Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 372 The murderer is dead

"Criminal behavior." Kazami Yuya finally reacted belatedly.

"Forest Manager, Mr. Jiang Gu, what do you mean?"

"The suspect may have been killed?"

"And that murderer is."

Thinking of the poor Mrs. Yamazaki, Officer Feng Jian couldn't help but feel his heart sink.

At the same time, he couldn't help but have some doubts:

"But Mrs. Yamazaki said that she was in the store yesterday and didn't come back."

"Although no one can give her an alibi, but correspondingly, we can't prove that she was at the scene, right?"

"No." Officer Furitani shook his head: "Kazemi, do you still remember the problem that Mr. Lin first noticed when he first arrived at the scene?"

"That is, witnesses saw that the murderer escaped over the courtyard wall after committing the crime."

"And if Mr. Yamazaki was the only one at home at that time, after the murderer killed Mr. Yamazaki, there would be no one in the villa who could threaten him."

"This" Feng Jian Yuya was slightly startled:

Indeed, if there is no one else in the villa, the murderer can calmly open the door and leave after committing the crime. There is no need to escape in such an embarrassing manner over the wall.

But the murderer hurriedly climbed over the wall and escaped.

In other words, besides the murderer and Mr. Yamazaki, there should have been a third person in the room at that time.

And this third person made the murderer feel threatened, so he hurriedly climbed over the wall to escape after the murder.

"Not only that, when I first came to the scene, I also saw the footprints left by the murderer on the lawn."

Lin Xinyi followed Jiang Guling's words and said:

"Although only a rough outline of the footprints on the grass can be seen, even this can be easily distinguished:"

"Those footprints on the grass were left by the same person. There are two sets of footprints, one "in" and one "out"."

"The trail of 'entering' starts from the cement road in front of the courtyard and extends to the sliding glass door on the side of the villa."

"This string of footprints moves loosely, with short steps, irregular left and right footprints, and there are absent footprints with one foot upright and one foot slanted."

"These are all proven:"

"The murderer sneaked in from the front of the courtyard gate, walked around to the side of the villa, and got in through the sliding glass door that opened on the side."

"In order to avoid being heard by the target inside the house, the murderer sneaked in very quietly, stopping and walking, leaving such irregular and slow footsteps."

"This is the footprint of the murderer entering the scene before committing the crime."

As he spoke, Lin Xinyi paused slightly and emphasized:

"However, the characteristics of the footprints that the murderer left the scene after committing the crime are completely different."

"He escaped directly from the glass door on the side of the villa, leaving only four footprints on the grass in the courtyard. He went straight across the lawn, jumped onto the courtyard wall closest to him, and finally quickly climbed over the wall and left."

"And this scene is exactly the black figure that witnesses saw at 1 o'clock in the morning."

"Combined with traces at the scene and witness testimony, it can be seen that the murderer was running as hard as he could."

"He was so panicked when he was escaping that he didn't even dare to leave the door. He only dared to choose the shortest path - that is, climbing over the wall."

Lin Xinyi explained in detail, so Yuya Fengjian understood what he wanted to express:

"The murderer was so panicked at the time because there were other people in the house besides the deceased."

"And that person is most likely Mrs. Yamazaki."


He suddenly felt something was wrong:

"Why was the murderer so afraid of Mrs. Yamazaki that he even climbed over the wall to escape in such embarrassment?"

"Mr. Lin, you have analyzed it before. Although the little gangster is weak in physical strength, he has an impulsive personality and great courage."

"At that time, he had already killed Mr. Yamazaki in the fight. Why was he so frightened that he ran away after seeing Mrs. Yamazaki, who was physically weaker than the deceased?"

"This." Just as Lin Xinyi was about to answer, Officer Jiangu suddenly realized and said:

"Is it because of the gun?"

Jiang Guling immediately understood Lin Xinyi's operation, and his tone was filled with admiration:

"No wonder the forest management officer quietly asked our police officers to investigate whether the Yamazaki couple is legally qualified to hold guns."

"As a woman who is physically weaker than Mr. Yamazaki, Mrs. Yamazaki was able to scare the murderer like that. It was probably because she had a gun in her hand at the time."

"That's right." Lin Xinyi nodded approvingly:

"This is similar to the case I encountered last time at Mount Kumgang in Osaka, so the first thing I thought of was guns, and then I asked someone to investigate whether the Yamazakis were legally possessing firearms."

"And based on my speculation:"

"Mrs. Yamazaki went home to rest directly after the izakaya closed at 0 o'clock."

"It was 1 o'clock in the morning when the crime occurred. The deceased Ken Yamazaki was still staying up late watching TV on the sofa. Mrs. Yamazaki, who did not come home from work until 0 o'clock, may have fallen asleep in the room."

"So when Mr. Yamasaki and the killer started fighting, she didn't show up in time to help."

"When Mrs. Yamazaki was awakened by the sound of fighting, she began to realize that something was wrong."

"So, she immediately picked up the firearm hidden in the cabinet for self-defense, tried to walk out of the bedroom and came to the living room to check the situation in the living room, but she ran into the murderer who had just killed her husband."

"When the murderer saw the gun in Mrs. Yamazaki's hand, he was naturally frightened and did not dare to act arrogantly again."

"He was afraid that he would be shot to death by Mrs. Yamazaki, so he immediately escaped from the villa through the glass door in the living room, climbed over the courtyard wall closest to him, and escaped."

"And after that"

Lin Xinyi's tone became a little heavy:

"Mrs. Yamazaki's choice was not to call the police for help, but to leave the villa immediately and pursue her with a gun."

"Because she went after the murderer, and the murderer didn't come back all night, so..."

"I have to suspect that the murderer has been killed."

"Mr. Lin" Officer Feng Jian listened and encountered another confusion: "How did you know that Mrs. Yamazaki was out chasing the murderer?"

"Because of the door."

"Officer Feng Jian, you said that the security door of the villa was open when the police arrived at the scene."

"But I have just analyzed it, and the traces at the scene show that the murderer entered and exited the scene through the sliding glass door on the side of the villa, and did not use the security door on the front of the villa at all."

"So... that door can only be opened and not closed after Mrs. Yamazaki went out to chase the murderer."

Lin Xinyi's detailed analysis completely eliminated the last trace of luck in Officer Feng Jian's heart.

He had to admit that the truth might be so cruel.

Knowing that calling the police would not punish the murderer, Mrs. Yamazaki was forced to become the murderer.

"Alas" Lin Xinyi sighed deeply:

"Officer Kazami, go look around."

"If Mrs. Yamazaki really killed the murderer with a gun, the shooting was not heard by nearby residents."

"That means that the location where Mrs. Yamazaki caught up with the murderer, which is the crime scene of the second case, is most likely in a relatively secluded place like a park."

"I see."

Officer Feng Jian nodded, his expression even more disappointed:

"There is indeed a park nearby, a very quiet park."

After a while.

Lin Xinyi, Fukitani Rei and Kazami Yuya took Mrs. Yamazaki to the park not far from her home.

The dense artificial forest in the park has been cordoned off for a long time.

Police found the body of a teenager in the woods.

The corpse was shot in the back and fell to the ground on its back. Its eyes were wide open and its expression was twisted in pain, making it look very ferocious.

Blood dyed half of his back red, and dripped from his side, dyeing the ground beneath him red.

Lying in a pool of his own blood, he bled to death.

This way of death is almost the same as Mr. Yamazaki's.

Lin Xinyi did not rush to bring the police officers from the forensics department to investigate the scene. Instead, he, Fang Gu and Feng Jian avoided everyone and brought in Mrs. Yamazaki.

Mrs. Yamazaki saw the boy's body.

There was a moment of silence, and the four people present fell into a dead air.

After being stunned for a long time, Mrs. Yamazaki asked coldly:

"What do you mean by bringing me here?"

"." Lin Xinyi pondered for a moment and replied: "This young man should be the murderer of your husband."

"He also had a metal hammer hanging from his waist and a bloody kitchen knife in his hand."

"Plus there is splattering blood on the outside of the arm——"

"The blood couldn't be his own because he was shot in the back and the blood couldn't have sprayed to this location."

"So, the next step is to identify the blood stains on the hammer, kitchen knife and the outside of his arm, and compare it with the DNA of your husband, Mr. Yamazaki, to confirm that the murderer is the dead boy."

With a serious tone, he announced the result of Yamazaki Ken's murder case.

The murder weapon and bloody clothes were found, and the identity of the murderer was confirmed.

But knowing that the identity of her husband's killer had been officially confirmed, Mrs. Yamazaki just responded lukewarmly: "Oh."

"Stop beating around the bush and say what you really want to say."

"Don't you just want to say that I killed this scumbag?"

She looked at the three police officers present with disgust.

However, Lin Xinyi, Feng Gulii, and Kazami Yuya could only bear the disgust from the "murderer" with their complicated emotions.

"If you want to say I am the murderer, please bring out the evidence!"

Mrs. Yamazaki's voice was impolite.

"This" Feng Jian Yuya was slightly startled.

He couldn't help but raise his head slightly and look at Lin Xinyi:

Yes, Mrs. Yamazaki is just suspicious now.

There is no evidence that she is the murderer.

If this evidence cannot be found

Officer Feng Jian suddenly felt an unspeakable sense of guilt in his heart:

At this moment, as a police officer, he actually had some hope. Lin Xinyi could not find any evidence.

He hoped that the murderer in this case would be smart enough to escape the eyes of the police.

"Feel sorry."

Lin Xinyi shook his head helplessly.

He looked at the footprints on the ground, as well as several bullet holes on the ground and tree trunks near the boy's body:

"Mrs. Yamazaki, I know you have a problem with our police, that's why you are deliberately provocative like this."

"However, you should also know in your heart that the evidence in this case is actually easy to find."

"It's just... you don't care."

The second is later

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