Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 389 Meeting a God

Prior to this, Dr. Ali had already taken the children to find a bunker, and at the same time took out his mobile phone, preparing to call the police.

Conan and Haibara Ai each held a pocket pistol and acted as bodyguards for them.

Lin Xinyi and Belmode serve as the forwards of the team, ready to fight against any powerful enemy that may come in at any time.

At this time, Caesar suddenly barked "woof, woof, woof" into the forest.

There is no doubt that it is reporting:

"Is there anyone in the woods?"

Belmode quickly pulled Lin Xinyi and hid behind a stone.

Looking up into the woods again, there was no movement in the woods for the time being.

The other party has a gun, and there may be three people.

It is too dangerous to attack rashly.

Lin Xinyi thought for a while and decided to try to ask for directions first.

So he picked up the big stone weighing more than 100 kilograms, put it on his shoulders, and threw it far into the woods like a shot put.

boom! The stone hit the tree.

The woods trembled.

"Depend on!!"

There was a loud roar full of fear in the woods.

Then there was a flurry of excitement.

"Big, big brother?"

"We've been discovered!!"

"Nonsense, do you still need to say this?"

Then there was an angry roar:

"We've already started fighting, why are you standing still? Take action!"

"Oh?" Belmod narrowed his eyes playfully: "Those guys are still thinking of taking action."

She turned around and smiled at Lin Xinyi:

"Boy, do you want to live or die?"

"It depends on the situation, try to live as long as possible." Lin Xinyi didn't sound too harsh.

Although he didn't want to kill anyone as much as possible, in this life-and-death situation, it would be too naive to think so.

When it comes to shooting duels, Belmod is the expert.

Lin Xinyi didn't want an outsider to guide an expert, leaving her helpless:

"Anyway, you just make the decision."

"OK." Belmode blinked: "I will try my best to satisfy you."

As soon as she finished speaking, she jumped up from behind the stone and pointed her gun in the direction of the commotion.

Almost in the next moment.

Between the violently shaking branches and leaves, two gunmen jumped out, a fat man with short hair and a thin man with a watermelon head.

Their expressions were a little nervous, but their gazes could still be called fierce.

Behind these two fierce gangsters, there seemed to be a figure standing vaguely that was not visible from behind the tree.

The third man was still hiding carefully, directing the two thugs to charge into the battle.

And they were finally going to launch an attack.



At this distance of tens of meters, the enemy didn't even think about starting to aim, and Belmode just pulled the trigger.

Gunshots rang out and bullets flew away.

The next moment, the short-haired fat man screamed:


But it wasn't him who was hit, but the gun in his hand.

The pistol was directly blasted to pieces by bullets, and flew out of his hand in an instant, scattering into parts in mid-air.

"This?" The gangsters were all stunned:

They are all knowledgeable people.

Although when it comes to guns, people who have watched too many movies will subconsciously think that it is easy to shoot someone:

Even if a professional can't hit the head with one shot from 800 miles away, it shouldn't be a problem with 100 hits within 100 meters.

Those who know a little bit will know that the effective range of a pistol is generally only 50 meters.

But in fact, it is difficult to guarantee the hit rate of a weapon like a pistol if it exceeds 2 or 30 meters.

In police academies training in most countries, for accurate shooting (aiming for more than 1 second) from a distance of 15 meters, as long as it hits the white edge of the human-shaped target, it is considered qualified.

These gangsters can be considered veterans of using guns.

They knew that if they fired from a distance of more than 40 meters, it would be almost impossible for the bullet to hit anyone.

So they jumped out from behind the tree and prepared to run a little further, close the distance, find cover again, and exchange fire with each other.

Didn't expect

The woman actually shot directly.

And it hit.

"Is she so lucky?"

Losing a general at the beginning made the battle unwinnable.

"It's okay, calm down!"

The long-haired brother hiding behind the tree spoke up in time, trying hard to stabilize the morale of the army:

"The other person is just lucky."

"But we're also lucky:"

"At least, the woman was only hit by the gun, not our people!"

The words just fell

Belmode took aim with his gun and pulled the trigger again.

Bullets roared out again.


Following in the footsteps of the fat man with short hair, the skinny man with the watermelon head was also shot.

However, this time the bullet grazed his arm.

It was just a little bit close to knocking the gun out of his hand.

"Oh, did you miss?" Belmod sighed softly: "I have only been taking care of the children these days, and my marksmanship has become rusty."

"This this"

The thin man with the watermelon head covered his bleeding arm and struggled to hold the pistol that was almost broken. He was so frightened that he trembled all over and even forgot to scream:

"That woman is not lucky."

"She shot at the gun in our hands!"

As soon as these words came out, cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of the three gangsters:

Forty meters away, they were holding pistols and accurately calling names one by one. It was not the big person they were calling, but the small gun in their hand.

What is this operation?

They have met the gods!

Look at this skill and marksmanship, they're going to die!

"No, it's okay"

The long-haired brother steeled himself and tried hard to stabilize the morale of the army:

"We are still far away from them now, and we can still run away in time."

"Brother, please stop talking!"

The short-haired fat man suddenly came back to his senses and stopped the elder brother's confident speech in time:

"Run quickly——"

"If we don't run away, we'll all be doomed!"

As he said that, the short-haired fat man already greased his feet, turned around and ran away.

The long-haired brother hiding behind the tree and the thin watermelon-headed man with an injured arm looked at each other: "Wait a minute!"

They also ran away in panic.


Looking at the gangster who turned around and disappeared into the forest, Lin Xinyi hesitated slightly.

But Belmod had rolled out from behind the stone heroically, turned to Caesar who was squatting and waiting, and said:

"Caesar, chase!"

"Woof woof woof!"

Caesar wagged his tail and closely followed Belmod's pace.

When Lin Xin saw this, he no longer hesitated and hurriedly followed.

As soon as the two gangsters showed up, one was maimed and the other was "disarmed".

Even if there is still one hidden person who has not taken action, there is nothing to be afraid of in the face of Belmod's plug-in level marksmanship.

Coupled with Caesar, it would be difficult for the other party to escape.

In this way, Lin Xinyi and Belmode followed the disappearing figure of the gangster into the woods.

There is no need for Caesar to follow and lead the way.

Just by looking at the blood trailing down the skinny man after he was injured, they could tell which direction the other party ran.

And the gangsters themselves didn't escape far.

With Lin Xinyi's hearing, he could even vaguely hear the chaotic footsteps coming from the distance directly from the quiet and quiet jungle.

"over there!"

As soon as Lin Xin found the right direction, he immediately stepped forward to chase after him.

He ran very fast, and even in this obstructive forest, he could run like a phantom of the wind.


"Don't just focus on chasing people!"

Belmod held back Lin Xinyi who was about to take off angrily:

"You really have forgotten everything I taught you."

"It seems that I have to find time to make up for you in the future, otherwise you won't even know if you are shot to death one day."

As she spoke, she took Lin Xinyi's arm and taught him step by step how to scientifically advance and pursue.

"There are trees in the woods as shelters that are higher than the human body, so the danger is relatively small."

"But you must always pay attention to using the terrain for concealment. Don't just pursue speed and pursue in a straight line."

"Otherwise, if the enemy stops to ambush you, they can easily target you."

Belmod's way of traveling is different from Lin Xinyi's.

She did not chase recklessly in a straight line, but changed her route and body shape all the time.

While pursuing rapid pursuit, he never forgot to carefully hide his body behind the natural shelter formed by the big trees.

Lin Xinyi followed suit and followed Belmode, taking advantage of the cover of the big trees to advance alternately.

This relatively safe way of moving forward will of course affect the pursuit speed.

But one of them is a battlefield expert and the other is a martial arts master. Even if they cover and pursue in this way, they can still escape slightly faster than ordinary people.

And Caesar is a fierce dog whose physical fitness is not inferior to that of a wild wolf, not to mention its field marching speed.

not long after

Lin Xinyi, Belmod and Caesar had already vaguely caught up with the three gangsters who were running in embarrassment.

Although I haven't seen their backs yet, I can already vaguely hear their messy footsteps, as well as a panicked shout:

"Big, big brother!"

"Wait. Wait for me!"

The first thing that came was the panting voice of the short-haired fat man:

"I-I can't run anymore."

Although he was the first to run, he soon fell behind due to his size.

The fat man could no longer run.

"Wait a minute!"

Immediately afterwards, an indistinct yelling came from afar:

"Run fast, or you will die!"


The short-haired fat man's breathing became even louder and more chaotic:

"I really can't keep up."

"How about surrendering?"


There was a terrible silence.

No one spoke at this time, and the only thing that could be heard faintly was the sound of footsteps that never stopped.

Hearing this, Lin Xinyi even thought that the other party was really moved by what the fat man said and was ready to surrender.

But then

"kill him!"

"Don't let this idiot hold us back and turn us in!"

The voice of the "big brother" before suddenly became extremely cold and stern.

The next second, there was probably only a moment of hesitation in between.

A shot rang out in the jungle.

"This" Lin Xinyi and Belmode's expressions quietly became solemn.

They groped cautiously in pursuit.

Gradually, a man appeared in front of him:

That's a fat guy with short hair.

He fell on his back and stared at the sky.

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