Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 419 Suspect Fei Yingli

In the midst of everyone's surprised and uncertain gazes, Fei Yingli slightly raised her sleeves.

I saw three shocking scratches on her originally smooth and flawless arms.

"This is scratched by Ritsuko Usui."

Fei Yingli said without hesitation:

"If there's any flakes in her nails, it's probably mine."

"E-Eri?" Kogoro's smile froze on his face.

He never expected that the number one suspect he was looking for was actually his wife.


Mouri Kogoro asked in disbelief:

"Yingli, aren't you and Miss Ui Bing friends?"

"Why the fight?"

"Friend?" Fei Yingli frowned: "You still know she is my friend?"

"Then you were talking to her in front of me yesterday?"

She subconsciously wanted to express the long-suppressed resentment in her heart, but her face turned red and she hesitated.

"Eri." Mouri Kogoro reacted belatedly: "You did it because of me."

"Don't be so sentimental."

Fei Yingli lowered her head and pushed up the glasses on the bridge of her nose, as if she didn't take this man seriously at all.

She still maintains her duplicitous aloofness:

"I won't let you mess around with any woman you want."

"What I care about is why Ritsuko Usui would do such a thing to me."

"What on earth does she have against me?"

"So, after the banquet last night, I went to Ui Bing's room to have a showdown with her, and then we chatted in detail for a while."

This negotiation obviously did not end peacefully.

There is no need for Fei Yingli to go into details. Everyone can imagine the fierce scene of a pair of "plastic sisters" turning from a civil fight to a physical fight last night after they completely fell out.

"At the end of the conversation, Ui Bing was too emotional."

"I tried my best to maintain restraint, but she still couldn't control herself and started to attack me."

"My arm was scratched by her at that time."

"After that, I left Ritsuko Usui's room and went back to my own room to rest."

Fei Yingli calmly recounted her experience:

"It was about 10 o'clock at night."

"On the way back, I also met Mr. Saku and Shinichi-kun."

"That's right." Lin Xinyi and Saku Hashi both nodded in approval.

But the solemn atmosphere did not lighten at all.

Because Fei Yingli's self-report could not clear her own suspicion at all.

She said that she just had some minor friction with Ritsuko Usui.

When she left the room, Ritsuko Usui was still alive and well.

But who can prove it?

If it cannot be proven, just relying on the skin flakes in the fingernails of the deceased is enough to convict Fei Yingli of murder.


Mouri Kogoro clenched his fists tightly.

Although Fei Yingli had been deliberately acting indifferent to him, how could he not see it:

Fei Yingli was charged with this unexplainable crime entirely because of him as the culprit.

If he hadn't been drunk and debauched and hooked up with other women, she wouldn't have talked to Ritsuko Usui, let alone talked about breaking up with her.


Mouri Kogoro's mood was very complicated.

Mao Lilan also looked at her mother pitifully: "Mom"

A family that had been separated for many years came together unknowingly.

"What are you worried about?"

Fei Yingli shook her head helplessly.

"Indeed, I have a motive to kill."

"The dead man still had scraps of my skin in his fingernails."

"I was also witnessed going to the deceased's room before the incident."

"Together, these so-called strong evidences are enough to deal with ordinary suspects."

"But, you want to use this to prove that I am the murderer and convict me in court?"

The corners of Fei Yingli's mouth raised slightly.

Her smile is filled with her confidence as a famous lawyer:

"Then the evidence is far from complete."

"After all, they can only prove that I had a conflict with the deceased before she was alive, but there is no way to prove that I am the murderer."

"This" everyone was slightly startled.

Several lawyer colleagues present were secretly nodding in approval:

That’s right, no guilt is beyond doubt.

For powerful lawyers like them, as long as there is no surveillance camera that captures the crime, they have a way to find the incompleteness in the police evidence chain.

Even if the chain of evidence is complete, they can still find loopholes in possible procedural irregularities in police evidence collection, evidence preservation, etc., thereby subverting the entire accusation of guilt.

In short, based on the evidence found now, do you want to send the "undefeated queen" of the judicial world to prison?

That's obviously impossible.

So Fei Yingli's confidence did not come out of thin air.

Don't say she didn't kill anyone, even if she did.

The police couldn't do anything to her.

"You may find my remaining skin flakes, hair, fingerprints, and smell at the scene."

Lin Xinyi didn't even speak.

Fei Yingli told them all the clues that the police might find:

"It's normal to find it."

"Because I did come to this room and had a conflict with Ritsuko Usui."

This reason alone is enough to invalidate all the evidence that the police can find at the scene.

In this way, it would be unimaginably difficult to prove that Fei Yingli was the murderer.

Having said that

But Mao Lilan was still vaguely worried about her mother:

Even if the police's evidence is not enough to prove that her mother is the murderer, her mother will still be blamed for such a big suspicion.

This may have a certain impact on Fei Yingli's reputation, life, and even career prospects.

"No, exoneration is not enough."

"We must find the real culprit and clear my mother's suspicion."

Mao Lilan was determined to prove her mother's innocence.

But for a while, she didn't have any ideas to break the situation.

Therefore, she could only turn to Lin Xinyi for help:

"Mr. Lin"

"I understand." Lin Xinyi nodded tacitly.

He thought for a moment, then slowly walked up to Fei Yingli and asked her:

"Aunt Concubine, can you let me see the wound on your wrist?"

"Okay." Fei Yingli put her hand in front of Lin Xinyi frankly.

Lin Xinyi observed carefully:

"It's already starting to scab."

"Scabs form on the injured surface and are at the same height as the tissue."

"This wound has been formed for at least 10 hours."

Based on the morphological changes of the injured part when it heals within a certain period of time after the epidermis is peeled off, the forensic doctor can roughly infer the elapsed time of the wound.

According to the general rules:

It takes 12 to 24 hours for a wound to form, and a scab will form on the injured surface, which will be as high as the tissue.

But because people’s physiques cannot be generalized, some people heal quickly and some heal slowly.

Therefore, caution must be used when applying this rule to infer the time of wound formation.

Leave enough room for error and never be accurate to the hour.

This time, Lin Xinyi left a gap of two hours.

After leaving enough room for error, he was confident in inferring that Fei Yingli's wound was formed at least 10 hours ago.

And it's 9 o'clock in the morning.

The wound was formed at least 10 hours ago, which means that Fei Yingli was scratched by Ritsuko Usui before 11 o'clock last night.

"Next, take the rectal temperature of the deceased."

Lin Xinyi took out the rectal thermometer from the survey box.

This is a necessary item for the autopsy examination.

The time of death can also be roughly estimated from corpse signs such as cadaver spots and rigor mortis, but generally it is not as accurate as using corpse temperature.

In the early stages of death, if the room temperature is appropriate, the body temperature can generally estimate the time of death accurately to the hour.

"The air conditioner is always on in the house, and the room temperature is constant at 23 degrees, similar to spring and autumn."

"In the spring and autumn, during the first 10 hours after death, body temperature drops by an average of 1 degree per hour in emaciated, medium-sized corpses."

"The deceased's rectal temperature is now 28 degrees."

"37-28, it can be roughly inferred that the deceased's death time was 9 hours ago."

After inspection, Lin Xinyi quickly came to a conclusion:

"It's 9 o'clock in the morning."

"In other words, the deceased was probably killed at 0 o'clock in the middle of the night."

Ritsuko Usui died at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

The damage pattern on Fei Yingli's wrist can prove that she was scratched by Ritsuko Usui before 11 o'clock at the latest.

The time just doesn't match up.

And this can prove:

"For a long time after Aunt Fei was scratched, Ritsuko Usui was not killed."

"The skin flakes on her fingernails were not left from the struggle when she was killed."

"So, these skin flakes can only prove that she had a physical conflict with Aunt Concubine before her death, but cannot prove that Aunt Concubine was the murderer."

Lin Xinyi used solid evidence to help Fei Yingli clear away a certain degree of suspicion.

"Very good."

Mao Lilan breathed a sigh of relief.

Fei Yingli also cast a grateful look at him.

But in fact, the problem has not been completely solved yet:

Fei Yingli had a motive for murder and had a physical conflict with the deceased before his death.

As long as the real culprit is not caught, she will remain the number one suspect.

There will be some good people who can’t help but doubt:

Could it be that after Fei Yingli finished fighting with Ritsuko Usui at 10 o'clock, because she couldn't suppress the hatred in her heart, she secretly returned at 12 o'clock and killed Ritsuko Usui.

This speculation is not impossible.

A big tree attracts wind. As the "undefeated queen" in the legal world, Fei Yingli naturally made countless enemies while succeeding.

If this case is not solved, she may still suffer a lot of negative consequences.

"Leave it to me!"

A confident voice sounded quietly.

Just when Lin Xinyi was busy continuing to perform autopsy examinations, and Mao Lilan and Fei Yingli were thinking about how to find out the truth of the case, the man stood up.

It's him, Mouri Kogoro.

He put one hand in his pocket and gently straightened his tie with the other, standing in front of his wife with an extremely handsome gesture.

He is different from the usual decadent and incompetent greasy uncle.

At this moment, Mouri Kogoro exuded firmness and confidence:

"It's up to me to clear Yingli's suspicions!"

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