Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 396 Leave no regrets

It was the day of the Tedan High School School Festival.

In the dressing room backstage before the performance.

"Xiaolan, sister Chris."

The chief director of the program, Sonoko Suzuki, is busy arranging the upcoming performances:

"This dressing room will be left to you alone."

"The location here is relatively remote. No one will come to disturb you. You can concentrate on rehearsing."

"There is still some time before the performance starts. You should seize the time to pair up these lines and practice the most critical scenes of the rivalry."

"The success of "The Princess and the Black Knight" depends entirely on you, the two most dazzling protagonists!"

Ms. Sonoko was holding the script that she had written herself and had turned over and over to find out the rough edges. Her face was full of seriousness.

Her voice was a little tired, but it was full of excitement.

As a director, screenwriter, and chief producer, Suzuki Sonoko has devoted enough energy to this self-written and directed work of hers.

Everyone could see her anticipation for this performance.

"Sonoko, I won't let you down."

Mao Lilan clenched her fists and replied energetically.

"Don't worry, Director Sonoko."

Belmod's voice was calm and steady, with the demeanor of a famous actor:

"Xiaolan and I will not let you down."

"Then it's up to you!"

"I'm going to check the stage lighting and music arrangements first, so I won't accompany you."

With that said, Suzuki Sonoko helped close the dressing room door and left in a hurry.

Only the male protagonist "Knight" Belmod, the female protagonist "Princess" Mao Lilan and Conan were left in the dressing room.

Conan also accompanied Mao Lilan here for the final rehearsal.

And he is still Conan now, not Kudo Shinichi.

Although he had obtained the antidote from Huihara Ai, he did not take it.

The reason is also very simple.

It is inconvenient for Kudo Shinichi to disappear in front of others.

The school festival venue was packed with people, and most of them were Teitan High School classmates who knew Kudo Shinichi.

So now even if he takes the antidote and becomes an adult, he still can't get married to Xiaolan.

Ahem, I can't show up to go on a date with Xiaolan.

And Huihara Ai had also told him that until a "white mouse" provided experimental data, the effect of this trial version of the antidote could not be determined at all.

After taking the antidote, his body might only grow bigger for a few hours, or even just a few minutes, before being knocked back to its original size.

Since the effect of the antidote is likely to be time-limited.

Of course, Conan can't waste this precious adult time on not being able to date Xiao Lan.

In fact, Conan has already planned:

He would wait until the school festival was over before taking the antidote, and then take Xiaolan to their world for the two of them, on a romantic date that he carefully planned.

As for now

Although Conan really wanted to be the "knight" himself, perform on stage with Xiaolan, and leave a meaningful kiss.

But there was no other way. It was not convenient for him to show up publicly, so he had to let Belmod take his place.

Anyway, Belmod is a woman.

It seems acceptable to let her kiss Xiaolan?

"I can accept it if I don't accept it."

"But it still feels weird."

The Conan kid sat aside and watched the rehearsal, and his mood became more and more subtle as he watched.

Because Belmode's acting skills are so good.

"Oh! If this is the princess's wish, I can take off the mask."

Even this sweet line that can make a diabetic patient die on the spot, Belmode can handle it perfectly.

She wore a blue-black knight's cloak and a white-feathered helmet with half of her cheek exposed.

When the helmet is taken off, the silver hair tied into a neat ponytail hangs down the cloak and shawl, reflecting the affectionate smile on the warm face, making it look beautiful but not delicate, and heroic.

This unique temperament of softness and strength is enough to impress any audience.

Let the audience unconsciously ignore the fact that the knight is more beautiful than the princess.

I believe from the bottom of my heart that this is a handsome young knight.

Standing next to the princess wearing a pure white gauze dress, it feels like a perfect match made in heaven.

"She is a woman, she is a woman."

Conan tried his best to repeat this in his mind, and finally the subtle and unspeakable feeling was relieved.

And this rehearsal is gradually coming to an end between the two people who are involved in the play:

"Mr. Knight."

"If you haven't forgotten the promise you made when we were little, please prove it on my lips."

Mao Lilan crossed her fingers on her chest, closed her eyes, and stood on tiptoes slightly.

During the short wait, her cheeks turned slightly red and her eyelashes trembled slightly.

She really looked like a princess who was shy about kissing her.

"so beautiful"

Conan really wants to be this knight.

Unfortunately, at this moment, the knight is not him.

"Please accept the proof of my love, my princess."

Belmode slowly came closer, held Mao Lilan's cheek passionately, leaned over and gave her a kiss.

Lips are tightly touching, breaths are intertwined, time freezes, freezes, freezes


Conan reminded with a dark face:

"The script is almost over here."

"Yeah." Belmode let go of Miss Maori, who was blushing, and commented with some lingering thoughts:

"Xiaolan, your performance is still a bit too raw."

"If you want to perform the feeling of a true love kiss, even if it is an inexperienced first kiss, you must show a kind of heartfelt and unconscious initiative."

"This kind of initiative cannot be too wild, it must be instinctive with a kind of rawness."

"And if you just passively freeze there and don't interact instinctively with the person you're kissing, you won't be able to let the audience feel the love of the hero and heroine."

"Well, is there still so much to pay attention to?"

Mao Lilan, who had never acted in a kissing scene, had a fever on her face.

"Of course it's difficult to perform a kiss well."

"If you want to regard this kiss as the finale, then you must not be careless."

While the actress Belmode carefully taught Miss Maori her acting experience, she also did not forget to go into battle and conduct practical training in person to help the new actress get familiar with the feeling of performing a kiss scene.

After some discussions and exchanges between the two parties, Mao Lilan's acting skills really gradually became more proficient.

"Cough cough cough" Conan began to cough violently again.

"Feel sorry."

Bellmode made no secret of his love for Miss Maori:

"Miss Angel's kiss can easily make people intoxicated."

"Well" Although Conan said nothing, his green little face was filled with envy, jealousy and depression.

"New One"

Mao Lilan noticed his barely concealed emotion:

"Don't worry, Belmode and I are just acting."

"Haha. I, I didn't care."

Conan turned his head away embarrassedly:

"I just think"

"If I could turn back into Kudo Shinichi and play this knight."

"This performance should be very meaningful, right?"

Although this is an excuse to hide that he is jealous, this is indeed what Conan feels.

The character of the Black Knight was based on him.

The prototype of the princess is Mao Lilan.

This was supposed to be their love story.

Unfortunately, due to objective safety issues, Conan could only give up the opportunity to play the leading role to Belmode.


Mao Lilan couldn't help but feel touched by it.

Looking at Conan's current appearance as a little baby, I think of the dramatic ordeal that happened between them.

Touched by the scene, she also felt that Conan's absence in this performance was a regret.

How long will these days of being so close but unable to be together last?

"it does not matter."

Mao Lilan habitually hides these negative emotions and shows a reassuring and optimistic smile:

"There are still many days ahead."

"We will slowly make up for this regret this time."

"Are you sorry?" Belmod's expression gradually became complicated.

She could tell that this angel lady was actually suppressing her own disappointment and making herself appear optimistic.

Mao Lilan is also a human being, and as a human being, it is impossible to remain optimistic forever.

Perhaps she was also touched by this shortcoming, and the long-suppressed emotions in her heart were about to burst out, but she was habitually controlled by this girl who always prioritized the emotions of others.

"This is your show."

"I don't want you to feel sorry, Angel"

Belmode sighed lightly.

As if she had finally made a decision, she walked quietly to Conan's side.

Conan was still looking at the floor in despair when he heard Belmode's meaningful rhetorical question:

"Conan, do you really want to play this knight?"

"Huh?" Conan was slightly startled.

He faintly heard something from the other party's soft voice with a hint of concern.

"Belmod, you ask that"

"Do you want to give me this opportunity to perform on stage with Xiaolan?"

There was hope in Conan's eyes.

But he immediately asked with some suspicion:

"But...that's not okay, is it?"

"What if I show up as Kudo Shinichi and are seen by those classmates?"

"If the news of Kudo Shinichi's 'resurrection' spreads and the organization knows about it, it will be a trouble for everyone."

"Stop thinking so much."

Belmod's tone was very firm.

She is like a parent who lends Huabei to celebrate her child's birthday. She has to fulfill her child's wishes even if there are difficulties:

"Conan, take the antidote."

"Of course I have a way to let you spend this day without any regrets."

The second is later

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