Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 399 A performance of true love

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes flickered for a while.

Even his expression was a little dull, like a wooden man who had lost his soul.

"Garden, garden?"

"You look so ugly. Is there anything wrong with you?"

Seeing the strange look on her best friend's face, Mao Lilan finally broke away from Kudo Shinichi's hand and walked up with a concerned look on her face.

She gently reached out and touched Suzuki Sonoko's forehead, and asked to herself:

"I don't have a fever."

"No, I'm fine!"

Miss Sonoko reacted belatedly.

As if she was electrocuted, she took a step back and avoided Mao Lilan's hand.

Although Mao Lilan was just stroking her forehead.

And she and Xiaolan had been good friends since childhood. They took baths and slept together countless times, not to mention hugging each other.

Suzuki Sonoko has long been accustomed to this level of physical contact.

But, now.

She felt inexplicably.

The pure friendship between him and Xiaolan for more than ten years may not be pure anymore.

If Xiaolan is really good, that's it.

Then analyze it carefully.

Kudo Shinichi is at best Xiaolan's best friend.

She, Suzuki Sonoko, is the childhood sweetheart who has an ambiguous relationship with Xiaolan!

Wait, have I missed something over the years? ?

"Cough cough cough cough."

Suzuki Sonoko tried hard to contain the random thoughts in her mind and make herself appear normal:

"I'm in good health, but a little tired."

"Xiaolan, sister Chris. The performance has been delayed for a while. You should hurry up and get on stage!"

"OK, all right."

Mao Lilan also knew that Yuanzi had put in a lot of effort for this performance.

Seeing that the performance had been delayed due to her and "Miss Chrissy", she stopped dragging her feet and turned around to go on stage with Kudo Shinichi.

"Huh!" Kudo Shinichi also breathed a sigh of relief.

He is very nervous now.

Not only nervous, but ashamed.

Especially in front of an acquaintance like Suzuki Sonoko.

What's worse is that there are acquaintances of his everywhere in this performance venue.

When Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan stepped onto the stage together and looked at the audience below from the stage.

The unspeakable sense of shame surged to the extreme.


Let a boy suddenly be stared at by a group of familiar classmates with the kind of "lustful" eyes that look at fairy beauties.

I will definitely not be able to bear it:

"Asshole. Don't go into heat on me!"

Kudo Shinichi's ears turned red, and then he hurriedly took the knight's helmet up as if running away.

After hiding half of this beautiful face, the fiery gazes of the male classmates finally calmed down a little.

But the worse was yet to come.

"Xiaolan, come on!"

Mouri Kogoro stood up from the audience and loudly cheered for his daughter.

It would be okay if that was the case.

But while he cared about his daughter, he also

"Miss Chris, your knight makeup is so beautiful!"

"From today on, I, Mouri Kogoro, am your fan!"

Mr. Kogoro was like a fanatical star-chasing fan, excitedly waving the cheering stick in his hand towards his daughter's boyfriend on the stage.


"S-stop shouting"

Mao Lilan almost burned her face with embarrassment.

But Mouri Kogoro, who fell into star-chasing mode, did not give up his appreciation of beauty.

Kudo Shinichi: "."

Before the performance even started, he already regretted standing on this stage.

Kudo Shinichi cried silently in his heart.

And he saw the "culprit" of this matter, Belmod who had simply changed his appearance.

She quietly came under the stage and cast an encouraging look at the two protagonists on the stage.

"You!" Kudo Shinichi returned the look with aggrieved and angry expression.

Belmod just opened his big eyes that were absolutely harmless and spread his hands innocently:

She really wasn't playing some bad joke.

For her, a thousand-faced witch who is proficient in the art of disguise, disguising women as men and men disguising themselves as women are all normal and basic operations.

How many people who learn the art of disguise are not allowed to learn to wear clothes of the opposite sex?

Even the bright and glamorous Kaitou Kidd, for work needs, secretly has to practice cross-dressing at home, right?

Speaking of which, when she taught Lin Xinyi the art of disguise, Lin Xinyi also wore many girls' clothes.

"I haven't seen it for a long time."

"I really miss it."

With some reminiscence and nostalgia for the good times in the past, Belmod looked forward to the coquettish "self" on the stage and once again cast an encouraging glance.

After Kudo Shinichi experienced this series of humiliating experiences, his immunity finally became stronger.

As the lights dimmed in the venue, the music started and the characters took their places.

He could only bite the bullet and start performing:

"Ah - my princess!"

The love story of "Princess" and "Knight" was staged on the stage.

"Hmm, how do you feel?"

Director Suzuki Sonoko frowned slightly in the audience:

"Sister Chris's acting skills are much worse than in previous rehearsals?"

"The tone of voice was not so accurate, the voice was a little nervous, and there were even a few wrong words."

"Why is there such a big difference?"

"Is it because I was tired earlier?"

Strange thoughts popped up again.

Miss Suzuki wished she could give herself a slap in the face so that she could delete that terrible picture from her mind.

"But, having said that"

She continued to enjoy the performances of the two protagonists on the stage, and her expression gradually became subtle:

"Although Sister Chris's acting skills have deteriorated a lot."

"But she seems to have performed that kind of 'true love' flavor."

"The way she looked at Xiaolan, the love in her eyes"

"It doesn't even look like it was staged."

As a screenwriter, Sonoko Suzuki should be happy to see actors who can perform their own scripts with such true feelings.

But her mood was very complicated:

The male protagonist of this script was clearly modeled after Kudo Shinichi.

Let Miss Chris perform "True Love". What's going on?

"Kudo. It's not that I won't help you."

"No one can do anything about this situation."

Suzuki Sonoko has already begun to mourn for her good friend in her heart.

She couldn't help but think of another good friend of hers, Mr. Lin Xinyi.

Speaking of which, this time, the two "new ones" seem to have become brothers in distress.

"Hey, do you want to tell Mr. Lin?"

Suzuki Sonoko subconsciously wanted to find Lin Xinyi.

But she was impossible to find.

Because Lin Xinyi didn't come at all today.

He is the manager of the Forensics Section, not the manager of Conan. He cannot always follow Conan and not go to work at the Metropolitan Police Department.

Although following Conan is considered work in itself.

But this time things are different.

The event Conan participated in this time was the "Tedan High School School Festival".

In Lin Xin's eyes, school is the only place where Conan can be suppressed.

He felt that there would be no murder in the school, so he went to work in the forensics class with peace of mind and did not follow him to the scene.

"Oh, I forgot that Mr. Lin didn't come today."

"No wonder Xiaolan and Sister Chris are so bold cough cough"

Suzuki Sonoko stopped this dangerous thought again, concentrated hard, and looked up to watch the performance.

The performance gradually entered the climax of the plot.

In Miss Yuanzi's complicated eyes, the two leading actors were also infected by the true feelings and completely entered the state:

"Mr. Knight."

"If you haven't forgotten the promise you made when we were children, please prove it on my lips."

Princess Xiaolan's voice was trembling slightly.

There is tension, shyness, and expectation in this vibrato, with love from the heart.

"Please accept the proof of my love, my princess."

Kudo Shinichi took off his mask, revealing a face that was more beautiful than a princess.

But at this time, he no longer had the previous sense of disobedience and shame.

He only has Xiaolan in his eyes.

The bustling crowd under the stage seemed to be no longer important.

He is not performing, he is just declaring his truest inner emotions.

"This seems good."

Kudo Shinichi no longer felt embarrassed.

He slowly approached Xiaolan amid the soft music.

Following the movements demonstrated by Bellmode during the rehearsal, he stretched out his hand gently and awkwardly, trying to gently hold up Xiaolan's face.

Mao Lilan also closed her eyes and stood on tiptoes, waiting for the arrival of this beautiful kiss.


Kudo Shinichi gently called Maori Lan's name in a voice that only they could hear.



There was a scream from the crowd in the audience.

"Dead, dead!"

The music stopped abruptly.

The scene was chaotic.

"This" Kudo Shinichi's expression was stagnant:

Exactly at this time.

Another murder?

He froze on the stage, not knowing what to say. This kind of thing that should be normal to him, this time, actually made him feel so embarrassed.

Kudo Shinichi quietly fell into deep thought, but the audience was already in chaos, and no one paid attention to the performance on the stage.

"Xinyi" Mao Lilan opened his eyes: "Aren't you going?"

"I" Kudo Shinichi was speechless for a moment.

In fact, when he heard that scream, the famous detective gene in his body couldn't help but awaken.

He almost jumped off the stage and went to the body like before.

Then leave Mao Lilan behind.

Their last date was ruined by him like this.


"I wouldn't do it now."

As if recalling his past self, Kudo Shinichi quietly closed his eyes:


"In my heart, you are always more important than the case."

As he spoke, Kudo Shinichi's voice became more and more emotional.

He closed his eyes, thinking about his Xiaolan, as if they were the only ones left in the world.

Whether it was a dead person or a murder, all the noise was no longer related to them.

"Let's go, Xiaolan."

"Today only belongs to you and me. Let the police solve this case!"

Kudo Shinichi finally opened his eyes and stretched out his hand.


But Xiaolan looked embarrassed:

"I mean, Shinichi"

"If you don't go, I will go alone."

As she said that, she jumped off the stage and came to the body:

"Give it all—"

"I am a police officer, please protect the scene!"

Kudo Shinichi: "."

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