Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 401 Heisei Holmes and Miss Watson

Kudo Shinichi is rarely active again.

Because this happened to be the case he was best at.

Murderous ruse.

"This is a murderous ruse."

Kudo Shinichi leaned into Mao Lilan's ear and whispered his thoughts:

"The murderer put the poison in something special."

"That's why Mr. Kamata was able to drink the Coke in the cup safely before dying of potassium cyanide poisoning."

He played it off a bit and did not directly give his answer.

But Mao Lilan reacted quickly to his reminder:

"Put it in a 'special thing'?"

"What can delay the release of toxins in drinks?"


The first thing she thought of was the capsule that the murderer put in the drink in the poisoning case of teacher Sayuri Matsumoto.

If the toxin is placed in a capsule, it takes a lot of time to dissolve the capsule shell, so this "automatic delayed poisoning" effect can be achieved.


Kudo Shinichi was slightly startled.

In fact, he meant to say ice cubes.

Because he noticed that there were very few ice cubes left in Mr. Kamata’s drink glass.

And Kogami, Noda, and Mitani, three friends of the deceased, got the drinks at the same time as the deceased.

There were a lot of ice cubes left in the drink glasses of the three of them.

Moreover, unlike the cups of the other three people, the lid of the deceased Mr. Kamata’s drink cup was unscrewed.

Therefore, Kudo Shinichi concluded:

The deceased must have had the habit of eating ice cubes.

After he drank the Coke, he opened the lid and swallowed the remaining ice cubes in the cup.

Unexpectedly, there was potassium cyanide in the ice cube.

The murderer froze potassium cyanide in the middle of the ice cubes, so the potassium cyanide inside would not dissolve into the cola until the ice cubes completely melted. Coke is naturally not poisonous.

It wasn't until the deceased swallowed the ice that the toxin was completely released.

The murderer used this method of "hiding poison in ice cubes" to achieve "automatic delayed poisoning."

This is the murderous plot deduced by Kudo Shinichi.

However, now Mao Lilan said this.

It seems not impossible that the murderer used capsules to poison him.

Although no capsule residue was found in the cup.

However, it was possible that when the deceased was eating ice cubes, he didn't pay attention and swallowed them all!

Thinking of this, his reasoning based on ice became vaguely untenable.

"It's more likely that it's not still ice."

After a period of subconscious self-doubt, Kudo Shinichi reaffirmed his thoughts:

"The murderer went to great lengths to delay the poisoning in order to create the suspicion that 'the deceased did not die until he drank the drink', thus making Mr. Kamata's death look like a suicide."

"But if you use a capsule to poison, as long as the capsule melts and breaks a small opening, the toxins inside will escape."

"In this way, obvious capsule residues can be easily seen in the cup, making it clear that this is not a suicide."

"The murderer has no way to guarantee that the deceased will drink the drink after the capsule has completely dissolved and disappeared."

"There is no guarantee that he will eat the capsule residue together."

"So, it's impossible for the murderer to use capsules."

"The killing tool he used was ice cubes."

Kudo Shinichi firmly stated his conclusion.

"That's it." Mao Lilan nodded thoughtfully, and soon followed this train of thought and became immersed in thinking about the case again.

And seeing his childhood sweetheart lowering his head and thinking seriously, Kudo Shinichi felt a little subtle:

If it was before.

After he confidently told the reasoning clues, Mao Lilan would only look curious and confused, waiting stupidly for him to tell the result.

But now, Mao Lilan is reasoning with him.

Not only did they reason together, she could even draw inferences, question the flaws in his reasoning, and give him advice.

"Xiaolan has become stronger."

Kudo Shinichi raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

This made him feel inexplicably happy.

Mao Lilan seems to have become his partner, a life partner whose wisdom, personality and ideals are consistent.

No wonder Holmes and Watson have such a good relationship

Xiaolan now is his Watson.

Thinking about it this way, the original serious criminal investigation process seems to have become romantic.

And while he was thinking so wildly in his mind, his "Miss Watson" was more focused on:

"If the murderer used ice to kill someone, he was trying to fake his suicide."

"Then he must know enough about the deceased."

"He knew the deceased's recent mental state and also knew that the deceased had the habit of eating ice cubes."

"This is a crime committed by an acquaintance."

"And among the acquaintances of the deceased at the scene:"

"Mitani and Noda sat next to Mr. Kamata until they got the drinks and had no chance to poison them."

"The only ones who have the chance to poison are Mai Kogami who goes to buy drinks, and Ayako Ninagawa who sells drinks."

"Among these two."

Ninagawa Ayako is the dean's daughter and the strong party in this divorce incident.

The deceased was just a young doctor with no background. No matter how much he struggled, he could not change the result that the hospital director wanted to break off his daughter's engagement.

In terms of motivation, there was no need for her to kill anyone.

And, although she was impulsive, she secretly replaced Mr. Kamata’s iced coffee order with Coke.

But the cup was not changed, and the packaging on the cup was still iced coffee.

When Koshang Mai also ordered iced coffee, it was easy to get the two drinks mixed up.

Ninagawa Ayako had no way to guarantee that Mr. Kamata would get the cup of Coke with poisoned ice cubes.

So, compared with Ninagawa Ayako.

"Miss Hongshang is more suspicious."

Mao Lilan expressed his speculation:

"The only question now is:"

"She also ordered iced coffee."

"And I just asked Mitani and Noda specifically, after Mai Kogami brought the drink back, she asked the deceased Mr. Kamata to get the drink first,"

"She was holding the remaining cup of iced coffee."

"In this way, if she is the murderer, she has no way to guarantee that Mr. Kamata will definitely get the cup of Coke with poisonous ice cubes."

"That's not a problem."

Kudo Shinichi smiled:

"Hongshang Wuyi can put poisonous ice cubes in both iced coffee packages."

"Anyway, she drank the other drink by herself."

"She can control the speed at which she drinks the drink and drink it before the ice melts and the toxins are released."


"Then she brought out the poisonous ice cubes!"

Mao Lilan took the call without any hindrance.

Kudo Shinichi didn't even need to finish his words, she eloquently expressed the reasoning he wanted to say:

"Because the murderer's purpose was to make the deceased look like he committed suicide."

"So, if Hongshang Wuyi is the murderer, she will definitely take out the poisonous ice cubes in her cup and hide them."

"Otherwise, if potassium cyanide is detected in both of their cups, this is obviously a case of poisoning and cannot be disguised as a suicide case."

"That's right!"

Kudo Shinichi’s eyes became sharp:

"This case looks difficult to solve, but it's actually very simple."

"Because after committing the crime, the murderer had no time to go elsewhere and properly dispose of the poisonous ice he took."

"She was sitting next to the deceased at the time of the incident."

"After the deceased fell to the ground and died, she was immediately controlled at the scene."

"In this way, Hongshang Wuyi can only hide the poisonous ice cubes, the most deadly evidence, on himself."

"Haha. I only thought about the murder plot, but I didn't think about how to deal with the traces."

"It's been a long time since I've seen such a stupid murderer!"

Kudo Shinichi sighed with emotion.

After sighing, a burst of sadness came from my heart:

It's all Lin Xinyi's fault. If he hadn't messed up criminal science, the current murderers would still be so stupid.

The detectives almost lost their jobs.

"Ahem, anyway."

Kudo Shinichi came to his senses:

"We just need to control the scene now and wait for the people from the forensics class to do the potassium cyanide test."

"If no toxin can be detected in Hongshang Wuyi's cup, that further validates our reasoning!"

"Then we only need to check Hongshang Mai's clothes and detect the presence of potassium cyanide on her body, and we can find evidence that she poisoned and killed someone!"

After a while, Lin Xinyi rushed to the scene with the forensic team.

"What are you doing?"

"Why did someone die again?"

Lin Xinyi muttered words that no one could understand.

Then he came to Mao Lilan and "Chris" with a look of helplessness:

"Where's Conan?"

"Why didn't I see him?"

"Uh" Mao Lilan quietly turned his eyes to "Chris" beside him.

"Miss Chris" shook her head desperately:

"Ke, Conan. He's going to the toilet."

He didn't want to admit that he was here.

The fewer people who knew he had become a "girl," the better.

"This kid is indeed still here."

"The school is no longer safe."

Lin Xinyi didn't pay much attention to the strange behavior of his fake girlfriend, and just sighed helplessly.

Then, just as he was about to learn about the case from everyone present, Mao Lilan and "Chris" hurriedly stopped him:

"Let's do a potassium cyanide test on Miss Hongshang's drink cup first!"

"If potassium cyanide cannot be detected in her cup, then this case will be easy to solve!"

"Oh?" Lin Xinyi was confused when he heard this.

But he could still tell that Mao Lilan and "Chris" smiled so confidently that they must have an idea to solve the case.

"Okay, I'll arrange for someone to do the test first."

With that said, Lin Xinyi greeted his subordinates in the forensics department and took out the test strips for detecting potassium cyanide.

The active ingredient of this test paper is ferrous sulfate.

When using, add a drop of 10% sodium hydroxide solution to the test paper, and prepare the tartaric acid and dilute sulfuric acid required for the reaction to detect cyanide.

Because cyanide ions react with ferrous sulfate under alkaline conditions to form ferrocyanide complex salts. After acidification, they can react with ferric ions to form ferric ferrocyanide.

That is "Prussian Blue" which can be used as oil paint.

"The test results are out"

Lin Xinyi gave an unexpected answer:

"The test strip turned blue."

"There is also potassium cyanide in Miss Hongshang's cup."

"Uh what?"

Mao Lilan and Kudo Shinichi were stunned together:

"There is also potassium cyanide in her cup?"

"Didn't she take the poisonous ice cube?"

"How can this be?"

They asked a long list of questions and then realized.

There may be something wrong with their reasoning.

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