Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 491 The Master’s Magic Potion

Although there are many residents in this neighborhood, they are all from the middle and lower classes of the city who can hardly afford a carriage.

From finding a person to finding a carriage, the job suddenly became much easier.

Not long after Lestrade's order was issued.

The Scotland Yard patrol officer responsible for searching the neighborhood brought back the results:

"We found a total of eight carriages."

"These are all vehicles that were intercepted from the road after we blocked off the neighborhood - according to them, they just happened to pass by this neighborhood and had no idea what was going on here."

"Officer Lestrade, as you command:"

"We have brought these carriages and their owners here, and you are invited to take a look."


Lestrade nodded with satisfaction.

He looked at the carriages that were gathering in front of him under the surveillance of the police, as well as the carriage drivers who looked nervous and at a loss.

Then he turned to Lin Xinyi and cast an expectant look.

Lin Xinyi naturally took over the command and continued to ask the patrol officer in charge:

"Are these carriages covered with Persian carpets?"

"Well." The police officer thought for a while: "It seems that there are carpets, but we didn't pay attention to distinguish whether they were Persian carpets or not."

"Okay." Lin Xinyi continued to ask: "How many of these eight vehicles can only find one 'occupant'?"

A gentleman who owns a carriage usually doesn't drive it himself, so he has to hire a driver.

So to find a carriage, theoretically you should find at least 2 corresponding passengers.

The patrol officer’s answer was:

"There are no passengers in these eight carriages, and only the driver can be found."

"Some of them said they were drinking alone outside at night and were getting ready to drive back. Some said they were driving to the bar to pick up a job and hadn't picked up the customers yet."

"Anyway, they were the only ones in the car - and none of them had a solid enough alibi."

"I understand." Lin Xin nodded:

The Jack the Ripper they saw in the "opening CG" was only one person.

This may be the game designer hinting to the players that the mission target "Jack the Ripper" refers to a specific person, not an organization or a gang.

And think from the experience and logic of reality:

Serial killers like Jack the Ripper usually commit their crimes alone, and there are few records of gang crimes.

Because of perverts like this who like to dig out intestines and guts.

It is really difficult to find like-minded accomplices who can commit crimes with them.

Originally, Lin Xinyi wanted to further narrow down the focus of the investigation based on the number of passengers on the carriage.

Unexpectedly, there was only one driver on each of the eight carriages.

"I'm afraid this is not a simple coincidence."

"It's a puzzle that the game deliberately created for me, an 8-choose-1 puzzle."

Lin Xinyi was even more sure that he had guessed the question maker's mind correctly and found the right direction to solve the problem.

Then he calmly ordered the police officer:

"Bring all those car owners here -"

"I want to have a good chat with them."

The coachmen of the eight carriages were quickly invited to come forward by the patrol police.

Confusion was written on all their faces.

No one looks like a bad guy.

Lin Xinyi didn't ask any questions, just looked at them carefully:

The faces of these people were all clean, and there were no suspicious stains on their hands or clothes. They did not look like murderers who had just killed someone at night.

"Master Lin"

When I saw Lin Xinyi, he didn't show off his strength like a master, nor did he ask questions like a police detective.

Officer Lestrade couldn't help but asked with some concern:

"Didn't Ms. Elizabeth's ghost tell you which of these eight people was the murderer?"

"." Master Lin's face darkened: "No."

"We have to solve this problem ourselves."

"This" Officer Lestrade became increasingly worried: "Now all the suspects are here."

"But after all, there are eight people here."

"How do we find Jack the Ripper among them?"


There was another sentence he hesitated to say.

That is. Is Jack the Ripper really among these 8 people?

Is what the master just asked from the dead person accurate?

In fact, Lin Xinyi himself was not sure about this.

If he were writing an autopsy report for Ms. Elizabeth in reality, he would only write this:

"Two strands of silk and three strands of wool were extracted from the skirt of the deceased. It is speculated that he had come into contact with textiles containing silk and wool components during his lifetime."

This is the only way the report can be written.

Even if it is stated as "speculation", it must still be written vaguely as "textiles made of silk or wool."

It must not be written as a specific item such as "carpet" or "sheet".

Because no one can guarantee that this "silk-wool fabric" must be a carpet - it can only be said that it is more likely to be a carpet.

Writing this way contains elements of reasoning and guessing, which is not scientific enough or rigorous enough.

But because this is a game world, and there is no other way to clear the level.

Lin Xinyi could only boldly use his imagination to speculate on the truth based on the few clues he had.

He was also not sure that his reasoning, which he could barely establish by trying to figure out the mind of the person who asked the question, was 100% correct.


"I can't be 100% sure that the murderer is among these eight people."

"But if Jack the Ripper is really among these eight people, I have a way to find the real murderer among them!"

A confident smile appeared on Lin Xinyi's lips.


Officer Lestrade widened his eyes curiously:

"Master, what other 'magic' do you have that you don't use?"

He seemed to live like a servant, calling "master" whenever anything happened.

But this time "master Lin" did not disappoint him:

"Is it magic?"

"In this day and age, that's right!"

Master Lin smiled slightly and slowly read out an unfamiliar and difficult word:


"Officer Lestrade, have you heard that?"


Lestrade chewed on this extremely unfamiliar word.

The police officers also looked at each other in confusion.

Everyone was silent for a while, and then someone asked cautiously: "What kind of spell is this?"


Master Lin's face darkened:

"No, it's an organic compound."

"If 'luminol' sounds hard to understand."

"You can also call it luminol, or 3-amino-phthalic acid hydrazide."

Lestrade: "."

Master, are your tricks too fashionable?

And what exactly is this luminol used for?

How can we help them find the murderer among these 8 suspects?

"It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it."

"All you need to know is that luminol is a special chemical."

"It can reveal the form of a very small amount of blood stains, making the trace amounts of blood stains invisible to the naked eye emit blue light visible to the naked eye."

"And the murderer just killed someone and cut half of the deceased's neck open."

"Based on the amount of bleeding the deceased had at that time, it would be difficult for the murderer not to be stained with blood."

"If the murderer is really stained with blood, no matter how clean he wipes the blood, there is absolutely no way he can escape the detection of Luminol."


No need for Lin Xinyi to say anything next, Lestrade had already reacted:

There is actually a drug that can detect blood stains that are invisible to the naked eye?

This is simply a research result that can change the history of criminal investigation!

"Does this drug really exist?"


"Luminol was synthesized in 1853, but it has not been used in criminal investigations yet."

"Now you can send people to the laboratories of several nearby universities to ask, maybe they can find this drug."

Luminol was only discovered for use in criminal investigation in the 1930s, and then became widely known.

In 1888, it was indeed a novelty that was hard to find.

but it doesn't matter

If you can't find luminol, you can also use benzidine.

Benzidine was accidentally discovered by a German chemist in the early 20th century and could be used to detect occult blood earlier than luminol. It is the originator reagent in the world of blood exploration.

Although it is still only 1888, it is still more than ten years away from the beginning of the 20th century.

But benzidine itself is an intermediate for dye synthesis and was widely used in the textile dye industry in this era——

Although it was later discovered that this stuff was a carcinogen that would cause irreversible harm to workers during the production process.

but it doesn't matter

British gentlemen are still happily running sweatshops now, and they are not the pioneers of humanity a hundred years from now.

If you smell the smell in the mist, you will know that there must be many textile printing and dyeing companies with high pollution and low population density.

You can definitely find benzidine in these printing and dyeing factories.

Having said that, besides luminol and benzidine

In the world of Sherlock Holmes, it seems that there are already drugs for detecting occult blood.

It was invented by Holmes himself.

According to Mr. Holmes's own words in "A Study in Scarlet", he "discovered a reagent which can only be precipitated by blood-colored proteins."

And it can make the occult blood solution turn dark red and produce brown precipitate.

As a forensic doctor, Lin Xinyi can basically guarantee that

Occult blood detection reagents with such reaction characteristics and that "can only react with hemoglobin" do not exist in reality.

It was probably made up by Sir Conan Doyle to fool readers.

This is also normal. People who write mystery essays are like this. For the sake of plot, they often fabricate and exaggerate some scientific phenomena.

If anyone really believes it and uses the knowledge in these books to commit crimes in reality, he is giving the police uncle his life.

However, this is not reality after all.

Maybe in this virtual game world, there really is the kind of occult blood detection reagent invented by Sherlock Holmes.

In this way, luminol, benzidine, and the science drug independently developed by Holmes.

There are at least three candidate options.

"If you can't find these."

"If it doesn't work, take me to the laboratory."

Lin Xin glanced at Haiyuan Ai:

"I know how to synthesize luminol 'myself'."

"This" Lestrade is completely convinced:

The master is worthy of being a master.

Even if he knows magic, he also knows organic synthesis!

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