Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 386 Cave Adventure

Haibara Ai's words are like Dr. Ali's cold joke, except that the cooling ability is better.

Belmod's smile quickly solidified on his face.

She quietly put down the sink in her hand, her wet hands quietly clenched into a pair of taut claws, and slowly stretched out towards Haiyuan Ai's cheek full of provocation.

The suppressed anger in her heart seemed to be aroused to the point of being uncontrollable.

“That’s weird”

Belmode laughed out loud.

In the end, she just pinched Hui Yuarai's soft cheeks rudely with her hands that were stained with vegetable washing water.

Feeling the young and soft touch of collagen on Miss Haiyuan's face, she squinted her eyes and a provocative smile appeared on the corner of her mouth:

"Do you think you can make me angry just by saying your age?"

"No matter how old I am now, at least I won't suffer from premature hair loss like Dr. Ali."

"It's you, 'Dr. Miyano'."

Belmod lectured condescendingly:

"Pay attention to maintenance."

"Otherwise, within twenty years, you will be 'older' than me."

Haibara Ai:"."

When Belmode said this, her young sense of superiority really disappeared.

She is just a female scientist, but the other person is a female seductress.

Haibara Ai briefly imagined that twenty years later, like Dr. A Li, he would become Obasan ahead of schedule due to excessive use of his brain in scientific research.

But Belmode still looks like an 18-year-old girl and hangs around Lin Xinyi every day.

This is really terrible!

Hui Yuan Ai immediately decided that after the antidote was developed, he would never stay up late doing experiments again.

After all, scientific research is not as important as appearance.

However, maybe you can try to develop an elixir for yourself?

Haihara Ai's scientist thinking began to stray into strange and dangerous places.

Appreciating her silent and troubled expression, Belmod soon raised the corners of his mouth slightly in pleasure.

Immediately afterwards, the scary witch girl turned her head away with satisfaction and continued her work of washing vegetables.

"Um that"

Lin Xinyi cautiously approached.

Haiyuan Ai had just said something so piercing to the point, but Belmode just talked lightly with Haiyuan Ai and dismissed the matter without any intention of getting angry.

He seemed to be encouraged by Belmode's "generosity":

"Teacher, wouldn't you be angry if I asked you about your age?"

Belmod's action of washing vegetables stopped abruptly again.

She turned her head and looked at Lin Xinyi.

Lin Xinyi's face was full of pure curiosity - he really wanted to know how old he was, a teacher who was said to be quite young.

Are they old aunties with a long shelf life like Fei Mili and Yukiko, or are they the existence of more ancient science?

"It's okay, I won't be angry."

Belmod turned his head back, smiled and continued to wash vegetables.

Click, click, click. Under those seemingly delicate and weak palms, the vegetables were torn apart, broken into pieces, and crunched as they were ravaged.

"Um" Lin Xinyi realized something was wrong: "Is the teacher really okay?"

"it does not matter."

Belmod's smile is like a spring breeze:

"That kid said such outrageous things just now, and I wasn't angry, right?"

As she said that, she turned her head and glanced at Haiyuan Ai.

Lin Xinyi also looked over subconsciously:

I saw little Miss Haiyuan's face, and at some point, a hot red color appeared on her face.

"Hiss—" Haibara Ai also felt the stinging pain on her face belatedly.

Her big eyes were filled with moisture, and tears couldn't stop flowing down.

"B-bastard." She tried her best to control herself, not wanting to show that childish, crying expression in front of her boyfriend.

But in the end, Hui Yuan Ai's tears continued to flow more and more amidst her sobs. Even her wet little nose became swollen as she cried.

"What happened?"

Lin Xinyi turned his head in surprise:

I saw that Belmode had already freed up his own hands, and he had just wiped Hui Yuan Ai's hands with a dishwashing look on his face not long ago.

She casually put the dishes she had washed aside——

Everything in the sink was filled with chili peppers.

"I really can't be angry."

"Boy, you can ask if you want."

Lin Xinyi: "."

He wanted to slap himself in the face.


There was a crisp sound.

A swarm of birds arose in the woods.

The "family of three" who were busy arguing earlier were all stunned.

Except for Miss Huiyuan who was still wiping her tears pitifully, Lin Xinyi and Bellmode suddenly raised their heads and looked solemnly towards the direction from which the voice came:

"Is this... a gunshot?!"

not long ago.

The "Firewood Collection Team" under the supervision of Dr. A Li and Caesar.

Although Lin Xinyi said, don’t go too far to collect firewood, it’s best to just wander around the camp.

But kids can't control their own legs.

After a while, they left the camp slightly and walked deeper into the forest.

Because the children were actually not too far away from the camp, and it was not very dangerous, Dr. Ali did not stop them, but only carefully accompanied them and monitored them.

In this way, Conan, Ayumi and others walked and wandered in the woods like explorers, and soon made a major discovery on the other side of the forest:

“What a huge stalactite cave.”

A group of people found a cave on the side of the mountain.

The cave is so big that several adults can walk in side by side.

It was pitch black inside, and with the sunlight shining in from the entrance of the cave, it was impossible to see the end.

A blockade was set up outside the cave with wooden stakes and ropes, and a "Keep out of danger" warning sign stood on the blockade.

There is still an old stone tablet standing at the entrance of the cave. The writing on the stone tablet has been eroded by the years and is blurred, but the words like this can still be vaguely seen:

"Tokugawa's Secret Golden Treasure"




These eye-catching words instantly captured the hearts of Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta, the three little adventurers.

They momentarily forgot the "Keep out of danger" written on the warning sign and shouted excitedly:

"We found a secret gold treasure!!"

"Hey, hey." Conan's mouth twitched sharply:

"If the shogunate really hid the gold treasure here, why would they erect a monument here?"

"I wrote 'secret treasure' on the door, is that still a 'secret'?"

Detective Conan made some sharp remarks.

But his three friends were still in high spirits:

"Let's go in and hunt for treasure!"

"Hey, wait!" Dr. Ali held up his chubby body and struggled to keep up and stop him.

But there was no time.

Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta, they had turned on the watch flashlight specially made by Dr. Agasa, and like the protagonists in horror movies who choose dangerous places to visit, they happily slipped in despite the "Keep out of danger" warning sign. .

Seeing that they were about to rush into the depths of the unknown cave.

Not only was Conan unable to stop them, he even wanted to go in and explore.

At this critical moment.

"Woof woof woof!!"

Caesar stepped forward just in time.

It jumped up from behind Yuantai and others, jumped over its head, landed, turned around, bared its teeth, and fixed these little ghosts running around with its somewhat scary eyes:

"Woof woof woof!!"

"Well" the children were all frightened.

The previous Caesar was like a gentle older brother who entertained relatives. Although he was tall and strong, his personality was gentle, enthusiastic and patient, and he would not get angry if he was harassed by naughty children.

But now, it showed its sharp white fangs and assumed a majestic posture.

Caesar is heavier than both Ayumi and Mitsuhiko combined, and is not far behind Moto Kojima.

Being blocked by such a vicious dog, Ayumi and others were trembling with fear and did not dare to take another step forward.

They began to shrink back.

But Caesar was still barking "woof, woof, woof".

Just changed the direction.

It turned around and barked at the depths of the deep cave, as if to indicate to everyone that there was some terrible monster hidden inside.

"This" Conan vaguely realized something.

Using the light from the flashlight, his eyes inadvertently noticed the ground inside the cave:

The ground inside the cave is mostly covered with exposed rocks, and there are no traces visible to the naked eye.

But there was still a small patch of ground covered with wet dirt.

There is a series of messy but clear footprints printed on it.

"There are people in the cave"

"The footprints are fresh - they might still be in there!"

Conan quickly came to the obvious conclusion.

Then, he subconsciously carefully observed the shape of those footprints.

Conan had never had such a habit before.

But after secretly learning trace inspection techniques from Xiaolan, he also mastered the knowledge and means to analyze footprints.

Although he was very reluctant to admit that he lost to Lin Xinyi, the criminal science techniques used by Lin Xinyi, especially the knowledge of trace inspection, were indeed very useful for detectives.

It's a pity that Hawaii doesn't teach it.

Otherwise, he would not have indirectly become Xiaolan's "student". Not only would he have no status in the family, but in terms of seniority in the "teacher's family", he would be two whole generations younger than Lin Xinyi.

With this subtle feeling, Conan quickly entered detective mode and read the clues from the messy footprints:

"At least two people."

"Maybe three."


Conan's little face was gradually filled with solemnity:

"Maybe four people entered the cave."

"But there's a person inside that could be a body."

A book recommended by a friend: "Conan: I'm Really Not the Insider"

When you come to Yoneka Town in Tokyo, where crimes are frequent, you can encounter murder cases even if you just take a few steps.

Incarnate into the light of darkness and pierce through the layers of fog.

As long as I am scientific enough, scientists will not be able to catch up with me.

"I have a childhood sweetheart."

"Her name is Miyano Shiho."

Sakaki said so.

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