Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 377 Theater Date

Lin Xinyi ignored this desperate middle-aged man who seemed to be driven crazy, catching and biting anyone.

He just hurriedly caught up with Boss Muramatsu and his party and asked the theater staff to help him turn up the air conditioner temperature.

They naturally readily agreed to Master Lin's request.

And Mr. Furuhashi even made a special confession for this - it turned out that the reason why the temperature in the screening room was so low was because he secretly turned up the air conditioner to the maximum in order to implement a certain murderous technique.

In his apologetic voice of introspection, Lin Xinyi quickly completed the purpose of his trip.

On the way back, he met Mr. Zhang Tian again.

By this time he had become much calmer.

Although his expression was still full of disgust after seeing Lin Xinyi who had "cursed him to death", at least Mr. Zhang Tian did not go crazy noisily anymore.

He just stood there, smoking quietly.

Seeing Lin Xin observing him curiously along the way, he immediately turned his head away unhappily and walked away minding his own business.

Judging from the direction in which Mr. Zhang Tian left, it seemed that he just wanted to change a place to smoke quietly, not to leave the cinema.

Lin Xinyi didn't care anymore.

He bought two more buckets of popcorn from the front desk and carried them back to the screening room.

At this time, the lights in the screening room have been turned off, and the movie will be released soon.

Lin Xinyi returned to his seat with the two buckets of popcorn and found that Hui Yuan Ai was still wrapped in his clothes and huddled in his seat.

But the kid Mitsuhiko, who couldn't be driven away no matter how hard he tried before, has disappeared.

"Where's Mitsuhiko?"

Lin Xinyi was a little curious.

He felt that it was too late to meet this classmate Tsuburaya, who had excellent "professional knowledge", and felt that he could chat for a while longer.


Seeing Lin Xin first ask about the whereabouts of that "foolish friend" as soon as he came back, Haiyuan Ai couldn't help but show a hint of displeasure on his little face that was exposed from the "quilt".

She turned her head to the side and glanced perfunctorily:

"He went to Ayumi's side."

"Um" Lin Xinyi followed Hui Yuan Ai's gaze and looked:

Sure enough, the boy from the Tsuburaya family was currently circling around Miss Ayumi.

Ayumi naturally put on the coat Mitsuhiko gave her, and at the same time she was concentrating on chatting with Conan sitting aside.

Conan dealt with the girl's flirtations one after another, but his main focus was on the boring activity of grabbing popcorn with Genta.

"The world of primary school students."

"It's really complicated."

Lin Xinyi's mouth twitched slightly.

"." Hui Yuan Ai was silent for a while, and his tone quietly turned cold:

"Even if you are an elementary school student, you don't only have tokusatsu dramas in your mind."

"This is the same." Lin Xinyi obviously didn't understand the meaning, and just made a traditional speech casually:

"Today's children are so precocious that they start playing love triangles in the first grade."

“The students don’t look like students, how can this be possible?”

Hui Yuan Ai quietly rolled his eyes and said nothing.

She then noticed the two buckets of popcorn held by Lin Xinyi:

"You bought two barrels?"

"Yes." Lin Xinyi nodded seriously: "You said you wanted to eat popcorn, so I bought an extra bucket."

"We each have one portion, so we don't have to rush to eat it."

Haibara Ai:"."

This idiot

Even with the superficial experience she learned from those boring love movies, she can imagine that when a couple watches a movie together, they should only buy a bucket of popcorn, right? !

For couples who have just fallen in love, they are not used to physical contact with each other.

Occasionally touching your arm while watching a movie can cause dopamine to surge and adrenaline to surge.

So, grabbing popcorn is obviously an emotion. Why would anyone want to avoid it? !

"I won't eat anymore."

Miss Haiyuan glanced over her head coldly:

The first time I went on a date to watch a movie, I first chose a movie like "Gomera", and then I just talked about Ultraman fighting monsters with elementary school students.

My girlfriend is not sure about throwing herself into my arms, and I can even buy two buckets of popcorn.

This love experience is really terrible.

return the goods!

Hmm. Just return it.

Bad review!

Hui Yuan Ai was sulking alone and subconsciously wrapped her coat tighter.

She seemed to want to hide herself completely in this "quilt" and prevent this irritating boyfriend from contacting her.

But Lin Xinyi was still in a daze and showed no progress:

"Don't want to eat? Shiho, didn't you say you wanted to eat popcorn?"

"Uh wait"

He finally discovered something.

Looking at Hui Yuan Ai who huddled up tightly and wrapped in a "quilt", Lin Xinyi finally realized:

Miss Haiyuan looked very cold at first glance.

Maybe she was like a southern child waking up on a winter morning without heating, unwilling to take her hands out of the bed at all.

"I see."

"Is it because the temperature is too cold and you don't want to reach out to get the popcorn?"

Haibara Ai:"."

This man was able to say such touching words when he first confessed his love, as romantic as Leonardo on the Titanic.

Why is it as boring as a piece of wood now?

The publicity effect is so different from the actual performance.

Sure enough, I still have to return it! !

Idiot, just live your life with your Ultraman.


Haiyuan Ai opened her mouth to say something, but her mouth was blocked.

It was blocked by popcorn.

Lin Xinyi took some popcorn and gently handed it to her mouth:

"Shiho, if you don't want to reach out, I can feed you."

"Hey, feed me?"

Hui Yuan Ai was slightly startled.

The two little ears suddenly turned red along with the pink cheeks:

What to do.

How could such a slow guy suddenly perform such a bold and emotional operation?

Is he the kind of person who just wants to make a name for himself without making a fuss?

Hui Yuan Ai's heart was racing until she used the light from the screen to see clearly Lin Xinyi's face, which was filled with "gentleness and love":

Wait and feed me something to eat?

Hui Yuan Ai's face sank:

This guy is not interested in excitement at all - he is taking care of her like a child! !

He just subconsciously raised her as a "daughter" and couldn't change it no matter how he changed it, so she remained so lackluster and uninteresting! !

"Take your hands away, I don't want you to feed me."

She was about to refuse with a dark face.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xinyi suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged her whole body:

"I'll hold you for now, Shiho."

His eyes were fixed on the big monster appearing on the screen:

"Otherwise, if you sit next to me, I won't be able to take care of you eating popcorn and watching a movie at the same time."

"Well" Haiyuan Ai was silent for a while.

She pondered for a moment, then opened her mouth silently, ate the popcorn her boyfriend brought to her mouth, and stopped talking.

"By the way, what did you say you didn't want just now?"

Lin Xinyi came to his senses after a while and asked with some confusion.


Hui Yuan Ai arched comfortably in his arms and firmly sat on the throne that belonged to her:

"Just watch the movie like this, it's pretty good."

"Oh, do you want some more popcorn?"


Lin Xinyi and Haihara Ai's first movie date went quite smoothly.

Although Conan was present, the movie played until near the end and there were no incidents in the screening room.

The only thing that somewhat affected the dating experience was that even though boss Muramatsu was not doing well in management, he still didn't worry about the electricity bill.

Although the air conditioning temperature has been turned up a bit, the air conditioning in the screening room is still relatively sufficient.

Lin Xinyi actually wanted to ask the staff to adjust the temperature again.

But Miss Haiyuan didn't let him go.

She thinks it's good to watch movies like this, the temperature is just right and there's no need to adjust it.

In this way, Lin Xinyi and Haibara Ai watched the first movie in their dating history together: "Gomera's Counterattack."

And just when the movie is coming to an end.

Something slightly uncomfortable happened:


Hui Yuan Ai coughed slightly and frowned slightly:

"Is there anyone smoking in this theater?"

"This" Lin Xinyi followed the unpleasant smell and looked back:

In the darkness in the back row, there were indeed a few sparks floating in the air.

Through the light projected on the screen, Lin Xinyi saw clearly the uncivilized smoking guy:

"Mr. Zhang Tian, ​​he also came to watch a movie?"

"This guy"

Lin Xinyi didn't like this man who looked like a gangster in every aspect.

But thinking about how miserable he was.

A middle-aged man had nowhere to go and nothing to do in broad daylight. After his carefully planned acquisition was rejected, he could only hide in this cinema to eat, drink and watch movies.

This is indeed sad enough.

Thinking of this, Lin Xinyi temporarily tolerated the other party's cigarette.

Unexpectedly, not long after, the sound of lighter igniting came from the back seat again.

Click, click, click

I don’t know what happened, but it didn’t light up even after I clicked it several times.

"Still smoking?"

Lin Xinyi frowned tightly.

He didn't want his girlfriend to continue to smoke this choking second-hand smoke.

So, Lin Xinyi temporarily put Hui Yuan Ai back on his seat, stood up in the dark, and groped his way to the back row:

"Mr. Zhang Tian?"

Mr. Zhang Tian ignored him at first.

He just had a cigarette in his mouth and pressed the lighter switch awkwardly with his left hand.

The flame was trembling and unsteady. He pressed and released his fingers on the switch, and soon it went out again.

"Mr. Zhang Tian? Can you stop smoking?!"

Lin Xinyi tried to ask again.

Mr. Zhangtian still didn't pay much attention to him. He just looked at the children in the front row who were cheering for the monster battle and murmured something incomprehensible.

"Mr. Zhang Tian, ​​you."

Lin Xinyi's expression became a little strange.

However, Mr. Zhang Tian, ​​who was half a beat too slow to react, reacted during the "delay":

"I want to smoke. Do you want to take care of it?!"

"Leave me alone, don't bother me!"

His voice was a little unclear, but still filled with madness and despair.

As soon as Lin Xin heard this lunatic's tone, he didn't want to get in trouble with this desperate middle-aged man again.

But Mr. Zhang Tian was so stimulated that he targeted him.

He stood up staggeringly and grabbed Lin Xinyi's collar:

"Blood disaster, haha, you curse me to death?"

"Curse me to death, right?!"

"That's not what I meant." Lin Xinyi frowned: "Calm down."


Mr. Zhang Tian obviously couldn't calm down at all.

His voice became more crazy and irrational:

"Since you cursed me to death, then give it to me."

"Make the spell more effective for me!"

The words just fell.

His body suddenly went limp like noodles.

Lin Xinyi didn't even react.

Mr. Zhangtian let go of his entangled hand with a snap, and fell weakly backward on his seat.

Then he lay there motionless, as if dead.

"What's the meaning."

Lin Xinyi's face darkened: "Porcelain?!"

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