Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 382 Water and Tears

Conan once again triggered a shocking reversal with one sentence.

There was a moment of silence.

In the silence, Hui Yuan Ai was seen holding her chest with nothing to hug, and leaning on the seat next to the aisle in boredom, as if she wanted to say something coldly again.

"You may want to ask"

"Why did I say Mr. Zhang Tian did not commit suicide?"

Before Haibara Ai could roll his eyes, Conan, who had already experienced cold scenes, reacted quickly and said in a self-deprecating way:

"Because I found a call record on his mobile phone:"

"Someone called him before his accident."

"So, Mr. Zhang Tian may have put his mobile phone there to charge. Then when a call came in, he walked over there, picked up the mobile phone, and stood to answer the call."

"After answering the call, he found that the phone was fully charged - the phone now has 60% power, probably because it had been charged for a period of time."

"Then he was ready to unplug the charging cable."

"Mr. Zhang Tian was lucky enough not to get an electric shock when he plugged in the power supply for charging."

"But when it came time to pull out the phone's charging head, there were water stains on his hands and his skin was soaked with water, which increased the risk of electric shock, so..."

"Unfortunately, an electric shock accident occurred."

"As for mobile phone chargers, most of the internal circuits are switching power supply types. When its internal components are damaged, it will automatically stop working and have no output, which will not affect the charged mobile phone."

"So even if the charging head is burned due to an electric shock accident, the phone is still intact."

"In the end, Mr. Zhang Tian survived the electric shock."

"He thought he would be fine after breaking free of the wires, so he picked up his phone and walked back to the screening room to watch a movie."

Conan's analysis pointed out another completely different possibility.

Little Miss Haiyuan didn't have time to make a speech before.

At this time, he curled his lips rudely:

"There is a record of answering the phone, which doesn't mean he didn't commit suicide, right?"

"He could have finished answering the phone and then committed suicide. There is no contradiction between the two."

"Actually, it's not important."

It was not Conan who refuted this question, but Lin Xinyi.

He shook his head and said to Hui Yuan Ai:

"The important thing is that this guess has overturned Conan's previous reasoning."

"Those drops of water could have been left by Mr. Zhang Tian when he was in a daze, or when he answered the phone - in short, we can no longer prove that Mr. Zhang Tian committed suicide based on this."

“Based on the principle of ‘beyond suspicion’:”

"If we can't find strong evidence, we can only give priority to determining that Mr. Zhang Tian's electrocution was an accident and not a malicious 'suicide fraud'."

"Yeah" Conan nodded.

But he then added with a complicated expression:

"Actually, I still have evidence to prove that he did not commit suicide."

"No, it can't be considered evidence."

"Strictly speaking, it cannot be said to be reasoning, it can only be said to be my personal feeling."

Conan raised Mr. Zhang Tian’s mobile phone and said:

"The person who called him before his accident was his daughter."

"I think, as a father, after receiving a call from his daughter and hearing the voice of his loved one, it may be difficult to make up his mind to say goodbye to this world, right?"

This inference is entirely based on emotion.

Not so much that he came up with the answer.

Rather, he was more willing to believe that the man was not so desperate that he left his daughter who had just passed away and left this world.

But after Hui Yuan Ai glanced at the phone, he shook his head helplessly:

"Detective, I'm afraid you made a mistake this time."

"Didn't you notice that in the cell phone call record, the call lasted only 10 seconds?"

"And you have done experiments before. To form those few water droplets naturally while standing still, Mr. Zhang Tian has to stand there for at least 2 minutes."

"If Mr. Zhang Tian was standing next to the power socket to answer his daughter's phone call, those water droplets would have formed."

"The time doesn't seem to match, right?"

Haibara Ai raised a fatal question, seeming to overturn everything Conan had said before.

But Conan shook his head: "No."

"Mr. Zhang Tian indeed only spoke to his daughter on the phone for 10 seconds."

"But he hung up the phone and then continued to exchange several text messages with his daughter."

"If he is standing still while texting, charging and sending at the same time, then the time will be right."

Conan's fingers quickly retrieved the text message sending record from the phone:

Not long after the call ended, Mr. Zhang Tian and his daughter started chatting again through text messages.

"This" Hui Yuan Ai and Lin Xinyi were both vaguely puzzled: "Since Mr. Zhang Tian has already answered the phone, why did he hang up the phone after only 10 seconds and send a text message to his daughter instead?"

"this is very simple."

"As long as you read the text messages between Mr. Zhang Tian and his daughter, you can roughly think of the reason."

With that said, Conan clicked into the detailed text message sending interface:

I saw that the text message sending record is like this:

Daughter: "Dad, why is there no movement at all and the phone suddenly hung up? Is the phone microphone broken?"

Zhang Tian: "It's okay. I'm watching a movie in the theater now. Making phone calls will affect others. Let's chat via text message."

Daughter: "Dad, are you watching a movie? What are you watching?"

Zhang Tian: "I'm watching Gomera, haha."

Daughter: "Gomera, which one is it?"

Zhang Tian: ""Gomera's Counterattack""

Daughter: “This one is the most exciting!!”

What follows is a few inconsequential discussions of the movie’s plot.

Finally, Mr. Zhang Tian ended the conversation with one sentence:

"Tell your mother that I will go home after watching the movie today, and then we will continue talking about Gomera."

"Yeah! (*^▽^*)"

The conversation ended with her daughter’s happy emoji.

"This" Lin Xinyi and Huiyuan Ai were silent for a while.

They all vaguely discovered something strange revealed in this conversation:

"Something's wrong."

"Zhang Tian said that he was watching a movie in the theater at the time, so it was not convenient for him to make a phone call and he could only send text messages."

"But if that's the case, how could he be in the lounge, charging and answering the phone at the same time?"

Haibara Ai realized the contradiction between the content of this conversation and Conan's reasoning.

So, she cast doubtful eyes on Conan.

Lin Xinyi immediately raised his doubts:

"And the explanation given by Mr. Zhang Tian himself is still far-fetched."

"Because 'talking on the phone in the screening room will affect others', he stopped talking on the phone and texted his daughter."

"This reason."

He paused slightly and asked with a strange expression:

"Based on Mr. Zhang Tian's character and personality, would he really be worried that talking on the phone would affect others' viewing of the movie?"

"When did this guy's moral quality become so high?"

"He certainly didn't suddenly become polite."

Conan shook his head and explained in detail:

"Actually, the explanation Mr. Zhang Tian sent in the text message is just an excuse he made up at random."

"He actually answered the phone in the lounge at that time. He was not in the screening room and was not watching the movie at all."


Conan pointed to the call time record and said:

"At the time he was talking to his daughter on the phone, the movie was showing intense footage of Gomera destroying the city."

"The sound effects in the theater were very loud."

"If Mr. Zhang Tian was watching a movie in the screening room at that time, it would be impossible for his daughter not to hear the sound effects of the movie during the 10 seconds of the call."

"But she said, 'Why is there no movement from your side?'"

"I even asked, 'Is the phone receiver broken?'"

"It can be seen that during the 10 seconds when she talked to Mr. Zhang Tian, ​​she did not hear any sound."

"In this case, Mr. Zhang Tian was definitely not in the screening room at that time."

"He was lying to his daughter."

"But..." Lin Xinyi was still a little confused: "Why?"

"He was obviously in the lounge, but he found such a lame excuse to hang up the phone and communicate with his daughter via text message."

"What good will this do to him?"

"Because..." Conan's tone became increasingly complicated.

He sighed lightly and said with emotion:

"Because Mr. Zhang Tian cannot talk to his daughter normally."

"Because he had just experienced the failure of the acquisition and was very emotional."

"Because he was crying at that time."

"He didn't want his daughter to hear his cry, and he didn't want his family to know the despair he was experiencing at the moment."

"So Mr. Zhang Tian remained silent during the 10 seconds he answered the phone."

"At first, he might have wanted to suppress his crying and talk to his daughter in a normal voice."

"But after he found that he couldn't control his sobs and was about to cry, he had no choice but to hang up the phone in a hurry to avoid letting his daughter hear the cry and worry about his situation."

"Soon, my daughter sent a worried text message asking about the situation."

"Mr. Zhang Tian took advantage of the situation and responded to his daughter's greetings with text messages without incident."

Conan told his guess.

"If I'm not wrong."

"I'm afraid Mr. Zhang Tian didn't wash his hands before answering the phone."

"The water stains on his hands and the water droplets on the ground may not be the water we first imagined."

"But tears of sadness."

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