Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 359 Officer Lin makes another extraordinary contribution

There is actually a murderer killing people in this "police den".

And the person to be killed is the second lady of the Suzuki Zaibatsu!

This is undoubtedly big news.

"Check, we must investigate and find out the truth as soon as possible!"

"No one is allowed to leave the scene until the murderer is caught!"

Criminal Minister Toshiro Odagiri gave the police orders with a serious expression.

The colleagues from the Metropolitan Police Department who were present all looked serious:

They all realized the seriousness of the matter:

If the results of this matter can be found today, the headlines of tomorrow’s news will be:

"A frantic attack on a police party, the first stupid thief in history surrendered himself"

If the results of this matter cannot be found out today, and all the guests present are released without any solution, then tomorrow's news headlines will be:

"When she 'died', the police were having a party next door"

"The Metropolitan Police Department spends 600 billion yen a year, but it cannot catch thieves at home."

"The Feast of the Metropolitan Police, the Carnival of Criminals"

Thinking of this, the police officers couldn't help but blush.

They were filled with righteous indignation, passion, and fighting spirit.

Everyone gave their best.

They also used their trump card as the elite of the Metropolitan Police Department:

"Forest Manager!"

Everyone looked over:

"What do you think of this case?"

The trump card is naturally to summon Lin Xinyi.

He picked up the faces of the Metropolitan Police all by himself.

If it weren't for Lin Xinyi, if the criminals wanted to slap the Metropolitan Police Department in the face like they did today, the Metropolitan Police Department would not have the shame to do so.

Therefore, these days, whenever a difficult case is encountered, everyone will immediately think of this invincible forest manager.

"Well" Lin Xinyi's expression looked a little embarrassed.

He had just heard the report from Miwako Sato about the general incident of the crime.

Generally speaking, cases where the murderer doesn't run away after killing someone and stays at the scene pretending to be innocent are very easy to solve.

There is no need for anyone to think of a way, let Caesar take action and catch him accurately.

But this murderer is unusual.

"The work clothes he wore when committing the crime were almost completely burned."

"The pistol left at the scene was not only wiped clean, but also roasted by fire, so that the smell of the murderer would not remain."

"And the entire floor of the floor is still covered with water, and the murderer's remaining footprints and smell no longer exist."

"And Miss Mori and Miss Sato haven't seen the true face of the murderer, so they don't know what he looks like."

"To be honest, it was difficult to find him among so many people."

Lin Xinyi reluctantly stated the difficulties he encountered.

There was only one old man in a suit in the crowd who secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Others, especially my colleagues from the Metropolitan Police Department, didn’t look so good:

"What should we do, Manager Lin?"


Lin Xinyi sighed helplessly:

He complained about this so that everyone could work together to come up with some ideas and provide advice.

The result was a piece of Teletubbies' innocent eyes.

Apparently no one among the elite Metropolitan Police officers present could help him.

He can only try his luck:

"I'll go to the scene first to see"

"Let the forensics department bring all the personnel and equipment first. The more complete the better."

"By the way, don't forget to take Caesar with you."

At this critical juncture, he is the only reliable one among his colleagues.

Lin Xinyi made a simple arrangement, and then took Mao Lilan and Sato Miwako, who had personally experienced the case, back to the scene to start a preliminary investigation.

The first thing I went to was the women's bathroom.

"Damn it. The bathroom is also equipped with fire sprinklers?"

Lin Xinyi was defeated by the high standard safety configuration of the Rice Flower Hotel:

There was more water on the bathroom floor than in the corridor outside, and the remaining footprints and smell on the floor were completely destroyed.

As for fingerprints, palm prints, hair, etc.

The murderer committed the crime wearing gloves and a hair condom, and these items would not be left at the scene.

The gloves he was wearing when committing the crime were also burned along with his clothes.

"This murderer is very clever!"

"And we chose this moment to assassinate Miss Suzuki."

"I'm afraid he's a professional killer from some underground organization."

Lin Xinyi secretly sighed at the murderer's professionalism.

In his mind, he suddenly imagined a grudge between wealthy families that could make 80 episodes of a TV series:

Who would hire a killer to assassinate Suzuki Sonoko?

If Suzuki Sonoko dies, who will benefit the most?

According to this idea, Suzuki Sonoko's sister will be imagined as an evil lady who kills her sister to fight for the inheritance.

"Probably not"

Thinking of Miss Suzuki Ayako, who spoke in a weak voice, Lin Xinyi gave up this groundless speculation for the time being.

He finally gave up the reasoning and imagination that he was not good at, and honestly started from the perspective of on-site investigation:

"Let's go to the utility room again."

"If we can't find any traces there, I'm afraid things will be in trouble."

Lin Xinyi sighed softly, then turned and walked towards the utility room.

As soon as he walked to the door of the utility room and looked inside at the narrow space structure of the utility room, his expression suddenly changed:

"Close the door quickly!"

"Don't let the air inside escape!"

"Uh?" Mao Lilan was slightly startled.

She subconsciously followed Lin Xinyi's order, closed the door of the utility room, and then asked with some confusion:

"Mr. Lin, have you found any clues?"

"That's right. The air in this room is a clue!" Lin Xinyi replied succinctly: "There is residual smell of the murderer in it, which can be used by Caesar to track him."

"Police dog tracking?"

Hearing the method proposed by Lin Xinyi, Mao Lilan was a little puzzled:

"But there are fire sprinklers in the utility room."

"The floor in the utility room is also soaked in water, and there is no way to extract the residual smell."

"No, it doesn't matter if the ground doesn't smell."

Lin Xinyi shook his head:

Mao Lilan, as well as other trained forensic police officers, are accustomed to extracting residual odors from footprints at the scene.

This is because human feet smell the most.

Moreover, there is direct contact between the soles of the feet and the ground, so the smell can better adhere to the ground and be preserved for a longer period of time.

If on a dirt floor, the scent can last up to a day under standard windless conditions.

Even on such an indoor hard cement floor, 10% of the initial concentration of the smell can still remain after 3 hours under standard windless conditions.

But these smells remaining on the ground will be destroyed as soon as they are washed away by water.

That's why Mao Lilan felt that police dog identification was no longer feasible in this case.

"But it's actually possible."

"Think about it carefully, I taught you that extracting the olfactory source does not have to go through a solid medium like the ground."

"Under special conditions, we can extract the olfactory source directly from the air!"

Lin Xinyi explained, and Mao Lilan suddenly realized:

"Oh, right."

"In a small, confined space, we can extract odors directly from the air!"

Following Lin Xinyi's prompt, she carefully recalled the spatial structure of the utility room.

The utility room is very small.

And there are no windows, no vents.

Even if the door is open, air and the outside world circulate very slowly.

Although there was a fire sprinkler inside, and it was sprayed with water.

But after all, the lotus-shaped water mist sprayed from the fire sprinkler could not cover all the air in this utility room.

There is still a large part of the air that has not been washed by the water mist. If there are residual body odor molecules in it, it may still remain in the utility room until now.

"It's a long shot, but it's still worth a try."

"As long as there is residual body odor in the collected air, we will soon know who the murderer is."

All traces that could be investigated were erased by the murderer.

Lin Xinyi put all his hopes on Caesar.

He blocked the door tightly and even used tape to plug any gaps where air could leak. Then he waited for the forensics class to bring Caesar and the equipment to the scene.

And because this time the slap in the face directly hit the Minister of Criminal Affairs, everyone's speed of action has obviously improved.

The hotel didn't wait long, and the equipment and dogs were delivered to the site.

Caesar was officially on duty this time. He was wearing POLICE's black vest uniform. He sat there vigorously and looked very majestic.

Lin Xinyi touched its head, and then ordered to his subordinates:

"Bring me the on-site scent extractor."

Using an on-site odor extractor to extract odor is another odor extraction method that is different from the gauze infection method.

This is generally used to extract the smell from footprints, clothes, gloves and other items.

Generally, the items to be extracted are put into a closed gas collecting hood, and then the air is continuously extracted using a suction device.

The gas will be pumped from the gas collection hood to the odor enrichment chamber and pass through an adsorption device filled with suction cloth or molecular plugs.

It's probably a "range hood" with a "filter".

Now, Lin Xinyi wants to use it to directly extract the air in the utility room.

When used, it looks a bit like a vacuum cleaner.

It's just that it's not dust that's being sucked in, but the air in this sealed utility room.

After a lot of hard work, Lin Xinyi had vigorously pumped out the air in the utility room.

If there are body odor molecules left by prisoners inside, they should all be concentrated on the suction cloth in the odor enrichment chamber at this moment.

Lin Xinyi carefully used tweezers to remove the suction cloth and stored it in the scent storage bag.

"Caesar, it's your turn."

He held the traction rope and brought Caesar back to the banquet venue.

At this moment, all the guests and waiters in the venue were controlled by the police, waiting for Lin Xinyi to find a way to identify them.

"Manager Lin, have you found the murderer?"

Everyone looked over nervously or curiously.

"Just try and you will find out."

Lin Xinyi did not give an answer.

He just squatted down slowly, opened the seal of the scent storage bag, and let Caesar smell the scent inside carefully.

Caesar soon stuck out his tongue, wagging his tail, his breathing became rapid, and his eyes became sharp.

This is "going online".

It recognizes human odor.

The scene suddenly fell into silence.

This big, fluffy, black-backed dog has become the center of attention at this moment.

I saw it first looking around excitedly, and then circling around Lin Xinyi:

"No, not me"

"Does anyone else smell like this?"

The odor collected at the scene will be interfered by the body odor of others, mainly investigators, which is almost inevitable.

And trained police dogs have the ability to eliminate interference one by one.

With the help of Lin Xinyi, Caesar quickly sniffed out Mao Lilan and Sato Miwako who had been to the utility room.


"Woof woof woof!"

Caesar barked at someone in the crowd.

Fanshan Kensan's expression changed drastically.

"This old gentleman."

The righteous police officer Lin looked directly at the criminal who had revealed his true colors:

"You are the murderer who assassinated Miss Sonoko, right?!"

Masuyama Kenzo was completely defeated by the ace of the Metropolitan Police Department.

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