Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 603 But, I refuse!

I was enjoying the date while watching the night view, hugging the girl and pouting.

As a result, the gangster suddenly stuffed a pack of bombs into his hand.

What is this? !

Fortunately, he has now become Conan's best friend.

According to Ke Xue's law, even if a character like him who needs to show his face frequently around Conan encounters danger, he will eventually escape safely without any danger.

Although this Ke Xue law is illusory, it can give people some confidence after all.

So Lin Xinyi quickly calmed down, maintained his firm and calm aura, and calmly said to the man in the trench coat:

"This whole pack of bombs should be enough to blow up the entire observatory, right?"

"I don't know what you want to do though."

"But don't forget you're here too! If the bomb detonates, you'll die too."

"Sir, are you sure you have the courage to die with me, as you said?"

He stared intently at the thin, sinister face of the man in the trench coat.

To be honest, this face is a bit vulgar.

No matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like a ruthless character with any backbone.

"But do you have the guts to bet with me, Manager Lin?"

The man in the trench coat still showed no signs of weakness.

He held the detonator tightly in his hand, looked at the tourists around him and said:

"I only have one life."

"And Mr. Lin, apart from you, there are at least a dozen innocent citizens and tourists in this observatory!"

"By the way, this beautiful lady next to you should have a good relationship with you, right?"

"Do you dare to risk her and the lives of everyone here with me?"

Lin Xinyi fell silent.

He looked sideways at Miss Shiho beside him.

In the past, Miyano Shiho would not be flustered by such a small scene.

But at this moment, she instinctively cast a worried look at Lin Xinyi - not worried about herself, but worried about him.

The same goes for Lin Xinyi.

He himself was not afraid of danger, but he was afraid that Shiho would be in danger.

Not to mention, as the gangster said, besides them, there are so many innocent tourists here.

In desperation, Lin Xinyi had to calm down and asked the man in the windbreaker in a slow voice:

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"Are you seeking revenge on me?"

"Seeking revenge?" The man in the trench coat was slightly startled: "I guess so."

"But I'm not targeting you, Mr. Lin."

"But you Japanese policemen all deserve to die!"

The man in the trench coat and Lin Xinyi had no grievances in the past, and they have no enmity these days.

But he has a grudge against the Metropolitan Police.

He hates the Metropolitan Police Department, hates the Japanese police, and wishes to blow every policeman in Japan into ashes.

And the most painful thing in the world is to watch your enemies live and thrive, and their lives get better day by day.

It turns out that the Japanese police, especially the Japanese police represented by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, has always been synonymous with stupidity and incompetence, a living target for ridicule and criticism by public opinion, and a negative representative of waste of tax dollars.

An inappropriate analogy

The original status of the Japanese police in the minds of ordinary people was probably similar to that of the Chinese men's football team in reality.

But all this changed because of Lin Xinyi's appearance.

Lin Xinyi single-handedly restored the reputation of the Metropolitan Police Department, reshaped the image of the Japanese police, and greatly improved the social credibility of the Japanese police.

Newspapers almost every day are filled with news reports that "Lin Xin has solved strange cases again and again, and the Metropolitan Police Department has made new achievements."

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, which is like a joke, has become so controversial.

This made the man in the trench coat so angry that his blood pressure exploded.

Every day he reads one more report about Lin Xinyi, the more he hates this police officer he has never met.

"As long as I can defeat you."

"Everyone can also see the Metropolitan Police Department and the incompetent and ugly true face of the Japanese police, right?!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

The man in the trench coat couldn't help but sneer.

"So you want to blow me up?"

It would be okay if he was here alone.

But this bastard actually got his girlfriend into danger.

If Shiho is really hurt by this

Lin Xinyi's face became increasingly gloomy, and there was a rare murderous intent in his eyes.

But the tone of the man in the trench coat suddenly softened:

"No, no, no, Mr. Lin."

"I'm not trying to kill you."

"After all, what does it matter if a policeman dies? Even if Mr. Lin is the one who dies, it will only restore the Metropolitan Police Department to its previous decadent state."

"What I want is not the lives of a few police officers."

"What I want is to defeat the entire Japanese police!"

The man in the trench coat said something of unknown meaning with a ferocious expression:

"So, Mr. Lin."

"I'm going to play a game with you."

"Game?" Lin Xinyi answered patiently: "How do you plan to play?"

"You'll find out later."

The man in the trench coat was not in a hurry to reveal his purpose, and just said to Lin Xinyi:

"Now, Mr. Lin, help me install the bomb first-"

"I came here today to plant a bomb. Although this bomb can be detonated remotely, some functions are still not activated."

"The bomb must be completely installed before our game can officially begin."

This guy actually asked Lin Xinyi to help him "handle the package":

"Just settle here."

"Take the bomb out of the bag first."

"Okay." Lin Xinyi frowned and slowly put down the travel bag.

He carefully took out the giant bomb from the bag and placed it firmly on the ground.

At this time he finally saw the whole picture of the bomb:

At first glance, it looks like a simple, square pile of bricks tied together with tape.

But the circuit boards, wires, and various unnamed electronic devices visible to the naked eye among the thick "pile of bricks" are clearly telling everyone:

These "white bricks" tied up with tape are not bricks, but explosives.

On the outside of this "pile of bricks", there is also a bright LCD screen.

Although the text has not yet been displayed on the display screen, it is already glowing brightly.

Obviously, the bomb was electrified and could be detonated remotely at any time.

"Then, Mr. Lin, help me connect this wire now."

"Connect this wire here again."

"Be careful and don't touch places you shouldn't touch."

The man in the trench coat held the detonator in his hand and gave instructions, and Lin Xinyi had no choice but to obey.

Soon, the two wires that were not connected at all were connected.

Then the man in the trench coat pressed another button on his remote control.

The next second, a line of numbers popped up on the display outside the bomb:


The next second, this line of numbers becomes:


Lin Xinyi could figure it out without the man in the trench coat explaining:

"Is this a countdown to a time bomb?"

"That's right." The man in the windbreaker introduced proudly:

"My bomb has a total of three ways to detonate."

"Type 1, radio-controlled detonation."

He shook the remote-controlled detonation device in his hand.

"The second type, which I just activated remotely, is a timed detonation."

He pointed at the 20-minute countdown on the display that was decreasing minute by minute.

"The third type is started by me asking you to help connect the line. It will vibrate and explode."

The man in the trench coat then motioned Lin Xinyi to look at a strange device on the bomb.

The name of this device is the mercury rod.

Outside the mercury rod is a glass tube with mercury in it, and a protruding copper wire at the top of the tube.

If the bomb shakes violently or shifts, the mercury hitting the upper copper wire will connect the circuit, causing an explosion.

In other words, this bomb is still a smart bomb with a shock sensor.

If Lin Xinyi tried to use violence to solve the problem, for example, like Conan did before, he would directly kick the bomb several hundred meters away.

Then he would directly trigger the detonation mechanism of the mercury rod and be blown to pieces by the bomb on the spot.

In short

Once this thing is installed, you can no longer move the bomb casually.

Even when dismantling bombs, one has to be careful to avoid collisions.


"You crazy person!"

Lin Xinyi was so frightened by this thing that his scalp went numb:

"There are so many earthquakes in Japan."

"What if there's a sudden earthquake?"

"You're not afraid of blowing yourself up too!"

Man in trench coat: "."

These words frightened him to the point of numbness.

He really hadn't considered the possibility of a sudden earthquake when he installed the bomb.

If an earthquake really killed him, then he would have to go down in history in a funny way along with his colleague who was shattered to pieces due to a harassing phone call while making a mobile phone bomb.

"Ahem. This is just a small probability event."

"If there is an earthquake, it will only be your bad luck, Mr. Lin."

The man in the windbreaker continued to explain with a cold face:

"Now both the timed detonation device and the shock detonation device are activated."

"It's time to talk about the game I'm going to play with you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he took out a pistol from his arms.

But the gun was not aimed at Lin Xinyi, but at the tempered glass behind Lin Xinyi.

boom! boom! boom!

There were three explosions in a row.

The tempered glass also burst.

A big hole opened in the floor-to-ceiling window, and the cold night breeze poured in from high altitude.

The sound of gunfire and the explosion of glass instantly echoed around, attracting the attention of all tourists in the small observatory.

When Lin Xinyi was forced to install the bomb, several tourists in the surrounding area had already noticed something unusual here.

They originally thought it was some kind of spoof show being filmed by the TV station.

But now they saw the pistol, heard the gunshot, saw a large piece of tempered glass being blown apart, and felt the cold wind pouring in from the broken hole, they finally realized something with horror:


"Is it a real bomb?!"

This scream became the best live commentary.

Soon all the visitors at the scene realized the current situation:

Someone planted a bomb in this observatory.

They were kidnapped at gunpoint by terrorists!

"Everyone be quiet!"

"As long as you cooperate well, none of you will die!"

The man in the trench coat shouted loudly before the commotion broke out, causing the shocked tourists to look at him.

"Dear tourists, no."

"I should say that to the audience."

"You have only one mission today, and that is to bear witness to the game between me and the Japanese police."

As he said that, he slowly stretched out his hand and pointed at Lin Xinyi:

"I believe everyone can recognize it if they look carefully."

"That's right, the person standing in front of me now is the famous Supervisor Lin Xinyi of the Metropolitan Police Department!"

Lin Xindu suddenly became the focus of the audience.

And his first reaction was

Stand far away from Ms. Shiho next to you.

Pretend to be just friends.

There was no way. Even if he was unlucky and died today, he didn't want to be misunderstood as "accidental sacrifice during an affair."

This is too unfair.

The man in the trench coat was not interested in caring about Lin Xinyi's private life style.

He just showed Lin Xinyi to everyone present, and said loudly and publicly:

"I'm playing a game with the forest manager."

"The game content is very simple:"

"Everyone has seen that there is a time bomb here."

"The bomb will detonate in 20 minutes, oh 19 minutes."

No need for him to say this, everyone can see the extremely eye-catching red numbers on the screen.

But what the man in the trench coat said next was a bit unexpected:

"Now I will destroy all but one of the other elevators."

"Then I'll just take the only elevator and leave."

"After I leave, everyone present, including Mr. Lin Xinyi and Lin, can freely choose to leave."

"Huh?" Everyone was stunned:

Everyone is free to leave?

So what's the point of this bomb?

The Tokyo Tower elevator has a large passenger capacity and runs very fast. It can go back and forth from top to bottom in 3 minutes.

Even if the man in the trench coat destroyed only one elevator, 19 minutes would still be enough for the little 20 people present to go up and down several times.

There's no need for an elevator. In about ten minutes, even if you climb down from the fire ladder on the outside, you can barely make it.

By then everyone will have already escaped, who else can this bomb blow up?

"I never intended to kill anyone with this bomb."

"This bomb, haha"

The man in the trench coat enjoyed the fearful looks from everyone:

"This is just a test I gave to Manager Lin, the Metropolitan Police Department, and the Japanese police."

"Actually, I didn't just install this one bomb."

"Before coming to Tokyo Tower, I had already installed another bomb somewhere in Tokyo."

These words set off another wave of gasps at the scene.

Another bomb?

And you don’t know the exact location yet?

Doesn't this mean

Nowhere in Tokyo is safe.

Is it possible to get bombed wherever you go?

If this news spreads, it will 100% cause mass panic among Tokyo citizens.

Public opinion will follow and pay attention immediately, and higher-level departments will supervise the investigation immediately. In a short period of time, there will be huge social pressure on the Metropolitan Police Department and the Japanese police.

And this is exactly what the man in the trench coat wants:

"Don't panic, everyone."

"The specific location of the other bomb has actually been 'written' here by me."

As he spoke, he directed everyone to look at the display screen on the outside of the bomb:

"Wait until the countdown displayed on the display reaches the last 3 seconds."

"Another line of words will pop up on the display."

"That line is where the other bomb was."

After hearing this, everyone present reacted for a while, and their expressions soon became quite strange:

The display will announce the location of the other bomb, giving police time to find it before the other bomb is detonated.

The time that can be reported is the last 3 seconds of the countdown.

The bomb itself cannot be moved.

There is no remote control camera installed here.

In this era, mobile phones cannot make video calls.

In a hurry, it was impossible to get a set of camera equipment that could live broadcast in a short period of time and remotely monitor this display screen.

this means

If you want to prevent another bombing in advance and save innocent citizens who may be killed at any time.

There must be one person standing guard next to the bomb.

Wait until the last 3 seconds and the screen spits out the location information.

And the person left behind is almost certain to die.

But if people are not sent to stay and die, the location of the other bomb cannot be known in advance, and more people may be killed, resulting in more horrific damage.

So, if we have to send such a warrior to sacrifice for everyone.

Who should be sent?

"Lin, forest manager."

Everyone present glanced at Lin Xinyi.

Because Lin Xinyi was the only state official and the only policeman present.

If he doesn't come up now, who will?

Anyway, the common people present will definitely not attend.

If Lin Xinyi doesn't get on, then no one will get on.

And if he runs away, another bomb will inevitably detonate somewhere in Tokyo.

"Mr. Lin, now it's time for you to choose."

"Of course you can escape."

"No one will stop you, and no one will kill you."

The man in the trench coat said proudly:

"But here's the thing."

"Manager Lin, you are now the face of the Metropolitan Police Department and the representative of the Japanese police."

"If you give up saving the citizens of Tokyo in order to survive. Tsk tsk"

"I really don't know what the public will say about the Japanese police."

Although it is human nature to be greedy for life and afraid of death.

But Tokyo citizens will not understand Lin Xinyi's "normal feelings".

They would only see that because of Lin Xinyi's escape and the Japanese police's greed for life and fear of death, another time bomb left by the gangster could not be found in advance.

This bomb was planted in Tokyo, in their home.

As a result, they will live in fear all the time, and they will be afraid of being blown up by bombs when they go out to eat.

This kind of mass panic will make people forget tolerance and lose empathy, making citizens more critical, disgusted, and even resentful of the Japanese police.

"What a vicious move."

Lin Xinyi understood the intention of the man in the trench coat.

This guy is ostensibly committing a terrorist attack.

In fact, they are fighting a public opinion war with the Japanese police.

The other party used the police's duty to protect the people to kidnap him morally, and as the most famous policeman today, he indirectly represents the entire Japanese police.

If Lin Xinyi runs away, public opinion will spontaneously create mass panic in Tokyo.

Eventually, public opinion turned and public opinion reversed, inciting the people and public power to confront each other, destroying the credibility and image of the entire police system and even the country in one fell swoop.

"Damn it. Is this bastard a CIA graduate?!"

Lin Xinyi's expression turned extremely ugly.

The opponent's disgusting tactics of public opinion warfare and insidious plan to manipulate public opinion as a weapon really made him a little confused.

However, the good news is:

There is no need to worry about Miss Shiho's safety.

She was not a police officer, and no one would blame her for leaving.

Even Lin Xinyi himself

As long as he can be shameless, put aside his professional ethics as a police officer, and can withstand the pressure of public opinion and inner condemnation, it will be easy to survive:

Forget about the second bomb and just run.


Lin Xinyi was thinking about this problem.

The man in the trench coat also asked him this question:

"How do you choose?"

"Survival or death?!"

There was silence.

Everyone at the scene was also silent.

Although they all felt that Lin Xinyi was the one who should stay the most.

But put yourself in their shoes:

If they were put in Lin Xinyi's position, no one would make such a stupid choice to sacrifice for the nation, right?

The police is just a job. You can find another job, but you only have one life.

Isn’t it good to be alive?

If you are born as a human being, will you be worthy of your family when you die?


Lin Xinyi suddenly murmured and asked:

"Can you really survive by running away?"

"Of course." The man in the trench coat grinned mockingly.

He didn't expect Lin Xinyi to be so timid.

He thought of running away so quickly.

However, this is also good.

Let everyone see the true face of the so-called ace of the Metropolitan Police Department!

"After I leave, no one will care if you want to leave."

"I keep my word."

"It seems like this is really a good option."

Lin Xinyi's voice paused slightly:

".But, I refuse!"


"I am a people's national policeman who has sworn an oath to the police flag!"

"Don't underestimate a policeman's consciousness, you bastard!!"

A powerful voice echoed in the night sky:

"I accept your game!"

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