Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 470 [Extra] Valentine’s Day (8)

After some furtive discussions, the Maori couple became more enthusiastic.

They kindly invited Lin Xinyi to stay at home for dinner that night.

Lin Xin thought that he had just taken over the important task of taking care of Mao Lilan and could not leave the "patient" in front of his family too soon, so he readily agreed.

In this way, the aroma of food and laughter gradually filled the room.

Dinner is about to start, and the atmosphere is as lively as the New Year.

But the Conan kids were not happy.

He always feels:

“Something’s wrong”

The atmosphere is indeed lively, but the excitement belongs to others.

He is like a fat man sitting alone on a small bench in the corner, a bit redundant:

"Xiaolan, your parents."

"Are you too 'enthusiastic' towards Lin Xinyi?"

"Hey? What's the problem?"

Mao Lilan looked over with an innocent face.

Conan: "."

Looking at Xiaolan's big, flawless eyes, he still felt embarrassed to express the dark green worries in his heart.

Maybe I'm overthinking it.

Uncle Maoli and Aunt Fei were so enthusiastic about Dr. Lin probably only because of Xiaolan's "illness".

He was thinking so

Concubine Yingli over there has already walked over with a smile on her face:

"Come on, Xiaolan, come over for dinner."

"Uh?" Before Mao Lilan could react, she was pushed and pushed by her own mother to the dining table, where she sat down next to Lin Xinyi.

Conan: "."

Hey, hey, Xiaolan's skirt has already reached Lin Xin's legs.

Are the seats arranged too close together?

Aunt Fei. What on earth are you doing? !

Fei Yingli didn't notice Conan's little face getting greener and greener.

She just naturally arranged the seat for her daughter, and then she and Mouri Kogoro sat on one side, opposite her daughter and Lin Shinichi.

One to one.

It looked like a double date.

Conan: "."

There is a problem, there is definitely a problem!

His face turned green, and he couldn't help but grab Haiyuan Ai, who was about to serve the meal, and whispered to this comrade who theoretically shared the same disease as him:

"Hey, Haiyuan."

"Don't you think your boyfriend is too close to Xiaolan?!"

Conan's tone was very complicated.

But Hui Yuan Ai just glanced at him lightly:

"Great Detective, even if you can't cure your suspicion."

"After such a long time, it's time to change to an imaginary enemy, right?"

"I" Conan is speechless:

It is true that Lin Xinyi and Xiaolan have known each other for so long. If anything happened to them, it should have happened long ago.

On the contrary, he was worried and scared all the way until now, and he looked a little nervous.

"Please be mature."

Hui Yuarai shook his head helplessly.

As she said that, she turned her head indifferently, walked to the dining table with her short legs.

Turn around, stand on tiptoes, lift your butt back, move, and squeeze.

Then, using the momentum of Auntie Supermarket's rush to buy, they squeezed out Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan who were sitting next to each other and forced themselves to sit between them.

"I'm going to sit here."

Hui Yuan Ai looked up at her boyfriend beside her:

"Okay, or okay?"

No one would reject Miss Haiyuan's willfulness.

At this moment, Mouri Kogoro and Fei Eri had no intention of paying attention to this brown-haired girl who had always been very attached to Lin Shinichi.

They are all busy preparing for the final test for their future son-in-law:


Fei Yingli gave her husband a secret wink.

Mouri Kogoro immediately used his special skill that he had honed for ten years - drinking.

He drank the liquor in one gulp and happily refilled himself.

After completing this tactical forward movement, Kogoro stood up, took the wine bottle and poured it into Lin Xinyi's cup:


"I am also considered your elder."

"It's rare to get together today, so let's have a good drink."

Mouri Kogoro used a trick of "relying on the old and selling the old" without leaving any trace, showing his thirty-year skills in persuading people to drink.

At the same time, without waiting for Lin Xinyi's answer, he rushed to pour the wine into Lin Xinyi's glass.

This move "knocked them all down" and was even more of a killing move.

The elders tried to persuade them to drink, but they all poured it down. How dare the young people not drink?

Boy, drink it obediently!

Wa hahaha

Mouri Kogoro laughed wildly in his heart.

But his smile quickly stopped.

Because, his "all fell down" move didn't have time to make a surprise attack.

Lin Xinyi withdrew the cup from the table with lightning speed.

He even had the cup in his hand, so of course he couldn't pour the wine.

What a great move to "draw fire under the cauldron"!

Mouri Kogoro's heart sank:

If this trick is used at the wine table, it is equivalent to breaking up.

"Hey, kid!"

Kogoro immediately darkened his face and used a killing move:

"It's rare that I treat you to a meal, but you don't even want me to have a drink."

"Are you not giving me face?"

Here you go, to advise those in the wine world to kill.

Once this trick of "not giving face" is used, there is no room for maneuver. The victim can only choose between friendship and physical health.

When used from the hands of the party who occupies a powerful position in the personal relationship, the lethality is particularly frightening.

Mouri Kogoro is Lin Xinyi's "future father-in-law". He is confident that this boy does not dare to hurt his face over such a trivial matter.

But what he didn't expect was...

"Sorry, Uncle Maori."

"I drove here today."

Lin Xinyi unhurriedly resorted to the trick of "drinking without driving, driving without drinking."

This move uses the law as a shield, and rejection must be justified.

It not only took care of the host's face, but also calmly defused the opponent's offensive situation.

"You" Mouri Kogoro was speechless for a moment.

But he reacted quickly:

"It's okay, feel free to drink!"

"It doesn't matter if you're drunk. The worst case scenario is that your aunt will drive you back!"

Maori Kogoro used a trick of "free driving" to arrange the wine bureau properly, completely blocking Lin Xinyi's retreat.

That’s all.

Lin Xin couldn't stand it if he didn't drink again.

"Okay, I'll drink some." He sighed softly, admitting his defeat.

"Okay!" Maori Kogoro beamed, and he immediately wanted to pour wine into Lin Xin's glass.

But Lin Xinyi was flexible again.

He took the wine glass, opened a bottle of wine himself, and then poured a small amount of half a glass into the glass.

"Uncle Maori, I want to toast you."

With that said, Lin Xinyi picked up the wine glass and took a sip gently.

"This" Kogoro's expression changed:

What a great move to "focus on customers"!

Take the initiative to pour the wine in your own hands, and you can control whether you drink more or less.

In this way, it seems that I am drinking with the host throughout the whole process, but in fact, I only take a small sip every time.

After a meal, it is good to drink half a cup.

It's purely an atmosphere group.


Seeing her husband being defeated one after another, Fei Yingli had to take action personally.

"Today our 'family' is together, and Kogoro is rarely so happy."

"You should stop being so rigid and let him have a drink with you for once."

The moves she uses are simple yet practical.

He just used her mother-in-law's status to express her affection, implying that if Lin Xin wanted to become a better family with them, he would have to serve his father-in-law happily.

The average son-in-law with hairy feet is called "mother-in-law", and then look at the gentle and beautiful girlfriend next to him.

Even if you don't drink alcohol normally, you still have to bite the bullet and drink a bottle of white wine at this time.

But what Fei Yingli didn't expect was...

Not only did Lin Xinyi not just drink obediently, but he also put down his glass with a serious expression:

"Aunt Fei, since you treat me as a family member."

"Then there are some things I will say directly:"

"Alcohol is not a good thing. Drinking too much will harm your health."

"Especially Uncle Maury, whose drinking problem has become very serious."

"Aunt Fei, just leave him alone, how can you still indulge him??"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

Lin Xinyi's "health card" was played so hard that Fei Yingli didn't know how to take it.

Because she had always been very opposed to her husband's alcoholism, when Lin Xinyi brought up health issues, there was no way she could suddenly change her tone.

Fortunately, as an old drunkard, Kogoro Mori has a lot of experience in dealing with this "health card":

"Oh, stop scaring people!"

"Mr. Kamei, whom I met at the izakaya, was drunk every day. Didn't he still live in good health into his nineties?"

He used his favorite trick of "point arrancar" to find and amplify special cases to refute the opponent's entire theory.

If you are a fool, your views will really be biased by this kind of rhetoric.

But Lin Xinyi is not stupid.

Faced with such arrogant remarks, he chose the smartest way to respond -


"Uncle Maori, just be happy."

"I don't want to drink anyway."

"To be honest, I don't know what's so good about wine."

"That's because you're too young!"

"Children are not sensible yet and don't know how good wine is."

"I think you just haven't seen many people who know how to drink, and no one has helped you get started."

"Come on, come on, I'll teach you how to taste wine today."

Not to be outdone, Maori Kogoro angrily wanted to continue pouring wine for Lin Xinyi.

But this was blocked by Lin Xinyi again:

"Uncle Maori."

"Who says I haven't met anyone who knows how to drink?"

"I've met a lot of drunkards, and they all told me there's nothing good about drinking."

"Nonsense!" Mouri Kogoro said tit for tat: "How could someone who really understands wine say such a thing?"

"Boy, where did you meet these nonsense guys?"

"Anatomy room."

Maori Kogoro:"."

“There are people with acute alcohol poisoning, people with drunk driving car accidents, and people who have died of alcoholic liver disease.”

"Actually, the first two are fine. It's not like I haven't seen dead people before."

Lin Xinyi shared his thoughts:

"The corpses that died of late-stage alcoholic liver disease due to long-term alcoholism are the most disgusting."

"Alcoholic liver disease can lead to fatty liver disease and cirrhosis."

"The former looks like foie gras that is a hundred times bloated."

"As for the latter, the fibrotic liver is covered with lumpy and hard tumors, which look like toads."

Corpses are not scary.

But just think that a person can ruin his own flesh and blood like this.

It will make people feel a kind of physical and psychological nausea.

"Well" Mouri Kogoro couldn't speak anymore.

Now, let alone persuading Lin Xinyi to drink, he himself couldn't hold it anymore.

At this moment, Lin Xinyi silently added another killer shot:

"Also, Uncle Maori."

"Have you forgotten what happened in Karuizawa a few days ago?"

"That Miss Ritsuko Usui drank herself to death."

As soon as he said this, Mouri Kogoro's face turned red.

How could he forget this?

Because she was drinking and causing trouble that day, Fei Yingli was tricked into becoming the number one suspect.

Because of the impact of this incident, Mouri Kogoro learned from the pain and deeply regretted it. After returning home, he immediately made up his mind to quit drinking.

Starting three days ago, today is the first day that he has successfully given up drinking.

"If you don't like it, don't drink it."

Mouri Kogoro put down the bottle angrily and sat back honestly.

"Uncle, drink it yourself."

"Just pay attention to the right amount."

Lin Xinyi gained the upper hand, and a smile appeared on his lips:

He really doesn't like drinking.

No matter how expensive the wine was, drinking it felt as uncomfortable as drinking disinfectant.

According to Mr. Sawaki's standards, Lin Xinyi is the kind of tacky guy who only wastes everything. Even being tied up in a crystal and blown up to death is not enough.

"I can finally eat in peace."

He breathed a sigh of relief and finally put down his wine glass with satisfaction.


Gudong Gudong

The wine glasses were filled.

Hui Yuan Ai held the big wine bottle and succeeded in the sneak attack.

Lin Xinyi: "."

He looked down at his girlfriend.

Haiyuan Ai's icy blue calm pupils were a bit hard to read.

Lin Xinyi thought for a while.

Then, pick up the wine and drink it all:

"Okay, let's make an exception today."

"Uncle Maori, let's drink."

PS: It’s still the first update today. It’s really a bit sorry for everyone if it continues to be stuck like this.

It seems that I still have to put some pressure on myself.

Set a flag: There will be two updates tomorrow_(:з」∠)_

In addition, I recommend a book from a friend:

"I am really the captain of the Flying Henanese"

Wake up and travel around the world!

After eight billion humans woke up, they found that sharks had become their neighbors. The only refuge was the raft under their feet. Not only were the shipwreck materials drifting towards them, but there were also endless lurking sea monsters!

[Charcoal grilled kelp] [Rum] [Great White Shark] [Old Dominator]...

Fortunately, Chen Changan has opened a plug-in. As long as he has enough survival points, he can upgrade items. Knives, artillery, and even nuclear weapons can be upgraded to more cutting-edge black technology.

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