Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 599 Don’t let Xiuyi know...

Chapter 599 Don’t let Xiuyi know

If you cheat, just cheat.

Anyway, Kana Asai is the "mistress", what does it have to do with her, Akemi Miyano?

So, I'm sorry


And Miss Asai.

In the midst of deep guilt and endless shame, Miyano Akemi was finally fully prepared mentally.

But the development of the situation is still somewhat beyond imagination.

She felt ashamed that Xiuyi found out about her "cheating".

But I didn't expect that the situation could be even more shameful.

She was so ashamed that she felt a little desperate just thinking about it.

Because after Xiao Ai finally took the antidote as she wished, Miyano Akemi realized that she had forgotten something:

The process of getting bigger is painful.

People will scream when they are in pain.

Just like Xiao Ai now:

Not long after she took the antidote, the fair skin on her cheeks became hot and red at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if she was in a steamer.

The heat that almost melted the bones made it painful.

A layer of dense beads of sweat quickly appeared on her forehead, and a few strands of wet tea hair were messily stuck to her face. She unconsciously held them between her wet lips and got stuck into the two rows of bitten teeth. Creaking baby teeth.

The pain made her instinctively tighten her grip on the quilt.

He also squeezed Lin Xinyi's big hand.

Then Lin Xinyi could feel more clearly that Xiao Ai's warm and cool little hands had become sweaty and hot, like a small stove.

At this time, Hui Yuan Ai finally couldn't help but groan in pain.

Although she tried hard to suppress it, the painful cries gradually grew from small to loud, from low to high, from suppressed to out of control.

From Jackie Chan's fracture after jumping off a building, it has risen to the level of Xiao Xianrou's finger injury.

If you don’t consider elegance and only consider metaphorical images.

That little Ai was now like a slaughtered pig, howling in pain.

But she is not a rough pig after all.

As a cute and beautiful girl, even if she howls, the sound she makes is never unpleasant.

Not only is it not unpleasant to listen to, but it is also...

Violate relevant laws and regulations?

And because it hurts too much.

So Xiao Ai's childish voice was completely distorted in pain.

It was impossible to tell her age or her identity.

"This" Miyano Akemi's expression froze.

She was worried about her sister's health wholeheartedly.

Now I don’t know what I thought of, and suddenly I couldn’t help but glance at the window:

The windows were closed and the curtains were drawn.

But the curtains are just ordinary curtains, and the windows are not soundproof glass.

This is still a wealthy area where cheap domestic cars have no shame to drive in. There are few people and few cars on the road, and the environment is very quiet.


Miyano Akemi was heartbroken.

She only has one thought now:

I hope it’s not Shuichi who comes outside.

Not him.


Not long ago, Miss Judy was cautiously asking her ex-boyfriend:

"Do we still need to continue tracking?"

They originally thought that Lin Xinyi was here to participate in a secret operation of the Japanese police.

I even brought my guns with me for this purpose.

The result was unexpected

Lin Xinyi's unexpected moves suddenly caused their style to fall from James Bond to Mouri Kogoro in an instant.

Monitoring a pair of wild mandarin ducks having an affair is a job only a third-rate detective would take.

"So, Shuichi"

"Should we withdraw?"

"Even if we continue to monitor here, I'm afraid we won't gain much, right?"

Miss Judy suggested seriously.

Akai Shuichi thought for a while, but just replied lightly:

"Follow me again."

"After all, we have come."

As he spoke, he quietly cast his complex eyes towards the closed window:

"And what we see may not be the truth."

"Maybe there is another story about the relationship between Lin Xinyi and Miss Asai."

Akai Shuichi said to himself.

He gave no basis for his statement.

Because neither did he.

He just had an inexplicable emotion and instinctively didn't want to believe that Lin Xinyi and Miss Asai had anything to do with each other.

Why is this so?

Maybe it's because he misses Akemi so much.

So much so that I can always see the shadow of Mingmei in that Miss Asai.

Mr. Akai thought sadly.

Then, the next second.

Suddenly, a very strange sound came vaguely from the bedroom on the second floor.

Mr. Akai is right.

The relationship between Lin Xinyi and Miss Asai does sound like something else.

Articles can only be posted on some illegal websites.

Judy: "This"

Shuichi: "."

There was an eerie silence.

Akai Shuichi said no more.

The two shadows that were vaguely overlapping were instantly separated.

It seems that he is overthinking.

This is definitely not Akemi.

Absolutely not.

Absolutely not.

Looking at the sky, he suddenly wanted to smoke a cigarette.

Miss Haibara successfully became Miss Miyano.

The word "big" refers to all aspects.

The women's shirt that was originally enough to cover her calves was now worn as a tight-fitting garment.

A few buttons under the collar were stretched so tight that they seemed to burst out of thin air at any moment under the influence of elastic energy.

Although her slender waist and slender legs were well hidden under the thin quilt, the plump outline protruding from the quilt still allowed people to see her plump and colorful figure.

I couldn't tell it when I was wearing a lab coat.

But now she only has a thin white shirt on her body.

Only then could Lin Xinyi clearly see that she and Suzuki Sonoko actually looked nothing alike.

If we have to say that it is similar, then Suzuki Sonoko can only be regarded as Shiho·MINI·Youth version.

And her body got bigger.

But my head seemed to get smaller.

This makes her overall look more coordinated.

From the young and cute big-headed lolita, she has completely transformed into a stunning iceberg beauty.


Lin Xinyi stretched out his hand with some distress and smoothed her messy hair that was soaked in sweat:

"You have worked hard."

"Yeah" Miss Shiho didn't say much.

He just responded with a tired but happy hum.

She lay lazily on the bed, silently recovering from the afterglow of pain, while watching with soft eyes her boyfriend smoothing her hair, wiping her sweat, adjusting her collar, and handing her a piece of fat.


"I'll do this myself."

Ms. Shiho jumped up from the bed.

She seemed to have activated the Miyano family's blood inheritance limit again, and suddenly recovered a lot of physical strength.

Then, blushing with embarrassment, Lin Xinyi turned around and hurriedly put on his clothes.

When Lin Xinyi turned his head again and again, what he saw was a cool girl with well-dressed clothes, a beautiful face, and an elegant temperament.

This kind of Miyano Shiho seems a little less approachable.

But Lin Xinyi looked at him kindly.

Because this is the genius girl he knows:

"Let's go."

"I'll give you disguise makeup."

Lin Xinyi went straight to the topic.

He knew that Shiho had been waiting for this day for a long time, and so had he.

Now that you've decided to go on a date, you can't put it off any longer.

Ms. Shiho thought so too.

She hurriedly followed Lin Xinyi, and was about to sit in front of the dressing table to accept the disguise.

"Wait a minute." Miyano Akemi, who was almost forgotten by her sister's brother-in-law, suddenly came forward with some confusion: "I have been thinking about a question."

"Mr. Lin, do you have any way to determine the identities of the two stalkers?"

"I want to know who is watching us outside."

Lin Xin was slightly startled when he heard this:

"Want to confirm their identities?"

"But haven't we already concluded that they are most likely the FBI?"

"Well," Miyano Akemi replied hesitantly, "I mean, I want to know."

"Could the person coming be Xiuichi?"

"This" Lin Xinyi's expression was subtle:

So she was thinking about her true love?

But didn't she see that scumbag and his ex-girlfriend disconnected and confused last time?


Lin Xinyi still maliciously believed that Shuichi Akai was a PUA master, and secretly slandered this "abnormal love".

But he still answered very seriously:

"Miss Akemi."

"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult."

The other party used a brand-new disposable mobile phone, and there was no information on the mobile phone, making it impossible for Noah's Ark to analyze it. .

Unless they call now and reveal information on the phone that reveals their identity.

But this is not something Lin Xinyi can decide.

It's easy to make a phone call.

It's also easy to eavesdrop on the other party's calls.

After all, Noah's Ark already has the mobile phone numbers of the two trackers, and is also monitoring all communications from surrounding base stations in real time.

But how do you get the other party to reveal their identity on the phone?

"No, no need to bother."

Miyano Akemi bit her lip and suggested:

"As long as I can hear their voices."

"If it's Shuichi's voice."

"I can definitely hear it."

When Lin Xin heard this, he couldn't help but think about it seriously:

It doesn't hurt to give it a try.

Miyano Akemi remembered Akai Shuichi's voice, and he also vaguely remembered the voices of Judy and Kamel, who they had met before.

If the specific identity of the stalker can be directly confirmed with just one phone call, then they will be able to deal with it more easily in the future.


"I'm going to ask Noah's Ark for help now and make a harassing phone call to those two guys."

Lin Xinyi immediately called Noah's Ark and informed it of the incident.

Noah's Ark also responded quickly.

Not long after, Miss Judy's cell phone rang suddenly.

She answered the call without realizing it, but she didn't know that the content of her call had been broadcast simultaneously by Noah's Ark to Lin Xinyi and Miyano Akemi in the villa.

"Hello, how are you?"

"May I ask you are?"

Judy was still a little wary of this sudden unknown phone call.

Just listen to the answer on the other end of the phone:

"Hello, this is the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department."

"One of your friends is suspected of having illegal connections with high school girls and has been administratively detained by Mihua Police Station in accordance with the law. Please contact Officer Kameda of Mihua Police Station as soon as possible with the bail money."

"Huh?" Miss Judy was stunned for a moment.

When she was with her ex-boyfriend, her IQ would always be weakened by a mysterious force to the point where she could only stand stupidly and shout "Shuichi".

So I just heard her reply subconsciously:

"James was arrested again?"

"Wait. An illegal connection with a high school student?"

"Isn't he suspected of intentional homicide?"

"." There was silence on the other end of the phone.

"Judy." Akai Shuichi's helpless sigh also sounded during the call: "This is a scam call."

"Huh?!" Miss Judy exclaimed.

It's actually a little silly.

Then just listen to Akai Shuichi continue to say:

"James just killed three people at noon, and he is still in the Metropolitan Police Department and has not been released."

"How could he be arrested again?"

"." There was another silence on the other end of the phone.

After a long silence, the other party's tone has changed:

"D-Excuse me"

"B-Goodbye, big brother."

The phone was hung up.

Neither Judy nor Akai Shuichi noticed anything unusual.

Because phone scams are nothing new these days.

Especially in Japan, where mobile communications are the most developed, even newly activated mobile phone numbers will receive various harassment, promotional, and fraudulent messages.

It is said that some gangsters were unfortunately killed by a harassing phone call when they were making remote-controlled mobile phone bombs.

Against this backdrop, neither FBI investigator realized there was anything wrong with the scam call.

They hung up the phone and didn't dig deeper.

The live broadcast that Lin Xinyi was listening to also stopped.

After hearing this, he was still a little dazed, so he couldn't help but ask Noah's Ark:

"Noah, the content of your phone call"

"Why is it so rich?"

Noah's Ark actually pretended to be a liar on the phone?

When did it have so much drama?

"That's not what I'm talking about." Noah's Ark replied calmly: "For safety reasons, I directly transferred the call from a fraud group."

"They use software dialing, and it's very easy to hijack."

"Even if the FBI thought of tracing this phone number, they would only be able to trace the fraud group."

Lin Xinyi: "."

Co-author: Was the man who just spoke to the FBI a real liar?

Well, he could already imagine the psychological shadow of the liar brother.

Forget about this little episode, the information that can be read from the brief conversation just now is already rich enough:

"It is indeed the FBI who is following us."

"The woman who answered the phone was the Judy I saw last time."

"As for the man next to her."

Lin Xinyi looked at Miyano Akemi who had a complicated expression on the side:

"It should be Akai Shuichi, right?"

Akai Shuichi's voice was very distinctive, and he could vaguely distinguish it.

"Yeah, yeah" Miyano Akemi nodded absentmindedly.

Her eyes were a little distracted and her expression was a little complicated.

It's hard to tell what she's thinking.


Or is it because of Akai Shuichi?

True love is standing guard outside the house separated by a wall, and he is still acting with his ex-girlfriend who has no connection with him.

No wonder Miss Mingmei is in such complicated moods.

Lin Xinyi was secretly guessing Miyano Akemi's thoughts.

Miyano Akemi suddenly grabbed Lin Xinyi's hand tightly, with a look of shame on her face, and asked through gritted teeth:

"Mr. Lin."

"Are you sure that you can deceive Xiuyi so that he can't discover my identity?"


How can we say that this is certain?

Hearing that a master like Akai Shuichi was waiting outside the house, he also had a terrible headache.

Lin Xinyi thought so in his heart, but still comforted him:

"Don't worry, I will try my best."

"And our disguises are perfect, so we should be fine."

"That's good"

For some reason, Miss Mingmei became a little arrogant and said:

"My identity is tens of millions."

"You must not let Xiuyi know."

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