Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 440 Jianggu Ling’s admiration

Lin Xinyi didn't waste any time and immediately launched an investigation into the case.

To determine whether the two cases were committed by the same person and whether they need to be investigated together, of course, the details of the two cases must be analyzed in detail.

Lin Xinyi had just briefly read the information on the Yuan Jiaming case.

Therefore, for the time being, he would focus his attention first on Representative Omu who died before Yuan Jiaming.

You don’t know this by looking at it.

Lin Xinyi was so angry that the veins on his forehead jumped:

"Resident Ohgi died in a luxury hotel room in the Twin Towers skyscraper."

“A five-star luxury hotel.”

"There's no surveillance installed?"

"Yes." Fang Guling was also helpless: "It is said that because the building has just been completed and the hotel is still some time away from its official opening, the monitoring and security systems have not had time to be installed."

Lin Xinyi had nothing to say.

He originally thought that as Japan's top technology company and high-tech enterprise, Joban Group's building security work, if not as good as Arasaka Tower, must at least be digital and intelligent.

did not expect.

There aren’t even any cameras in the building?

"This case should have been easy to handle."

Lin Xinyi took the case information and rubbed his eyes tiredly:

"First of all, there is no sign that the door lock has been damaged at the scene. The high-end private room located on the 70th floor is almost impossible to be broken through from the window."

"The hotel's spare keys are always kept under guard by a dedicated person and there is no possibility of theft."

"So it can basically be determined that the murderer entered the scene in a peaceful way."

"He knew the deceased. This was a crime committed by an acquaintance."

If an acquaintance commits a crime, then as long as you check among the acquaintances of the deceased who has the motive and conditions to commit the crime, you can quickly identify the suspect.

"According to this information, it's because the hotel hasn't opened yet."

"On the night of the incident, the only people staying in the luxury hotel on the top floor were the deceased Representative Oki and several employees of Joban Company."

"There is only Ms. Mio Tokiwa, the chairman of the Tokiwa Group."

"Chairman Changban's ancient painting teacher, Mr. Ruyue Fengshui."

In other words, if the security of the hotel is tight enough, there is no possibility of outsiders sneaking in, plus the two restrictions of "an acquaintance of the deceased" and "having a motive for committing the crime".

The range of suspects is very limited.

Unfortunately, the security of this hotel is so poor that anyone could sneak in and commit crimes.

"Okay. It seems that the scope of suspects has to be further expanded."

Lin Xinyi worked hard to cheer up and continued reading.

He carefully looked at the photos of Representative Omu's death scene, and then read the other party's autopsy report attentively.

Think about this after reading.

Lin Xinyi never spoke.

But his expression quietly changed from solemn and serious to relaxed and relaxed.

"Mr. Lin, have you discovered anything?"


"It seems this case is not as difficult as I thought."

Lin Xin changed his tone in an instant.

He held the autopsy report and smiled:

"The murderer was at the scene, to be precise, on the body of the deceased. There were too many traces left behind."

"First we can see:"

"The deceased suffered multiple injuries to his head and face, and there was a 12cm x 2cm hollow subcutaneous hemorrhage in the left temporal region."

"There was a stab wound on the left side of the lower back. The wound was extended irregularly, and there was a fishtail-shaped drag mark at the corner of the knife."

"The angle of the wound was sharp and blunt, and the wound track was diagonally inward and upward and entered the chest cavity, causing the middle and lower segments of the thoracic aorta to rupture."

Lin Xinyi read a section of the autopsy report.

Then he pulled out a few close-up photos of the deceased's wounds from the file and gently pushed them in front of Jiang Guling.

"??" Officer Jianggu said nothing.

He just smiled politely.

Lin Xinyi didn't show off, and quickly explained the mystery:

"First, the murder weapon penetrated the deceased's waist and back."

"It is not difficult for us to imagine that the murderer used his identity as an acquaintance to make Representative Oki relax his vigilance. Then when he turned around and exposed his back to himself, he pulled out the blade and stabbed Representative Oki from behind."

"The knife went straight into the chest and injured the thoracic aorta. It was a serious injury that was fatal."

"If you're lucky, the murderer will be able to achieve his goal with just one stab."

"But here's the thing."

"After he stabbed him, things didn't go as smoothly as he thought."

Lin Xinyi paused slightly and said:

"This knife stabbed into Representative Oki's body from behind."

"Congressman Omu felt the pain, and subconsciously burst out with strength, dodging to the side and turning sideways."

“That’s why the wound is ‘irregularly extended’.”

"The presence of such marks shows that after the murderer stabbed the victim's body with a knife, the positions of both parties changed drastically while the knife was still in the victim's body."

"So the angle between the thorn device and the human body changes accordingly, and the wound will extend irregularly."

"Yeah" Fangtani Rei nodded.

It is not difficult to understand that people will struggle in pain after being stabbed.

But will this help solve the case?

"Of course there is, because Representative Ohgi was not just struggling at that time."

"He is tall and strong, and this knife did not directly hit his heart."

"So after being stabbed, Senator Ohgi not only did not die on the spot, he even had the strength to fight back against the murderer in a short period of time."

"So the murderer became entangled with the injured Representative Ogi."

"This is also the reason why the scene was so messy and it was suspected that a fight had occurred."

"Looking at the autopsy report again, in addition to a fatal stab wound on the waist and back, Senator Ohgi also had 'multiple injuries' on his head and face, as well as 'hollow subcutaneous bleeding'."

Hollow subcutaneous bleeding is generally caused by blows from wooden sticks, bamboo and other light sticks, and often occurs in areas with rich soft tissues such as the buttocks and back.

Therefore, if anyone is lucky enough to have a parent who has a hot temper and is good at using belts and wooden sticks as a child, he can intuitively understand what "hollow subcutaneous bleeding" is.

When the wooden stick falls on the victim at high speed, the central part of the skin in contact with the wooden stick is quickly pressed vertically, and the pulling force generated will instantly tear the blood vessels on both sides of the center point of the impact, that is, on both sides of the stick.

As a result, there will be a strange strip-shaped injury with "the center becomes white due to blood loss" and "both sides become red due to bleeding".

This kind of hollow subcutaneous bleeding is a typical feature of stick injuries.

"The deceased had hollow subcutaneous bleeding on his head, plus multiple soft tissue injuries on his head and face."

"It is sufficient to prove that during the struggle after Representative Oki was stabbed and injured, the murderer hit Representative Oki's head continuously and multiple times with a blunt instrument such as a stick, suppressing the other party's resistance."

"Soon, Representative Ogi fell into a near-death state due to excessive blood loss. He completely lost his ability to resist and fell to the ground forever."

Lin Xinyi gave a conclusion firmly.

But Jiangu Ling frowned quietly.

He thought about it for a while, and finally asked with some confusion:

"Mr. Lin, how are you sure:"

"Did this fight happen after the deceased was stabbed?"

"A man was stabbed in the chest with a knife from the back. He was seriously injured but still had the strength to fight the murderer."

"Unfortunately, he was stabbed after fighting with the murderer."

"Comparing these two statements, the latter is obviously more credible, right?"

Although Representative Oki is indeed strong and strong, he is not Kyogoku Makoto or Hayashi Shinichi after all, and he is not strong enough to be inhuman.

So let’s analyze it from the perspective of a normal person.

He should have fought with the murderer first, and then received the fatal knife.

"No." Lin Xinyi shook his head: "I have evidence to prove that Representative Omu was hit by the fatal knife first, and then he endured the pain and fought with the opponent."

"First, there are almost no resistance wounds caused by the stabbing on the front of Representative Ogi's body."

"Officer Fangtani, think about this:"

"If you are a murderer, you go to kill people with two weapons: a stick and a knife."

"When the target fights you, will you choose to use a wooden stick or a short knife?"

"This" Jiangu Ling reacted quickly:

Indeed, if you want to fight with someone in close combat, it is definitely easier to use a short knife.

However, there were no stick wounds or stab wounds on the front of Representative Oki's body.

The only stab wound on his body was the fatal stab wound on his back.

This shows that the murderer did not use a knife at all when he was struggling with Representative Oki.

Why did the murderer abandon the knife and choose to use a wooden stick?

"Because when he was fighting the deceased, the knife was no longer in his hand."

"At that time, the knife was still stuck in Representative Omu's body."

Lin Xinyi gave a surprising answer.

Before Jiang Guling asked in surprise, he continued to explain:

"It may be because when the knife was inserted into his body, Representative Oki struggled so much that the murderer was caught off guard and failed to hold the handle of the knife."

"It may also be because the murderer was a little panicked at the time, so he didn't hold the knife firmly."

"In short, after the knife penetrated into Representative Omu's body, it has been inserted into him."

"It wasn't until he completely lost the ability to resist that the murderer pulled it out."

"A large part of the reason why Representative Oki still had the energy to fight back after being stabbed was because the knife remained in his body and was not pulled out, thus preventing the bleeding from becoming larger."

Lin Xinyi started with some methodical reasoning and analysis.

Immediately afterwards, he came up with solid evidence:

"Officer Fangtani, look at this close-up of the stab wounds on the deceased's back:"

"'There are fishtail-shaped drag marks at the retracted corner,' do you see that?"

The fishtail-shaped drag mark at the retracted corner of the knife is the cut wound caused by the friction between the blade and the side of the wound when the murderer pulled out the stabbing instrument.

Jianggu Ling followed Lin Xinyi's guidance and carefully observed the bloody photo.

Nothing was seen.

"This is not my specialty."

Officer Furitani shrugged frankly:

"Mr. Lin, it's up to you to explain."

"Yeah." Lin Xinyi pointed to the drag marks on the photo. To be precise, they were the tiny skin flaps on the wound section:

"The skin tissue of these flaps still has a hyperemic reaction, but it is extremely weak."

Congestion reaction is a kind of life reaction.

There is a life response, which means that the victim was still alive when the wound was formed.

The congestion reaction of the deceased's skin flap with the knife mark was extremely weak compared with that of a normal living person.

this means

"This is a near-death injury."

"When this drag mark was formed, that is, when the murderer drew the knife, the deceased was already in a state of death."

"At this time, he lost too much blood in his body, his blood pressure dropped sharply, and the congestion response of the wound was naturally extremely weak."

Lin Xinyi paused slightly and emphasized:

"Judging from the severity of Representative Oki's injuries, from the time he was stabbed in the back to his vital signs regressing, he entered the near-death stage."

"It will take at least 1 or 2 minutes."

"In other words, when the murderer pulled out the knife, the knife had been inserted into Representative Oki's body for more than a minute."

"Combined with the murderer's strange behavior of using a stick instead of a knife during the fight, I can basically conclude:"

"Congressman Ohgi was stabbed in the back first, and then started a fight with the murderer."

"I see."

Jianggu Ling couldn't help but admire it:

The murderer first entered the scene peacefully by using the identity of an acquaintance, and attacked Representative Oki from behind with a knife. However, he accidentally let the handle of the knife slip away, leaving the knife on Representative Oki's body.

Representative Oki struggled with the murderer despite being seriously injured, but was hit on the head multiple times with a wooden stick by the murderer. Finally, he completely lost the ability to resist and fell to the ground dead.

Lin Xinyi just glanced at the autopsy report and restored the entire incident of the case in such detail.



"This doesn't seem to be of much help to our investigation, does it?"

Admiration is admiration, admiration is admiration, but Jiang Gu Ling's mind was not biased at all by Lin Xinyi's long speech.

He still remembered why he came to seek help:

"Knowing this, can you help us confirm that Mr. Yuan Jiaming's death has nothing to do with the murderer in the first case?"


Lin Xinyi smiled calmly:

"Because these clues can help us find the murderer of the first case."

"As long as we know who the murderer is, we can further understand whether Yuan Jiaming was killed by him."

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