true identity at any time."

"Without further delay, let's run away quickly."

Feeling the Sword of Damocles hanging above his head, he decisively chose to flee.

While Kenzo Masuyama slipped out quietly, he didn't forget to call Gin for help.

Soon, in the deserted hotel corridor outside the venue, the call was connected:

"Pisco, what's going on?"

Gin's words were cold and concise.

"It's bad, Gin!"

Masuyama Kenzo didn't have time to beat around the bush and said straight to the point:

"Shirley is not dead."

"I saw her at the Rice Krispies Hotel!"

"." There was a terrible silence on the other end of the phone.

Fortunately, Gin could tell from his tone that Kenzo Mayama was in a bad situation at the moment.

So he quickly saved the time to be shocked and emphasized succinctly:

"Are you sure that's Shirley?"

"Absolutely true!"

Kenzo Masuyama believes in his eyes very much:

"That's Shirley. She is now openly hanging out with the Japanese police, and is even blatantly attending social gatherings at the Metropolitan Police Department."

“This hotel is now full of police officers, including senior leaders from the Metropolitan Police Department’s Public Security Department.”


"The woman almost recognized me."

"I'm at risk of being exposed at any time now, Gin, please send someone over to pick me up as soon as possible."

"My identity can no longer be used. The people placed by the organization at Baling Motors must follow me and evacuate as soon as possible."

He urged in an anxious tone.

I wish Gin would take him to the sky in a helicopter right now.

But Gin on the other end of the phone suddenly asked him a strange question:

"You said that Shirley is currently at a social reception at the Metropolitan Police Department?"

"Are the people with her all officers from the Metropolitan Police Department?"

"Then tell me who are the people at the scene and whose names you can recognize."

"Huh?" Kenzo Mashan's face froze:

Is it time to tell you the name of the dish?

Others are still staying in the police den!

But hearing Gin's firm and cold tone, he had no choice but to endure his discomfort and quickly replied:

"I know some of them:"

"Director Odagiri of the Criminal Department, and several senior officials from the Ministry of Public Security."

"Oh, by the way, there's also the one who's very famous recently."

"Forensic Section Manager Lin Xinyi."

He reported a long list of names, but did not leave out Lin Xinyi, who was in the limelight recently.

"Speaking of which, Lin Xinyi seems to have a good relationship with Shirley." Masuyama Kenzo also specifically added: "They chatted together for a while, as if they had known each other before."

"." Gin on the other end of the phone became silent again.

Masuyama Kenzo doesn't have time to waste phone calls with him here:

"Okay, I'm leaving the Popcorn Hotel now."

"As soon as I leave, Miss Shirley will probably react quickly, and the Metropolitan Police Department will also take action - Gin, you have to help me prepare an escape route."


Gin finally spoke:

"Pisco, you stay there first."

"I still have some things to verify."

Not long ago, the underground laboratory of Dr. Ali's house.

The short little Miss Haiyuan stepped on the bench, holding a large bottle of white wine, and poured wine into the glass cup on the table with difficulty.

For a moment, the aroma of wine overflowed and filled the entire space.

"Is this the test you're talking about?"

Belmode sat at the table and looked at Huihara Ai who was pouring wine for him:

"Do you want me to come over for a drink as part of the experiment?"

"That's right."

Hui Yuan Ai said calmly:

"This is a kind of strong liquor from China, Lao Baigan."

"There are some special ingredients in it that can cause significant physical changes in users of APTX4869."

"I would like to ask you to drink these Laobaigan, observe and record the changes in your vital signs, and take blood samples from you after drinking for study and analysis."

"Are blood samples drawn and studied and analyzed?"

Belmod was still laughing a second ago.

The smile turned into frost in the next second:

"Do you really want me to kill you, kid?"

The temperature dropped suddenly by several degrees, and it was so cold that one's hair stood on end.

Hui Yuan Ai's face froze.

She could feel that her "organizational radar", which had not worked on Belmode for a long time, actually sounded the alarm at this moment.

This woman's murderous intent is real.

Belmode really wanted to kill her!

"You, you." A thin layer of cold sweat broke out on Haiyuan Ai's forehead: "You promised to help me."

"Sorry. I can't bear it anymore."

Under the murderous intent of the Thousand-Faced Witch, this so-called agreement seemed so feeble.

Belmode paid no attention to this ridiculous accusation.

She just slowly stretched out her hand and strangled Hui Yuan Ai's slender and fragile neck.

Hui Yuan Ai had goosebumps all over her body.

She could almost feel that the poisonous snake wrapped around her neck was squirming, tightening, and strangling inch by inch.

In front of Belmode, Hui Yuan Ai was as fragile as a delicate little flower.

Just one pinch and her beautiful life would wither.

No, no way

Am I going to die in such a muddle?

Die at the hands of this woman?

Feeling the suffocating coldness on Belmod's body, Haihara Ai fell into despair.

She stood there motionless, waiting for her death, like a broken puppet.

And at this moment

Suddenly the clouds opened and the rain fell, the colors shone brightly, and the darkness turned into sunshine in an instant:

"The Miyano family brat."

Belmod released his hand from Haiyuan Ai's small neck.


"Don't be so sentimental, I'm not doing this for you."

As she spoke, she picked up the wine on the table and drank it in one gulp.

"." Hui Yuan Ai breathed a long sigh of relief, still in shock.

She stayed there for a long time before she finally recovered from Belmode's nasty "joke".

No. Was that really a joke?

When Haihara Ai recalled the situation just now, goosebumps immediately appeared on her body.

She forced herself to suppress the fear, and then turned to look at Belmode, who had already drank a glass of Laobaigan:

"Are there any changes in your body now?"


Belmode, who drank a glass of strong liquor, didn't seem to react at all.

"There is no reaction at all. Is it because of individual differences and the dose is not enough?"

Haiyuan Ai is thinking seriously:

He and Conan are children, and they will react if they drink a glass of Laobaigan.

And Belmode is an adult, so it may take more doses to be effective.

"Let's have a few more drinks."

Hui Yuan Ai carefully poured her another large glass of Laobaigan.

"Don't push yourself too far."

Belmode said coldly.

"Well" Haiyuan Ai's little ears were immediately shrunk in fright.

She already had a psychological shadow on Belmod, but now, the shadow is a little heavier:

"No, it's okay not to drink."


Belmode was silent for a while.

Seeing the arrogant little Miss Haiyuan cowering like this, she couldn't get angry anymore:

"Okay. I'll cooperate with you."

"But don't let me get drunk, otherwise the scene won't be pretty."

“Just drink it”

Haihara Ai didn't take Belmod's warning to heart.

"Okay." Belmod shrugged: "As you wish, Miss."

As she said that, she simply picked up the bottle of liquor with one hand and poured it down in one gulp.

Haibara Ai picked up the experimental recording paper, ready to record the various physical changes of Belmode after drinking Laobaigan.

a moment later

"Experiment record:"

"After individual No. 3 drinks alcohol, his body temperature rises, his heart rate increases, his brain becomes excited, and his speech increases. All of the above are normal reactions caused by alcohol-induced sympathetic nerve excitement."

"Then he began to have involuntary movements, was emotionally unstable, and became 'aggressive.'"

Hui Yuan Ai silently covered his torn and messy collar and recorded it solemnly.

"Phase trial conclusion:"

"First, the special substance in Laobaigan is suspected to be ineffective against Individual No. 3."


Hui Yuan Ai silently wiped away a few bright red lip marks on her face.

The lipstick has been wiped off, but the little strawberries are still on my face:

"Second, we must not let her get drunk in the future."

"Belmod didn't answer the phone."

Gin put down the phone with a gloomy look.

At such a critical moment, he was unable to contact the hidden line he arranged beside Lin Xinyi.

"Boss, Belmode"

The driver, Mr. Vodka, was so nervous that he couldn't hold the steering wheel tightly:

"She won't have been given to Lin Xinyi."

"Impossible, Belmode is not such an easy woman to deal with."

Gin analyzed it carefully, and his tone became more and more subtle:

"Speaking of which, the information Pisco sent back is very strange."

"If that was really Shirley, she would just show up on her own. How could she appear in public with Lin Xinyi?"

"She knows Lin Xinyi's true identity."

"If Lin Xinyi had not betrayed the organization, there would have been no way for the two of them to coexist peacefully like this."

"And if Lin Xinyi hadn't betrayed the organization, in order to cover up this fact, Shirley shouldn't have appeared with him."

"Are they really so arrogant that they are not afraid of being discovered?"

No matter how Gin thought about it, nothing felt right.

Unless Lin Xinyi is now determined to have a showdown with the organization and completely fall into the arms of the Japanese police.

Otherwise, there was no way he would risk exposing himself and appear in public with Miyano Shiho, who was supposed to be dead.

But Pisco was so confident that he had seen Miss Shirley alive.

Judging from his anxious and embarrassed look, it didn't look like he was talking nonsense at all.

The situation is getting really puzzling.

"Then" Vodka asked naively: "Shall we call Lin Xinyi to ask about the situation?"

"you mean"

"Let's call Lin Xinyi directly and ask him if he betrayed the organization?"

"Uh" Vodka closed his mouth:

Lin Xinyi is now extremely suspicious of himself and calls him, isn't that right?

The driver racked his brains and thought for a while, and finally came up with a tried-and-true solution——

Throwing the question back to the elder brother:

"Boss, what should we do?"

"." Gin thought deeply for a while: "Let Pisco find a way to kill that 'Miyano Shiho'."

"Ah?" Vodka was a little confused: "But is that really Miyano Shiho?"

"Ha" Ginjiu smiled coldly:

"Is it true or false? Does it matter?"

Kill for real and earn with blood.

It's not a loss if you kill the fake ones.

"What about Pisco?"

Vodka still hasn't figured out where this "good thing" lies.

If someone accidentally kills someone in a police den, wouldn't Pisco just break in? Moreover, if that guy is taken down by the police alive, will he really not bring trouble to the organization?

"The boss has long been displeased with this old guy who cheats and cheats."

"Do not worry"

Gin quietly picked up his weapon and hit his own Beretta with perfect accuracy:

"I will go and 'response' him properly."

The second is later

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