Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 410 Hui Yuan Ai is in action

Two days later, the Maori family finally made their trip to Karuizawa.

It was the same as the last trip to Tochigi Prefecture hot springs.

This time, Lin Xinyi took Caesar and Haibara Ai, as well as a large trace investigation box and a forensic investigation box, plus large and small bags of luggage, and squeezed into the shabby car rented by Mouri Kogoro.

It's not that he is now living a life where he is so poor that he can't even afford gas, so he has to ride on Uncle Maori's coattails.

Mainly because Belmod not only took away his bank card, but also found an excuse to temporarily borrow his car before the trip started.

Lin Xinyi had no car available for a while, so he had no choice but to shamelessly ride on Uncle Maori's car.

And the "mastermind" behind all this.

In fact, it’s Miss Haiyuan:

"Just squeeze into a car with the Maori family"

"Just like last time I went to Tochigi Prefecture, I let him hold me and sit along the way."

Standing in front of the cramped hatchback car, Haihara Ai knew that her plan was successful before she even got in the car.

It's still the same car as the last trip, and the passengers are also the same as last time.

Plus the large and small bags of luggage, the seats will definitely not fit.

In the end, it will definitely be the same as last time, with Uncle Maori driving, Caesar, Conan, Mao Lilan and a bunch of luggage crowded in the back seat, and Lin Xinyi holding her in his arms and sitting in the front.

And last time.

Hui Yuan Ai was too tired from staying up all night before departure, so she huddled in Lin Xinyi's arms and slept along the way. She didn't do anything extraordinary, nor did she think of doing anything extraordinary.

But this time.

She is no longer the scientific research geek who knows nothing.

Thinking back on the various tricks Belmode taught him in the past two days

Pooh! This woman is so shameless!

There are really many kinds of tricks.

Haihara Ai fiercely criticized Belmode's shamelessness in her heart.

At the same time, she said to Lin Xinyi without changing her expression:

"Lin, go to the passenger seat."

"The back row is a bit crowded, so I'll sit with you."

"Okay." Lin Xinyi didn't doubt that he was there and sat in the passenger seat honestly.

As soon as he sat firmly, he turned his head and stretched out his hand to Hui Yuan Ai, preparing to take her into his arms.

Great, everything is going according to plan.

Next, as long as she takes the opportunity to sit in Lin Xinyi's arms, she can find opportunities along the way to quietly practice the little tricks taught by Belmode.

Hui Yuan Ai thought this with shame, self-blame, and excitement.

She also opened her arms, ready to take advantage of the situation and rush into her boyfriend's arms.



A dark shadow flashed beside him.

Caesar jumped up, jumped in front of Miss Haiyuan, and threw himself into Lin Xinyi's arms.

There was no extra space in Lin Xinyi's loving embrace.

Haibara Ai:"."

This is not an open embrace for you, stupid dog!

Sit in the back row and squeeze in with Conan!

With these thoughts in mind, Hui Yuan Ai tried to stretch out her two short little hands to hold Caesar's big buttocks and big fluffy tail, and pushed him towards the back row.

"咿" push.

"Yeah" two-putt.

Caesar stood still.

It was still huddled tightly in Lin Xinyi's arms, refusing to run to the back row obediently.

"Haha. Okay."

Lin Xinyi smiled helplessly and prepared to send the dog away in his arms.

But "Woooooo~"

Caesar let out a sob of grievance.

It buried its head on Lin Xinyi's chest and licked his cheek pitifully.

Then he hooked his two front paws around his neck and held his shoulders tightly.

The two hind paws shrank into a ball, and even the tail was clamped under the buttocks in fear.

No matter how hard Lin Xinyi tried to push, it refused to leave the embrace and ran to the back row.

It was as if there was some ferocious beast in the back row that it was afraid of.


Lin Xinyi turned around with a subtle expression and glanced at Conan, whose face was filled with confusion:

"I see."

"Even if you get smaller, Caesar still remembers your smell."

"What does it smell like??" Conan looked innocent.


Lin Xin turned his head back, hugged the dog who had not yet come out of his psychological shadow, and tried to ask Haiyuan Ai:

"Xiao Ai, why don't you sit in the back row?"

"No." Hui Yuan Ai's little face turned cold.

The plan this time was clearly arranged so perfectly that even Belmode gave her a rare assist.

In the end, the man was robbed by a dog?

"Do you want it or me?"

Lin Xinyi: "???"

Why does this sound a little dangerous?

He pondered for a moment, and finally, with Caesar's pitiful whimpers, he took the big dog off him and pushed it to the back seat.

"Woof woof woof!"

Caesar was furious in the back row.

Finally, it squeezed away the gloomy-faced classmate Conan and shrank into Mao Lilan's arms.

"That's good, let's go."

Hui Yuan Ai was satisfied.

She got her wish and got rid of Caesar who was jockeying for a seat, and got into the arms of her boyfriend with great joy.

"Are you laughing?"

Lin Xinyi looked at his unsmiling little girlfriend with some surprise:

"What are you so happy about?"


"You saw it wrong."

Hui Yuan Ai turned her slightly red face away.

Then he said in an indifferent voice:

"Okay, let's drive."

After arranging their seats, the group finally drove to Karuizawa.

Lin Xinyi carefully hugged his little girlfriend in his arms, but his eyes were carelessly watching the scenery passing by outside the car window.

Naturally, Haiyuan Ai was not in the mood to look at the scenery.

She was recalling the emotional secrets taught to her by Belmod in her mind.

There is nothing mysterious about this secret book.

To put it bluntly, it is to try every means to increase physical contact with the target.

And there is no need to design any tricks.

Just flirt.

From Haihara Ai's point of view, this can be called shameless harassment.

But Belmode told her:

The word "harassment" is only used for people you don't like.

If something is done by someone you like, not only will the other person not be disgusted with it, but they will also find it very romantic.

For example.

"While sitting in your boyfriend's arms, quietly rub your head against his chin."

Haihara Ai recalled Belmod's training and teaching over the past two days over and over in her mind.

Finally, I chose the most "harmless" move.

The other moves were either not suitable for her to use now, or she was too embarrassed to use them herself.

But this move happened to be suitable for her to use.

"Like a kitten, gently nuzzling his stubble."

Haibara Ai recalled the key points that Belmod said when he taught this move:

When doing this action, you should be like a kitten, cute, gentle, intimate but not enthusiastic, always maintaining the coolness and arrogance of a meow.

Let the target be immersed in the gentle land unconsciously and unable to extricate themselves.

Once Lin Xinyi got used to this kind of interaction that was not out of the ordinary but "beyond friendship".

Psychologically, it was impossible for him to treat her as a child anymore.

"That's right."

"He must realize that I am not a primary school student."

Hui Yuan Ai gradually firmed up her thoughts.

She suppressed the shame in her heart that was enough to boil the skin tissue fluid to boiling water.

He raised his little head and looked up at his target:

Lin Xinyi's erect chin with a hard stubble was right on her head, just a few feet away.

As long as Haihara Ai stretches her body a little, her soft brown hair can rub against her boyfriend's chin.

Finally, in a final moment of confusion

She did so.

Like a thief, she quietly, gently, and in the most undetectable way, rubbed her head against Lin Xinyi's chin.

Lin Xinyi had no reaction.

Little Miss Haiyuan became bolder.

She is like a kitten that has completely let go of its coldness in the southern winter and actively throws itself into the arms of its owner for a bit of warmth.

Leaning tightly on her boyfriend's chest, she gently rubbed the stubble on Lin Xin's chin with her head, which smelled faintly of shampoo.


Lin Xinyi seemed to have a reaction.

He suddenly raised his head and moved his chin slightly away from Haiyuan Ai's head.


Huiyuan Ai was extremely nervous at the moment:

"What is he doing now? Why is he taking his chin away?"

"According to Belmode, if it succeeds, the other party should take the initiative to respond with his cheeks and chin!"

"Could it be."

Could it be that Lin Xinyi was not interested in her "flattery" at all?

And you think she is a pervert even more?

Thinking of this, Miss Haiyuan almost heated up, boiled, pressurized, and exploded in shame.

But just then.

Suddenly there was a big warm hand on her head.

Lin Xinyi was gently stroking her hair with his hand.

The movement was also extremely gentle, like a massage or a caress.


Haiyuan Ai's tension was relieved:

Although Lin Xinyi's reaction is a bit different from his teaching.

But at least the other person didn't say "Why are you moving around" with a weird look on his face.

At least, he didn't lift his chin and completely reject her intimate touch.

Lin Xinyi still responded with love.

He didn't expose Hui Yuan Ai's "harassment" and even took the initiative to have an affair with her.

This shows that, silently, he and she reached some kind of tacit understanding.

He no longer regarded her as a primary school student.

But a serious girlfriend.

"Very good"

Huihara Ai knew that he had succeeded.

Although she can't see Lin Xinyi's face now.

But feeling her boyfriend's gentle caress, she could also imagine:

Lin Xinyi must be looking down at her with fascination now, playing with her hair with enjoyment.

"Xiao Ai"

A warm breath gently brushed his cheek.

Haihara Ai's heart was beating fast.


"Huh?" A cute snort.

"You keep rubbing your head on my stubble"

Lin Xinyi asked with a worried tone:

"Do you have symptoms of scalp itching?"

Haibara Ai:"."

"I just checked. There is no oil on your head and there is very little dandruff."

"There were no obvious skin lesions such as erythema, papules, blisters, and scales."

"It's not like seborrheic dermatitis and allergic scalp itching."

Lin Xinyi used his limited knowledge of treating living people and worriedly analyzed his girlfriend's symptoms:

"If your scalp is still very itchy and you can't help but rub something to relieve the itching."

"Maybe, it's a mild scalp fungal infection??"

Haibara Ai:"."

"Xiao Ai."

"Have you ever touched your hair after picking your feet?"

Haibara Ai:"."

"It's okay, don't be shy."

"Girls also get athlete's foot, it's normal."


Huihara Ai remained silent.

"But then again, I'm actually a layman in this area."

"How about you try applying some miconazole nitrate cream. If it relieves the itching, it means that the fungus may really have grown on the head."


Haiyuan Ai broke out in silence:

"Shut up!!"

The second is later

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