Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 460 Starring Together

"You want evidence?"

"Oh, I'll give it to you!"

Before Ding Jin Fangxiong finished speaking, a righteous and awe-inspiring voice sounded from the side.

The voice contained contempt and disdain for criminals, as well as an absolute confidence embedded in almost every word.

If paired with some impassioned music, it would be more like a righteous detective in a TV series who is about to unleash his "finishing move".

And this person is Belmode.

At this time, although she was wearing a light-colored belted trench coat she had just bought from the mall, she was dressed casually and beautifully.

But her temperament quietly changed, becoming more like a police officer than any other police officer present.

That kind of indescribable but real aura made Yoshio Jin, who had always been indifferent in the face of doubts, couldn't help but feel tight in his heart.

"Do you really think we don't have evidence?"

"If there is no evidence, how could we find you here and waste time with you?"

Belmod raised the corners of his mouth slightly in mockery.

This smile made Yoshio Jin feel nervous for no reason:

"Stop bluffing."

"If there is evidence, just bring it out."

"as you wish."

As if by magic, Belmode took out a small transparent evidence bag from his arms.

The evidence bag contained several short hairs.

"Mr. Deposit Yoshio."

"You followed Ms. Tae Aizawa here, and then took advantage of her opportunity to put something in the back seat of the car and attacked her from behind."

"Miss Tae Aizawa slumped forward in her seat."

"You then mercilessly pulled her out of the car, threw her against the wall, and continued to abuse her."

Belmode first recounted the scene that Lin Xinyi had restored before, and slowly repeated it in a coercive tone.

Coupled with some deduction skills, she seems to have a "divine power" that is omniscient and omniscient.

This made Dejin Fangxiong a little flustered.

And Belmode gave him another fatal blow:

“During this process, I’m afraid you didn’t even notice it.”

"You lost a few hairs on set."

"The hair was located where Miss Tae Aizawa was first attacked, under the back seat of her car."

"Mr. Deposit Yoshio, can you explain:"

"Why is your hair in the deceased's car?"

"I" deposited Fangxiong with layers of cold sweat on his forehead.

Facing the irrefutable evidence given by Belmode, he could no longer maintain his previous composure.

Yes, things like hair are so thin and small that they are almost invisible to the naked eye.

The murderer can take care not to leave fingerprints, blood, saliva, or skin flakes, but how can he ensure that he does not lose his hair while committing the crime?

Even if it falls, they won't notice it themselves.

Even if it didn't fall, they weren't sure they didn't.

So just taking out this "hair collected from the crime scene" is enough to shake the heart of any murderer.

Deposit Yoshio was already panicking.

Belmod showed a victorious smile:

"Mr. Deposit, don't be stubborn and resist."

"Be good and admit your guilt!"

"I" Jin Fangxiong pursed his lips unconsciously and his body trembled slightly.

He was almost frightened into telling the truth.

But right now, I don’t know what I thought of.

Even though his heart was shaken, Deposit Yoshioong still gritted his teeth and said with an ugly face:

"You said that hair is mine, does it belong to me?"

"Stop acting to scare people!"

"I'm not a murderer, so how could there be my hair in the car?"

"Is that bag of yours really filled with hair? Isn't it just woolen ends removed from clothes?"

"You" Belmod narrowed his eyes slightly in displeasure.

She didn't show any timidity, nor did she lose her aura.

But her helpless silence at this moment is itself a failed concession.

Deposit Yoshio seems to be more confident.

The balance suddenly began to tilt towards him again.

"Ha, that's ridiculous."

"Revenge but not daring to pay the price for it is just a coward after all."

Lin Xinyi's disdainful voice sounded quietly.

Belmod was slightly startled and looked over in surprise:

Lin Xinyi smiled softly and said:

"Chris, you don't have to stand up for me."

"I have just been surveying the site, and I have learned a lot."

He turned back to look at Jin Fangxiong:

"Mr. Deposit."

"Do you think that if you wore a hat when you committed the crime, your hair would not fall out at the scene?"

"I" Deposit Fangxiong's expression froze.

Lin Xinyi's words obviously spoke to his inner thoughts.

"Tightly covering your hair with a hat when committing a crime can indeed avoid this situation to a certain extent."

"But the thing is, Mr. Deposit:"

"Do you see this car door frame?"

"At that time, Ms. Aizawa Tae was attacked by the car door, and her body fell forward on the back seat inside the car."

"At this time, she indeed had no strength to resist, but her consciousness was not completely blurred, and she still had the strength to struggle."

"That's why most of the contents of the shopping bag were scattered."

"If Ms. Aizawa Tae simply pressed on it without any struggle and resistance, the most she could do was crush the shopping bag and prevent the contents from scattering everywhere."

In a few words, he restored the incident in more detail:

"A woman who can still struggle is not so easy to control."

"So you spent a lot of effort dragging her out of the car."

"And you didn't even notice at this time that your head hit the door frame on the roof of the car."

"The scratch made your hat become crooked, causing the scalp you were trying to cover to rub against the door frame, and your scalp flakes got stuck on the rubber door frame."

With that said, Lin Xinyi slowly took out an evidence bag.

Inside is a cotton swab used to collect trace biological test materials.

"Mr. Deposit Yoshio."

"This is your skin."

"Why, do you have anything else to say?"

The car had a low roof.

If you lean in to drag someone, it is indeed easy for the door frame to rub against your head.

Since the murderer's skin flakes could be rubbed on the door frame, the hat he was wearing must have become crooked during this process, and his hair would most likely fall out.

"I" deposit Yoshio was speechless for a moment.

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. The courage he had just barely regained his strength was gone in an instant.

"I saw that you wanted to avenge your dead son, and at least your motive was reasonable, so I gave you such a chance to plead guilty."

"Pleading guilty now can barely be regarded as surrendering."

"If you don't want to cooperate, forget it."

"Anyway, when the identification results come out, everything will be answered naturally."

Lin Xinyi scolded him coldly with a straight face.

At the same time, he handed the evidence bag to the police officer next to him: "Send it to the scientific research department and try to get the identification results today."

After saying that, Lin Xinyi never looked at Jin Fangxiong again.

When the police officers waiting nearby saw that the case had solid evidence, they no longer waited.

They rushed forward from left to right, grabbed Ding Jin Fangxiong's shoulders, and handcuffed him.

Then it was time to take him to the police car.

This case seems to be coming to an end.


Deposit Yoshio's body was shaking uncontrollably.

Lin Xinyi's reconstruction of the incident was so detailed that every detail was like a TV replay, forcing him to believe the evidence presented by the other party.

The despair of having the truth revealed shrouded his heart, leaving him unable to fight any longer.

Lin Xinyi was right, he was an avenger, but not a brave man.


Deposit Yoshio finally chose to cooperate:

"I plead guilty."

"Tae Aizawa. I killed her."

He admitted his crime in full view of the public.

Then he was escorted slumped into a police car.

Watching Fangxiong of the deposit go away, Belmode couldn't help but walked to Lin Xinyi curiously:

"Shinichi, how do you know that the guy wore a hat when he committed the crime this time?"


Lin Xinyi shrugged:

A middle-aged man is not worried about losing his hair at all.

Except for bald people who are absolutely confident in their own hair quality, they can only wear a hat and cover their hair.

"I see."

Belmode has more than one problem:

"Then how are you sure that he will believe that he scratched the car door frame when committing the crime?"

"It's very simple."

"The roof of the car is so low and the carriage is so narrow. Given Yoshio's height, it is very likely that the door frame will be scratched."

"And when he was facing the enemy who also wanted to take away his son, he would definitely not be calm emotionally."

"Not to mention, he had to deal with the struggling victim and the people struggling to drag her out of the car."

Just like thinking about things while closing the door, you often cannot recall whether you closed the door tightly when you went out.

Deposit Yoshio was very emotional at the time, and his attention was focused on Aizawa Tae.

Afterward, he was probably not sure whether he had hit the roof of the car or not.

"It's good to attack psychological weaknesses."

Belmode nodded.

As she said this, she looked at Lin Xinyi with some surprise and some relief:

"The murderer I didn't even bluff was actually fooled by you."

"When did your acting skills become so good?"

"Did you finally remember the things I taught you before?"

There was a hint of expectation in Belmod's eyes.

She also joked playfully:

"What exactly is in the evidence bag?"

"A clean cotton swab? Haha"

"Uh" Lin Xinyi's expression became a little subtle.

"No, I wasn't acting just now."

"The evidence bag contains the skin scraps I collected from the car door frame."

"Huh?" Belmod was slightly startled: "You have already found the evidence, why did you act so troubled just now?"

"I had to go up and perform the show before taking it out, causing me to make a fool of myself in front of such a bastard."

There was a hint of joking complaint in Belmode's tone.

If it wasn't for Lin Xinyi's help, Belmode would not have hurriedly performed on stage with such an immature script.

As a result, his acting career was left with such a disgraceful performance failure experience.

"Well, that's because."

Lin Xinyi's expression became even weirder:

"It's true that there were skin flakes found on the door frame, but I can't guarantee that it was the skin flakes left by the murderer."

"After all, the roof of the car is so low, anyone who has ridden in this car may get hit by it."

"I originally planned to send it to Kesouyan for DNA testing and see the results."

"did not expect"

"He was so scared that he fell down."

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