Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 449 The relationship really broke down

He had been arresting the mistress for ten years, but in the end he discovered that the mistress was actually his own daughter.

No. This is impossible

After all, Mouri Kogoro still couldn't believe that his daughter, who was as gentle and kind as an angel, would play the role of a villain who destroys other people's families in this family ethics drama.

"Maybe I thought wrong."

He still held on to his last glimmer of hope.

Even though Suzuki Sonoko has indirectly confirmed his worries and Lin Shinichi has also shown various unusual behaviors, as a father, Mouri Kogoro still refuses to accept "reality" easily.

"Let's keep an eye on it."

"If they do. Sigh."

The old father sighed deeply helplessly.

In this complicated mood, he quietly locked his sharp eagle eyes on Lin Xinyi, which had exposed countless cheating scumbags in the past ten years.

And Lin Xinyi

As soon as he entered the door, he briefly greeted everyone.

Then he ignored Belmode's affectionate and eager eyes, walked to the "husband waiting area" in the corner, and sat down with Mouri Kogoro, Suzuki Sonoko, and Conan.

During the whole process, Lin Xinyi did not do anything strange, nor did he show any special closeness to Mao Lilan.

But Maori Kogoro smelled a hint of crisis.

"Hey, kid."

"Aren't you going to pick out clothes with your girlfriend?"

"Miss Chris asked you to stay with her, why did you sit here directly?"

he asked tentatively.

Lin Xinyi didn't care and just answered casually:

"It's too troublesome to go shopping with a woman, just let her choose."

Although he has no experience in going shopping with his girlfriend.

But I have the experience of being forced to go shopping by my mother when I was a child.

The exhaustion of physical and mental torture was a horror that even a martial arts genius like him couldn't bear.

Therefore, when Lin Xinyi said the words "It's too troublesome to go shopping with a woman", his voice was full of the kind of emotion that comes from the heart and comes from people who have experienced it.

"This is terrible." Mouri Kogoro's heart sank:

Lin Xinyi's calm tone sounded like the kind of old couple who had lost their passion in ordinary life.

"Old married couple" sounds like a good word.

But Mouri Kogoro, as Mistress’ nemesis, scumbag stalker, and Kameda’s nightmare next door, he understands very well:

Things like cheating often happen to these old couples who have the seven-year itch.

Once the relationship fades, it will be useless no matter how beautiful your wife is.

What men pursue is excitement.

Thinking of this, Uncle Maoli's expression became more serious.

Lin Xinyi didn't know this at all.

He just sat there quietly, thinking about the case at hand:

Conan is here now.

The previous three victims were all attacked near this shopping mall, which shows that the murderer's scope of activities is also here.

From this point of view, it is very likely that the murderer will commit another crime today.

But who will be the fourth victim?

The murderer picked his targets regularly. The first three victims were all young girls dressed as "Japanese hotties."

The so-called "Japanese hot girls" are probably characterized by exaggerated skin tanning, fancy manicures, permed and curled blond hair, and thick-soled platform shoes that can be used as stilts.

This is a new fashion trend that Lin Xinyi cannot understand at all with the perspective of people from the future 20 years later.

In his eyes, they might be members of the Shamat family.

And such a girl is naturally eye-catching enough when walking among the crowd.

But now.

"No one here is dressed as a 'hot girl.'"

"Did the potential victim not appear in front of Conan this time?"


"The reason why the murderer targets his victims is not because of their 'hot girl' makeup?"

Lin Xinyi carefully reasoned based on the laws of Ke Xue.

He thought deeply.

Someone called him next to him, but he didn't respond:

"Shinichi, Shinichi?"

It's Belmode.

She didn't know when she came to Lin Xinyi.

I also put on a completely different new outfit:

"Huh?" Lin Xinyi frowned slightly and raised his head reluctantly:

Belmod is now wearing an improved sailor uniform.

Wearing it like this on her, coupled with her youthful appearance and ever-changing temperament, makes her look like a young girl idol.

It must be good-looking, even Uncle Maori’s eyes gleamed when he saw it.


"This kind of clothes is more suitable for younger girls, right?"

Lin Xinyi reminded him tactfully.

"You" Belmode completely gave up on letting Lin Xinyi accompany him.

"Forget it. I'll help Xiaolan choose."

She turned away in displeasure.

The atmosphere becomes more subtle.

Not only Mouri Kogoro but also Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help but test in a low voice:

"Mr. Lin, what are you doing to Sister Chris?"

"Isn't it a little too much?"

"Huh?" Lin Xinyi was slightly startled: "Is there any?"

Suzuki Sonoko and Mouri Kogoro were both silent:

Of course!

Otherwise, you are blind and would dislike your girlfriend for being too old, right? !

"Mr. Lin"

Suzuki Sonoko pondered for a while.

Her expression is very subtle.

Because she still remembered that a few days ago, she was the one who "snitched" to Lin Xinyi and vaguely told him the little secrets of Mao Lilan and Chris.

Now Lin Xin is so cold to his girlfriend

Could it be that the relationship with Chris broke down because of this, right?

"Their relationship must have broken down!"

Mouri Kogoro also secretly reached a consensus with Suzuki Sonoko with his eyes.

In silence, the two famous detectives looked at each other.

Finally, with the encouragement of Kogoro Mori, Miss Suzuki mustered up the courage to ask the question directly:

"Mr. Lin, tell the truth."

"Is there something wrong with your relationship with Sister Chris?"

After finishing speaking, Suzuki Sonoko held her breath nervously.

Mouri Kogoro also quietly pricked up his ears, looking forward to Lin Shinichi's answer.

"." Lin Xinyi was silent for a while.

And after a long silence.

His answer was:

"Yes. Chris and I did have some conflicts."

Lin Xinyi admitted it smoothly.

Because Belmod, this fake girlfriend, will leave sooner or later.

And if you leave, you won't come back, at least, you won't be able to appear as "Chrissy" for a long time.

In order to avoid being suspected because of his "girlfriend's sudden disappearance", Lin Xinyi has been trying to reveal the news that his relationship with his girlfriend has broken down.

Just to prepare for the future "breakup".

Before at the Metropolitan Police Department, Lin Xinyi had already found an opportunity to briefly reveal this to Shiratori, Sato and other colleagues.

Now Kogoro Mori and Sonoko Suzuki asked for some reason, so he naturally climbed up the pole and continued:

"Chris and I have broken up once before because of a foreign relationship."

"Although we are back together now, there are still many things going on."

"We can't go back to the past."

Lin Xinyi used his mechanical, awkward, and emotionless voice to speak the lines he had prepared long ago.

And this poor acting made him appear even colder and more emotionless.

"how so."

Suzuki Sonoko looked regretful and couldn't believe it:

"Aren't you the true love to whom you can entrust your lives?"

"Last time at Water Crystal, you guys"

She couldn't help but mention Lin Xinyi and Chrissy, the touching love story that can be called Japan's "Titanic".

"Alas" Lin Xinyi sighed deeply.

Regarding this issue, Belmod has already written a script to explain:

"Death is one thing, life is another."

“Those who can be entrusted with their lives may not be entrusted with their whole lives.”

"You don't understand, young man."

Listening to this enigmatic line, Miss Suzuki couldn't help but be stunned for a long time.

But Mouri Kogoro felt deeply:

This was what he and his wife were doing back then.

When Fei Yingli was kidnapped by gangsters, he was willing to sacrifice his career prospects and take the risk of shooting to rescue his lover.

The couple experienced unforgettable life and death together.

But, later.

The two returned to their ordinary lives, but instead accumulated irreconcilable conflicts.

In the end, just because he said that Fei Yingli's rice was unpalatable, Fei Yingli ran away from home and lived apart from him for ten years.

"Boy, I understand you."

Mouri Kogoro sighed deeply.

But at the same time.

His eyes and Suzuki Sonoko's eyes intertwined silently again.

Both detectives saw the crisis:

The relationship between Lin Xinyi and his girlfriend really broke down.

"And in this."

The eyes of Suzuki Sonoko and Mouri Kogoro quietly became complicated.

Silently, they reached a consensus again:

"I'm afraid there is another reason for Xiaolan!"

The second is later

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