Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 485 Adaptation is not random editing

Conan used his sweet childish voice to tell the answer he used to break the situation:

That's right, it's under the banner of Sherlock Holmes!

The relationship between Lestrade and Holmes is roughly equivalent to that between the Megure Police Department and Kudo Shinichi.

If it was Holmes's arrangement, Lestrade would definitely listen.

"Mr. Holmes?"

Sure enough, as soon as he heard Holmes' name, Officer Lestrade's expression changed quietly:

"You know Mr. Holmes?"

"That's right." Conan replied clearly: "We are Mr. Holmes's assistants."



Looking at the group of primary school students in front of him, Lestrade's tone once again became filled with doubts.

But Conan replied calmly:

"That's right."

"We are the 'Detective Squad of Baker Street'!"

He confidently assumed the identity of the "Baker Street Detective Squad" in the original book——

In the original story, Sherlock Holmes originally hired such a group of street children as assistants in handling cases.

And with the name "Sherlock Holmes' Assistant" as a sign, it would not seem so suspicious for these children to appear at this dangerous crime scene at night.

"Is it."

The doubt in Lestrade's eyes lessened slightly.

But he still asked very cautiously:

"Is there any way you can prove it?"

"Yes." This did not trouble Conan: "Officer Lestrade, I can tell you some secrets that Mr. Holmes himself told us."

"For example, you, Mr. Holmes and Dr. Watson investigated the disappearance of Lord St. Simon's bride earlier."

Conan was referring to "The Case of the Noble Bachelor" in the original work.

This case happened to happen in 1888. From a timeline perspective, Lestrade in the game world should have just experienced it.

The case is also very simple:

Lord St. Simon's new wife disappears on her wedding day.

Scotland Yard and Detective Lestrade, who were initially responsible for investigating the case, thought the bride had accidentally fallen into the lake and died.

But after Holmes found out the truth of the matter:

The bride's "ex-husband who died in the accident" was not actually dead. When he came back, he found that his wife was going to marry someone else, so he eloped with his lover.

Lord Saint-Simon wore a cuckold on his head, and in the end he had to generously forgive his ex-husband and his wife who had eloped.

This is certainly not honorable to the nobles.

Therefore, although the case caused a stir in the newspapers in the early stage, after the truth came out, Officer Lestrade, Dr. Watson, and Holmes who participated in the investigation still followed the professional ethics of detectives and did not disclose the subsequent results.

The outside world currently does not know the truth behind this case.

But Conan was able to tell the details clearly:

"Because Mr. Holmes told us so."

"He often tells us little assistants his detective stories to exercise our reasoning skills."

Conan was completely absorbed in the drama.

His acting skills are usually so bad that he doesn't look like his mother's own son, but now he plays the role of the assistant of his dream idol, and he can act without any disobedience.

And being acted like this by Conan.

Officer Lestrade was indeed somewhat convinced:

"You actually know the truth about Lord Saint-Simon's case."

"It seems that Mr. Holmes does trust you."


Under Conan's constant temptation, Lestrade himself helped to complete the lie:

"Are you all the 'little detectives' sent here by Mr. Holmes to help investigate the Jack the Ripper case?"

"Yeah!!" Conan nodded happily.

"Jack the Ripper may commit another crime in Bishop's Square. Mr. Holmes also told you this information?"

"That's right."

Using Sherlock Holmes' trademark, even this kind of "prophecy" without any reason sounds much more reasonable.

Who told this to be the omniscient detective Sherlock Holmes?

He can deduce in advance the time and place of Jack the Ripper's crime. This is very reasonable and scientific.

In short, this is what the famous detective said, don't ask why, the letter is enough.

Lestrade was about to believe it when he saw it.

But he still asked:

"What about Mr. Holmes?"

"Why didn't he come for such an important matter?"

"Well, he has other things to be busy with." Conan replied vaguely, "That's why he asked us to come."

"Then when did he tell you this information and ask you to come over to investigate?"

Conan: "."

He already felt vaguely that something was wrong.

This Lestrade doesn't seem to be as easy to fool as the Mumu Police Department.

The other party asked more and more detailed questions, forcing him to make up more lies to cope with it.


How to deal with this?

Conan racked his brains and thought:

September 30, 1888. At this time, Holmes should not have gone out to handle any cases, right?

Yes, Holmes should still be in London, still living at home——

The game must be set up this way too.

Otherwise, wouldn’t players be able to find the mainline NPC?

Thinking of this, Conan suddenly became confident.

So he tentatively replied:

"Just today."

"Mr. Holmes called us to his home, No. 221B Baker Street, and told us the contents himself."

"The landlady at the time, Mrs. Hudson, even made us her best black tea!"

Conan casually reveals more details about Holmes.

To show his familiarity with Holmes.

But Lestrade was silent for a while.

The silence was startling.

Conan was having trouble with his scalp:

How could it be that there was an omission in what I said?

He is a famous detective, but he can't even fool the "Lestrade" played by the Memu Police Department?


Conan looked at the face of the "Military Police Department" with unprecedented frustration in his heart:

You can’t lose to anyone but the Megure Police Department, right?

This is too embarrassing for the detective!

After a period of confusion, Conan had to use his trump card:

"Officer Lestrade."

"Now is not the time for hesitation, please believe me."

"I am really Mr. Holmes's most trusted assistant. He has many important cases, and he asks us kids to help-"

"For example, do you know about the case of Miss Irene Adler?"

This is Conan’s trump card:

The most talked-about case in the original work took place in March 1888, "A Scandal in Bohemia"!

Because there is a charming female character in this case, Irene Adler!

She is a legendary woman whose wisdom even Sherlock Holmes cannot help but admire.

Although the character is legendary, the facts of this case are not too complicated:

In order to protect his royal reputation, the hereditary king of Bohemia wants to get back the intimate photos he took with his ex-girlfriend Irene Adler from their relationship.

Mr. Holmes accepted the commission from the king, but not only failed to help the king get the photo back, he was also tricked by Miss Irene Adler.

in short.

This is the story of a big shot who, in order to prevent himself from ending up like Guan Xige, hired a private detective to retrieve private photos from his ex-girlfriend and erase his own dark history.

As a famous emotional detective, Mouri Kogoro often takes on this kind of work.

But because this time the protagonist is the King of Bohemia.

The reputation of the royal family cannot be slandered, offended, or even stained.

Therefore, this case has become the most confidential case among Holmes.

Conan couldn't guarantee whether Holmes would share this case with his best friend Lestrade.

But if Lestrade knew about it and told the truth about the case——

That was enough to prove that, like Lestrade, he was one of Mr. Holmes's most trusted friends.

"Later, Miss Irene left London with her new husband. Before leaving, she left a letter to Mr. Holmes explaining everything to him."

"Mr. Holmes later read that letter to us!"

"He said this was an 'amazing lady who completely changed his view of women' and asked us to be careful not to underestimate women's wisdom in the future."

As Conan spoke, he seemed to regard himself as Sherlock Holmes's direct disciple.

The details of the "Scandal in Bohemia" case he mentioned are enough to prove Holmes' unreserved trust in him.

If everything goes well, Lestrade will now believe that Conan is Holmes' assistant.

Otherwise, how could Holmes secretly tell him such an important royal scandal as if it were a teaching material?

Conan thought so.

Then he looked at Lestrade with confidence again.

Lestrade's reaction was:


A burst of angry sneer:

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"You talk nonsense, you don't even know Mr. Holmes, do you?"

"This" Conan's face sank:

A problem was actually discovered?

how so.

Is there anything I said wrong?


Lestrade said angrily:

"When you first mentioned Lord Simmons' case, I was almost fooled by you."

"But then, I asked you when you had met Mr. Holmes, and you said it was today, in Baker Street."

"This is already nonsense——"

"Mr. Holmes has gone to Dartmoor with Dr. Watson these days. He is not in London at all!"

"Huh??" Everyone in Conan was dumbfounded:

Holmes went to Dartmoor with Watson, not London?

Dartmoor, the case is

The Hound of the Baskervilles?

That’s not right——

Didn’t The Hound of the Baskervilles take place in 1889?

It’s still 1888!

Conan was stunned for a while.

Just listen to Officer Lestrade continue to say sternly:

"Then you mentioned Miss Irene Adler, saying that she left London with her new husband in March——"

"This is even more ridiculous!"

"Miss Irene Adler is still single and still performing in London!"

"Where did she get her new husband?"

"How could Holmes pursue her if she already had a husband?"

Conan: "."

As a fan of the original work, he just wants to explode:

How come Irene Adler is still single?

In the original work, she married a lawyer in March 1888. Why is she still single now?

Also, Holmes is a man who "love belongs to the category of emotion, but any emotion is contrary to true and calm reasoning, so I value reasoning above all else."

Why would he have an emotional scene?

And formed a CP with the "single" Miss Eileen?


Conan suddenly realized something:

"It's not like my dad randomly changed the plot when he was designing the game."

"The character design and story timeline have been changed, so they are no longer in line with the original work, right?"


Isn’t this causing great harm to my son?

The advantages of the original party and the time-travelers were instantly gone.


Conan wanted to cry but had no tears.

He just wanted to tell his father:

This drama is not nonsense.

Adaptation is not random editing!

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