Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 438 Suggestions from the Heart

Officer Fang Gu took it for a while to finally recover from the attack of the biological and chemical weapon.

But that strange taste still lingers stubbornly in the mouth, with a lingering aftertaste.

"Mr. Furuya, shall I prepare some tea for you?"

Seemingly sensing the other party's discomfort, Belmod suddenly stood up and offered the initiative.

"Thank you very much."

Fang Guling nodded gratefully.

"Xiao Ai, please go to the bedroom to rest first."

"Don't interrupt the adults' conversation."

Belmode played the role of a virtuous hostess, and took Aiya Haihara away wisely, leaving space for the host and guests to talk alone.

And Fang Gu Ling seemed to have something important to talk about this time.

He waited until Belmode left with Hui Yuan Ai, then turned around and said to Lin Xinyi with a serious face:

"Mr. Lin, you must have guessed:"

"I'm here to come to you on behalf of the police this time. I have a case to ask for your help."

"Is it a case related to that organization?"

"That's right."

"Not going."

Lin Xinyi shook his head violently, his attitude of refusal extremely firm.

In fact, he wanted to go.

Because Belmode planned to use the suspected undercover police officer Jiang Gu as a breakthrough to open the way to counterattack the organization.

Therefore, Lin Xinyi had been looking forward to Jiang Gu Ling coming to visit him again, and then finding a way to test the other party's identity while investigating the work together with him.

Now was the opportunity he had been waiting for.

But in order not to make his motives appear suspicious, Lin Xinyi still has to maintain his original persona of being wise and protective but fearful of trouble:

"I said it last time, I don't want to get involved with you and that organization."


Lin Xinyi talked endlessly and expressed his bitterness.

Then he waited for the other party to look at the thatched cottage three times and tried hard to persuade him, but he was forced to agree "reluctantly".

"Those lunatics don't even use guns to kill people, they use helicopter cannons."

"How can I, an ordinary criminal policeman with a family, dare to mess with such a terrorist?"


"So we have everything figured out for you this time!"

Fangtani Rei quietly took out a stack of documents from his handbag and placed them firmly on the table:

"Mr. Lin, our police have already handled the on-site investigation and corpse examination of this case ourselves."

"You don't need to appear on site with us, you just need to help look at the information and give some guidance."

Investigations and autopsies are also done by the Japanese police.

And they did it much more professionally than the old guys at the Metropolitan Police Department.

They do not lack the eyes to detect traces, but they only lack the experience to scientifically analyze the traces on site.

Lin Xinyi can just make up for this shortcoming.

In other words, someone has already helped survey the scene.

His job is just to sit at home and help read the files.

This will certainly not put Lin Xinyi in any danger.

It has to be said that in order to take care of the safety of his foreign aid, the Japanese police have indeed considered it very carefully.


If I just sit here and help read the files, how can I find an opportunity to test him? !

Lin Xinyi is not good at clichés.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel dizzy.

"Mr. Lin, please help me take a look."

With that familiar smile on his face, Jiang Guling pushed the file further in front of Lin Xinyi:

"It's just a look at the file. It's not dangerous, right?"

"All right."

Lin Xinyi bit the bullet and agreed.

He took the file, and Jiang Guling immediately began to help briefly describe the case:

"The deceased in this case is named Yuan Jiaming, male, 32 years old, and his occupation is as a specialist at Changpan Computer Company."

"He was found dead in his single-family villa by a neighbor this morning."

"After medical assessment, it is estimated that the time of death was between 10 and 12 o'clock last night."

"The cause of death was the shattering and rupture of the aorta and pulmonary arteries and veins caused by a gunshot to the chest. The bullet passed through the chest and was fatal in one blow."

"Yeah" Lin Xinyi responded softly.

As he flipped through the information, he asked with some concern:

"Is this person related to the organization?"

"Not sure yet."

Jiang Guling replied calmly:

"Our police took over this case urgently today, and the reason is very simple:"

"When the police went to Joban Company where the deceased worked before his death to investigate the social relations of the deceased Mr. Hara Jiaming, they unexpectedly got a clue from his colleague: "

"A colleague claimed that he saw it accidentally"

"One night after get off work late at night, Mr. Yuan Jiaming sneaked into contact with some mysterious people dressed in black in the company's underground parking lot."

"The uniform wearing of black by the members of the organization is the most obvious feature of that organization."

"This" Lin Xinyi hesitated for a while.

He felt that this reason was not sufficient.

"It's because this Mr. Yuan Jiaming has seen a 'man in black' in the parking lot before."

"Your Public Security Investigation Department thought he was related to that organization and took over the case?"

"This doesn't make sense, does it?"

"There are so many people wearing black clothes, how can we judge their identity based on this?"

Lin Xinyi asked puzzledly.

As he said this, he pointed at himself and Jiang Gu Ling in front of him.

Not forgetting to refer to Belmode who was busy preparing tea in the kitchen:

"Don't we, Chris, and you, Officer Furuya, always like to wear black clothes?"

"Are we all members of the organization?"

"Haha." Fang Guling smiled awkwardly.

Faced with Lin Xinyi's doubts, he had to reveal some additional information:

"We suspect that the deceased Yuan Jiaming is related to the organization, and of course it is not just because of this."

"The most important reason is..."

Jiangu Ling lowered his voice again:

"It's because that organization has been working hard to recruit capable top programmers in recent years."

"And Mr. Yuan Jiaming became a senior executive at Joban Computer Company at the age of 32. His ability can be imagined."

"He is one of the top software engineers in Japan today, and he is just within the recruitment scope of that organization."

"So, our Japanese police had been secretly paying attention to his whereabouts. Later, because the long-term investigation yielded no results, we did not continue to pursue him."

"did not expect"

He paused slightly and his tone became more solemn:

"Mr. Yuan Jiaming will suddenly have an accident."

"That's it." Lin Xin nodded.

He finally understood the cause and effect:

It turns out that Yuan Jiaming was originally the target of the Japanese police's attention.

That's why the Japanese police reacted so quickly after his death.

The organization wanted a genius programmer, and he had a history with the mysterious man in black.

The combination of these two points indeed makes Yuan Jiaming's identity very imaginative.


Lin Xinyi continued to look through the files.

At the same time, he asked with some confusion:

"Your police came to me for help this time. Do you want me to help you find the organized killer who killed Yuan Jiaming?"

"I have to say something ugly first:"

"If this case was really done by a professional killer from some organization, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to solve it."

Lin Xinyi was not deliberately neglecting his work, deceiving the police and protecting his accomplices.

He was telling the truth.

With the style of organizing killers, especially the gin brother,

Let Lin Xinyi check it, but he still can't do anything.

They kill people when they come to their doorstep, and then they run away, and then disappear without a trace among Tokyo's population of more than 10 million.

What’s even more frustrating is that there are not many surveillance cameras installed on the streets of Tokyo.

How can someone check this?

The job of the gin boss was really clean.

So until now, he has not let Lin Xinyi take advantage of his position to help him wipe his ass.

The only task Gin gave him was to find ways to dig deeper, climb higher, and find opportunities to get involved with the police.

Lin Xinyi has now completed this task.

It's just that the butt has moved:

"Let me tell you, Officer Furuya."

"Your police are so powerful, can't you convince those officials in the parliament to install surveillance cameras as soon as possible?"

"It's more useful to install surveillance than to find me."

Lin Xinyi hates the fact that iron is not as strong as steel and actively makes suggestions for the Japanese police:

"You should install more cameras on the streets to conduct real-time monitoring and information recording of all traffic arteries in the city."

"Then connect it to the vehicle management system of the transportation department and develop functions such as license plate recognition and vehicle tracking."

"I've already thought of a name, so it's called Skynet Project."

"In the future, those terrorists will dare to make any big moves in the city, and will they try to escape by driving in the city again?"

"Oh, unless he can drive the car onto the tramway, it's a dead end!"

"Uh wait"

Lin Xin thought of Belmod's previous operations on the water crystal:

"Yes, there must be cameras on the tram tracks too!"

"Let those criminals have no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth!"

His suggestion came completely from the bottom of his heart.

If this road monitoring system that should be in every normal city can really be implemented in Tokyo.

If nothing else, at least.

If Gin dared to drive his conspicuous Porsche onto the road again, he would be throwing himself into a trap.

"Mr. Lin, your suggestion is really good."

Jiang Guling nodded his heartfelt thanks:

Lin Xinyi can put forward such good and pertinent suggestions. He is obviously a good police officer who is unwilling to accept the status quo, enthusiastic about his work, and dedicated to making suggestions for public security in Tokyo.

"It's a pity that our Public Security Investigation Department can't handle this matter."

"As for those politicians who only know how to chant 'privacy' and incite public opinion, there is even less hope."

Fangtani Rei sighed helplessly, saying that there was nothing they could do.


Lin Xinyi still refused to give up and continued to make suggestions:

"Then at least we need to use the Internet, phone calls, emails, and all other surveillance methods, right?!"

"I've also thought of a name for it, it's called the 'Prism' project."

"Um" Jianggu Ling looked embarrassed for a while.

The air suddenly became a little strange.

Good guy.

Lin Xinyi suddenly reacted:

He almost forgot

These developed countries have always had this virtue.

On weekdays, people shout that personal privacy is sacred and inviolable, and it is so laborious to install a camera in the city.

As for the surveillance and monitoring of citizens behind the scenes.

“You’ve been doing this for a long time??”


Officer Fang Gu coughed twice in embarrassment.

In line with the professionalism of a secret police officer, he did not continue speaking.

He just kept talking about other things and forcefully brought the topic back:

"Anyway, Mr. Lin"

"The reason why we are looking for you this time is not to ask you to help catch the murderer."

"After all, if the murderer is really a member of the organization, it is basically impossible to catch him through ordinary criminal investigation methods."

Jiang Guling paused for a moment and explained emphatically:

"The reason why we are looking for you this time is:"

"There is physical evidence at the scene that Mr. Yuan Jiaming's death may be just a serial murder case that has nothing to do with the organization."

"This is seriously inconsistent with the initial suspicion of our police."

"That's why, Mr. Lin, we want you to help identify it:"

"Whether this case was done by the organization or not."

Let’s update it today. This card was stuck until the early morning of the next day_(:з」∠)_

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