Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 457 Overflow Output

While the Megure Police Department was seriously investigating the domestic violence incident of Kogoro Maori, Lin Xinyi also began to investigate the murder scene.

And the situation at the murder scene is not complicated:

The 20-year-old deceased, Tae Aizawa, was leaning against the wall of the parking lot with her head bleeding.

There was a car parked in front of her.

The rear door of the car was open, and there was a large shopping bag placed on the back seat.

The shopping bag showed signs of severe squeeze and deformation, and most of the contents inside were scattered out.

It is not difficult to imagine that Miss Tae Aizawa had finished shopping at the mall and returned to the parking lot to pick up her car. When she opened the car door and put her things in the back seat, she unexpectedly encountered an armed murderer.

"The murderer was very clever in his attack."

"Because the location where the blood stains are distributed is extremely limited."

"The distance from the back door of the car where the attack started to the wall where the body ended up was only a short 2 meters."

"This means that the murderer did not stop at all after launching the attack and severely injuring the deceased."

"The deceased couldn't even escape and was beaten to death by the murderer right here."

Lin Xinyi's expression gradually became solemn:

"This guy's attack was so serious this time, and his style was completely different from the three previous crimes."

It is true that the murderer committed a series of violent attacks, and the means of committing the crime can indeed be described as cruel and brutal.

But he had committed crimes three times before, but he always held back.

According to the three surviving victims, the murderer knocked them to the ground with a metal bat and then stopped attacking them after they lost the ability to resist.

It can be seen that the murderer did not want to kill anyone, but simply wanted to find someone to commit violence and vent some unknown emotions.

But this time things were completely different.

"Miss Tae Aizawa's head injury is extremely serious."

"The murderer had repeatedly struck her on the head with repeated blunt force blows, and the force of each blow was extremely terrifying, and he did not hold back at all."

"This is completely different from his old 'hit and go' style."

"Why did the murderer's crime style change so much?"

"Is it because he succeeded in committing crimes three times in a row that his desire to kill accelerated and escalated?"

Serial killers generally have long-term deformed and evolving killing fantasies that ordinary people cannot understand.

This kind of killing fantasy tends to intensify as the number of crimes increases.

Just like those old smokers who are addicted to smoking, they feel choked when they first smoke one. Gradually, one pack a day is not enough.

Therefore, the means of committing serial murders tend to become more cruel, violent, and even perverted as the number of crimes increases.

It does make sense to use this idea to explain the change in the murderer's crime style.


Belmode tried to come up with another idea.

While she was quietly enjoying the show of Conan's social death not far away, she did not forget to stay with Lin Xinyi and help him check for and fill in the gaps:

"Are you sure this was done by the same murderer?"

"Since the style of committing crimes has changed so much, could it be that the murderer is someone else?"


Lin Xinyi does not deny this possibility:

"But the wound on the deceased's head was bleeding severely and the boundaries were clear."

"The scalp is completely cut off, there are fewer bridges between tissues in the wound cavity, and the wound is obviously opened."

"It can be determined that the instrument used to cause the injury was a metal stick, and the murder weapon is the same as the weapon used in the previous three attacks."

"In addition, the victim, Ms. Tae Aizawa, is also a fashionable woman dressed as a 'hot girl' and has similar characteristics to the victims of the previous three attacks."

"Therefore, there is a high probability that this case was carried out by the same murderer."

As he said this, he put on the gloves he carried with him and reached out to touch the exposed skin of the deceased outside the clothes.

This slight touch caused Lin Xinyi's expression to change:

"The surface of the body is still warm."

"She just died not long ago!"

Contrary to popular belief, people do not immediately become cold after death.

In spring and autumn, when the climate is relatively warm, only 1 to 2 hours after death does the exposed skin of the corpse that is not covered by clothes cool down, giving people a "cool" feeling to the touch.

And if it is a hot summer, the surface of the corpse may not even cool down at all, and it will always feel warm to the touch.

Therefore, it is often inaccurate to judge the time of death based on the touch temperature of the corpse's surface.

But things are different now.

It's winter now.

Although Lin Xinyi was on vacation in Karuizawa two days ago to escape the heat, today is indeed winter.

In short, it is very cold today and the temperature is very low.

There is heating in the mall, but not in the underground garage.

"The body surface of the deceased can still feel warm to this day."

"This shows that she was killed just now, and the longest time of death was no more than 30 minutes."

Lin Xinyi gave a rough inference.

And Belmode quickly understood what he meant:

"You mean, the murderer just fled the scene not long ago."

"Is it possible that he is still in this mall and has no time to escape?"

"That's right." Lin Xin nodded: "The Mumu Police Department originally led people to set up a trap and ambush near here."

"And after they heard Conan's cry for help, they immediately blocked the exit of the mall."

"This blockade has not been lifted yet."

"This means that the murderer may not have had time to escape after committing the crime. He was blocked by the police in the mall because of the incident between Uncle Maori and Conan."

The news that the killer may not have escaped from the scene couldn't be better.

There are many people in the shopping mall, and the conditions are limited.

If he was accidentally blocked in this shopping mall and caught off guard, he might not be able to properly dispose of the murder weapon and blood stains on his body.

These are the evidence that the police most want to find.

"But don't be too happy too soon."

Belmod shrugged and poured cold water on Lin Xinyi:

"After all, there are people from the shopping mall here. They won't just wait here because the Metropolitan Police Department wants to investigate the case."

"The lockdown will not last long and will have to be lifted."

"If you don't find the suspect as soon as possible, even if he is really blocked in this mall, he will still be able to leave safely after the blockade is lifted."

"Yes." Lin Xinyi sighed deeply.

The accident caused by Conan and Uncle Maori may have inadvertently prevented the murderer from escaping, causing him to lose the opportunity to destroy the physical evidence immediately.

But after all, he was still mixed in with the bustling crowd of people in this shopping mall.

And to find the murderer in a short time is an almost impossible task.

After all, what the police fear most is this kind of rogue criminal who randomly selects targets and is not in the victim's social relationship.

To deal with such criminals, the best weapon is surveillance.

But there is no surveillance in the mall.


Lin Xinyi quietly thought of something:

"The murderer dared to commit murder with weapons in this underground garage because he knew in his heart that there was no surveillance in this shopping mall."

"Not only did he know that there was no surveillance here, but he also knew that the underground garage was secluded enough for him to escape easily after committing the crime."

"This means the murderer is familiar with the shopping mall."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid he wouldn't dare commit murder in the underground garage during daytime business hours, when there are so many customers in the mall."

"So." Belmode understood Lin Xinyi's meaning again: "Do you think the murderer may be a staff member of the mall?"

"Maybe." Lin Xinyi didn't dare to draw a definite conclusion.

The murderer may also be a regular customer of the mall, so he is familiar with the mall's situation - this possibility cannot be ruled out.

In short, he could not narrow down the scope of the investigation with this thin reasoning.

And even if the scope of the investigation is successfully narrowed down to "mall staff," the total number of potential suspects is still not a small number.

It takes time to check them one by one.

What Lin Xinyi lacks most now is time.

After those TV shows made sure to put his scientific crime-solving methods on the headlines to popularize science, the murderers, especially those in Tokyo, became smarter one by one.

If Lin Xinyi can't find the murderer as soon as possible and give him a chance to escape the police blockade and go back to deal with the physical evidence.

Even if the real murderer is found later, the police have no evidence and there is no way to prove that they found the murderer.

And all of this has to be based on the assumption that "the murderer was accidentally blocked inside the mall."

If he had successfully escaped from the scene before Conan made any noise, then the situation Lin Xinyi would face would only be more difficult.

"It's really troublesome."

"Just find the murderer privately and kill him."

Belmode couldn't think of any good solution, so he could only grumble and complain.

After all, she still couldn't get used to the awkward feeling of being constrained by rules and regulations when the police were handling cases.

To find the murderer, we have to find ways to find physical evidence. To find the physical evidence, we have to ensure that the evidence chain is complete. This is really troublesome.

"It's better to solve the problem with one blow."

"I'll make sure it's done cleanly and neatly."

She had no choice but to joke with Lin Xinyi.

But Lin Xinyi was slightly stunned.

Belmod's unintentional words were like a kaiselu poured into his brain, allowing him to instantly open up his mind.

Lin Xinyi suddenly thought of something:

“Why did the murderer use so many ‘knives’ to solve a problem that could be solved with ‘one knife’?”

Lin Xinyi's eyes were firmly fixed on the deceased's head wound:

The wounds on her head were too heavy and too many.

The wounds caused by repeated blows were connected together, spreading from the face to the top of the temples, making the deceased's head look like a bloody mess with almost no good flesh.

It is conceivable that the murderer inflicted continuous violent blows on the deceased at that time.

These attacks were enough to beat people to death several times.

Just like the nuclear arsenals of superpowers, their output is severely overflowing.

But the murderer still didn't stop.

"It was like he was afraid she wouldn't die."

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