Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 472 [Extra] Valentine’s Day (10)

"Shiho, do you know?"

Lin Xinyi hugged his little girlfriend and drunkenly expressed his heartfelt words:

"I-I've known you since my previous life."

Hui Yuan Ai felt goosebumps upon hearing this.

It seemed that Lin Xinyi was really drunk.

Still ‘last life’.

What a good guy, he actually knows how to talk about earthy love words.

"Hmm" These love words came out of his mouth, and they sounded pretty good.

It was so embarrassing in front of two outsiders, Mao Lilan and Conan.

"Lin, can you leave now?"

"If we can leave, let's go home now."

Hui Yuan Ai took the initiative to suggest.

"Okay, okay let's go home."

Lin Xinyi was drunk, but not so drunk that he couldn't walk.

He first agreed drunkenly, and then sat there to relax.

When he felt a little better, he was led by Hui Yuan Ai with his little hand and walked home in a daze.

The two of them said goodbye and left, while the Maori couple were still lying on the table.

There were only two sober people left in the house.

The world of two that Conan wanted is finally here.


He looked at his childhood sweetheart expectantly.

"Xinyi." Mao Lilan also blushed slightly.

She has already helped Haihara Ai as a Valentine's Day tutor, so of course she will not do nothing.

In fact, the skill of making homemade chocolates was originally prepared by her to celebrate Valentine's Day with her childhood sweetheart.


Mao Lilan turned around and walked to the cabinet and pulled out a delicate small box that had been prepared a long time ago.

The box contained Valentine's Day chocolates that she had made in advance.

“Try it”

Miss Mori blushed and handed the chocolate box to Conan's hand.

Conan received it and opened the box.

Chocolate exudes a faint sweet aroma

The sweetness lingers in the nose.

The two people, one large and one small, looked at each other in silence, so quiet that one could hear their heartbeats.

Conan's courage gradually grew stronger.

He was in no hurry to eat the chocolate.

Instead, he brazenly broke the "three-meter ban" that Uncle Maori had set for him and slowly walked towards his childhood sweetheart.

Mao Lilan did not refuse.

The two of them were getting closer and closer, and they seemed to be holding hands.


A drunken voice sounded at an inappropriate time.

"Hey, daddy?!"

Mao Lilan's face turned pale.

She jumped two or three meters away in an instant, and then turned back nervously:

Fortunately, her father had just woken up in a daze, and he didn't see anything before he could raise his head.

Mao Lilan breathed a long sigh of relief.

Until then, Mouri Kogoro slowly raised his head and glanced around with drunken eyes:

"Xiaolan, where is that boy Lin Xinyi?"

"Why is he missing?"

"Mr. Lin, he rested for a while and then walked back by himself."

Mao Lilan's tone was still a little frightened.

But she didn't expect that the next second, she heard words that caught her even more off guard:

"Ah, did he walk back by himself?"

"Really, Xiaolan, you don't know how to give it away."

Mouri Kogoro was still very drunk.

Even his speech became direct and wanton:

"That boy is your boyfriend now."

"You still have to take care of what you should take care of in normal times."

Mao Lilan: "???"

Conan: "?!!!"

At this moment, the Valentine's Day chocolates in his hand no longer smelled good.


Miss Mori's cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

She glanced nervously at her silly little boyfriend, then gritted her teeth and turned back and asked:

"W-what are you talking about?"

"When did Mr. Lin become my boyfriend?"

"Uh?" Mouri Kogoro thought for a moment in a daze: "Isn't it today?"

"Lin Xin confessed to you, Xiaolan, didn't you also personally agree?"

Hearing this, Conan's eyes became even weirder:

Did Lin Xinyi really confess his love secretly?

Xiaolan, what did you personally promise?

"I don't!" Mao Lilan was so angry that her hair stood on end: "There is no such relationship between me and Mr. Lin at all!"

"How not?"

Mouri Kogoro drunkenly slapped the table:

"Didn't I ask that boy who he liked at the wine table just now?"

"Didn't he immediately turn to look at you?"


"Nonsense, you were obviously shy with us back then!"

"And if he wasn't looking at you—"

"Could it still be that primary school student?"

"This" Mao Lilan's face froze.

She suddenly reacted:

Although Lin Xinyi will not die socially.

But it seems that the blame of 'professing love to her with wine on Valentine's Day' cannot be shaken off.

"That, that's nonsense he said while drunk."

Mao Lilan forced herself to explain.

I don’t have enough confidence, so I need to increase my volume:

"In short, Mr. Lin did not confess to me today, and I did not agree."


"Stop talking nonsense!"

Mouri Kogoro was silent for a while.

He seemed to wake up a lot after his daughter yelled at him.

Hearing his daughter denying so fiercely what she had just acknowledged not long ago, the old father's expression suddenly underwent a series of wonderful changes:

First there was surprise, then surprise, then confusion, then contemplation.

Finally, there is a gentle smiling face:

"Haha. I understand."

Mouri Kogoro showed a reasonable and fatherly smile:

"Xiaolan, you are right."

"It's Dad. I drank too much and remembered it wrongly."

"That's good."

Mao Lilan breathed a long sigh of relief:

Finally explained.

I didn’t expect that my father was quite easy to talk to.

Speaking of which, when I usually persuade my father to drink less, he would never be so cooperative.

Hmm. Wait.


Miss Maori's face darkened:

"I am not experiencing memory loss, secondary delusions, or pseudodementia!!"

"Don't think I'm sick now!"

Before Kogoro could speak, she roared out all the psychiatric terms that a half-hearted person could grasp.


Mouri Kogoro's expression suddenly became serious:

"The patient was talkative, spoke endlessly, and complained that his brain responded quickly, as if the machine had been "lubricated" and his thinking was quick."

“This is a symptom of ‘running thoughts’!!”

"." The veins on Mao Lilan's forehead jumped: "Dad! Dad!"

Her fists slowly clenched, and her bones cracked.

The sound was a clear signal to her father to shut up and stop talking.


Mouri Kogoro's eyes lit up:

"Running thoughts often accompany mania."

"Patients also often exhibit violent tendencies."

Mao Lilan: "."

She had almost given up on treatment altogether.

It's good now. From now on, she not only has to bear the title of "madman" in front of her family.

She also inexplicably became Lin Xinyi's girlfriend.

what to do.

Looking at Conan's pale green face, Mao Lilan knew:

If I don't explain this matter clearly, I will have to act as Lin Xinyi's girlfriend in front of others in the future.

Conan's already lingering "psychological shadow" will definitely become more terrifying.

Over time, it might really cause him some mental problems.

This must be explained clearly.

However, how should she explain it so that her father, who already didn't believe her mental condition at all, could believe that he and Lin Xinyi had no impure relationship at all?

Mao Lilan was confused.

But when she was in a dilemma, Mouri Kogoro sighed deeply:

"Oh, Xiaolan."

"Do not worry!"

The father who gave her such a headache unexpectedly became reasonable:

"Since you said that you are not Lin Xinyi's girlfriend, I and your mother will never talk nonsense outside."

"What happened today, just pretend it didn't happen."

"My daughter is still single."

"Let that guy Lin Xinyi wait a little longer!"

"Uh?" Mao Lilan still didn't react:

Was his relationship with Lin Xinyi so easily cleared up?

She subconsciously thought that this was another perfunctory treatment of her "patient" by her father.

But Mouri Kogoro looked extremely serious.

It doesn't look like he's saying anything against his will at all.

"Dad, do you really think so?"

"Of course." Mouri Kogoro nodded heavily: "How could I wrong my precious daughter and make you accept something you don't want to accept?"

"Dad" Mao Lilan was a little moved when he heard this.

Her father's main concern was her after all.

Miss Mori thought so in her heart

Moori Kogoro paused slightly and then said in a more serious tone:

"And, looking back and thinking about it:"

"What you promised Lin Xinyi today cannot be counted in the first place."


"Because you are mentally disturbed right now."

"How can a mentally disturbed person's words count?"

"That bastard Lin Xinyi is taking advantage of this moment to confess to you. This is obviously taking advantage of others' danger!"

Mao Lilan: "."

She quietly clenched her fists.

Filial piety gradually hardened.

And Mouri Kogoro took advantage of his drunkenness, and his tone became more and more exaggerated:

"How should Yingli say it?"

"Oh, right:"

"You call this 'lack of capacity for civil conduct'."

"Not to mention agreeing to someone's confession, even if you get married and get a certificate, the marriage certificate has no legal effect."

"So, daughter, don't worry"

"Your mother and I will never admit that you are Lin Xinyi's girlfriend."

"Oh" Mao Lilan's body was trembling slightly: "Thank you for understanding -"


Bang bang bang bang bang.

Her mania flared up again.

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